An accot of what Estate Jno Phipps late of this County dyed possessed of to the best of my knowledge and this I Certifye under my hand & upon oath readye to depose this 18 November 1679
Imprs One Iron pott |
Item one blew Coverlett |
Item one old Iron Square & an Auger |
Item one Rest & a Cutting Knife |
Item one old pr fire Tongs & a broken Gridiron |
Item one Saw |
Item one horse attached by Jno Drury for Debt |
Item one melting Ladle |
Item one Cedar payle |
Item one Tray 2 Spoones |
Item One gunn Lock |
Item a pr Shott moulds |
Item a pcell of old papers wch are readie to be presented to the Court wch I presume are of no value |
Item three small Bookes |
Sworne to in Court 9br the 24 1679
Tho Wooten