An appraisemt of the estate of Walter Patrick taken the 2d day of May by Jno Heywood & Wm Wetherall 1679
tobo Caske | |
Imprmis 4 Cowes at 400 p peice | 1600 |
2 young bulls at 150 p peice | 0300 |
1 Iron pott at | 0030 |
1 pcell of old cloathes | 0100 |
2 yards of Cotten | 0020 |
1 falling Ax 2 howes | 0030 |
1 Cake of Soap | 0010 |
1 course meal Sifter | 0010 |
1 grosse gimpe buttons & ½ a grosse of pewter ditto | 0025 |
1 chest at | 0040 |
1 brasse Skillet and Skimmer | 0050 |
1 Looking glasse | 0015 |
1 tyn buckett & Sawse pan | 0028 |
1 frying pan and a pr of tongs | 0030 |
6 old traies 2 old pailes | 0080 |
1 peck of Salt | 0008 |
1 pr of paragon bodice | 0045 |
Two yards of Scotch cloath | 0035 |
4200 of Nailes in Sorts | 0160 |
One old bed wth what belongs to it | 0200 |
one Small chest | 0020 |
one Grindstone & a cutting knife | 0025 |
sum Total | 2897 |
The appraisrs sworne in Court Ju 24th
Jno Heywood
Wm Weatherall
Three head of Cattle given by the childs Godfather never appraised nor recorded |
Jno Clarke admr of the decd estate made oath in Court to the aforesd percionlly June 24th 1679 & is recorded p Rich Awborne Cl Cur