An Inventory of Every particular of my Brother Thomas Hansfords estate decd & an accompt how disposed of
An accompt of what things were sold at an outCry by order of yorke Court Dated the 12th of May 1679 | lbs Tobo Caske |
Mr Richard Awborne 3 Cowes & 3 Calves | 1080 |
Mr Richard Awborne 4 cowes 4 calves | 1480 |
Mr Joseph Ring two Steers at | 0890 |
Mr David Conden 2 Steers at | 0770 |
Mr David Conden 2 Steers at | 0640 |
Mr Geo Hambleton 2 Steeres at | 0490 |
Mr Joseph Ring one Cow at | 0350 |
Thomas ffox one bull one Steer at | 0360 |
Mr David Conden 1 cow 1 heifer 1 Steer at | 0530 |
Mr Richd Moore 2 cowes | 0810 |
Mr Andrew Readen 2 Cowes 1 two yeare old | 0890 |
Mr Saml Weldon 6 2 yeare olds at | 0950 |
Jno Roades 4 yeareling calves at | 0380 |
| 9620 |
The howsehold goods sold at the outcry vizt.7 chaires one sidesaddle 1 pr of andirons 1 pr of sheets 2 pillow beires 1 pr of pottracks 1 Iron drippin pan a pr of fier tongs a small pcell of Earthen ware Sold to Mr Edwd ffoliott at | 0515 |
one feather bed rug pillow bolster one Iron pott & hookes 1 pr potracks 1 pr of Iron Doggs one trunke one pr curtaines and vallence Sold unto Randall Roades | 0710 |
one featherbed bolster pillowes rug & blankett one sett of Curtaines & vallence one shest sold to David Morse | 0800 |
one featherbed bolster 2 pillowes one set of Curtaines & vallence one rug 1 Indian matt one chest sold to Jno Roades | 0910 |
one chest 1 Cubbard, 4 napkins 1 Cubbard 1 cloath 1 large diap table cloath 1 smoothing Iron 2 heaters 4 leather chaires 2 Joynt Stooles one Carpet Sold to Humphry Moodey | 0350 |
one feather bed 1 pillow 1 Coverlet 1 small brasse kettle one pestle 1 Spitt 1 chmber pot 1 peck 1 Shevell 3 pewter dishes 2 plates 2 pr of Stilyards and and pea and chest Sold to Mr David Morse | 0502 |
One feather bed Rugg blankett one Iron pott & pothookes 1 port moule 1 pestle 1 Spitt 1 chest sold to Randall Roades | 0580 |
one chaire one Stool 4 dishes two Sawcers 6 plates 1 Spitt 1 Small pye plate 1 pr of Snuffers 1 large Iron pott & pott hookes 1 warming pan 1 dowles petticoate 1 old side saddle one chamber pott Sold to George Tindall at | 0405 |
one old trunke one flanel petticoate one tufted holland wastcoate, one taffety gown one thin hoodclased Scarfe clased neck Scarfe 2 lb of thred 2 remnants of figured ribond a pcell of nailes one Joynt Stool one brasse pestle & morter 4 pewter Spoones and 1 peicer a pcell of Gimpe Lace Sold to Willm Lyimey at | 0510 |
one tabbey gowne one Imbroidered pourse 1 muffe one Silke petticoate 1 Sarge Insticoe 2 pewter dishes 2 plates one flaggon a pcell of thred buttons one Bushell one Skillett one Iron pott one trunke Sold to Stephen ffen at | 0410 |
one proof sheets one Diap towell one Diap table cloath 7 diap Napkins a pcell of old Lynnen one large Looking glasse Coppr sawcep, one Stove pan one Iron kettle one glasse bottle one Muffe a small case of bottles one table Sold to Henry Lee | 0530 |
one Cullender 4 pewter dishes, 1 bason one Salt 1 pr of sheets Gold waites & Scales a Lancett a baskett a pcell of Turners tooles one Spitt a side saddle tree a tyn Suger box a minute glasse a pr of tonggs sold Jno Morland at | 0292 |
A pcell of old bookes & one box Sold to Wm Lennon at | 0110 |
one chest 1 flock bed 1 bolster & rugg 1 pillow one Iron pott 1 kettle one silke drugget Suite 1 sifter 1 Cutting knife one Iron pott one old Saw one Dowles Smock Sold to Robt Millagan | 0200 |
one couch one Diap table cloath 4 ditto Napkins 1 holland shoes a Canvas table cloath 2 lbs of whited browne thred 1 brush 1 pewter flaggon one pewter dish a sidesaddle tree sold to Elizabeth Hansford | 0250 |
carried to the other side | |
One chest one Cloathepresse two rapiers 3 guns 1 hammer one handsaw sold to David Morse at | 0250 |
A horse Cart & wheeles sold to Mr Jno Myhill at | 1040 |
A two yeare old filley sold to Doctor Watking at | 0350 |
A yeareling horse Colt sold to Jno Morley at | 0370 |
Summe totall of the howsehold good | 9084 |
An accompt of what bills was due to my Brother wch are of Long date and the Debtors dead and gone and some paid | lbs Tobo |
A Condiconall bill of Wm Wells p | 2000 |
Thomas Bodmells bill p | 2000 |
Richd parkers bill for | 15000 |
Jeremy Hookes bill for | 1740 |
Jno Trueshawes bill assigned over by Jonathan Ratcliffe for | 1000 |
Wm Smithes bill to Gabriel Jones | 0500 |
Wm Smiths bill assigned over p Rand Holt | 0500 |
Wm Colmans bill assed Amy Dixon | 0600 |
Phill Durells bill | 0070 |
Jno Belchers bill p Sugar 10d |
Peter Adams bill past to Eliz Jones £ 8 Sterl |
Mr Richd Moores bill for £ 5 Sterl |
A List of Notes Due to the orpts Wm, Eliza, Tho, Mary, Jno. of Mr Thomas Hansford Decd |
Mr Rich Awbornes note for 20lbs Suger |
Mr Readers Note for 3 bushells English floure |
Jno Buce his Note for 3 gall of rum |
Coll Parkes Note for | 0346 |
tho Rably s Note for 63 lbs of Suger |