A true Invitore of Mr. Edward Corlee [Corlewe] deceased Estate
To three old Beds & three old Chists |
To one brass Kittle and one old weaving Lume |
To 2 Iron pots & one Table To 8 old Chears & 13 pound of feathers |
To one Iron easel & some old Books To 2 small posnits & 13 lb. of Cotton |
To one old brass Kittle & one brass Candil Stick |
To one spinning wheal & one Chaine to one spice mortar & one paile |
To one old spining wheale & one mans Saddel |
To one brass Skillet and one brass Skimer |
To seven puter dishes & fore plates to 26 spoons one bason 1 pronger |
To one dripen pan & one frow and spit |
To one puter Tankeard and one box Iron |
To one frying pan & stone Gug |
To 21 hedds of Hogs young & old |
To nine Sheep & nine head of Cattle |
To a parcel of earthen whear one narrow Ax |
To one dish 3 Plates - 6 Spoons To 2 or 3 old Books |
Chris. Corlew his mark
At a Court held for York County Janry. the 17th. 1731/32
The above Inventory was presented in Court & is admitted to Record.
Test. Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.