An Inventory and appraisemt of the estate of Mr Wm Weaver decd taken by us the Subscribers by virtue of an order of yorke Court Dated the 24th Day of June 1679 as it was presented unto us by Mr Humphrey Moddey and Mary his wife the Relict and Admr of the said Wm Weaver
£ S d | |
Imprmis John Holford haveing 3 yeares in Janry next to Serve | 12-00-00 |
Item George Wildey being free in febry next | 01-15-00 |
Item Katherine Liscom haveing 3 yeares the 25th of 8br next to Serve | 08-00-00 |
Item one old beat one old Saile a pr of oares and Skulls | 01-00-00 |
Item one longtakle & forme | 01-10-00 |
Item one pr of Andirons | 01-10-00 |
Item one fowling peice & a spare Lock | 01-05-00 |
Item one small pre of Stilyards one Spit and fire Shovell one pre of tongs one old Gridiron 2 pestles & a pr of potracks | 01-02-00 |
Item 2 Smoothing irons one iron posnett a pr of old billowes | 00-12-00 |
Item a warming pan a brasse chafen dish 2 brasse candlesticks a brasse pestle & morter & a brasse Ladle | 01-12-00 |
Item 2 large brasse Skilletts | 00-10-00 |
Item 2 frying pans & a pr of Snuffers | 00-05-00 |
Item one drawing knife 1 handsaw one Iron Ladle a Lathing hammer a sickle 4 wedges a cross cut Saw one cutting knife all old | 00-19-00 |
Item one brasse kettle about 20 gall | 01-05-00 |
Item 2 Iron potts & an iron kettle | 01-05-00 |
Item 2 old cowches | 00-08-00 |
It 4 pailes 1 piggin a washing tubb 2 old Sifters | 00-10-00 |
Item 3 old hhds & a small chest | 00-17-00 |
Item an old kirbe bitt, a snaffle 1000 6d nailes | 00-06-00 |
Item 5 weeding howes | 00-08-00 |
Item 3 hilling howes | 00-03-03 |
Item three chests wth locks & keyes | 01-07-00 |
Item 11 milke trayes 2 sifting trayes | 00-08-00 |
Item one old powdring tubb | 00-04-00 |
Item a pcell of old Lumber caske | 00-11-00 |
Item one lanthorne & tyn Dripping pan | 00-02-00 |
Item one old Saddle Stirrups reins & hedstall | 00-12-00 |
Item a pcell of yarne | 00-04-08 |
Item a pcell of hobnailes & sadle tacks | 00-01-00 |
Item a pcell of thred & Leather buttons | 00-02-06 |
Item a pcell of whited browne & finer thred & a little Silke | 00-10-00 |
Item a pr of childrens Shoes | 00-01-00 |
Item a Raiser Hone & pen knife | 00-05-00 |
Item a pcell of Spice | 00-01-00 |
It a 3 square file | 00-01-00 |
It a smal dram Cupp & a little Inke | 00-02-06 |
Item 11 yds of sad coloured Kersey at 3S 6d | 00-03-06 |
It 7 Ells ¾ of course Linen at 9d p ell | 00-05-09 |
Item 7 Ells of Canvas | 00-07-00 |
Item 5 yds & ½ of Dimity | 00-04-04 |
Item 11 Ells of Canvas | 00-11-00 |
Item 12 yds of cotten | 01-00-00 |
Item 12 pr of Irish hose | 00-12-00 |
Item 5 pr of plaine Shoes | 00-12-06 |
Item a doz of pewter plates | 00-15-00 |
Item 14 porrengers | 00-12-00 |
It 3 Saltsellers & 2 small pewter beakers | 00-08-00 |
It 12 alcamy Spoones | 00-02-06 |
It 2 Tankards 2 chamber potts a pewter bottle | 00-08-00 |
It 4 rould bottles | 00-03-00 |
It 6 pewter dishes weighing 30 oz. | 01-10-00 |
Item 2 old pewter basons | 00-02-00 |
It 3 tun of Virg tobo hhds | 01-10-00 |
Item one caster & case | 00-16-00 |
Item one feather bed one bolster two pillows a worsted rug curtaines vallons bedstead & cord 2 blanketts | 08-00-00 |
Item one featherbed one bolster apillowe one worsted rug bedstead & cord | 06-00-00 |
Item one diaper tablecloaths & a doz Napkins | 01-15-00 |
Item 3 pr of sheets 3 pr pillow beers | 02-02-00 |
Item a Canvas table cloath & a small flaxen table cloath 4 towells | 00-06-00 |
Item a new Canvas bag | 00-02-00 |
Item a Silver tobo box | 01-05-00 |
73-05-02 |
one steere about 4 yeares old severn cowes & calves about 7 yeares old two 3 yeare old heifers one calfe two 2 yeare old Steres two yearling Steares five yeareling heifers one bull about 3 yeare old five two yeare old heifers |
One Mare about 7 yeare old one mare & fole by her side about 6 yeare old two yearling mare colts one horse colt about a yeare old one horse about 5 yeare old one very old mare |
Jno Myhill
William Wade } being sworne before
Mr Tho Barbar
John (IS) Sanders
Humphrey Moodey
Mary (~) Moodey
Sworne to in Court and for a further discovery if any shall appeare to be found hereafter the 11th of August 1679 and is recorded
p Rich Awborne Cl Cur