To one feather bed & furniture 6 li. to ditto 5 li 10s. to ditto 4 li | £15.10..0 |
To one flock bed 1:10s To Troopers armes 3li. to 4 old chests 1 trunk 1li 10s | 6.10..0 |
To 5 old Casks 7 old tubs 1 haire cloth 3 old pans | 1..8..0 |
To 6 leather chaires 1li. 16. to 6 matted chares 7s6d To 5 old stools 2s6 | 2..6..0 |
To 2 old Tables 1 old form 12s6d to 7 boxes 4 basketts 6s6d to 6 trays 4s6d | 1..3..6 |
To one old spinning wheel 4 shills, to 6 butter pots 6s. to 1 bason 1 pot 6d. harnes 3s | 0.13..6 |
To two horses 1 old mare 8li to 15 Cows at 35s p 26 li 5 s: to 3 stears at 2 li | 40..5..0 |
To 3 heifers & one young Bull 4 li. To 4 calfs 2 li | 6..0..0 |
To 1 negro man 35 li. to 2 negr women 60 li to one negro boy 15 li | 110..0..0 |
To 38 li of old Pewter at 6d=19s. To eight plates 1 tankard 18 Spoones | 1.15..9 |
To 44 li of Pewter at 12d to one Kettle 28 li at 16d : 1 li 17s 4d | 4..1..4 |
To one mortar one skillet 16s6d to 8 old Napkins 1 table cloth 8s | 1..4..6 |
To a parcel of Tin 12s. to rasors hone one brush 4s. to one candlestick a box irons 1 chafing dish one cane 6s6d. to 13 trenchers 2 looking glasses | 1.10..6 |
To 28 bottles a pair of Bellows 7s6d. to 98 li of old Iron one trowell 8s5d | 0.15.11 |
To 1 old skillet old Spade old hatchet 2s. one gridiron Ladle fork drawing knife 5s | 0..7..0 |
To 1 adds a pair of tow cards 1 grater 1 Salt box 2 spitts a pr of Tongs | 0.11..3 |
To Eleaven Sheep at 7s p ps | 3.17..0 |
To one frying pan & Pot Rack 4s. to 1 Pestle 1 psell of Shoo thread 1s6d | 0..7..6 |
To 2 yds of Virga Cloth 4s one Old Sive 6d. to 3 pots weight 84 li at 3d p 1 li 1s | 1..5..6 |
To one pair And (?) Colt 3li 10s. to old cask 1s6d | 3.11..6 |
202.13..9 |
In Obedience to an order of Court wee whose names are here Subscribed have accordingly met & apprais'd the above sd Estate
Phil: Debman
Willm Allen
Joseph Mountfort
Eliz (her mark) Baptis
December ye 24th 1706
Then psented in court by Elizabth Baptist on her oath and according to order is Recorded.
p. Wm Tunley.