Agreeable to an Order of the Worshipful court of York bearing date April the twenty first 1788 we the subscribers having met and being first sworn have apprais'd the Estate of Mr. James Holloway as follows vizt.
Negro man £15 Horse £8 Horned Cattle £19..10..0 | £42..10..0 |
Hoggs £12..16 Ox Cart and Yoaks 50/ | 15..6..0 |
Beds and furniture £9..10 two small Chests 5/ | 9..15..0 |
Case and Bottles 4/ wooden ware 18/ Earthen Do 16/6 | 1..18..6 |
Two flat Irons 5/ Cotton Cardes 5/ | ..10..0 |
Spining wheels 8/ Chairs 7/6 Pewter 12/ | 1..7..6 |
Iron Potts 12/6 Plough work 21/ | 1..13..6 |
Old Casks 10/ Old Iron 15/ sheep £6 | 7..5..0 |
£80..5..6 |
Edward C. Howard Thomas Mallicote Thomas Chisman
Returned into York County Court the fifteenth day of Septemer 1788 and ordered to be recorded
Examd. Ro H. Waller Cl Cour