An Appraisemt of the estate of Mr Jonathan Newell late of York psh & County Mercht decd taken in Obedience to an order of yorke County Court bearing Test at yorke ffebruary the 29th Ao 1671/2 By Mr John Smith Mr Edward Moss Mr John Hothersall and Mr Willm Paddison being first Sworne By Capt John Scarsbrooke one of his Mas Justices of the peace of the said County.
In the Store
| £ S d |
No. 1.8 yds & ½ of redd Kersey at 2S 8d p yd | 01:02:08 |
No. 2. 10 yds almost ditto 2 remts at 2S 4d: | 01:03:04 |
3. 17 yds red broad cloth at 5S 6d p yd | 04:13:06 |
4. 15 yds ¼ of Cotton demnified at 12 p yd | 00:15:03 |
5. 7 yds ½ Cotton more at 12d p yd | 00:07:06 |
6: 08 yds ½ redd pennisston at 1S 6d p yd | 00:12:09 |
7: 05 yards more ditto at 1S 6d p yd | 00:07:06 |
8: 01 yd ½ Cotton | 00:01:06 |
9: 05 Match Coats almost 2 yeares at three & six pence | 00:17:06 |
10: 17 yds & ½ of redd tradeing clth at one & ten pence p yd | 01:12:01 |
11. 12 yds whited Kers at 4d p yd | 00:04:00 |
12. 10 yds ¼ dark Cold Kersey at 3S p yd | 01:10:09 |
13: 07 yds ½ of dark Coled bro cloth at 7S | 02:12:06 |
14: 07 yds Linsey Woolsey at 9d p yard | 00:12:09 |
15: 07 yds ½ of Saloon cloth Cold at 2S 4d | 00:17:06 |
16: 14 yds ½ Striped Stuff at 12d p yard | 00:14:06 |
17: 08 yds in 2 Remts of Stuff at 1S 3d | 00:10:00 |
18: 22 yds ½: ½ yd wide Linsey Woolsey at 10d p yard | 00:18:06 |
19: 04 yds ¾ of Stuff at 1S 3d p yd | 00:05:03 |
20: 07 yds ½ Stuff more at 10d p yd | 00:06:03 |
21: 28 yds Tamey dark Cold at 10d p yd | 01:03:04 |
22: 30 yds ditto green at 12d p yard | 01:10:00 |
No. 23. 24 yds ¾ of Stuff all damnified | 00:12:04 |
24: 05 yds ½ of drugget at 2S | 00:10:06 |
25: 02 yds ½ Stuff at 10d p yard | 00:02:01 |
26: 04 yd ½ Stuff at 12d p yard | 00:04:06 |
27: 01 and wt. Dimitty & 2 ends Cold | 01:11:04 |
28: 23 Ells Canvas at 9d ½ | 00:18:02 |
29: 14 Ells Ditto at 6d | 00:07:00 |
30: 18 Ells ditto at 9d p ell | 00:13:06 |
31: 92 ells ditto at 12d p ell | 04:12:00 |
32: 79 ells ditto damgd at 8d p ell | 03:05:00 |
33: 47 ells Canvas at 11d p ell | 02:03:01 |
34: 55 ells Ozeng at 8d p ell | 01:16:08 |
35: 16 ells ditto thinn at 7d p ell | 00:09:04 |
36: 23 ells ditto at 7d p ell | 00:13:05 |
37: 43 ells Lockerham at 12d p ell | 02:03:00 |
38: 24 ells ¾ of Course bro Lockram 9d | 00:18:02 ¾ |
39: 34 ells Lockram at 10d p ell | 01:08:05 |
40: 15 ells ¼ saylrs diap at 7d | 00:08:10¼ |
41: 39 ells ¾ ditto in Remts at 8d | 01:06:06 |
42: 22 ells ¼ of ¾ dowlas at 5S 6d | 01:13:04½ |
43: 12 ells ¼ of ditto Linnen at 15d | 00:15:03 |
00: 02 doz w Callico Neck cloths at 1S 6d | 00:15:00 |
44: 46 ells Lockram very Course in 3 peces | 02:02:02 |
45: 34 ells ¼ Hambrough Cloth at 8 p ell | 01:02:10 |
46: 40 ells ½ bro: Lockra at 10d p ell | 01:13:09 |
