In obedience to an order of York Court Dated the 24th Day of February 1709/10 Wee the Subscribers have Inventoryed & appraised the Estate of John Forgason Decd of Charles Parish in York County this 16th day of March 1709/10 as it was brought before us.
4 Cows wth Calves by their Sides at 45/ p Cow & Calf | £9..0..0 |
1 Cow & Yearling at 50/ the Cow about 7 years old | 2.10..0 |
1 Cow with Calf at 40/ about 6 years old | 2..0..0 |
1 Cow at 35/ about 6 years old | 1.15..0 |
3 Stears about 4 years old at 50/ p Stear | 7.10..0 |
2 Stears about 2 years old at 30/ | 3..0..0 |
1 heifer 3 years old & a 4 year old Bull at 30/ a piece | 3.0..0 |
14 Hoggs about a year old at 5/ pr Hogg is | 3.10..0 |
13 Shoats at 2/6 p Shoat | 1.12..6 |
3 old Sows at 5/ p Sow | 0.15..0 |
3 Iron Potts Pott hooks & Racks at | 1..0..0 |
34 li of Pewter at 11d p li | 1.11..2 |
33 li of old Pewter at 6d p li | 0.16..6 |
16 Spoons at 2/ one salt seller 6d | 0..2..6 |
2 old Brass Kettles, a parcell of other old Brass one old Stew pott at 45/ | 2..5..0 |
1 Warming pan, 1 Brass pestle & Mortar, 1 Sclice, 2 Candlesticks & a Pepper Box, a Snuffer & Scimmer | 1.12..0 |
1 ffrying pan, one dripping pan, one Spitt & one fender | 0.17..0 |
1 old Pr Stillyards, one old pr Scales & Weights, an old Box Iron and old Tin pan, an old Spice Mortar & fflesh ffork | 0.12..0 |
One pair of fyer Tongs a pr of Small Bellows an old Iron Ladle & an old Sword | 0.10..0 |
2 Spinning Wheels & a pr of Wool Cards | 0.14..0 |
5 old Chairs 2 stools & a Bench at | 0..6..0 |
2 Chests, a Box & an old Cabinet at | 1..8..0 |
1 Table & a Parcell of old Bookes | 1..5..0 |
1 Small old Chest | 0..4..0 |
5 old Cyder Cask one small Cask 2 old Powdr Tubbs 2 pailes 4 Trays & other Lumber at | 1..0..0 |
2 Doz of Botles 2 ps of Earthen Ware a How & an ax | 0.14..- |
One Small Table Cloth & 6 Napkins all Dyaper | 0.13..0 |
One Trundle Bed, Bedstead Rug & Sheet & Bed Cord | 1..5..0 |
61 li of ffeathers at 6d p li | 1.10..0 |
One Bedstead & Cord Rug a pr of Sheets Ticken for Bed & Pillows & an old Hyde | 2..9..6 |
One old Looking Glass | 0..1..6 |
55.9..2 |
Thos Roberts Junr, John Tomer, Richd Slater, Robt Hay.
Recorded: March 24, 1709/10 Elizabeth late the wife of John Forguson presented the within inventory and app on oath & it was admitted to record. Test Phi Lightfoot Cl Cur.