In Obedience to an Order of York County Court bearing Date the 17th day of June 1754 We the Appraisers being Sworn have Appraised the Estate of Mary Wilmot decd. as far as hath been to us shewn in form following Vizt.
A Bed a Bolster a pair of Sheets 2 Rugs a Bedstead a Hide and a Bed cord | £2.. 3..0 |
3 old Iron Pots an Earthen Jarr a Spit a Water Pail | 0..12..0 |
Some old Lumber | 0.. 1..0 |
3 Shoats | 0.. 9..0 |
A Mare | 1.. 6..0 |
5 Cows 3 Yearlings & 2 Calves | 11.. 0..0 |
£15..11..0 |
Abrm Nicholas
Matthw. Moody
Fips Jackson
Returned into York County Court the 19th day of August 1754 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: