An Inventory of the Estate of Richard Dickeson Deceased Taken by Hennery fforson Vandeverick and Enosh Mackintash by order of the Magestrates of yorke County dated December the 21th 1681/2
Imprimis 1 ffeather bed one greene Rugg one blankett with 3 Curtanes and Vallances one ffeather pillow |
One Catt Taile bed one red blankett one white blankett and one sad Colloured Rugg |
one brass kettle Containing abt 8 gallons one brass Skillet one Iron posnett and one frying pann |
One Iron pott about 3 gallons, and one 2 gallon Iron pott, 3 pewter dishes 6 plates 2 sawcers one bason, one pottle pott and 3 dozen and 3 pewter spoones one Lookeing glass, one pewter Candlestick |
one Earthen pann 3 porringers one Candle pott, and three earthen potts |
one Iron pestle one paire of potthookes, 4 Iron hookes, one fowling peice old without a breich |
3 wooden pales, 3 Trayes 4 foure Legged Stooles one forme and one old Table 2 bedsteads and one Couch with one Chest and foure 40 Gallon Caske and one 30 gallon Cask one 25 Gallons and one 20 Gallon Caske |
one paire of bellows, 2 smoothing Irons, one brass Scimmer and 3 Iron wedges, one small handsaw, two narrow Axxes & one broad axe and one drawing knife, one froe one Hammer and 2 peircers and 2 hilling and one weeding hoe |
one Spade and abt 500 of six penny nailes wth [illegible] Cutting knife & Staples |
Two Sowes and one boare of 2 yeares old and six shoates of one yeare old and five barrows lying out in the woods not yett to be found |
Two old Cowes abt teny yeares old and two Cowes foure yeares old, and one bull of two yeares old; and one yearling Cow Calfe, and one bay horse about Seaven yeares old |
Henrijck ffayson Doverick
Enosh (A) Mackintash
Charles (x) Dickenson
May it please the Worpll Court that there is a particular accot as to debts oweing to And to a Stock of bees, and to a Sowe about a yeare old, and to a Syder trough, and to a mortar, An old hominy sifter and an old Milseave and to an old bread tray, And this all yr Administratr can give accot of
24th of ffebr 1681/2 Sowrne to in Court by Charles Dickenson Administratr of the sd Estate & is recorded p E Jenings