47: 27 ells of cory way Course Canvas at 5d | 00:10:05 |
48: 11 ells ¾ course Lockra at 11d p ell | 00:10:08 |
49: 01 ell ½ more | 00:00:10 |
50: 22 yds Callico 2 Remts at 12d | 01:02:00 |
No. 51: 09 yds ditto more | 00:09:00 |
52: 01 booke Callico Stained | 00:02:00 |
53: 17 ells bro Ozen at 8d p ell | 00:11:04 |
No. 1. 17 yds ¼ of blew Linnen 9d p yd | 00:12:11 |
2: 32 yds ¼ more at 6d p yd | 00:16:01½ |
3: 32 yds ditto at 6d ½ p yard | 00:17:04 |
4: 34 yds ¾ ditto in 2 Remts at 8d p yd | 01:02:10 |
5: 08 yds more at 9d p yd | 00:06:00 |
6: 19 yds ¼ more at 9 p yd | 00:14:05 |
7: 26 yds more at 7d p yd | 00:15:02 |
8: 22 yds more in 2 remts at 9d | 00:16:06 |
9: 30 yds more at 9d p yd | 01:02:06 |
10: 19 yds ¾ of blew Linnen more at 10d ½ p yard | 00:17:02½ |
No. 1. one Suite Striped Curtens & Val. | 00:17:00 |
2: 2 yds ½ Red Callico at 6d p yd | 00:01:03 |
Haberdashery Ware
No.1. 4 peeces Coled Inckle at 8d p peece | 00:02:08 |
2. 4 yds fferret Ribbon at 2d p yard | 00:00:08 |
3. 13 peeces Inckle at 8d p peece | 00:08:04 |
4: 86 yds of mixt Cold fferret | 00:07:02 |
5: 82 yds Cotton Riboon severall sorts | 00:04:06 |
6: 53 yds ½ & 1 ps Inckle severall sorts | 00:01:0[illegible] |
7: 29 yds Manchester binding | 00:01:03 |
3 doz & 3 Collers 7 doz and 5 belly peeces | 00:10:08 |
8. 5 gro & 9 doz of Laces | 00:12:06 |
10000 of pins at 6d p 1000 | 00:05:00 |
8 packs of Cards ½ Reame white paper | 00:03:04 |
5 doz & 4 lbs thred bro bla & Cold | 04:16:00 |
3 doz boyes & girls stockens old & motheaten | 01:16:00 |
1 doz mens worsted hose motheaten | 01:00:00 |
1 Burnt hamock | 00:05:00 |
09 porrengers 3 broken 2 bruised at 7d p porrenger | 00:05:03 |
4 Basons & 6 Sawcers | 00:16:00 |
10 dishes of severall sorts | 01:10:00 |
1 Bedd pan 1 pewter Chamber pott 1 Salt Celler 3 Small tankards, bruised | 00:10:00 |
10 small skins | 00:07:00 |
No. 17. 219 yds of Ribb at 1d p yd | 00:18:03 |
No. 18: 1 pr silke Loop Lace | 00:01:06 |
19. 64 yds Red gray & green Galoone | 00:10:00 |
20. 729 yds of old Rotton Statute Lace | 00:10:00 |
21. 4 doz & 1 ps very old fash bandstrings | 00:01:00 |
22. 1 old Rotten Shoulder Belt | 00:00:00 |
23. 6 old Red Seamens Capps | 00:03:00 |
24. One Muff old fash | 00:00:06 |
[illegible] old holland bands rotten | 00:01:06 |
25. 1 dozn Child gloves damnified | 00:03:00 |
26. 7 pr wom Gloves & 1 pr mens | 00:04:00 |
27. 6 small black Whisks | 00:09:00 |
6 ditto laced with Loom Lace 1 plaine | 00:14:00 |
1 Childs Sattin Capp | 00:00:06 |
1 Laced quife | 00:02:00 |
13 Tobacco Stoppers Bone | 00:00:06½ |
A peell of old Wormefeed | 00:00:01 |
2 Razors Rusty | 00:01:06 |
3 Cards of Statute Lace | 00:02:00 |
5 Beaver Lickers | 00:00:02 |
1 Quilted night Capp | 00:02:00 |
2 Inkhorns | 00:00:08 |
