York County ss: March 15th 1686/7
A true and perfect Inventory of the Estate of Even Owing of the parish of Bruton in the County aforesd lately Deced being taken and appraised by us the Subscribers the day and yeare first above written as ffolloweth
£ S d | |
Imprs In the Dwelling house. two old Beds and Boulsters with a small matter of old Covering | 01:10:00 |
Itm A pcell of mens and Womens old Cloaths much worne with some small matter of wearing lining of Littell use or service and an old Wigge | 02:10:00 |
Itm one paire of ffrench fallls and 3 paire of yarne Stockins | 00:10:00 |
Itm one Chest and one Small box | 00:05:00 |
Itm 1 Iron pott with a hole in the Syde with pott hookes & pottracks, one Iron Skillet 1 frying pan with Severall holes in the bottom being all old | 00:04:00 |
Item 7 milke trays 3 pales & a Sifter being all old & tubb | 00:10:06 |
Itm to one Teyght Cask | 00:10:00 |
Itm Some Small matter more of Lumber and Huslement about the house | 00:02:00 |
Itm A pcell of pigges and Small Shoates to the Number of three and twenty one with the other | 02:00:00 |
Itm A Cow and Calfe and two year old Heifer | 02:05:00 |
10:06:06 |
Itm Robert Wests bill for tobacco | 650 |
Itm in the tobacco house Stript tobacco | 455 |
1105 lb tob |
Itm A small pcell of tobacco in bulke and unstript; The quantity not yett knowne
Thomas Taylor
Ralph Graves
Sworne to by the Subscribers
March the 28th 168[illegible]
Then Recorded Test J Sedgwicke D Cl Cur