An Invenry of what was in the pocketts of Mr John ffrisco Master of the Vessell called the Jonathan of Topsham decd Taken the 13th feb 1679/80
Item One Gold Ring |
Seaven peices of Eight & eight shills & foure pence Sterling |
It one Silver Seale, an Inkhorne penknife & bodkin |
It one pockett booke with severall accompts in it & severall notes for Tobo, 1 old Coate breeches old hatt and A Seagowne |
It one perspective glass, 1 pre of old Gloves |
In his Chest |
It one pre fre falls 1 old Dutch Card |
It 1 English Seawaggoner & 3 Journall bookes & the Seamans practice |
It 3 pre course holland Sheets & 2 pr old white drawers 1 old pre blew drawers & 1 blew shirt |
It 2 white Shirts 1 white Striped Dimity Wascoate |
It 4 long neckcloaths one Laced Crevatt |
It 4 handercheifs, 2 night Capps, one Towell |
It 4 books & a peece wt Tape & a table Cloath |
It 32 peeces of 8 & five pounds Sterling |
Itm one Gold Ring taken of his little finger at his death |
It seabedding & appurtennces |
It an old Stuff Coate & old breeches, 1 old Serge Coate |
It one haire Camlett, great Coate and a sad Colrd Sarge Coate & breeches, one old cloth Coate, one old Red Wascoate & drawers, 1 old pr Cloth breeches One pre of old blew drawers |
What Tobacco or other Wares, merchandizes or effects belonging to the said Master decd aboard the said ship Mr William Richards late mate & now Master doth prmise to render a Just true & prfect accot to us the said Mr ffriscoes Widd or to whom the same shall of right belong when thereunto required
The abovesaid Inry was taken the day and yeare aforesaid By Mr Thomas Mountfort Mr Thomas and Richard Awborne In Testimony whereof wee have hereunto sett our hands