A true Inventory of the Estate of Mrs Mary Bennitt Als Collier late of this County decd taken by us the Subscribers pursuant to an order of York County Court bearing date the 24th day of January 1698/9 to us directed being first Sworne before Major Thomas Ballard one of the Justices of the sd Ct. as followeth:
Imprimis | |
To a new Chest of drawers | 03 00 00 |
To an old Safe | 00 10 00 |
To a Cubboard | 00 15 00 |
To 16 Cows old & young without Calves at 30s a peic | 28 16 00 |
To 10 Yearlings at 10s P each | 05 00 00 |
To 2 of two years old att 15s P each | 01 10 00 |
To 2 Stears of 4 years old at [illegible]s P each | 04 10 00 |
To 2 mares wth yearlings by their Sides at £3 p each | 06 00 00 |
To 1 Bed, bolster, bedstead, 1 pr of Sheets, 1 Rugg Curtain & vallins | 05 10 00 |
To 1 Bed boulster, bedstead pr of blanketts & Rugg at | 03 00 00 |
To 1 Bed & boulster at | 01 15 00 |
To a Couch & Table at | 01 15 00 |
To 3 old Chairs, 1 old Chest without Key or lock 1 old Trunk with a lock & Key | 00 15 00 |
to 1 pr of AndIrons & 1 pr of Iron tongs | 01 15 00 |
To 2 Iron potts 2 potracks 4 pewter dishes 8 pewter plates 1 pewter Salt, 1 pewter porringer 1 pewter pint pot, 1 brass pestle & Morter 2 brass skillets one of[torn]old 2 pales 2 spitts & 2 pothooks 1 pewter basin[torn]pestle | 02 19 06 |
Negro Betty [illegible] at | 27 00 00 |
Negro Kate at | 27 00 00 |
Negro Woman S[illegible]at | 23 00 00 |
1 Negro Girle Hanna at | 21 00 00 |
1 Negro boy Ned at | 18 00 00 |
1 Negro boy Frank at | 14 00 00 |
197 10 06 |
Tho Collier
Charles Collier
Febry the 13th 1698/99
Appraised by us Accordi[illegible]as witness our hand the day & year abovesaid
Law: Smith Junr
Morgan Baptist sign of
John Wayman
York County [torn] the 25th 1700 Sworne to in Court by both the partys Thomas & Charles Collyer & is Recorded
Test: Willm Sedgwick Cl Cur.