In Obedience to an Order of York County Court Dated the 18th day of February 1754 We the Subscribers first being Sworn before Robert Sheild Gent: one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the said County have Appraised the Estate of Robert Hay decd. and made Inventory thereof as followeth.
A Parcel of Corn at 6/6 6 Barrels | £1..19..0 |
1 Saddle & Bridle 23/ a Mare £5 | 6.. 3..0 |
A Chest 4/ a Pair of Silver Shoe Buckles 16/ 1 Hatt 4/ | 1.. 4..0 |
1 Minute Glass 7½d 1 Coat Waistcoat Breeches &c 2/6 | 0.. 3..1½ |
1 Band Buckle 6d 1 Trunk 1/ 1 Cartouch box 2/ 3 Shirts 6/ | 0.. 9..6 |
2 Neck Cloths & 2 Handkerchiefs 2/6 3 Books 3/ | 0.. 5..6 |
1 Cap Snuff box Garters & 4 Bottles Razor & a Cask | 0.. 6..6 |
£10..10..7½ |
John Kerby
Randolph Snowden
Thos. Tomer
Returned into York County Court the 15th day of July 1754 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard