Appraisement of the Estate of John Clithrell decd.
3 Coats 6 pr. Breeches & 4 Waistcoats | £ 5..18..6 |
1 New Shirt 1 pairr Shoes & 1 pr. Pumps | 1..10..0 |
1 Case Knives & forks | 0.. 5..6 |
5 Knotch boards 3/6 1 pr. Sheets 12/ 1 Coat 6/6 | 1.. 2..0 |
5 pr. Stockins 7/6 1 Towell 1/ 2 Yrds. Dimothy 4/ | 0..12..6 |
1½ Yard Buckram 2/9 4 Dishes & 8 Plates 20/ | 1.. 2..9 |
1 Bason and old Pewter | 0.. 2..6 |
2 Pewter Pots a tin funnel, 2 Spoons & 2 Candlemoulds | 0..10..6 |
2 Earthen Pans 1/3 1 Bed blanket & Carpet 40/ | 2.. 1..3 |
1 Bed Blanket Carpet & Bolster | 3.. 7..6 |
1 Hat a Rule 1 Razor & 1 pr. old Gloves | 0..12..0 |
1 large Table 30/ a Table with Draws 12/6 | 2.. 2..6 |
2 Axes and 1 pot rack | 0.. 8..6 |
1 Taylors Iron 2 pr. Sheers & 1 press board | 0..12..0 |
11 Chairs 14/ 3 Tables 15/ 2 Iron & 3 pails 12/ | 2.. 1..0 |
1 Bedstead & Cord 5/ 1 Horse & 1 Cow 30/ | 1..15..0 |
£ 24..4..0 |
In Obedience to an Order of the Worship Court of York bearing Date the 15th Day of February 1747. We the Subscribers have Appraised so much of the Estate of John Clithrell as hath been made appear to us the amount of which agreeable to the Accot. on the other side £24..4..- Given under our hands this 16th day of May 1748.
James Mills
Reginald Ortan
Ephraim Goosley
Recorded to York County Court the 16th Day of May 1748 and Ordered to be Recorded.
Thomas Everard Cl: Cur: