Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of John Walker deced of York County taken ths 20th day of April 1799 by Philip Bullifant Charles Lewis and William Hankins appraisors being first duly sworn by a Justice of said County
£ s d | |
Dick a Negro man | 75..0..0 |
James a Negro man | 75..0..0 |
Isham a Negro man | 75..0..0 |
Lucy a Negro woman | 60..0..0 |
Milley a Negro Girl | 30..0..0 |
Frederick a Negro Boy | 50..0..0 |
William a Negro Boy | 20..0..0 |
Five Barrels of Corn at 15/ each | 3..15..0 |
Five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..15..0 |
Five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..15..0 |
Five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..15..0 |
Five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..15..0 |
Five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..15..0 |
Five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..15..0 |
Five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..15..0 |
One likely black Horse | 30..0..0 |
a Saddle | 3..0..0 |
a Bridle | .. 6..0 |
Five Bushels of Rie at 4/ ea | 1..0..0 |
Five Bushels of Rie at 4/ ea | 1..0..0 |
Five Bushels of Rie at 4/ ea | 1..0..0 |
Four Bushels of Rie at 4/ ea | ..16..0 |
amount carrd forward | £67..2..0 |
Inventory & Appraisemt continu'd | £ s d |
amount brought forward | 67..2..0 |
a pair Hames Traces & Swingletree | .. 7..6 |
a pair Hames Traces & Swingletree | .. 7..6 |
a pair Hames Traces & Swingletree | .. 7..6 |
a pair Hames Traces & Swingletree | .. 7..6 |
a Walnut Case & 7 Bottles | 1..0..0 |
Two Mahogany Tables | 5..0..0 |
a Walnut Desk | 1..10..0 |
a round Walnut Table | ..15..0 |
a small square Tea Table | ..15..0 |
a large looking Glass | 1..4..0 |
a Boufet | 9..0..0 |
Two tea Bottles | .. 2..6 |
1 Mug 1 Decanter & 1 Glass Can | .. 3..0 |
3 Tea potts 2 blue & White Bowles | .. 5..0 |
2 Sugar dishes & 1 cream pott | .. 2..0 |
4 Cups & Saucers | .. 7..0 |
2 Butter boats | .. 1..0 |
2 Flasks & 3 Salt sellers | .. 2..0 |
fifteen Vials | .. 3..0 |
12 large Green edg'd Plates | .. 6..0 |
12 small Green edg'd Plates | .. 3..6 |
3 large Queens China plates | .. 2..0 |
6 small Queens china plates | .. 1..0 |
1 Tin Can | .. 0..3 |
a Caster | ..10..0 |
a pair Lime Squeezers | .. 1..0 |
English Rawsom | .. 0..3 |
Seven Butter potts | .. 9..0 |
2 Earthen pans | .. 0..3 |
3 Queens China Dishes | .. 7..6 |
Six large Silver Spoons | 4..0..0 |
£95..3..3 | |
Five large Silver spoons | 4..0..0 |
Nine Silver Tea Spoons | ..15..0 |
1 pair Silver Sugar Tongs | .. 6..0 |
a water mug | .. 2..0 |
nine walnut chairs | 1..10..0 |
1 large arm ditto | ..15..0 |
1 small arm ditto | ..10..0 |
1 small walnut Table | .. 1..6 |
1 Iron Kettle | .. 4..0 |
1 spinning wheel old | .. 1..3 |
1 Chest of draws | 2..0..0 |
1 Case and 12 Bottles | .. 7..6 |
1 Tea Chest | .. 6..0 |
1 small looking Glass | .. 3..0 |
1 Tea Kettle | .. 7..6 |
One Walnut dressing Table | £0..12..0 |
1 small looking Glass | .. 6..0 |
1 large Chest | .. 5..0 |
supposed 118 lbs seed Cotton | 2..0..0 |
one bed & Bolster | |
bedstead Cord & Matt | 5..0..0 |
One bed 2 pillows bedstead Cord and under bed | 4..0..0 |
One bed & Boalster bedstead Cord and Hide | 3..0..0 |
Bed Curtains | 1..4..0 |
1 bell mettle Skillett | ..15..0 |
1 large bell mettle skillett | 1..4..0 |
1 Iron Skillett | .. 2..0 |
2 Chafen Dishes | .. 6..0 |
1 Coffee Pott | .. 1..0 |
£123..7..0 | |
one Coffee Pott | .. 1..0 |
one Pewter Quart Pott | .. 2..6 |
two pieces Chalk | .. 1..0 |
a Copper Kettle | 1..10..0 |
1 Funl Tin Can pipe Box & tea Cans &c | .. 2..0 |
1 Great Coat | 2..10..0 |
Nankeen & Virga Cloth | ..12..0 |
Spun Cotton & yarn | .. 2..0 |
1 Counterpin 1 Counterpin 1 Counterpin 1 Counterpin 1 Counterpin 1 Counterpin 1 Counterpin 1 Counterpin | 8..0..0 |
1 Bed Quilt | 1..0..0 |
1 Bed Quilt | 1..0..0 |
1 Cotton Sheet 1 Cotton Sheet 1 Cotton Sheet 1 Cotton Sheet 1 Cotton Sheet 1 Cotton Sheet | 3..10..0 |
1 Linen Sheet | .. 5..0 |
2 Pillow Cases | .. 1..0 |
2 Towells | .. 1..0 |
2 Blankets | 1..0..0 |
2 Blankets | 1..0..0 |
Three pair Window Curtains | ..12..0 |
Two Tyletts | .. 4..0 |
£147..0..6 | |
1 Bed Quilt unfinished | 1..0..0 |
1 small bed Quilt unfinish'd | ..15..0 |
Five Shoats at 10/ a piece | 2..10..0 |
one large Sow | £1..10..0 |
Five Pewter Plates | .. 8..0 |
Six Pewter Plates | .. 8..0 |
four Pewter Dishes | ..12..0 |
Five Pewter pottle Basons | .. 6..0 |
Five Pewter pint Basons | .. 3..0 |
Soap Jarr | ..10..0 |
1 pair carriage wheels | 3..0..0 |
1 Riding Chair | 4..0..0 |
1 pair And Irons | 3..0..0 |
1 pair And Irons | .. 2..0 |
1 pair And Irons | .. 5..0 |
1 pair Tongs | .. 2..0 |
1 Cow & Calf | 3..0..0 |
1 spotted Cow | 3..0..0 |
1 black Cow | 3..0..0 |
1 dark brindel Cow | 3..0..0 |
1 pair Cards | .. 1..6 |
1 old Case &c | .. 1..3 |
1 Umbrella | .. 0..9 |
1 old Canister | .. 0..3 |
five Rush Chairs | .. 5..0 |
1 whip saw &c | 2..5..0 |
a Lott of old Iron | .. 6..0 |
Two Oxen Chains | .. 6..0 |
a Lott of old Hoes | ..15..0 |
1 Iron Spitt | .. 1..3 |
£178..10..6 | |
a Lott of Carpenters Tools | .. 3..0 |
a Lott of Iron Boxes | .. 1..6 |
1 Large Stack of blade fodder | 1..1..0 |
Half a Stack of blade fodder | ..15..0 |
Inventory & Apprsmt Total of the personal estate | £181..0..0 |
Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of John Walker decd of York County taken this 20th day of April 1799 & 13th day of Decr 1799 by Philip Bullifant Charles Lewis & Wm Hankins appraisers being first duly sworn by a Justice of said County
Inventory and appraisemt | £ s d |
Five Barrels of Corn at 12/ ea | 3..0..0 |
five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..0..0 |
five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..0..0 |
five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..0..0 |
five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..0..0 |
five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..0..0 |
five Barrels of Corn at do | 3..0..0 |
five Barrels of Corn at do | £3..0..0 |
Half Barrel of Corn at do | .. 6..0 |
Half Barrel of Corn at do | .. 6..0 |
1 Yoke of two Draught Oxen | 9..0..0 |
1 Yoke of two draught Oxen | 9..0..0 |
1 Cow and Calf | 3..0..0 |
1 Brinded Cow | 3..0..0 |
1 Pide bull yearling | 1..10..0 |
1 Stack of blade fodder | ..16..0 |
1 Stack of blade fodder | 1..4..5 |
1 Stack of blade fodder | 1..4..5 |
1 Stack of blade fodder | ..10..7 |
1 Stack of Tops about 50 feet | 1..11..2 |
about 60 barrels of Shucks | 2..19..6 |
an ox Cart Chane, pin & Clery | 4..10..0 |
a Troath | .. 2..6 |
3 Tumbler Glasses | .. 1..0 |
£63.1..10 | |
Four Pewter plates | .. 4..0 |
Two pottle basons | .. 4..0 |
1 small Walnut Table | ..12..0 |
1 Corner Cupboard | .. 6..0 |
1 knife box 3 knives & 5 forks | .. 0..9 |
1 pair And Irons | .. 2..0 |
1 pair Tongs | .. 4..0 |
Two Flat Irons | .. 4..0 |
1 large pair Steelyards | .. 7..6 |
1 small pair Steelyards | .. 1..6 |
3 Tea Waiters | .. 2..0 |
1 Churn | .. 1..6 |
1 old Basket | .. 0..3 |
2 Candle Sticks & 1 pr Snuffers | .. 1..6 |
2 pickle potts | .. 3..0 |
1 pair Scales & weights | .. 6..0 |
1 Butter pott | .. 4..6 |
1 Lott of old Books | ..10..0 |
1 large Bible | ..15..0 |
Two dictionaries | ..12..0 |
twenty Pewter Candle moles | 1..0..0 |
two Gimblets | .. 1..0 |
1 Table Cloth | .. 1..6 |
1 Pott Rack & 1 pair Hooks | .. 8..0 |
1 Pott & Rack | .. 4..0 |
1 Dutch Oven | .. 6..0 |
1 Half bushel & 1 pale | .. 0..9 |
Two Raw Hides | .. 4..6 |
One Raw Calf's Hide | .. 4..6 |
Three brushes | .. 3..6 |
amt carried forward | £70..14..1 |
Inventory & appraismt cont do | £ s d |
amount brought forward | 70..14..1 |
a thirty Gallon Cask & Cyder | ..15..0 |
1 piece of Logwood | .. 0..6 |
One Grind Stone | .. 4..0 |
one Case &c | .. 0..9 |
3 Harth Brushes | .. 2..6 |
a three Gallon Jugg | .. 3..0 |
a two Gallon Jugg | .. 2..0 |
1 Half Gallon Jugg | .. 0..9 |
money scales &c | .. 1..0 |
2 pair money scales &c | .. 1..0 |
1 fine Hone | .. 2..0 |
Shaving Implements | .. 3..0 |
one Bed and Boalster | 3..0..0 |
3 Blankets 1 Bed Quilt & 2 Sheets | 4..0..0 |
1 Bedstead & Cord | .. 4..6 |
Two Axes | .. 2..6 |
four Hoes | .. 1..6 |
Grubing hoes | .. 4..6 |
1 Plough & barshire | .. 4..6 |
1 Iron Spill | .. 1..3 |
1 Empty Hogshead | .. 1..6 |
1 Empty Hogshead | .. 3..0 |
1 Empty Hogshead | .. 1..6 |
1 Empty thirty Gallon Cask | .. 1..3 |
a Lott of short & Rotten Corn | 1.. 4..0 |
One Gallon of Brandy | .. 5..2 |
five Gallons of Brandy | 4..5..10 |
One Trunk & Mrs. Walker's wearing apparel &c | 4..0..0 |
£84..11..1 | |
2 ¾ Bushels of peas at 3/ ea | .. 8..3 |
1 Lock to the Corn house | .. 8..3 |
1 Lock to the smoak house | .. 2..0 |
four barrels of short rotten & Shattered Corn at 7/6 pr bal | 1..10..0 |
Total of last personl apprmt | £86..12..4 |
of first personl apprmt | 181..0..0 |
Total of Inv: & appmt of the personal estate | £267..12..4 |
Amount of apprmt of 7 Negros from page the first & Column the first | 385..0..0 |
£652..12..4 |
Pursuant to an order of the Court of York County bearing date the 15th April 1799
we the subcribers having been first duly sworn have made the appraisement of the Esta of Jno Walker decd as appears in the first columns of the foregoing pages at two different periods to wit on the 20th of Aprl 1799 & on the 18th of Decr 1799 amounting in the whole to the sum of six hundred & fifty two pounds twelve shillings & four pence
Philip Bullifant
Chas Lewis
Wm Hankin
Returned into York County Court the 18th day of Jany 1802
and ordered to be recorded
R H Waller cyc