The Inventory of the Goods & Cattells of Mr John Moore of Charles Parish in York County deceased Made and proved by William Wise John Turner Robert Kerby
23 Ells of Ticklingbergh att 15d P Ell | 1 08 09 |
3 Ells of Garlick att two shillings 6d P Ell | 0 07 06 |
2 Yards of Caunten att two shillings P yd | 0 04 00 |
2 Yards of Scotch Cloth att two shill two d P yd | 0 04 04 |
Three yds of dimothy | 0 03 00 |
3 2/4 yds of stuff att twenty three pence P yd | 0 07 02¼ |
Two Yds of Checkered Lining at 1s 6d P yd | 0 03 00 |
It one pair of Shoos | 0 03 09 |
two pound of thred | 0 05 02 |
one pair of Womans shoos | 0 03 00 |
one yd of aust and one pair of Breeches | 0 03 00 |
five Bedsteads | 1 05 00 |
Two Looking Glasses one Caine and Whip | 0 15 00 |
one pair of Iris hose | 0 01 02 |
five Dozen and five glass bottles att threpence P bottle | 0 16 03 |
A parcell of earthen Ware | 0 03 00 |
one smoothing Iron | 0 02 06 |
A parcell of old books and a remnant of woole yarn | 0 03 06 |
six thousand eight penny naills at 3s 9d P thousand | 1 02 06 |
Two thousand five hundred ten penny nailes att six shill P thousand | 0 15 00 |
Two pair of Stillards | 0 18 00 |
In Money | 0 15 00 |
One Grindstone | 0 08 00 |
A parcell of Wooden Ware | 1 02 00 |
fifty bushells Salt att eighteen pence P bushell | 3 15 00 |
Cart and Wheels | 2 05 00 |
Seven sides of tanned Leather att four Shillings P side | 1 08 00 |
Sixteen raw hides att two Shillings six pence P hide | 2 00 00 |
Three Hoes and two payre of Hinges | 0 07 06 |
One pint Case & some bottles | 0 01 06 |
Three Tun of old Syder Cask | 1 10 00 |
| 23 06 05¼ |
| 74 15 06¼ |
| 99 00 00 |
| 197 00 11½ |
from the other side | 17 00 11 |
214 02 10½ |
Tom a Negro | 27 00 00 |
Affrica a Negroe | 15 00 00 |
Abram a Negro Boy | 22 00 00 |
A Negro Woman and two Children | 35 00 00 |
| 99 00 00 |
Three Cows about Eight or nine yeares old Six Cows about five years old four Calves two male two female one Heifers of three Years old four Heiffers of two years old one yearling Heiffer One Steer of five years old one Steere of three years old Three Stears of two years old four Bulls of a year old one Bull about six years old Two Bulls of two years old One Cow about six years old one Bull Calf One Cow about seven year old One Stear of two year old... | In all 35 00 00 |
One Mare about nine years old A Yearling Filly | |
One Mare very old | |
A Parcell of Pewter Potts | 0 11 00 |
One Copper Kettle | 2 06 06 |
A parcell of Brass | 0 18 00 |
Four Iron potts and Hooks one Gridiron and Fork | 1 06 06 |
One Frying pan three Spitts three pestles | 1 02 06 |
One pott rack one drawing Knife | 0 05 00 |
Three Saddles and Bridles | 0 10 00 |
Four Locks Two Gun Barrells and Locks | 0 17 08 |
One Case of pistolls and Holsters Five Swords | 1 10 00 |
One payre of Childrens Leading Strings | 0 00 06 |
Two [illegible] of Silk | 0 05 00 |
Seventeen dozen of Brest Buttons at three pense a dozen | 0 04 03 |
Twenty dozen ditto at nine pence P dozen | 0 15 00 |
A parsell of Tape thred and Laces | 0 07 00 |
Eight Chairs Two Tables one Form | 3 17 00 |
Three Chests Three Trunks one Couch | 2 05 00 |
| 17 00 00 |
Thirty seven Hoggs | 18 00 00 |
A Parcell of Negroes beds | 0 12 00 |
Tobo Debts P Bill
Samuel Tomkins | | 137 |
And in Money | 05 shill | |
John Daniells | | 403 |
Mr Sclaters | 40 shill | |
John [illegible] | | 125 |
Thomas Hardings | | 300 |
John Figgs | | 106 |
Ralph Walkers | 20 shill | |
James Avery | | 726 |
Anthony Robinsons | | 040 |
John Jarvis | | 270 |
Judgmt agst Daniell Mackentosh with cost | | 800 |
| | 2807 |
By Account
John Webb | 037½ |
Giles Taverner | 076 |
John Parsons | 154½ |
| 268 |
In obedience to an order of York Court held the twenty fourth of May 1700 Wee the sd Subscribers have Inventoried and appraised the Estate of Mr. John Moore dec'd being first sworn before Mr. Thomas Nutting June the 1st 1700.
