The Scedule or Inventory whereof mention is made in the Deede to which it is anexed
One Sacking botome bedsteed |
One Downe Bed bolster & two downe pillow |
One Large Worsted Rugg & 1 pr of Large Blanketts |
One Suite fine Sad Colld Searge Curtanes & vallanes |
Six Chaires sutable |
One Sacking bottome Bedsteed |
one ffether bed bolster and two pillows |
One Suit Camelett Curtanes and vallanes |
Six chaires sutable |
One Rugg 1 pr of Blanketts |
ffive pr of Holland Sheets |
Three Diaper Table Clothes |
1 Doz 4 Diaper Napkins |
1 Doz ½ fine flaxin Napkins |
1 Doz flaxen Napkins |
1 Large flaxen Table cloth |
2 fine flaxen Table Cloths |
3 pr fine Holland pillowbers |
8 Towells |
2 Large pr Irons with Brasses |
1 pr of Doggs wth Brasses |
2 great Brasse Kettles |
2 Iron Potts |
1 brasse fire pan and tongues 3 pr brasse Candlesticke |
1 fire pan and Tongues wth Brasses |
2 Doz pewter plates |
10 Pewter Dishes |
2 Braase potts Tind |
2 Pewter drinking Potts |
1 Doz Silver Spoones |
1 Silver Cup |
9 Cows 7 Calves 3 yearlings 2 horses 2 mares one 2 yeare old Colt one young Colt |
One Negroe man named Tim, one man Servant named Silus Chapman one maid Servant Named Jane Harwood |
Robert Spring
Ann Spring