An Inventory of the Estate of Elizabeth Cobbs deced taken and appraized by Vertue of an Order of York Court the 22th Day of Septmenber Anno Domini 1685 By Mr Richd Peirce Mr Leonard Dickesson and Mr Robert Crawley as follows
£ S d | |
To one ffeatherbed & furniture | 04:00:00 |
To one Dyoper Tablecloath and one Douzen Napkins | 01:00:00 |
To 19 lbs Pewter at 10d p lb | 00:15:10 |
To 8 lbs at 6d p lb | 00:04:00 |
To a pcell of Iron ware | 00:10:00 |
To 5 Milk trayes at 6d p tray | 00:02:00 |
To a Small Brass Kettle one Earthen Pott 2 Tinn Panns | 00:07:00 |
To 2 Ceadar Piggons & 1 old Saddle | 00:03:00 |
To 1 pre of old Sheets one old Canvas Cloath and Towell | 00:06:00 |
To one Iron Pott and hookes one ffrying Pann and Spitt | 00:08:00 |
To one Crape Gowne and one old Stuff Gowne | 01:00:00 |
To a pcell of Newhead Lynen in a Small Box | 02:00:00 |
To a pcell of Old Lynen | 01:00:00 |
To 2 Dimety Wastcoates and one Dimety Petticoate | 00:08:00 |
To Cask | 00:14:00 |
To one New Crape Petticoate with Silver Lace | 01:00:00 |
To one new Penny Stone Petticoate | 00:05:00 |
To one old Searge Petticoate and one old Wastcoate and Crape Jackett | 00:05:00 |
To 2 pre of old Stockins one pre of old Bodies & a pre of old Shooes | 00:03:00 |
To one old Sheet more | 00:03:00 |
To a pcell old course Lynen in a blew Apron | 00:06:00 |
To 1 lb Peper & Ginger mixd | 00:01:00 |
15:01:04 | |
To ½ lb wtt Starch one lb Beeswax & one Indian Baskett | 00:01:06 |
To one Black Silk hood and Scarffe | 00:04:00 |
To 3 pre of Sizers one horne Comb & Horne Knife | 00:01:00 |
To 3 Ells Holland at[torn]S p ell | 00:04:00 |
To 7½ Ells Doulase at 2S 2d | 00:16:00 |
To 9 Ells Lockrum at 1S p Ell | 00:09:00 |
To 5 yrds Searge at 2S 6d | 00:12:06 |
To a pre of Spectacles and a pcell B[illegible]ndi | 00:01:00 |
To 1 lb thred Sevrall Collors 1:M: Pins and a pre of Stockins | 00:03:06 |
To one Small Chest | 00:06:00 |
To one Cow aged thirteen Yeares and one Steere five Yeares | 03:10:00 |
To one Mare aged about Eight or Nyne Yeares wth a horse foal by her Syde | 03:00:00 |
24:18:01 | |
To one pre New woman Shooes | 00:02:06 |
25:00:07 |
This Inventory amounting to the Sume of twenty ffive pounds and seaven pence taken & appraized by us
Robert Crawley
Lenord Dickyson
Richd (RP) Peirce
To one fflock bed & covering all very old & alsoe one old[illegible]Sifter & about one oz. Nuttmegg not thought of till the appraizers were gone
Errors Excepted p Edmd Cobbs
September the 24th 1685
Sworne to in Court by the sd Edmd Cobbs & is recorded
Test Wm Maltyward Dept Cl Cur