An Appraisement of James Bullocks estate Decd
£ S d | |
It 3 small Sowes and seaven small piggs | 00:12:00 |
It 1 very old mare and one mare filly | 02:10:00 |
It one old powdering tub and small beer Cask | 00:09:00 |
It an old Jack and old Iron dripping pan and Spitt | 00:08:00 |
It 1 old Iron pott & pott hook & 1 old sidesadle all to peices | 00:06:00 |
It 4 old broken Chests & one old broken Trunck | 00:04:00 |
It one very old Courtt Cupboard & 3 old Sifters | 00:03:02 |
It one old pr pott racks and five old books | 00:03:00 |
It one old Taylors pressing Iron one box Iron two Heaters | 00:02:06 |
It one Handsaw one Lathing Hammer one old Sickell Two Trowells one old How one old Axx And old Spade | 00:02:08 |
It one old Table fframe Two old payles | 00:04:00 |
It A prcell of old pewter dishes and spoones 31 lbs | 00:10:00 |
It one old brasse Kettle weighing 21 lbs | 00:10:00 |
It 2 old Tinning panns Two old Gimletts one Grater | 00:00:02 |
It one Young mare and one mare filly very poore | 02:00:00 |
It five old Chayres | 00:02:06 |
It one old Baskett one old flesh forke | 00:00:08 |
It one old frying pann & one old Cutting knife | 00:00:06 |
It one old feather bed two old fether bolsters, Two old Blanketts And one old Rugg | 01:08:00 |
It one old Broken warming pann 3 old broken Tubbs one old Sifting Tray one old paddlock | 00:01:00 |
March the 22th 1681/2
Crystopher Peirson
Robertt Perriman
May the 8th 1682
Recorded Test E Jenings Cl Cur