Until the year 1775, except for the 175-1762 period of the French and Indian War—when a special Virginia Regiment was raised for the defense of 2 the Colony,1 and recruits were also enlisted for the "Royal American Regiment,"2— the military force of the Virginia Colony consisted of bodies of militia in each county, and in the several cities and boroughs. Numerous acts were passed by the General Assembly of Virginia during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries concerning the recruiting and training of the militia. An act of 1757, for recruiting able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 60, to serve in the militia of each county,3 was still in effect, with a few minor amendments and changes, in 1771, when it was continued for a fourth time.4
Neither clothing nor uniforms were mentioned in the act of 1757, nor in the several subsequent acts amending and continuing it (1759, 1762, 1766, 1771),5 but accoutrements were specified. Every soldier must be furnished with "a firelock well fixed, a bayonet fitted to the same, a double cartouch-box, and three charges of powder," with which he must always appear at the place appointed for muster and exercise.6 The officers were furnished as follows:
each "county lieutenant, colonel, lieutenant-colonel, major with a sword; and every captain and lieutenant with a firelock and a sword, and every ensign with a cutting-sword; every corporal and serjeant with a cutting-sword and halbert."7
The militia act of 1757 (which was continued in 1771 for two more years) specified that nothing in that act should extend "to the inhabitants of the city of Williamsburg or borough of Norfolk, so as to oblige them to muster or serve in the militia out of the said city or borough," but that such inhabitants should be "inlisted and trained in a manner...directed by the acts of Assembly made in the ninth and twelfth years of the reign of his late majesty king George."8 As these acts merely referred to the manner of recruiting, and to exemptions,9 the regulations of 1757-1771 as to accoutrements evidently applied to Williamsburg and Norfolk as well as to the counties.
By 1774 the situation between the British-American colonies and the Mother Country was reaching a crisis. In May, 1774, Lord Dunmore, the governor of Virginia, dissolved the General Assembly for passing resolutions protesting the British decision to close the Port of Boston with an armed force. Delegates to this Assembly (members of the House of Burgesses which, with the Governor's Council, formed the legislative and executive branches of government) immediately reassembled at the Raleigh Tavern in Williamsburg, and signed a non-importation association, and passed resolutions calling for committees of correspondence; and a general congress of delegates from all the colonies.10
A General Congress met in Philadelphia in September, 1774, and elected Peyton Randolph of Williamsburg its first President.11 Congress met again in 1775, and in the spring and summer of this year took steps to protect the colonies against British attack. On May 26, 1775, hostilities having been "actually commenced in the Massachusetts bay, by the British troops," it was unanimously resolved that the "colonies be immediately put into a state of defence."12 On
June 14th, the Congress resolved that "six companies of expert rifflemen be immediately raised in Pensylvania, two in Maryland, and two in Virginia; that each company consist of a captain, three lieutenants, four serjeants, four corporals, a drummer or trumpeter, and sixty-eight privates." As soon as completed, the companies were to march to join "the army near Boston, there to be employed as light infantry, under the command of the chief Officer in that army." The pay of these soldiers was established by Congress, and they were "to find their own arms and cloaths."13 On the two following days, George Washington was unanimously elected, and accepted, the appointment to be "general and com[mander] in chief to take the supreme sand of the forces raised and to be raised, in defence of American liberty."14
In Virginia, in August 1774, a Convention of Delegates had met in Williamsburg to elect and instruct the Virginia delegates to the General Congress. Subsequent Conventions of Delegates, with the help of the Committee of Safety which was appointed, continued to regulate the affairs of the colony for the next two years, meeting several times, in either Richmond or Williamsburg, during 1775 and 1776. Meeting at St. John's Church in Richmond in March, 1775, the Convention passed a bill to put the colony "into a Posture of Defence," by preparing "a Plan for the Embodying, Arming, and Disciplining such a Number of Men as may be sufficient for that Purpose." Patrick Henry, whose "Is Life so dear, or Peace so sweet..." speech was made to this Conventionn5was the first named on a committee of twelve gentlemen to prepare this plan.15 In April, 1775, Lord Dunmore ordered the removal of the Colony's "small stock of gunpowder from the public magazine" at Williamsburg, and the "stripping of their locks a great number of public arms."16 The Virginians;. reaction to this order resulted in Dunmore's flight, in June, 1775, from the Palace in Williamsburg, to an armed British warship in York River, and his subsequent war upon the colonists he had governed.17
In 1775-1776, Virginia Conventions of Delegates passed ordinances to raise regular troops, minute-men, militia, troops of horse, etc., and established
a general Committee of Safety (there were also county committees) to aid in directing these matters, and in establishing a commissary of stores and a publf8 store, a gun manufactory, shipyard, salt works, military hospitals, etc.18 The last convention which met from May 6 through July 5, 1776, drew up a Declaration of Rights,19 a plan of government, or constitution, for the State of Virginia, elected Patrick Henry its 2rst governor,20 and decided
upon a seal for the Commonwealth of Virginia.21 Then the government of Virginia passed again to a General Assembly, this time composed of a House of Delegates and a Senate, both described in the new constitution. The Convention of Delegates also appointed a Privy Council consisting of eight men,22 to replace the old Governor's Council.
