Aprill the 22th 1687. In obedience to the Order of York Court wee under written being Sworne by Mr Wm Booth one of his Majties Justices for York County have Appraised the Estate of Robert Rosse Deceased
£ S d | |
Imprs Two old ffeather beds and bolsters and apeice of a Rugg | 02:05:00 |
one old Iron Kettle, one Bellmettle Scillett three old Iron potts one ffrying pan, one Spitt, one pestle, two paire of potthooks one Iron Hooke, one paire of Tongs | 01:15:00 |
Two old Gunnes | 01:00:00 |
Two hide Sifters 17 Milke trayes, 3 payles one butter tubb, one Couch, one bridell and Saddell, two hides one forme, two Crosscutt Sawes, three Narrow Axes being all old | 01:00:00 |
Two old Chests three Iron wedges, one old Syder hhd 1 old Tubb | 00:13:00 |
one broad ax, one Carpenters Adds, one hollow Adds, one drawing knife, one Trowell, two Hamers, one fflayle, two Reaphookes one Sickle, 200 and odd of nailes, two Dripping pans, two Pewter dishes 3 plates, 1 tankard, 1 porringer, 1 Spade, all old but nailes, 1 Coopers Round Shaw, one grubbing how, one one ffrowe and one Auger | 00:07:06 |
A parcell of old Iron, two old ffiles, two old Broad trayes, a two gallo Rundlett, two old weeding howes, one old hilling how, one old box, one Gigg | 00:04:00 |
one Stuffe waistcoate and petticoate, one old Searge Jackett one petticoate, one Childs Stuffe Coate, one Searge blankett for a Child, and one old Shirt | 01:10:00 |
one Knott of Drum line, one payre of bridle Raignes & headStall 3 girths 1 Doe Skin one payre of old yarne Gloves, one old Caster hatt, one Ivory Combe, & Case, one old pillowbeare, one old Carsey Coate, one old bagg, a ¼ pcll of thred | 00:07:00 |
one Halberd, and Simmeter and Belt | 00:05:00 |
one old Cart and wheeles Answerable doble hookes & Staples Sinker and Staple, one Bushell & ½ of Salt & an old tubb, 3 Bushells of wheat and an old Cask, ffower barrells of Corne, one Cutting knife, one Grindstone | 02:00:00 |
Thomas Curson
Robert Kerby
Anthony Robinson
May the 10th 1687
Then Recorded
Test J Sedgwicke D Cl Cur