July 9th 1705 An Inventory of the Residue of the estate of Owen Davis deceast taken & apprased by us the Subscribers in Obedience to an Order of York County court continued the 24th June 1705 Vizt.
one two years old heyfer | 01 00 00 |
to a parcell of Imperfect books | 00 15 00 |
to two quire of writing paper and a paper book | 00 04 00 |
to three Hare Combs & ynk horn | 00 01 00 |
to 3 pr of Specticles & a Small looking glass | 00 05 06 |
to 4 lancetts & a pr of horse flemes | 00 05 06 |
one pr of marking Irons & powder horn | 00 04 00 |
two pr of siszars two old rasors & a hone | 00 04 00 |
two bras boxes one pr of Coo Cards & one pr of wool cards | 00 03 06 |
a parcel of trenchers six diaper Napkins two table cloths | 01 01 03 |
nine linnen Napkins & table cloth & two worn dowlace Shirts | 00 18 00 |
one pr of Taylors Shears one pr of Sheeps shears | 00 03 00 |
one feather bed & fruniture | 00 08 15 |
two reap hooks one frow a prcell of old barrels one chest & grindstone | 00 12 06 |
a prcell of Bottles pots & Jarrs one quern & two old hoggs | 02 16 00 |
one copper Still & copper furnace | 07 10 00 |
one mare of 4 years old | 02 15 00 |
the smiths tools & yron that is in the Shop | 15 00 00 |
Seaven pound of hops 13 pound of too[...] | 00 11 04 |
43 04 07 |
John Forgason I [mark]
Errors excepd Henry Hayward
John Drewry
John Tomer
At a Court held for York County July the 24th 1705
The above inventory & Apraisment of Owen Davis Estate was then presented in Court by John Forgason Exector. of the sd Owen on Oath & according to Order is Recorded
P Wm Tunley Cl Cure