Inventory and appraisement of the Slaves and personal Estate of Mr. Robert Kerby Deceased taken July twenty eighth 1787 (Viz)
Sam a Negro man £ 60 Hanna and Child Moll £60 | £120..0..0 |
George a Boy £30 Winnefred a Girl £25 | 55..0..0 |
Sally a small Girl £18 Sarah and Old Woman | £12 30..0..0 |
one Black Mare £7 1 Young dark Bay Horse £7 | 14..0..0 |
1 Bed and Bolster £3 1 Gun 20/ 1 Mans Saddle 15/ | 4..13..0 |
two razors 2/6 | 2..6 |
total Amount | £123..17..6 |
Pursuant to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York County bearing date July sixteenth one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven We the subscribers being first sworn have appraised in Current Money the Slaves and Personal Estate of Robert Kerby deceased as above
John Chisman
William Mallory
John Patrick
Returned into York County Court the seventeenth day of September 1781 and ordered to be recorded
Examd. Robert Waller Ct. Cur