March ye 4th 1707/8 In Abedience to an order of Yorke Court wee the Subscribers have praise all the Estate that was brote before us as followeth of William Garro
to one horse bridel and Saddle | £3..0..0 |
to one Dusen of old plate | 0..10..0 |
to 51 ponds of old puter | 1..8..8 |
to one old Tankard & one old Solster | 0..2..0 |
to one old Trunk | 0..7..0 |
to tow old Chest & one old box | 0..12..0 |
to tow old Cowes and tow two years old and one yearlen | 5..0..0 |
to one old sifter and one old Sharsh | 0..1..0 |
to tow old Bras Candel Stekes | 0..2..0 |
to one old Skemer one Sclice one Skelet | 0..5..0 |
to one old Boxx Eiren and heters | 0..3..6 |
to 3 old gunes 3 old Sordes one Belt | 1..5..0 |
to one seet of weges | 0..5..0 |
to one Eiren pestol | 0..5..0 |
to one Eiren Candelstek two old Shekels | 0..1..6 |
to two old Bridels | 0..1..0 |
To one old Coat one par of breches | 1..0..0 |
to 4 ¾ yds of Damask | 0..16..0 |
to a parsell of old Cask | 0..5..0 |
to one Tabel Cloeth 3 Napkens | 0..4..6 |
to one Spet, one par fiertonges a frien pan 6 huekes a fles forke | 0..9..0 |
and three Eiren potts | 1..6..0 |
to 3 Eathen Butter pots a parsell old Traes | 0..6..0 |
to 2 Worter pales | 0..4..0 |
to a parsel old Lomber | 0..7..0 |
to 11 Glass Bottles | 0..3..0 |
to one Droen nief | 0..2..6 |
to a paresscel of feathers one old Bag | 0..5..0 |
to one old bed one Tabel & forem two old Bookes | 0..8..6 |
to one Servant Boy | 8..0..0 |
to one Connu and 4 Shepe | 1..10..0 |
to one Grenston | 0..3..0 |
to one par of Smaal Steleards | 0..6..6 |
29..4..8 | |
Some hogs in the Marsh the Quantity unknown |
John Moss
Adduston Rogers
Wm Sheldon
Recorded: March 24th 1707/8
The within inv. was sworn to by Mary Garro the widow & exx. of Wm. Garro deed & admitted to record.
Test Phi Lightfoot