Inventory & Appraisment of Robert Clarke decd. his Estate taken August the eighth MDCCXXXii.
22 Cows, Bull, 2 large Stears, 2 3 year old do. 4 2 year olds 5 Yearlings 6 Calves | £34.10.- |
27 Sheep | 6.1.6 |
30 Geese 21 Turkeys | 2.6.- |
3 parcel of old Iron, Carpenters Tools &c. | -.10.- |
10 Shickles 8/ 1 womans old Saddle | 1.14.- |
1 Spining Wheel& 1 pr. Cards | -.6.- |
30 lb. Wooll 15/ 11 lb, Spun Yarn 11/ | 1.6.- |
1 old Bed with Rugg 1 Blanket 1 pr, coars Sheets | 1.-.- |
Pewter 67 lb. | 2.15.10 |
1 Candle mould 18d. | 0.1.6 |
1 Damaged Pestle and Mortor 6 patty pans 1 funnell | -.4.- |
1 New Bedtick & feathers Bolster 2 pillows 1 pr. Sheets 1 new Quilt 1 Blanket Cord & hide and Bedstead | 5.15.- |
1 Bed Bolster bedstead Cord & hide 1 Rugg 1 pr. Sheets 1 Blanket | 4.10.- |
1 Bed bedstead Cord & hide 1 pr. old Sheets 1 Blanket 1 Bolster & pillow | 2.10.- |
1 old Bed Ozna. Cover | -.12.6 |
2 old Leather Chairs 2 rush bottom'd do. 2 small Square Tables | 1.5.- |
1 Oval Table damaged | 1.5.- |
3 old Chests 1 old black Trunk 1 small quilt do. | -.10.- |
2 flat Smoothing Irons Rl old box Iron | -.5.- |
2 Drum Lines 1 peck measure 1 Meal hay 1 flower barrel 1 old Cupboard 2 Stools 1 Serch 1 old Meal Sifter | -.5.- |
5 Butter potts 10/ 3 Juggs 5/ | -.15.- |
3 ½ doz. empty bottles | -.7.- |
one half of a boat valued at 21/6 | -.10.9 |
18 Earthen Milk pans and 1 Cream pott | -.9.- |
1 Buckaneer 20/ and 1 short Gunn | 1.12.6 |
1 Cutlas & Cartuch box 1 pr. Holsters | -.10.- |
2 | |
1 old Saddle & Bridle | -.12.6 |
1 Silk waistcoat and Breetches and 1 pr old Duroy do. | -.8.- |
1 Cloth Coat 2/6 1 Kersey gray Coat 15/ | 2.1.- |
1 Duroy Coat 10/ 1 old Duffel Waistcoat | -.13.- |
1 Blew duffel great Coat | -.12.- |
1 pr. Leather Breetches | -.15.- |
1 Ozna. Waistcoat & Breetches and Waistcoat of Seer suckers | -.2.- |
1 pr. Men's [yarn] knit Gloves 2 pr. Stock | -.3.6 |
1 pr. white Cotton Stocking 1 small looking Glass | -.5.- |
5 Table knives & 6 forks and 2 Butchers knives | -.10.- |
a parcel of old Books | -.5.- |
1 large Jarr 1 Iron bound Cask and 3 more empty Casks | -.10.- |
5 Sows 2 young Barrows 6 Shoats 14 Piggs | 3.4.- |
1 Grayhorse £5 1 white do. | 8.-.- |
1 young horse, unbroke | 2.10.- |
1 brass kettle wt. 44 lb. | 1.12.- |
1 Damaged bell mettle Skillet 1 damaged brass do. | -.5.- |
2 Iron hominy pestles | -.8.- |
1 Set harrow hoes | -.8.- |
4 pales, one washing Tub, 1 broad hay and Butter hay butter Churns 1 old Table | -.10.- |
1 Spit, 1 Spade, 1 cut Saw | -.12.6 |
1 Iron not & hooks wt. 34 lb. at | 1.12.- |
1 Iron pot and hooks with a plugg in it 23 lb. 1 large Iron pot dam. 51 lb. 1 good Iron pot and pothook 30 lb. | -.17.6 |
1 Negro man | £30.-.- |
1 Negro | 20.-.- |
1 whiteman Servant | 7.10.- |
1 white Servant boy | 8.-.- |
3 | |
2296 lb. Tobacco @ 2d. | 19.2.8 |
3 Cask | -.9.- |
221 lb. Tob. at 15/ 5 old | 1.13.1 ½ |
Cash in the house at this time of his Death | 9.-.1 ½ |
30.4.11 | |
1 Set Carthoops and boxes | -.15.- |
7 hides 28/ 3 Calves Skins | 1.9.10 ½ |
12 small Silver butts 3/ 1 pr. Mony Scales 1 pr. Spectacles | -.6.- |
a parcel old Table Linnen Towills & ca & 1 old Shirt 1 pr. Coarse Sheets | -.10.- |
1 Diaper Napkin found afterwards | -.1.3 |
Lumber in the Barn old Chests and old Cask | -.10.- |
1 Hatt | -.3.- |
2 new hhds. | -.8.- |
1 pr, old Tongs 1 Razor and hone | -.5.- |
1 punch Bowl | -.1.3 |
£197.2.10 |
Pat fferguson
Wm. Keith
Richard Stuart
Ann Clarke
At a Court held for York County August the 19th 1734
This Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of Robert Clarke decd. was presented in Court and ordered to be Recorded.
Test Matt Hubard Cl Cur