Agreeable to an Order of York Court dated Decemr 15th 1788 We the Subscribers have meet and appraise the Estate of George Elliot deceased as followeth
Jack a Negro man £60 Jacob Do £50 | £110..0..0 |
Will a Boy £40 Sall a Woman £35 | 75..0..0 |
One white Horse £15 one black Do 10£ | 25..0..0 |
One Bed and Furniture £6..10 | 6..10.0 |
One Bed and Bedstead & three Blankets £4..10 | 4..10..0 |
One Do Bolster and Pillow & Blanket £4..10 | 4..10..0 |
Four Counterpains 48/ One Pr Curtins 20/ | 3..8..0 |
One Side Saddle 60/ To 1 Mans Do and Saddle Baggs 35/ | 4..15..0 |
Two Hooes and 2 Axes 14/ One Plow & Geer 10/ | 1..4..0 |
One Sett of bench Plains & Squares 24/ | 1..4..0 |
One Sett of Carpenters Tools 40/ One Tea Kittle 12/ | 2..12..0 |
Six Puter Dishes 2 Basons & Eleven Plates 75/ | 3..15..0 |
Eleven deep Plates two Salts and Pepper box cups & Saucers | ..10..0 |
Six Knives and Forks 2 Candlesticks & a looking Glass | ..12..0 |
One Chest & Six Flag Chairs 30/ | 1..10..0 |
One Piece of Store Cloth | 2..10..0 |
Three pr of Cotton Cards 9/ | 0..9..0 |
One pr of flat Irons 3/ one Cow & Yearling £4..10 | 4..13..0 |
Two Pots frying Pan & Meal Sifter 18/ one OX Cut Saw 30/ | 2..8..0 |
One Stack of Tops & Shucks 30/ | 1..10..0 |
1200 Bundles of Fodder @ 2/6 p 100 | 1..10..0 |
17 Barrels of Corn @ 10/ p Barrel | 8..10..0 |
One Cow and Yearling 70/ One Sow & Shoats | 4..0..0 |
£270..10..0 |
Bailey S. Tabb
Richard Garrett
Allen Chapman
Returned into York County Court the 15th Day of June 1789 and Ordered to be Recorded
Ro: H: Waller Cl Cur