An Inventory of Mr Cope Doyleys Estate | £ s d | bought by the Subscribed |
One Seven Year Old Steere 3 four Year Old Ditto | 9 2 6 | John Dormar |
Four Cows and an Old Bull | 8 17 6 | Mr Mongo Ingles |
Four Cows and a four Year Old Bull | 8 17 6 | Mr John Beard |
Four Cows and a three Year Old Bull | 9 17 6 | John Dormar |
Two Cows and two four Year Old Heifers | 7 5 - | Mr. Fredrick Jones |
Five Three Year Old Heifers | 9 - - | Mr John Bently |
Five Two Year Old Steers | 6 2 6 | Mr Isaac Jamart |
three Yearling Heiffers and Seven Calves | 6 7 6 | Mr Isaac Jamart |
One Sorrell horse, Harness, Cart & Wheeles | 7 5 - | Mr Joseph Dwite |
One White horse, Harness Tumbrill & Wheels | 6 12 6 | Mr Mongo Ingles |
One Grey horse, Saddle and Bridle | 5 17 6 | Mundeford Kerby |
One Mare & Colt Saddle and Bridle | 3 - - | Samuell Richardson |
One Grey Stone Horse | 3 12 6 | Alexander Miller |
One grey three Year Old horse Cart & Wheels | 2 - - | Thomas Hansford |
One Sorrell Horse two Years Old | 1 17 6 | John Jude |
One foulding Table 12 Diaper Napkins one Table Cloth 10 Chairs one Safe & a Pair of Iron Doggs | 4 - - | Richard Farr |
One large Chest & 10 Dozen of Renish | 9 - - | Henry Cross |
Thirty three bushells of Wheate | 6 12 0 | Mr Fredrick Jones |
Forty two Bushells of Oates | 5 19 - | Mr Fredrick Jones |
One Large Feather bed 1 pr of fine Holland Sheets 1 Quilt bed 1 blanket 1 wosted Rugg 2 Pillows and Pillowbers one bolster one pair of New Drugget Curtains Vallins 1 bedsteed & tester Cloth | 10 15 - | Thomas Mountfort |
One Rugg 1 pair of blankets 1 Counterpain one pr of Holland Sheets 1 bolster 1 pair of Callico Curtains & Vallains 1 bed 1 Pillow & Pillowber one bed Stead one old Tester Cloth | 8 12 6 | Wm Harrison Junr. |
One Rugg one quilt 1 quilt bed one pair of Canvas Sheets one pair of Linsey woolsey curtains & Vallins 1 tester Cloth 1 bed 1 bed Stead & Cord one Pillow and Pillowbeer | 4 5 - | John Saunders |
One downe bed two bolsters 2 Pillows 1 Rugg 1 pair of blankets 2 Holland Pillowbers one pair of Holland Sheets | 8 2 6 | John Saunders |
One bagg of Child bed Lining one Cradle Rugg one Satten Mantle and Pincushing | 2 15 - | Henry Cross |
Two Dozen of Diaper Napkins 2 table one pair of Corse Sheets one pair of fine Ditto 4 Pillowbers 3 towels & one old Rugge | 4 7 6 | John Dozwell Junr. |
One Small Old Chest one Dozen of new Damask Napkins one table Cloth one Dozen of old Damask Napkins one pair of Holland Sheets Nine Corse Napkins and three old [torn] | 3 2 6 | John Dozwell, Junr. |
One pair of fine Holland Sheets tenne holland Shirts 1 Sheet & a halfe 3 Diaper Towels one old towel 1 Pair of Holland Drawers one pair of Flannell Ditto | 4 17 6 | Edmund Slatham |
Four Holland Shifts 7 Holland Aprons one Muslain Apron one laced Ditto one laced bib & tucker one Childs Muslain Apron 1 pair of Holland Sleeves | 3 - - | John Fling |
Two new Muslain Nightrails 8 Holland Handkercheifs two laced Heads and Ruffles one Knot 2 Yds & ¾ of gold Striped ribbon 2 Yards of Norrow Striped Ribbon one Suit of Black knots | 3 1 - | George Martin |
One New Muslain laced head & knots one pair of Kid leather Gloves one black gause hood one White Sarsnet hood one Maske two Yards & halfe of Sattin Ribbon 1 fan | 1 15 - | John Beard |
A new black Lute String hood 2½ of Broad Ribond 1¼ Yd of old Ditto 4 yds of White gause a large Ivory Comb 1 Suite of Musling Head Cloaths laced one pair of Musling Ruffles one pair of Gloves 3 Cramp Neck laces a bunch of thred laces a parcell of tape for lace one fan | 1 5 - | George Martin |
One Needlework bagg a black lace Scarfe one pair of old Silk Stockings 2 pr of Kid leather Gloves one fan 2 pair of old Shoes one pair of new laced Ditto one black Fringe 1 Silver Ditto 2½ Yd of Silver & gold lace a black Scarfe | 2 5 - | Henry Cross |
A Flowerd Silk Damask gound & Peticote trim'd with Silk | 4 - - | Capt: Tho Tudor |
Fourteen Yds of India Sattin | 3 10 - | Joseph Walker |
One black Silk gound & Peticote 1 Girdle | 8 17 6 | Isaac Jamart |
One Scarlet morning gound lin'd wth Sattin one girdle & a Small Old Trunk | 1 17 6 | Wm: Tunley |
One Strip'd Silk gound & a green Silk Peticote one Girdle one pair of Bodice | 2 0 0 | Wm. Spencer |
One Silk gound One peticoat one pair of bodice | 2 10 0 | Michael Harfield |
8½ Ells of Dowlas 6¼ Ell of White Ozenbrigs 2 Ells of fine Holland 14½ yards of White tuffed Dimothy and a Chest | 3 5 - | Joseph Man |
2 ½ Ells of Sheeting Holland 31 Ells of Dowlas 7 Yards of Flowred Lining | 6 - - | Joseph Frith |
12 Yards of White Cotton 22½ Ells of Canvas 11¼ yards of Callico | 3 - - | Henry Gilbert |
20 Ells of Sheeting 2¾ Ells of fine Dowlax 7 Ells of Corse Canvas 6½ Wlls of fine Canvas | 5 2 6 | John Dormer |
28 Ells of Canvas 23¾ yds of blew lining 2½ Yds of Spotted Sotch Cloth | 3 2 6 | Ambrose Cobb |
28 ¾ Ells of Canvas 26 Yds of f[torn]ing 18½ Yds of fine Cotton | 5 10 - | Edmund Jenings |
31 Ells of Canvas 18½ Yds of fine Cotton 3 Yards of blew lining | 5 - - | John Marshall |
A Small Chest a black Laishes fring for a pair of gloves a black Crape gowne a black farintine Coate and Wastcoate a farantine Cassock a Crape ditto 4 Crape Gound & Cassock 1 cane 1 hatt 12 bands | 1 10 - | Joseph Man |
A Small Chest a great Kersey Coate 1½ of black Frize 2 Yds of Spotted Serge 2½ Yds of Kersey 3 old hats one pair of Shoes | 3 - - | Alexander Bonyman |
One Chest a large firze Coate 1 pair of Shews 2½ Yds of black Shages 7 Romalls handkerchefs 2 Window Curtains | 4 - - | Thomas Burnham |
A new Camblet Cloake 2½ Yds of purple Shagg 1 pr of purple Slipers One pr of fringed gloves | 7 5 - | Henry Cross |
A Chest a peice of Stuff 1 pr of Slipers 2 yds of Shag 4¼ Yds of White Cotton 4 Pillowbers 7½ Yds of black farintine 1 pr of old labskin gloves 1 pr of Shews 5¾ Yds of Silk Crape 4½ Yds of black Shaloone | 4 10 - | Silas Smith |
A new Pillow tick 9½ yds of blew and White Stuff 4½ Yds of Striped Ditto 1 pound of brown thred 22 Silk laces 6 oz of nuns thred 2 pound of Whited brown ½ pd of blew ½ pound of Collered 5000of Pins 2 pr of thred Stockings 3 ps of binding 2 ps of holland tape 12 thred laces 14 Scanes of fine thred 6½ Dozen of buttons 7 Washballs 5 Razors & a hone | 2 10 - | John Dormer |
One Pillow Tick 13½ Yds of fine Muslain 5½ Yds of fine Black Shaloon 4 Yds of Corse Ditto 1 pr of Womans Kid leather Gloves a White gause hood 2 pr of mans gloves a knife & fork a pr of Silver Gallome 4 Doz of Hair Buttons | 4 5 - | Thomas Pinchback |
A New Sack a New Hatt & box 1 pr of gloves 2 Mops 1 Rubbing brish 12 Knots of Drumline 3 knots of Small line 8 Doz of black Hair buttons a parcell of fishing hooks 2 Cards of Mettle buttons a papr of thred Ditto a bagg of Peper a ps of girting a bunch of girt buckles 13 pr of Whale bone 4 pr of Stirup leathers a New Bridle one pr of Shews 2 brushes 2 new Wiggs 3 old Ditto | 5 5 - | John Dozwell, Senr. |
One Small Pillowber of Lace one ps of Holland tape Six brass thimbles 2 pr of Cithers one Bible wth Silver Clasps one box Combe 10 old Case Knives 13 Forks one pounce box 4 large Maps 4 Small Ditto 2 old looking glasses One Old Table | 2 7 6 | Mr. Fredrick Jones |
One Small broken Table One hole-Skirted Saddle and bridle [torn] 2 High Chairs | 3 - - | John Fergeson |
14 Narrow hows 4 broad Ditto 10 Narrow Axes 6 Stock locks 4 Staples 7 Iron Candlesticks one plow Shire 2 horse locks one new frying pan one Chest one Small Iron ketle one bellmetle pot | 4 15 - | John Dozwell Senr |
One box 7 lights of new glass 3 Casements glased 2 old Stills on Wicker glass frame 2 Scrubbing brushes 2 new Hackils | 2 10 - | Joseph Dwite |
One chest of Drawers one Small Square Table 6 leather Chairs one pr of Iron Doggs 1 larg pr of tongs | 3 - - | John Doswell |
4 Sithes a pcell of Whet Stones 6 new Sicles 6 old Ditto one Pitchforck one old C[illegible]rabineone old Pistoll 2 long guns one pr of Shot moulds | 3 15 - | Baldwin Mathews |
One large Flasket 3 doz of Pattipans 2 Pasty pans one Cullender One grater 21 Custard Cups2 Small Muggs 7 Earthen plaits 4 Porringers 2 basons One Dish 1 large gally pott 6 Marmolet pots one Sullibub pott one large Mugg 1 jagging Iron one Square tabl basket | 1 - - | John Beard |
One large Iron pott & hooks one Small Copper frying pan 1 Iron Driping pan one large Spitt one Small Ditto 1 old Jack 1 Cheafing Dish 2 brass CandleSticks one Ladle one Snuff Case & Snuffers | 2 7 6 | George Hughes |
One Copper Fish Ketle & Cover 2 brass CandleSticks one pr of Brass Andirons 2 brass pans 2 pr of old Bootes 5 Earthen butter potts 16 Earthen Milk pans | 2 10 - | Joseph Dwite |
One Small Flaskett 2 pr of Sheep Shiers 6 Small bad locks one gardners Knife Saudering Iron 2 Iron hafted Knives one old Pewter bottle 4 Augurs 2 Chisels 1 gouge one Darke lanthorn one Vice 1 pr of Tinkers Shiers 1 avil 1 Sledge 1 Piercer 2 Wedges one Ads one Broad Ax one Ox chaine one pr of Stilliards one Crosscutt Saw one basket | 3 15 - | Fredrick Jones |
