In obedience to an order of yorke Court bearing test at yorke febry 24th 1678/9 We the subscribers have according to our oath taken to the best of our understandings and Consciences appraised the estate of Mr. Andrew Winter being first sworne to in Court
Wearing apparell | Tob C |
One Dublet coat breeches black & a hatt | 0300 |
A parcell of worne cloathes | 0150 |
foure worne shirts 1 pillow beir 6 pre of old worne drawers 1 pre of old thred stockens | 0150 |
foure old Neckcloaths, 4 old handkercheifs 2 pr of cuffes & seven bands | 0030 |
One old trunke wth Lock and key | 0050 |
Two mens Saddles and furniture | 0200 |
foure pre of shoes 4 pr Stockens worne | 0050 |
A prcell of very old wearing apparrell | 0060 |
A pr of old[illegible]an old pr of[illegible]one hammer two old horne Combs & a Cane | 0030 |
One Bason | 0015 |
A Chest wth Lock & key & some small inconsiderable things in it | 0100 |
An old phisick chest wth Empty | 0300 |
A prcell of New Bookes | 0300 |
Severall Composicons of Medicines & untensills thereto appteyning in our Jndgmts wth the potts & glasses | 1200 |
A case of Instrumts and Salvatory & a case of Lancetts | 0200 |
One horse of a Darke browne | 0900 |
One pr of Cordevant Gloves | 0020 |
in ready money £0:7S: 6d | 4045 |
Thomas Bushell p bill | 0939 |
William Chase p bill | 0400 |
Wm Gascoiyne p bill | 0200 |