An Inventory of the Estate of Thomas Claton Decd taken and Sold by mee the Subscriber as by an Order of York Court Dated July the 24th 1702
Viz two Cowes & two Calves | 4 6 0 |
two Cowes & One Calfe | 4 12 0 |
two Cowes & One Calfe | 4 17 6 |
two Yearlings | 2 2 0 |
One White Mare & one old Sadle | 2 12 0 |
One Bay Mare fifty Miles off | 1 4 0 |
Eleaven Geese & a Small pcell of Wheat | 1 12 0 |
One old Feather bedd three pillows one blanket one Rugg one Long Table one Chest one Small Ditto one Cowhide Tressle one bed Matt five Sider Cask one Iron pott with a hole int & hooks | 2 5 0 |
One Flock bed two bolsters one blanket one Chest one trunk Eight books one Small brass Kittle one Frying Pan five Pewter Dishes four Plaites one Bottle 22 glass bottles Small & | |
Great one Pair of Wooll Cards one old Coate one Iron Spitt one pair of Stockings one Earthen Mugg two Cups Ditto one Flesh Fork three Iron hooks one Sword and belt all of them very old | 1 1 0 |
One Small Still one Iron pothooks and rack one Earthen Plaite one Small mug & Salt four trays & two Seeder pailes three Pottle Bottles two Small Muggs one Wedge one Iron CandleStick one broad Axe one hatchet two gouges five Patty pans one Pewter Pott one Sett of Irons for a wheale Barrowh one plaisterers trowel two Earthen Basons two Indian [illegible] one Gimblett on bagg all very old | 2 10 0 |
two Smoothing Irons & a Sider Cask | 0 5 0 |
27 6 6 |
Unsold One Bible with Silver Clasps |
& one Broken Gold Ring & a Gold bob |
A List of Bills taken in the Justices Names
payable the 10th of March next--
Viz Mr Mongo Inges his Bill for | 10 18 0 |
Madm Jane Parks Bill | 06 19 6 |
Peter Cauderys Bill | 04 12 0 |
Wm Gibbs Bill | 02 12 0 |
John Perkins Bill | 01 04 0 |
John Bates Bill | 01 01 0 |
27 06 6 |
Debts Due from the Estate of Thomas Claton
Thomas Clatons Estate | Dr. |
To Madam Jane Parks by Account | 3 10 0 |
To John Bates by Bill | 3 10 0 |
To Mr. John Bently by Bill & Account | 3 11 6 |
To Wm Gibbs by account | 1 2 0 |
To Timothy Pinkethman by account | 0 12 0 |
Henry Tyler Sherriff
September the 25th 1702 the above
Inventory was then presented in Court by Mr Henry Tyler on Oath & is Recorded
Recordater P Willm Sedgwick Cl Cur