One Chest of Drawers one looking glass one Dressing box one Iron pott hookc & Rack one Small Iron pot | 5 - - | John Lucas |
One Cane Couch one Warming pan one Datsik Case of botles one pr of And Irons 1 pr of tongues & Shovell 1 pr of bellows 1 hour glass one Chese press & Napkin Ditto 2 Cruits 1 Drinking glass 1 pr of Window Curtains | 4 2 6 | Joseph Man |
One Close Stool & pan 1 old box 4 leather Stooles 1 tin Candle box 2 brass Scillets 1 Small brass Ketle 1 Egg Slice 1 brass Scimer 1 Choping Knife & Cleaver 1 bellmetle Morter & Pestle 1 brass ladle 1 Iron flesh fork 3 Iron Candlesticks 1 hand saw 1 drawing Knife 8 old pewter plaits 3 old basons [torn]1 brass flower pot 1 old pewter flaggon 1 Earthen Pitcher 1 jugg [torn]Earthen Chamber pots 6 pewter Sp[torn] 2 Earthen Muggs | 2 5 - | Thomas Tudor |
One old blanket 2 Wollen Ruggs 3 new Sack baggs one box wth a parcell of Small botles wth dregs 3 Wheat Riddles 1 Pair of old Canvas Sheets one old Ditto 3 Towels one Pillober 1 Table cloath one Napkin one large Elme Chest 7 Pottle bottles of Strong bear 3 quart ditto one Chesher Cheese | 3 5 - | Isaac Jamart |
One Small Chest 16 quart bottles of Sherry Eight Pint botles of Sack 26 of White Wine 1 box of Long Pipes 1 Warwick Shier Cheese | 3 2 6 | Edmund Jenings |
53 pounds of New Pewter 12 Mazarine Plaites 12 halfe Worne Plaits 3 large basons 3 Small Ditto 3 old Porringers one Pewter Candlestick 1 Chest | 6 2 6 | Isaac Jamart |
One new Chest 39# of new Pewter 10 new Plaints 11 old Ditto 3 large basons 3 Small ditto 1 Pewter Flaggon one pewter Candlestick 1 Pewter triming bason 1 Case of Knives | 4 - - | Edmund Jenings |
One great Chest 40# of Feathers 3 Wollen Ruggs 1 Flock bolster one Stone Morter 1 Pestle 4 new Hilling Hows | 5 2 6 | Edmund Jenings |
One old Copper Ketle 1 large belmetle Pott 1 pr of And Irons 1 Copper Sawcepan 1 Small Spitt 1 pr of tongs one Iron fender 1 large Copper tankerd 1 Small copper pott 1 Small tin pot one brass Crane | 4 2 6 | Thomas Crips |
A new Coper Ketle 1 pr of Large pot Racks 1 old Frying Pan 1 old Coper Ditto 1 pr of Small Scales & weights one Small Square Table 1 old new England Paile one Small Cedar Piggen 2 large Oake Pailes 1 meale Sifter one [illegible] Pin One Old lantern 1 Pair of Old Bellows | 5 2 6 | Fredrick Jones |
2 Milk Pails 2 Meale Sifters 1 Search 10 butter pots 1 Cherne 10 milke pans one Cheese[illegible] 1 Skiming Dish 2 Meale Barrels 1 Butter Tray 1 Earthen Cup 1 pie peele 1 Mashing tubb a Small Cake of Mirtle wax & a pott of fatt | 2 5 - | Jacob Godding |
6 Earthen pots full of Butter | 2 17 6 | Wm. Spencer |
One fire Shovell & tongs one Sundiall a pcell of Wier one Matt 2 Bushells of Salt | 1 7 6 | Robert Bee |
One Spining Whele 1 old pr of Cards 3 old Weeding howes a table leafe a Sider Caske a tub 1 barrill a Co[illegible]le Powdring tub a Chain a Rope a box a paile trace harnice two pr of hairs 1 old Side Sadle a hive of bees ½ barrell of tare | 2 7 6 | Tho: Pinchback |