In Obedience to an Order of York County Court bearing Date June the 24th 1704 wee whose names are underwritten have praised the Estate of Constance Hazelton as followeth: Viz
to one feather bed, Bolster & pillow one Old Rug one old Blankitt one old Sheet one Old Bedstead | 02 15 00 |
to one small pott one potrack one Skillett 1 Gallon Runlett one Smoothing Iron one frying pan one Meal Sifter | 00 16 00 |
to one small pcel of pewter | 00 10 00 |
to a pcell of weareing Clothes to one small Chest one pcell of new linnin | 02 10 00 |
to one Bill Creditt in a Store | 01 10 00 |
08 01 00 |
Jno. I Sandower his mark
John [illegible] Doswell his mark
Simon Stacy
William [illegible] Houghton his mark
At a Court held for York County July 24th 1704
Then presented in Court by John Sandover on Oath & according to order is Recorded
P Wm Sedgwick Cl Cure