We the Subscribers by vertue of an order of yorke Court bearing date the 24th of June 1679 have appraised the following goods out of the Store belonging to Mr Edward phelps decd in the possession of Mrs Temperance Dun, and Delivered the same to Coll Willm Cole one of the Attorneys of James Wall Guardian to Edward Phelpes an orpt in England this last day of June & first of July 1679
£ S d | ||
N.3. 47 Ells of Dowlas at 14d p ell | 02-18-09 | |
N.2. 52 ells broad ditto | 03-05-00 | |
N.2. 52 ells ditto | 04-00-02 | |
N.3. 52 ells ditto | 03-05-00 | |
N.2. 52 ells ditto | 03-15-10 | |
N.4. 52 ells Course ditto | 02-12-00 | |
N.1. 43 ells ditto | 02-03-00 | |
N.4. 33 ells ¼ ditto | 01-13-03 | |
N.3. 52 ells fine dowlas | 03-05-00 | |
N.2. 46 ells ½ fine ditto at 17d ½ | 03-07-01 | |
N.2. 52 ells ditto | 03-15-10 | |
N.4. 33 ells Course ditto | 01-13-00 | |
N.13. 103 ells ¼ of Canvas at 9d½ p ell | 03-19-04½ | |
N. 70 ells ditto at 8d ½ | 03-04-11¼ | |
N 11. 36 yds ½ blew Lynen | 00-16-09¾ | |
N. 20 yds ¼ ditto at 5d | 00-08-05¼ | |
N[illegible]. 19 yards of ditto | 00-09-01½ | |
6 yds ¾ of Coloured Lynen at 6d | 00-03-04½ | |
2 peices of Woolen Sarge | 05-00-00 | |
2 peices of Sarge at 37S p peice | 03-18-00 | |
11 yds ½ of broad cloath at 5S 6d p yd | 03-03-03 | |
19 yds ¾ of ditto at 5S 6d | 05-11-09 | |
4 peices of kersey | 07-16-00 | |
2 peices of course kersey | 03-10-00 | |
47 yds of peniston | 03-18-04 | |
45 yds ditto | 03-15-00 | |
28 yards ½ of ditto at 1S 6d | 02-02-09 | |
48 yds of green Cotten at 16d | 03-01-04 | |
69 yds of red cotten at 14d ½d | 04-06-00 | |
19 pr of mens worsted stockens at 1S 11d p peice | 01-16-05 | |
10 pr of childrens stockens | 00-03-04 | |
12 pr ditto | 00-03-00 | |
4 pr of weomens worsted at 2S 4d | 00-09-04 | |
4 pr of weo wollen at 1S 2d | 00-04-08 | |
24pr of Irish hose at 10d ½ | 00-18-05½ | |
2 doz ½ of plaine Shooes at 23S p doz | 02-17-06 | |
20 pr of mens french falls at 3S | 03-00-00 | |
6 pr of first & 2d childrens shooes | 00-04-00 | |
2 pr of parragon bodice wth sleeves | 00-17-00 | |
2 pr ditto wth out sleeves | 00-11-06 | |
6 pr of weo. ticken bodice at 2S 6d | 00-15-00 | |
4 pr ditto at 3S | 00-12-00 | |
6 pr of childrens ditto at 14d | 00-07-00 | |
2 pr larger ditto | 00-03-00 | |
6 lbs of coloured thred | 00-12-00 | |
12 lbs of black & browne thred | 01-10-00 | |
3 lbs of whited browne at 3S 4d | 00-10-00 | |
12 peices white tape | 00-04-04 | |
12 peices of Carnation tape | 00-02-08 | |
2 grosse 4 doz Gimpe buttons | 00-03-06 | |
2 grosse thred buttons | 00-01-08 | |
3 grosse ditto at 6d | 00-01-06 | |
500 needles | 00-01-04 | |
2 peices of white twist | 00-00-09 | |
15 doz Silke Coate buttons | 00-03-04 | |
12 horne 3 Ivory Combs | 00-05-09 | |
8 course casters N. 7 | 02-12-00 | |
3 Smoothing Irons | 00-03-06 | |
6 felts No. 6 at 3S 4d | 01-00-00 | |
2 felts N. 5 at 2S 8d | 00-05-0[illegible] | |
5 beds & bolster ticken | 04-02-06 | |
3 casters more N. 7 | 00-19-06 | |
7 Ivory & 9 doz black hafted knives | 00-15-02 | |
7 pr of small Sizers | 00-00-10 | |
1 red large rug 4 rugs more one dampnified | 02-03-00 | |
2 pr blanketts 2 small feather beds 2 bolst 4pills | 06-17-00 | |
3pr printed curtaines & vallenne | 03-03-00 | |
2 pr Striped curtaines & vallene one turky Carpt | 02-08-00 | |
4 pr bellowes 11 frying pans 6 shovells 5 spades | 02-18-02 | |
14 narrow howes 3 pr hinges 2 broad howes | 00-19-08 | |
7 files | 00-01-06 | |
5 Iron potts 1 Iron kettle at 2d ½ p lb | 02-12-08 | |
27 lbs of pepper at 9d | 02-00-03 | |
3 tankards 5 spoones 5 adzes 3 broad axes | 01-02-08 | |
3 broad hatchetts 3 narrow ditto | 00-08-06 | |
12 curry combs 3 Leather Sadles & furniture | 03-14-00 | |
14 falling axes 5 augurs | 02-02-05 | |
9 pr of childrens Shooes 2 Looking glasses | 00-15-06 | |
one Caster hat | 00-06-06 | |
3 lbs Nutmeg at 5S 6d | 00-16-06 | |
18 lbs of Starch at 2d ½ & ½ lb blew | 00-04-02 | |
124 lbs of Soape at 3d½ | 01-16-02 | |
41 yds of Cotten | 02-09-08 | |
41 yds of penistone at 1S 6d | 03-01-06 | |
24000 Singletens at 4S 8d p m | 05-12-00 | |
17500 6d nailes at 2S 8d | 02-06-08 | |
7000 4d nailes at 1S 9d p m | 00-11-08 | |
8000 double tens at 4S 8d | 02-18-04 | |
Eight falling Axes | 00-10-08 | |
109 lbs of Shott | 00-16-00 | |
3 barrells of bay Salt cont. 18 bush at 20S | 01-10-00 | |
20 peices of fishing lines | 01-10-00 | |
15 Sheepheads hookes 2 doz Drum 3 doz small | 00-04-00 | |
To 3 chests 2 boxes | 01-15-00 | |
To advance at 2S 6d p pownd | 21-07-06 | |
194-05-1¾ |
Errors Excepted p us
Wm Booth
Edward Moss
Recorded July the 4th 1679
p Rich Awborne Cl Cur