An appraismt. of the Estate of Timothy Penkethman Deced augt. 31st 1705
[torn]at [torn]33 | |
To fower Old Cowes at £1:15s each | 07 00 00 |
To twelve young Cowes | 24 00 00 |
To four three year old heyfers at £1:10s | 06 00 00 |
To two two year old Bulls I say heyfers | 02 00 00 |
To 3 two year old Bulls | 01 16 00 |
To 1 four yeare old Stear | 02 00 00 |
To 4 yearlings | 02 08 00 |
To three Calves | 01 04 00 |
To one bay horse | 05 00 00 |
To one old gray ditto | 02 10 00 |
To one young gray Mare & Colt | 03 00 00 |
To one bay Mare | 02 10 00 |
To 19: old Sheep & Seaven Lambs | 09 07 00 |
To two Sowes & Seaven piggs | 01 00 00 |
To one druget Suit of mens cloaths old | 01 10 00 |
71 05 00 |
Brought from the other side | 71 05 00 |
a prcell of Very Old cloaths 2 pr old bootes one pr old shooes | 00 10 00 |
To one Old dubble breasted Coat one new pr of Shagg breeches | 01 10 00 |
To one bed & bolster one pr of blankitts one rugg one Suit of Curts. & Vallins | 03 15 00 |
To one old bed & bolster & one old blankett | 01 00 00 |
To 3 old bedsteds & 3 old Cords | 00 10 00 |
To one bed & bolster one blanket one Sheet three pillows one green rugg one Suit of Curtaines & Vallins one bedsteastor old bed & bedsted | 07 00 00 |
To one chest of drawers one old Cubbard Six old rush bottom Chaires one long table & one round ditto | 02 00 00 |
To 5 old chests 3 pr of Virga. boys Shooes one pr of Small Stillards one Silver headed Cane one old gun | 02 00 00 |
To a prcell of Old books one box yron, 2 heaters a hone & grater | 00 15 00 |
To one dossn of quart bottles one two galln Jugg two Coat brushes &c one small looking glass a pcell of Earthen ware | 00 12 00 |
to 13 dyaper Napkins one towell ditto one Small canvas Table cloth & three Small Canvis towells | 00 10 00 |
To one Iron Kettle 1 yron pott wth a hole int two good yron potts 2 pr of racks 2 pr of Pot hooks one pr of tongues & fyre Shovell one old frying pan one flesh fork one yron Spit 2 yron Candlestic | 01 00 00 |
To one copper Kettle one bel mettle Skillet one bras Mortar | 01 10 00 |
To one grasse cut saw one set of wedges a Small prcell of Coopers tools one drawing Knife two broad Axes one Spade one yron Pestle | 01 00 00 |
To 86# of Pewter at 6d P pd | 02 03 00 |
three Ngr. women at 25 | 75 00 00 |
To one negr. boy one negr. girl | 30 00 00 |
To two negr. girls | 10 00 00 |
To a prcell of Old Lumber | 01 00 00 |
213 00 00 |
Rebca. R Pinkethman
Robt. Bee
Jno Steward
John I Layton
Mathew Pierce
At a Court held for York County Septembr the 24th 1705
The Above Inventory & appraisment was this day returned to the Court by Rebecca Pinkethman Administratrix of the sd Timothy on Oath & according to Order is Recorded P
Wm Tunley Cl Cure