1 pound Sealing Wax | 00:03:00 |
5 Rideing Kanes small & Rotten | 00:00:02 |
3 doz ½ horne Combes | 00:08:00 |
No. 28: 8 Ivory | 00:05:04 |
10 Bone Combs | 00:01:06 |
No. 29: 2 doz & 2 knives Sheffeild | 00:03:03 |
3 Joynt Rules | 00:04:06 |
2 Shoomakers Knives & some wooden tools | 00:02:00 |
30. 5 doz of sissers severall sorts | 00:10:00 |
31. a pcell silke & a pcell Loop Lace | 00:10:00 |
21 tinn panns | 00:13:02 |
4 grs Leather Buttons | 00:12:00 |
32. 14 doz Thimbles & 41 Taylors thim | 00:08:00 |
½ a grs Cl[illegible]k Buttons | 00:04:00 |
33. a pcell of buttons | 00:12:00 |
34. A pcell of hookes & eyes | 00:05:00 |
6: to V. 17 ffelts & 20 bands | 01:05:06 |
4 Course Casters for men eaten wth the Ratts about the brims | 00:16:00 |
1 doz woms Castors some damnified | 03:00:00 |
4 Leather hatt Cases old | 00:04:00 |
10 Looking glasses | 02:00:00 |
9 pr wooll Cards | 00:09:00 |
8 Horne Bookes | 00:00:08 |
2 chees/ffatts | 00:02:00 |
21 pr Childrens Shooes | 01:04:00 |
4 pound Whale Bone | 00:08:00 |
1 Jack | 00:07:00 |
4 yds & [illegible] haire Cloth | 00:05:00 |
5 pr Childrens Yarne Gloves | 00:01:03 |
14 Canvas Jacketts & 2 pr drawers | 00:16:00 |
2 Dimity Suites drawers & Jacketts | 00:08:00 |
9 small wastcoats for Children | 00:07:06 |
8 Womens Wastcoats | 00:13:04 |
9 pr Womens Bodies | 01:01:00 |
4 pr Boys Stockens | 00:03:04 |
1 Childs pettycoat & wastcoat damnifd | 00:01:06 |
5 Childrens Capps old | 00:01:00 |
10 pr Socks | 00:02:06 |
17 yds ½ of Buckrom at 9d p yd | 00:13:01½ |
One yd of Dresst Leather | 00:03:06 |
186 gimbletts at 1½ p Gimblett | 01:03:03 |
02 pr Garden Sheares | 00:05:00 |
11 Weeding hoes at 17d | 00:15:07 |
16 White Latches for doores | 01:04:00 |
12 handsawes | 00:17:04 |
26 Chissells | 00:19:06 |
6 Stock Locks & Keys | 00:07:00 |
12 Trowells | 00:16:00 |
26 pr hookes & hinges for doores | 01:06:00 |
4 grubbing hooes | 00:06:00 |
4 adzs | 00:08:00 |
5 Hammers | 00:04:02 |
3 Round Shaves | 00:03:00 |
2 ffroes | 00:04:00 |
1 pare large Compasses | 00:01:00 |
13 files Rusty | 00:01:06 |
1 Box Iron & heaters | 00:01:06 |
11 Bills | 00:00:11 |
32 Awgers | 00:15:00 |
2 bills | 00:02:00 |
16 falling axes one wth another | 01:00:00 |
2 reape hookes | 00:01:00 |
2 Bedd Cords | 00:02:00 |
1 pr Sheep Sheares | 00:00:04 |
22 Tinn Tobacco boxes | 00:01:10 |
A pcell of old ffish-hookes | 00:12:00 |
2 fishing Lines | 00:04:00 |
A pcell of pictures of severall sorts & sizes | 01:19:04 |
6 oyled pictures more | 00:08:04 |
63. Bookes of severall sorts | 00:12:00 |
06. paper Bookes some large | 00:16:00 |
04. Large Inkehornes | 00:02:00 |
08. parchmt skind Rotten | 00:02:00 |
01. Slate frame | 00:01:00 |
05. pad-locks | 00:06:08 |
03 Spring Locks | 00:06:00 |
03 Hatt-Brushes | 00:01:00 |
06 Wooden busks | 00:00:03 |
