An Inventory of the Estate both goods and Cattells belonging to Robert Rosse of the New poquoson parish in the County of York taken the sixteenth day of March in 1686/7 by us whose Names are under written
Imprs One Cow about 9 or 10 yeares old 2 Cowes about 6 yeares old one Cow about 9 or 10 yeares old and a Calfe, one Cow about 7 yeares old one Heifersabout 4 yeares old, one Cow about 7 or 8 yeare old two Heifers about 4 yeare old and a Calfe one two yeare old Heifer one Heifer about fower yeare old two Cowes about 6 yeares old ffowerteene yearlings, one of them unMarked one Cow about 8 yeares old one Cow about ffower yeare old & a Calfe one Cow about 7 or 8 yeares old and a Calfe two Heifers about 3 yeares old and each of them a Calfe one Cow about 7 yeares old and a Calfe one Cow about 11 yeares old one Cow about 4 yeare old one Cow about 6 yeares old one Heifer about 3 yeares old and a Calfe Eight Steares about 4 or 5 yeare old two Steares about 6 yeares old two Draught Steares about 8 or 10 yeare old two Steares about 5 yeare old One Bull about 3 or 4 year old Twenty Seaven head of Cattle betweene two or 3 yeares old by Report of Abraham Mitchell, At Bore Quarter. A Heifer and a Steare about 3 yeares old, by the Report of Isaack Embrey, att Cow Island. A Steare of two yeare old, one old Mare or horse, one Mare about 3 yeare old, one horse about Colt two yeare old one Mare Coult-----In the House. two old ffeather bedds, and two boulsters and one old Rugg--three small Iron potts and one old Iron Kettle, one Bell mettle Skillett, one large ffryinge pann, one Iron Spitt, one Iron pestell--one paire of pott racks, one Iron hooke--two Guns--two old Skin Sifters, two old pales, and an old piggin, one old Butter tubb, two paire of pott hookes, and one old Saddle and bridle, seaventeen old trayes, one old hide Couch, two Steare Hides, one old forme, one old Cross Cutt Saw, three Narrow Axes, one broad Axe, one Carpenters Adge, one hollow Adge, one Drawing knife, one ffrow, one Coopers Round Shave, one Auger, one grubbing how, one trowell, two hammers, one fflaile, two old reape hookes, one old Sickell, and a parcell of old Iron, A parcell of Nales to the quantity of 2 or 3 hundred--two old Tinn Dripping panns, two pewter Dishes three plates, one old tankard, one old porringer, one old Spade, one old paire of parragon bodyes, one Straite bodyed Wastcoat and petticoat of Stuffe, one old Searge Jackett, one knott of Drum line, one paire of bridell Reignes and head Stall a ¼ pound browne thredd, about one yard Dyed Linen or Callico, three girts, one paire of yarne Gloves, one drest Doe Skin, 1 old hatt, one Childs Coate of Stuffe, one Searge petycoate, one three Square ffile, one halfe round fille, one Ivory Combe and Case, two Silver Spoones, one Childs Searge blankett and Shirt, two large bredd Trayes, one old pillow beere, one two Gall Rundlett, two old weeding howes and one old hilling how, two old Chests without locks, one old boxe, one old ffisgig, one halbert one Simmiter and belt, three Iron wedges, one old Tobacco hhd, one halfe tubb, one old Carsey Coate, one old barrell, and about fower bushells of wheat in itt, one old Barrell and about 4 or 5 bushells of Indian Corne in itt, one old barrell & about two busheels of Salt in itt, three small bulkes of tobacco, an old Cart and wheeles, 2 yoake Rings & Staples for Oxen, 1 old Cart & wheeles paire of ffire Tongs, one old bagg, one Grinde Stone. |
Belonging to Margarett Rosse Daughter of Robert Rosse being of her owne proper Marke--Cropt on the right Eare, over Cutt and Slitt underneath the left---One redd Cow about seaven or eight yeare old and a calfe one black pide Steare 1 yeare old, and one browne pided two year old & R[illegible]of them a Starr in the forehead, one Red Cow about 10 or 12 yeares old, and a red bull Calfe, one red pyde yearling with a Starr in the forehead, one black Heifer between three and fower yeare old, one browne pyde bull about two yeare old, one redd Cow about five yeare old, one black Cow about six or seaven yeare old Cropt on both Eares, one brown Cow a Starr in the forehead between five and six yeares old |
Ffrancis Callowhill
John Metcalfe
An account of Hoggs given by Abraham Michell since the Inventory was taken |
Six barrowes and a Sow about three yeares old, fowerteen yonge Hoggs, some about halfe |
a yeare old, some about twelve Monthes old. |
March the 30th 1687
Recorded then in York Cort Records
Test J Sedgwicke D Cl Cur