An Appraizement of the Estate of Morris Hurd late of Bruton Parrish in the County of York decd made in obedience to an Order of York County Court beareing date at York the 24th of January 1683/4 by us Mr Thomas Taylor Robert Perryman & William Pinkethman being first sworne before Capt James Archer one his Maties Justices of the peace for York County
Imprs: In Neat Tobacco weight 4166 lbs Tobacco | £ S d |
Item one old fflock bed & Boulster 2 Blancketts & a Rug | 01:05:00 |
It one old fflock bed & Boulster & one Rugg | 00:15:00 |
It one very old fflock bed & Boulster and a paire of very old Blancketts | 00:05:00 |
It One old ffeather bed one Boulster & 1 Pillow & a paire of blancketts & Rugg a paire of Curtaines and Vallense 3 Iron Curtaines Red | 05:00:00 |
It Two old Syder Cassk old | 00:10:00 |
It A Bushell & halfe of Oyle a May Salt | 00:03:00 |
It one new Hilling Hoe 3 old weedeing hoes 2 old narrow Axes 3 old Sickles & a pcell of old Runletts | 00:10:00 |
It Six Iron Wedges & 1 Branding Iron all old | 00:12:00 |
It one old Stock Lock an old Cuttles and a pcell of old Iron Tooles | 00:15:00 |
It one old Saddle & Bridle 1 pre of Leather Spansells and one Sifter Rim | 00:06:00 |
It one old Chest | 00:05:00 |
It Two Iron Potts weight 62 lbs & 2 pre Potthookes | 00:15:00 |
It Two Trayes 2 Piggins & 1 paile all old | 00:08:00 |
It One old Table an old forme & 1 old Broad Tray | 00:07:00 |
It Two paire Stilliards old | 01:00:00 |
It Two old Musketts one fixed 1 unfixed | 01:00:00 |
It Two Spitts and an old Spade | 00:14:00 |
It One old Table one old forme | 01:05:00 |
It Three turnd Chaires 2 Leather Chaires one trundle bedstead all old | 00:08:00 |
It One Bell mettle Morter 1 old Warmeing pann 1 old Box Iron 1 heater 1 old brish 1 old Grater | 00:10:00 |
It One old Cross Cutt Saw | 00:05:00 |
16:18:00 |
It Pewter weighing 65 lbs | 02:14:02 |
It one old Kettle brass one old Skillett one old Brass Candlestick | 00:10:00 |
It fower Earthen Milk Panns 1 old ffrying pann 1 Powder horne 1 old Lanthorne 3h hookes and a tosting Iron | 00:06:00 |
It Two old Chests | 00:14:00 |
It one small Trunck a pcell of Thred and Buttons | 00:07:00 |
It 5 Sheets 3 Shirts a pre of drawers and a Callico Neckcloath a painted Callico Carpett | 01:07:00 |
It One old Carsey Suite One old Broad Cloath Suite one new broad Cloath Coate one paire of ffrench fall Shooes | 02:10:00 |
It 19 Ells of Course Dowlase | 01:08:08 |
It 2 Yards of Canvas 3 Ells & ¼ of Osenbrig | 00:05:06 |
It one old Bible | 00:05:00 |
It one Woman Servt about 2 Yeares and Nyne Monethes to serve | 07:10:00 |
It one Servt Boy about 6 yeares & Eight Monethes to serve | 13:00:00 |
It one bill for man servt now due | |
It a Negro due p Bill by the first Negro Ship | |
It Upon Articles of Agreement and Lease due 12 £ yett in dispute | |
It 3 Yearelings 3 Cowes about 10 yeares old apeice 1 Steere 6 yeares old 2 Cowes 6 yeares old apeice & 2 Young Calves by their syde 1 Cow about 15 yeares old 1 young Cow about 6 yeares old 3 Steeres about 3 yeares old apeice One heifer 2 yeares old | |
Some horses & hogs not vallued but an accot will be given of them to the next Court: Some Corne not vallued | |
31:07:02 | |
16:18:00 | |
In toto | 48:05:02 |
This a true Appraizemt according to the best of our Judgemts made by us the Subscribers ffebr the 11th 1683/4
Thomas Taylor Robert Perryman Wm Pinkethman
Henry Thomson Junr.
mark of T ffeere
York County March the 24th 1683/4
Sworne by Henry Thomson & Thomas ffeere Admrs (as marrying the daughters) of Morris Hurds Estate to be a true Inventory of the sd Estate & if any more come to their knowledge that they will returne the same on their oathes & is recorded
Test E Jenings Cl Cur