In Obedience to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York County We the Subscribers have Appraised the Estate of Mr. William Tavernor decd. and make return as followeth
To 7 Cows at 25/, 4 Young Do. a 15/ | £11..15..0 |
1 Steer 28/, 1 Bull 20, 7 Cows and Calves 30/ | 12..18..0 |
6 Hoggs at 7/6, nine at 3/6, twelve at 2/ | 5.. 0..6 |
1 Horse at £3 1 Do. 25/, 1 Mare 30/ | 5..15..0 |
1 Horse 35/, 1 Do. 5/, Cart Wheels and Tackling 50/ | 4..10..0 |
1 Bed & furniture £4 10/, 1 Do. £2 | 6..10..0 |
1 Do. £4 10/ 1 Do. £6 10/ | 11.. 0..0 |
1 Chest 5/, 1 Do. 5/, 2 Do. 5/ | 0..15..0 |
2 old Chairs and Table 6/, 4 Sides of Leather 20/ | 1.. 6..0 |
11 lb. Cotton at 1/3 d. 28 lb. Do. at 3 d. | 1.. 0..9 |
1 Side Saddle & Cover £3 15/, 1 old Linnen Wheel 5/ | 4.. 0..0 |
Parcel old Reap hooks 3/, Case of Bottles 12/, Do. 2/6 | 0..17..6 |
Linnen Wheel 18/ Parcel of Bottles 4/9 | 1.. 2..9 |
Parcel of fishing Lines 3/, Nails 2/, some old Barrells 7/6 | 0..12..6 |
Saws and files 12/6, some old Sider Casks 25/, some old Do. | 2..12..6 |
Parcel of old Tubbs 6/, Barrell of Tarr 9/, Flax brake 3/ | 0..18..0 |
3 Baskets 3/, old Chest 1/3 d. old Saddles & Bridles 18/ | 1.. 2..3 |
Lye tub and half Bushell 3/, Grindstone 3/6 | 0.. 6..6 |
8½ Bushells of Salt 17/, 18½ lb. Pewter at 1/ | 1..15..6 |
2 dozen Plates 27/, some Spoons and other Pewter 7/ | 1..14..0 |
Parcel of Wooden Ware 15/ d. 11 lb. Tallow 5/6, Safe 6/ | 1.. 7..0 |
Old Chest and Sifters 3/, Parcel Iron tools 10/, fire tongs &c 5/ | 0..18..0 |
Parcel Crockery and tin Ware | 2.. 5..0 |
1 Gun 20/ 2 Looking Glasses 6/6 | 2.. 5..0 |
Corner Cupboard 26/, Desk £4 Razor, Scales &c | 5..16..0 |
Parcel old Books 7/ Box Iron Heaters and [Trunk] 7/ | 0..14..0 |
Table 21/6, Chest 12/ | 1..13..6 |
5 Sheets 45/, 7 Towells 3/6, 5 Do. 1/3 | 2.. 9..9 |
4 Pillow Cases 5/, two Table Cloths 7/ | 0..12..0 |
11 Wicker Chairs 17/, Case of Knives 3/ | 1.. 0..0 |
Table Fourm &c 4/, Spinning Wheel & Cards 4/ | 0.. 8..9 |
Lanthorn 3/, 2½ lb. Spun Cotton 9/4½ d. | 0..12..4½ |
3 Baggs 4/, Parcel Iron Wedges 12/6, Old Iron 2/6 | 0..19..0 |
Iron Pestle 6/, 3 hoes 3/, Spade 3/ | 0..12..0 |
Parcel Iron tools 17/6, Canoe and Sculls 22/ | 1..19..6 |
13 Barrells Indian Corn at 11/ | £7.. 3..0 |
2 fish gigs 3/, 2 Bushells & Peck Wheat 9/ | 0..12..0 |
an old Kettle 21/, Iron Pott 8/8 | 1.. 9..8 |
Iron Pott 4/, Do. 8/, Do. 17/, Parcel Hides & Skins 15/ | 2.. 4..0 |
Old Iron Skillett 1/, Spitt 3/, frying Pan 4/6 | 0.. 8..6 |
pair of Stilyards 3/, Pot racks and hooks 11/8 | 0..14..8 |
9 Ells Brown Linnen 9/9 4¼ Yards Irish Linnen | 1.. 0..4½ |
Wallett 2 Brushes & Funnell 2/6 Trunk &c 2/6 | 0.. 5..0 |
Suit of Cloaths 45/, Do. 45/, Do. 35/ | 6.. 5..0 |
Great Coat 26/, Suit Do. 25/, 3 pr. Buckles & Shoes 9/6 | 3.. 0..6 |
Ring 27/6, Buckle 6/ | 1..13..6 |
349 lb. Tobo. at 2 d. | 2..18..0 |
Negro Man called Sam £40 James a Negro £40 | 80.. 0..0 |
Will a Negro £37 Peter a Negro £37 Tom a Negro £30 | 104.. 0..0 |
Patt a Negro £30 Rachell a Negro £26 | 56.. 0..0 |
To Cash | 78..16..4 |
£444..14..11 |
Bennet Kerby
Thomas Phillips
Bennet Tomkins
Returned into York County Court the 15th day of July 1751 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.