04 Whale bone buskes | 00:00:02 |
06 Roles for Women | 00:01:06 |
03 old Oyle-Cases | 00:01:06 |
02 Chafeing dishes | 00:03:00 |
02 balls of Cotton week | 00:01:04 |
a pcell of small boxes | 00:00:08 |
26 pr of Stirrop Irons, 28 Straps & 2 pr Stirrop Leathers | 00:08:08 |
9 girths | 00:03:00 |
23 Cow Bells | 00:11:06 |
8 small Tin graters | 00:00:08 |
5 bread Graters | 00:02:00 |
17 Sawce pans of Tinn | 00:02:10 |
18 ffunnells small | 00:03:00 |
14 bale tinn pans | 00:02:00 |
09 Tinn Candlesticks | 00:03:00 |
13 tinn drinking potts | 00:04:04 |
28 Tinn porrengers small | 00:03:06 |
4 doz & 4 Ratt eaten Cabbidg netts | 00:01:06 |
2 pr old bootes | 00:05:00 |
06: Sithes of several sizes | 00:12:00 |
5 pr. small bellows | 00:05:00 |
2 Bale pailes | 00:02:06 |
11 Cross Cutt Saws | 02:15:00 |
03 Spitts | 00:06:00 |
07 pr pott Racks | 00:17:06 |
04 pr pott hookes | 00:05:00 |
04 Spades damnified | 00:06:00 |
01 plow Chaine | 00:05:00 |
01 Iron pestle | 00:02:06 |
2 old Saddles Old Shopkeepers | 00:12:00 |
1 old Bridle | 00:02:00 |
02 old portmantles | 00:01:06 |
A pcell of earthen ware most broke 2 unmoveable watches one broke | 00:10:00 |
3 old swords | 00:04:06 |
1 great pr of Scales wth a beame | 02:10:00 |
5 pr. scales more with 3 settes of weights | 01:00:00 |
1 Chest of drawers | 01:10:00 |
1 Desk | 00:10:00 |
3 Chests without Locks & Keys | 01:04:00 |
3 old small truncks broken | 00:06:00 |
1 Iron pott small | 00:04:00 |
1 bird Cage | 00:04:00 |
7500 of 20d naile at 8S p m | 03:00:00 |
39584 of 10d nayls at 5S 6d p m | 10:17:00 |
76334 of 8d nails at 3S | 11:09:00 |
40017 of 4d nails at 2S 4d | 04:18:04 |
A pcell of Rusty hobb nailes | 00:02:00 |
80 lbs of goose Shott at 2d p lb | 00:13:04 |
6 pr of 1 pr small | 03:10:00 |
1 pr Scales & a pcell small weights | 00:15:00 |
a parcell Glass abt 170 foot at 5d | 03:10:10 |
91 lbs powder at 14d | 05:07:10 |
[illegible] Grapnell, a parcell of old rigging & old rotten sailes | 02:10:00 |
One bedstead a suit of old Curtains & Valons redd, 3 Rodds and a Matt | 01:10:00 |
4 old boxes | 00:01:06 |
In the Hall
One ffeatherbedd, Bolster small 2 pillows 1pr blanketts, 1 redd woolen rug, pr Curts & Val | 06:00:00 |
1 featherbed bolster, 2 pillows 1 green Rugg & 2 old blanketts | 04:00:00 |
1 featherbed bolster, 1 red Rugg 2 blanketts worne | 03:15:00 |
1 small featherbed, a ratt eaten rug, 1 bolster & 2 small blanketts | 01:15:00 |
14 old Turkey worke Chaires and two old Stooles | 02:08:00 |
1 old Turkey Carpett, 1 old drawing Table & 1 little round table broken | 01:10:00 |
1 Rapier, Shoulder belt & Cuttlace | 01:05:00 |
6 guns most of them unfixt | 03:00:00 |
2 Case of pistolls with an odd one, a pare of holsters and a powder flaske | 01:10:00 |
1 pr old Tables & 1 old looking glass | 00:12:00 |
