An Appraizmt of John Bells Estate decd August the 14th 1682
lbs tobo | |
Itm one Cow, one heifer, the Cow seven yeare old the heifer 2 yeares old 1 Cow Calf | 0700 |
It One Mare Coult newly foald | 0100 |
It One old Chest without a Lock | 0040 |
It One old flock bed three blancketts one rugg | 0080 |
Item One old Cloath Searge Coate & britches one Caster hatt & one old Kersey Coat and Breetches & a Cotton wastcoat three old Shirts very much worne | 0350 |
Item One pair of french falls one Pair of Canvas drawers well worne | 0025 |
Item One branding Iron | 0010 |
Cask | |
Item Due to bee paid to John Bell from Samll Richardson | 0600 |
1905 |
Item Dew to John Bell from Thomas Thorpe | £00:10:00 Sterl |
made by us
Christopher Pearson
Leonard Dickenson
Robert Perriman
24th of August 1682
Sworne to in open Court by Henry Richardson to bee a full & true acct of the sd Bells Estate & is recorded
Test E Jenings Cl. Cur.