Imprimis one feather bed bolster two Pillows One Rugg one pr of Blanketts Curtains & vall. | 9 00 00 |
One feather Bed Bolster pillows Rugg Blankett and Curtains vallans | 9 00 00 |
One feather bed bolster pillows Rugg Blanketts Curtains and Vallans | 4 12 00 |
One feather bed One Rugg and Blanketts | 4 00 00 |
One Flock bed two Bolster two pair of Blanketts and one Rugg | 1 10 00 |
Two Quilts and one Carpett | 2 18 00 |
Three pair of Sheets and five pillow Cases | 1 18 00 |
Three Table Cloaths twenty three Napkins and one Towell | 0 18 00 |
Three coats three Jackets three pair of breeches three pair boots Two hatts a pair of Shoes four Shirts three Neck Cloathes Six hankerchers two quilt caps and four pr of Gloves | 5 13 06 |
| 39 09 06 |
One hundred and seventeen pound of pewter | 5 03 03 |
Half a dozen of porrengers | 0 03 00 |
Eleven yds and one qurter of Kersey att three shill P yd | 1 13 09 |
Six yds of Broad Cloath at seven shillings three pence P yd | 2 03 06 |
Four and three quarters of Napt Kersey att three shill P yd | 0 14 03 |
Five yards of Broad Cloath at nine shillings P yd | 2 05 00 |
Two yards and and one half of ditto att six shillings P yd | 0 15 00 |
Two and one quarter of Half thick att two shillings & eight P yd | 0 05 09 |
Four Yards of Carsey att three shill and six pence P yd | 00 14 00 |
One peece of Searge | 2 14 08 |
Seven yds and half of Frize att two Shillings four pence P yd | 0 17 06 |
One peece of [illegible] Cotton | 0 17 00 |
Ten yards of white Cotton att[illegible]P yd | 0 13 04 |
Twelve and half yards yds of Cotton att sixteen Per yd | 0 16 08 |
Ten and one half of red Cotton att 16d P yd | 0 14 00 |
Five yards of halfe thick att two and six pence p yd | 0 12 06 |
One and three qtrs yd of Searge | 0 02 00 |
Two and one half yards of Shaloon att twenty ½ d | 0 04 03¼ |
One and one half yds of Manchester Stuff | 4 03 00 |
Twenty one yds of flowerd Silk Grossett att 3 shi P yd | 3 03 00 |
One peece of Liqued Druggett | 3 00 00 |
Forty yards of blew Lining at nine pence P yd | 1 10 00 |
Twenty five and three qtrs Ticklingberg att 15d P ell | 1 12 02½ |
Sixteen and three quarters ditto at fourteen pence P ell | 0 19 06½ |
Thirty two yards of Canves att eight pense P yd | 1 01 04 |
Eleven and one half Ells of Dowlas at two Shi six pence P Ell | 1 08 09 |
Eight and three quarters ditto at two Shill P ell | 0 17 06 |
| 35 06 00¼ |
| 39 09 06 |
| 74 15 06¼ |
Ane accott of money debts due to the Estate of John Moore
Money due from Coll. Jennings but the quantity unknown Mr Henry Jenkins Debt to Amy Moore ten shillings Mr Daniell Hunter Debitor to Amy Moore ten shillings, Mr. John Weyman Debitor to Amy Moore 15 pence Mathew Cuttela Debitor to Amy Moore 3 shillings, Ane accott of things forgotten when the appraizmt was made, Three yds and one half of shalloon and three pecks of salt one old ax A yard and three qts of colloured Damety and a felt hat four skaines of fine thred three quartrs of a pound of yarn a quartr of a pound of unspunn Cotton And two syder Hogsheads three iron wedges and one pewter plate one horse about two years old and one half Danniell Harell grew debtor to Amy Moore four dayes work And the mauling of forty [illegible]iles.
Accott of Tobacco debts due to the EstateJohn Hunt Debitor to Amy Moore | 197 |
James Caltrup Debitor to Amy Moore | 070 |
Thomas Wilkieson Debitor to Amy Moore | 265 |
Robert Penrice Debitor to Amy Moore | 065 |
There is a Horse which my husband gave to my Brother Starkey in his time And ordered me to deliver him after his decease And a cane to a silver head which he gave to his son Starkey Moore.
Att a Court held for York County Febry 24th 1700
This day Mr Petter Starkey presented the within Inventory in Court he being Exr. of Amy Moore who was Admintrx of her deced's Husband Mr John Moore and dyed after Administration granted her before she swore to the within Inventory of her deced husbands Estate which Inventory the sd Starkey admitts to stand by in open Court and to give ane account of what shall come to his hands or knowledge further hereafter to which he subscribes his name
Peter Starkey
Att a Court Held for York County Febry 24th 1700
The within Inventory was then presented in Court by the within named Mr. Peter Starkey together with the above writing who acknowledged the same in Court and on his request is recorded.
Test. Willm Sedgwick Cl Cure.