An Inventory and Appraismt. of the Estate of Nathl. Bell decd.
To 12 Cows 2 heifers 1 bull 1 horse 2 Mairs & 2 Colts | £18.2.0 |
To 2 Sows 8 Shoats 2 old Guns & 2 old Swords | 2.0.6 |
To 2 feather beds & furniture 4 leather Chairs & other trifles | 5.17.0 |
To 3 old Chests 1 dish A prcell. of Old Spining Wheeles & other trifles | 1.5.6 |
To one Loome and other Conveniancies belonging to the same | 0.11.0 |
To 2 Iron pestles one pair Money .Scales & wts. & Some old Silver | 0.15.0 |
To 1 pr. large Scales & Wts. A parcell of Old Books & other trifles | 0.9.0 |
To a Parcell of Glass Bottles & 5 Candlesticks | 0.6.0 |
To 1 box Iron & heaters 1 old Spice Mortar & Some old Tubbs | 0.4.0 |
To 3 Iron potts I Iron kettle 1 brass Do. 1 old pan | 1.3.0 |
To 4 pr. pot Rack & 3 pair pott hooks | 0.16.0 |
To 1 old large Brass kettle 1 Spit 1 pr. old Tongues | 1.13.0 |
To 2 pr. Iron Doggs 1 Warming pan & other trifles | 1.00.0 |
To 6 Iron Wedges Some tan'd leather & Some raw hydes | 1.4.0 |
To 40 lb. old pewter @ 8d. pr. pd. 5 pewter dishes & 7 plates | 2.11.8 |
To 32 lb. pewter @ 12d. and A prcell. of Lumber | 2.5.0 |
To 2 Small pails one old bedstead | 0.5.0 |
To a box Iron and heaters and A parcell of old Tubbs | 0.4.0 |
To 811 pounds of Tobo | 5.1.4 ½ |
To 80 pound of Tobo. paid John Hansford for 2 parish boys | |
To 75 do pd Saml Hyde for 2 county [illeg] in the year 1731 | |
£45.13.6 ½ | |
In Obedience to An Order of York Court bearing date the 17th. day of July 1732 Wee the Subscribers being first Sworn before Capt. John Buckner One of his Maje. Justices for the said County have Appraised all the Estate of Nathl. Bell decd. brought before us. by Jean Bell the Admr. to the said Nathaniel Bell As Witness our hands this 19th. day of August 1732
Robert Harris
George Fuller his mark
Francis Lee
At A Court held for York County Augt. the 21st. 1732
The above Inventory & Appraismt. of the Estate of Nathl. Bell decd. was Returned to Court by Jean Bell the Admr. and Admitted to Record.
Test. Thomas Frayser C. Cl. Cur.