On pursuance of an order of York Court bearing date the 25th of ffebruary 1708/9 Wee the Subscribers have appraised what Goods was brought before us by Joseph Chermeson Admr of William Gibbs Estate late of the aforesaid County Deceased.
Vizt. One Small old Iron pott & pott hooks | £ 0..4..0 |
One old chest | 0..3..0 |
One old four Pale | 0..3..0 |
One old Mare | 1..5..0 |
Wm Taylors Bill for fourteen hundred pounds of Tobacco at a penny p pd | 5.16..8 |
To Ditto Bill for Twenty Shillings of Goods in a Store | 1..0..0 |
To Wm Jones Dr for Goods in a Store | 2..0..0 |
10.11..8 |
Recorded: March 24, 1708/9
Matt Pierce
Jno (his mark) Layton
Wm Taylor