An Inventory of the Remaining part of the Estate of Robert Crawley dec'd To Witt--
To a Cross Cutt Saw | 00 05 00 |
To a pcell of Cart Wheel Irons | 06 00 00 |
To a parcell of old Iron | 00 08 00 |
To 3 old sives att | 01 06 00 |
To a parcell of table lining | 00 08 00 |
To nine [clipt] shillings | 00 09 00 |
To 2 pair Sheep Shears | 00 01 00 |
To a baskett | 00 01 00 |
To 2 pair Cards att | 00 01 06 |
To 3 pair mans falls | 00 10 06 |
To 1 pair womans shoes 2 pr Childrens | 00 06 00 |
To 1 Smothing Iron | 00 01 00 |
To 1 old Adds, 1 howell | 00 02 00 |
To one Capp att | 00 01 00 |
To [Awgr.], 4 barking Irons | 00 04 00 |
To 3 sides lether att | 00 15 00 |
To 13 Ells Virginia lining | 00 15 00 |
To 5 Ells dowlis | 00 12 00 |
To 1 doz pewter Spoons | 00 02 00 |
To one [torn] | 00 01 06 |
To one [torn] skellit att | 00 01 00 |
To 34 [torn] | 00 15 00 |
To [illegible] | 00 10 00 |
12 09 06 |
James Whaley
Robert Bee
Ambrose Cobbs
A list of bills due to the estate of Robert Crawley, deced,
To a bill of Ann Sebright | To a bill of Emanel Coest |
To Mr. Weldon's bill money | To William Harrison's bill |
To a bill of John Gulson | To a bill of John Tillett |
To a bill of William White | To a bill of Phill. Ryan |
To a bill of David Johnson | To a bill of Thomas Ellison |
To a note of Coman's | To Tim: Pinkethman's bill |
To William Debell's bill | To a bill of Robert West |
To a bill of Giles Bowers |
Nathaniel Crawley
Robert Crawley
York County Court June 24 1698:
The above inventory was then produced & sworn to in ct by the above named Nathaniel & Robert Crawley and is recorded. Test: Wm. Sedgwick Cl Cur.