Agreeable to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York bearing date the 20th day of April 1789 We the Subscribers (being first sworn) Proceeded to appraise the Estate of Ann Nicolson deced in Currt: Money as follows Vizt
May 1st 1789 Negro Hanna | £65..0..0 |
Wonner | 70..0..0 |
Pegg | 50..0..0 |
Peyton | 40..0..0 |
James | 20..0..0 |
Beck | 20..0..0 |
£265..0..0 |
John Hayes
Thos Blacknall
John Blacknall
Returned into York County Court the 15th day of June 1789 and Ordered to be Recorded
Examd. Ro: H: Waller Cl Cur: