Pursuit to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York County We the Subscribers have Appraised the Estate of John Morris decd. and make the following return
1 Bed and furniture | £ 8..10..0 | |
1 Bed & furniture £4 one Do at £1 | 5.. 0..0 | |
1 large Chest at 5/ 1 small Do. 2/6 | 0.. 7..6 | |
1 large Chest and 1 small Do. | 0..11..6 | |
8 Chairs 8/ 2 Sifters 1/8 1 Spade 6/ | 0..15..8 | |
1 pr. Stilyards 7/6 Parcel Hoes and Axes | 0..16..6 | |
Parcel small Iron Ware 2/ small Table and Box | 0.. 4..6 | |
2 Looking Glasses 2/6 2 Guns | 1..12..6 | |
Handsaw, Box Iron & Heaters & Parcel of old Iron | 0.. 7..8 | |
33 lb. of old Pewter at 12d. ½ dozen new Plates | 2.. 3..0 | |
Parcel of Wooden Ware 10/ 2 pr. Sheep Shears Spinning Wheel & Wool Cards | 0..16..6 | |
Sain & spare Rope £3..4..6 2 Saddles old | 3..12..0 | |
Parcel of Leather 18/ Parcel of old Cask | 1..13..0 | |
2 Raw Hides 8/6 & 1 ½ Barrels of Tarr | 0..18..6 | |
Parcel of Crockery Ware 5/ Spit Tongs and Pestle | 0..14..0 | |
Glass Bottles 1/6 & 69 lb Pott Iron at 3d. | 0..18..9 | |
4 Horses and Mares £5 2 Do. £5 & 2 Mares & a Colt | 12..10..0 | |
14 Hogs a 6/ 13 Do. at 3/ 8 Piggs a 18d. | 6..15..0 | |
3 Steers £6..10/. 2 Do. £3. & 12 Cows at £ 1..1..6 | 22..8..0 | |
2 Cows and Calves £2..10/ & 3 Heifers & 2 Steers at 15/ | 6..5..0 | |
7 two Years old a 10/ 4 Yearlings a 5/ | 4..10..0 | |
Bull 21/6 11 Sheep a 6/ 4 Lambs at 2/6 | 4..17..6 | |
10 Barrels of Corn a 6/ 15 Bushells of Wheat a 2/6 | 4..17..6 | |
Cart & Wheels Chains Yokes & Staples | 1..10..0 | |
Negro Man called Pompey | 40..0..0 | |
Negro Woman called Hannah | 30..0..0 | |
Negro Woman called Judy | 30..0..0 | |
Negro Girl called Sarah | 22..0..0 | |
Negro Boy called Cesar | 15..0..0 | |
Negro Girl called Grace | 12..0..0 | |
1757 lb tobo. at 14/6 | 12..14..9 | |
£ 249..9..4 |
John Kerby
Thomas Phillips
Bennett Tompkins
Returned to York County Court the 16th Day of March 1746 and Order'd to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: