An Inventorie of the estate of Jno Youngman Decd as it was given to me the subscriber by Jonathan Ratleft mate to the Decd Youngman
Item to one old bed ½ feathers ½ flocks |
one old Rug and blankett |
one old Curtanes & Vallines |
one bolster; |
Ditto one ffelt old. |
2 yds and ½ of peneston |
4 doz of Gempe Buttons |
one old Neckloath |
one old Blew Shirt |
Ditto |
one Dimety Coate & breeches one old |
two paire of old Shoes |
one old Cloath Coat & breeches |
3 old books |
3 ffishing lines |
2 old Axes |
1 old handsaw |
1 old drawing knife |
2 old hoes |
Ditto |
To 1 old Chest small one |
one old horne Combe |
[one qrter Caske] |
1 old table |
1 old milking tray |
1 young Steare 2 yeare & ½ old |
1 hefer of the same age |
1 Steare 3 yeare & ½ old to be divided |
1 Corne barrel |
Augt the 23th 1680
Jonathan (R) Ratelife
Humphrey Moodey
This is at true Inventory of whate estate belongs to Jno Youngman this 24th Augt 1680
Sworne to in Court and is Recorded
Test R A Cl Cur Ebor