Appraisment of the Estate of Willsby Jorden decd Nov 18th 1796
2 Horses | £13..0..0 |
14 Head Cattle | 36..15..0 |
2 Barrows and two Sow and Pigs | 5..7..0 |
1 Stack Tops 20/ Snucks 6/ Blades 14/ | 2..0..0 |
2 Stacks Straw | ..10..0 |
1 Horse Tumbler | 2..10..0 |
6 fatted Hogs | 9..0..0 |
2 Feather Beds | 15..0..0 |
1 Loom two Chests and one Table | 2..6..0 |
1 Safe Spinning Wheel and Cards | 1..10..0 |
3 Chairs, parcel of pewter & Earthen Ware | 1..8..0 |
1 Plow and Geer 1 Coffee Pot | 1..1..0 |
2 Axes Hoes & old Iron | ..12..0 |
1 Saddle and bridle 3/ Wood ware 5/ | .. 8..0 |
4 Pot Duch Oven & Iron Pessel | ..12..0 |
1 pr Box Irons & Heeters a Tray and Sifter | .. 5..6 |
1 Canoe & pr oyster Tongs | ..13..0 |
Carpenters Tools Knives and Forks | .. 3..6 |
3 Barrells Corn @ 20/ pr Barrel | 3..0..0 |
£96..1..0 |
John Garrow
Richard Garrett
Bernard Elliott
1797 July 17th
sworn to before me
Corbin Griffen
Returned into York County Court the 17th Day of July 1797 and ordered to be recorded
Ro. H Waller Ct. Cur. (CYC)