1 pr Iron doggs, 1 pr bellows & one pr Tongs | 00:16:00 |
one Clock Diall | 00:10:00 |
4 old Castors & a bla Velvet Cap | 00:15:00 |
1 Suit gray bro cloth doublett breeches Coat, Doublett breeches & Coat broad Cloth back, one stuff suit Jackett breeches and Coate | 02:00:00 |
a pcell of old worne Cloaths | 01:15:00 |
1 black sattin wastcoat, one bla plus Jacket & an old silk wastcoate | 01:15:00 |
Six pr old worsted stockens 1 pare of old Leather drawers | 00:08:00 |
5 yds ½ of course Irish cloth, two Canvas waletts, 2 Canvas hawking baggs and a peice of a dear skin dresst | 00:10:00 |
1 Old broken Lookeing glass | 00:01:00 |
5 dowlas Shirts & 6 pr dowles drawers | 02:06:00 |
2 holland Shirts & a holld pr drawers | 01:00:00 |
2 holld doubletts & 3 old dimitty wascotes | 01:00:00 |
3 Callico neckcloths & a Holland one 2 holld bands, A Lacd Crevatt, and a pr Cotton gloves | 00:13:00 |
1 pr of Tannd Leather Gloves | 00:13:00 |
1 old Trunk | 00:04:00 |
1 Boys Suit & drawers | 00:14:00 |
Ticking for a Cowch bedd 4 pillows & a Bolster | 01:05:00 |
2 old Truncks | 00:12:00 |
2 old boxes & a Charme | 00:05:00 |
In the Kitchen
96 lbs pewter at 10d ½ per lb | 04:04:00 |
6 old porrengers, 5 sawcers six old Spoones 2 old salts | 00:03:00 |
2 doz & 3 plates great & small at 6d per pla | 00:13:06 |
A pint, a quart, a pottle, a Galon and an old gall flaggon all pewter | 01:00:00 |
60 lbs brass old at 9d | 02:05:00 |
1 old brass Kettle weighing 16 lbs at 9d | 00:19:06 |
1 brass Morter, a pestle, one Skimer 5 brass Candlesticks, Chafing dish broke | 00:17:00 |
A parcell of old Tinn ware | 00:10:00 |
2 old pewter Basons | 00:03:00 |
11 Trenchers | 00:00:11 |
1 pr of great Spitt Racks | 01:05:00 |
3 Iron potts | 01:04:00 |
1 pr pott hookes | 00:02:00 |
one Iron Kettle | 00:12:00 |
one Iron dripping pann | 00:08:00 |
a pr pott hangers | 00:05:00 |
2 Spitts | 00:04:00 |
one frying pann Old | 00:01:00 |
1 Steel Iron | 00:01:00 |
1 Cutting Knife old | 00:01:00 |
2 bird Cages large | 00:08:00 |
A pcell Servants bedding | 02:00:00 |
5 Trayes & 3 pales | 00:08:00 |
1 bedd sted Curtens & Valens | 01:00:00 |
300 weight of Iron | 01:04:00 |
1 Anchor 1 boat & all the Oares | 04:00:00 |
5 hides at 2S 8d per Hide | 00:12:06 |
One barr of Tarr | 01:10:00 |
2 old Chests & a Coope for a deare | 00:05:00 |
5 Jarrs conteining 15 Gall mollases | 00:15:00 |
2 old Sadles for men | 00:08:00 |
A parcell of Trumperey | 01:05:00 |
A pcell of Jarrs | 00:01:00 |
4 yokes at 2S | 00:08:00 |
This appraismt amounting to £554:01:02 Sterl wee do present to the Court of Yorke for theire approbacon & confirmacon as Wittness our hands this 22th March having made a beginning in the appraismt the 19th Instant:
John Smith
T Hothersall
William Paddison