Our concern in this report being the troops raised in Virginia in 1775-1776 and their clothing and accoutrements—which were supplied from the Public Store in Williamsburg for the first several years of the war--we will briefly summarize the acts or ordinances of the Virginia Conventions of Delegates which dealt with those matters.
1775: The Virginia Convention of Delegates which met in Richmond from July 17-August 26, 1775, passed as its first ordinance "An Ordinance for raising and embodying a sufficient force for the defence and protection of this Colony."23 This ordinance directed the immediate enlisting of "two regiments complete, to consist of one thousand and twenty privates rank and file." The First Regiment was to be made up of 544 privates, under "the command of a colonel, lieutenant-colonel, and a major, eight captains, sixteen lieutenants, eight ensigns, twenty four serjeants, eight drummers, and eight fifers." The Second Regiment
was to consist of 1476 privates, under similar command, with one less captain, ensign, drummer and fifer, two less lieutenants, and three less serjeants. Each regiment was to be allowed a chaplain, paymaster, adjutant, quartermaster, surgeon, two surgeons mates, and a serjeant-major.24 The colonel, lieutenant-colonel, and major of each regiment was elected by the Convention, and the pay of officers and soldiers established.25 Each enlisted soldier in these two regiments was to be supplied at public expense with "one good musket and bayonet, cartouch box, or pouch, and canteen"; but until such muskets could be provided, each should bring with him "the best gun, of any other sort," those acting as riflemen to bring rifles, that could be procured, for which he would be allowed twenty shillings a year. Each common soldier "not already sufficiently provided, in the opinion of his commanding officer," was to be "furnished with sufcient clothing, at the expense of the publick, to be deducted out of his pay."26 Every commissioned and staff officer was to be allowed a tent, and every two serjeants, and every two corporals a tent. Every six privates were to be allowed "a proper and sufficient tent" and each company was to be provided with "one bell tent," at public expense.27
This act also ordered the enlisting of other forces in the Colony: two companies were to be raised "consisting each of one captain, three lieutenants, one ensign, four sergeants, two drummers, and two fifers, a one hundred men rank and file" to protect the inhabitants on the frontiers. The Colony was divided into sixteen districts, and it was further ordered that there be enlisted out of the regular county militia of the Colony, sixteen battalions of minute-men, to be "more strictly trained to proper discipline than hath been hitherto customary."29 Except for the counties of Accomack and Northampton, whose battalion of minute-men was to be larger, the other fifteen districts were each to enlist "five hundred men rank and file, from the age of sixteen to fifty, to be divided into ten companies of fifty men each, who are to be under command of a colonel, lieutenant-colonel, and major, ten captains, ten lieutenants, ten ensigns, and twenty serjeants"; each company to be allowed a drummer and fifer, and each battalion a chaplain, adjutant, quarter-master,
surgeon, two surgeons mates, and a serjeant-major. The district which included the City of Williamsburg was made up as follows: "...the counties of Culpeper, York, James City, the city of Williamsburg, and the counties of Charles City and. New-Kent."30 The minute men were to be furnished with "proper arms at publick expense," and until Such could be provided each must bring with him the best gun he could procure, for which he was to be allowed twenty shillings a year. Each minute man not already furnished, was to be provided at public expense with "one hunting shirt and pair of leggins." As in the case of the two regular regiments, tents were to be provided: one for each "commissioned and staff officer, one for every two serjeants, one for a drummer and fifer," one for every six privates, and a "bell tent" for every company.31
The county militia law having expired, the ordinance further directed that "the remainder of the militia not included in the minute-men should be armed, accoutred, trained, and disciplined, in the best manner the circumstances of the country will admit of"; every militia man was to "furnish himself with a good rifle, if to be had, or otherwise with a tomahawk, common firelock, bayonet, pouch, or cartouch box, three charges of powder and ball" and to appear with the same at the place and time appointed for mustering.32
The ordinance further directed that "the exercise to be performed throughout the several battalions and companies shall be that recommended by his majesty in the year 1764."33 The Williamsburg printers, John Dixon and William Hunter) soon announced that "THE MANUAL EXERCISE, As ordered by His Majesty in the Year 1764…" would be printed; and in July 1775, announcement was made that it was "Just Published—Price one Shilling."
The Convention of Delegates gave further details for enlisting, training, etc.,the troops to be raised in Virginia by this first ordinance, and also in a second ordinance "...for the better government of the forces to
be raised..."35 In a third ordinance the Convention appointed a Committee of Safety to help carry out the problems of defence; and in a sixth, directed that "a manufactory of arms be erected near Fredericksburg…"30
Events began to move rapidly before the meeting of the next Convention of Delegates. The convention had appointed Patrick Henry colonel of the First Regiment of Regulars, and also "commander in chief of all the forces to be raised for the protection and defence of this colony."37 Henry arrived in Williamsburg in September, 1775, to "make choice of a proper spot for an encampment" of the forces which would "begin to assemble in a very short time."38 On September 29th the Gazette gave notice that a "camp is now marked out, behind the college; tents, and other camp equipage, are getting ready with the utmost expedition; and the troops, from the different counties, are on their march for this city."39 On October 7, 1775, the Gazette stated that "...Of regulars, there are now five companies here, viz. Captain Markham's from Amelia district, Captain Johnson's from Prince William, Captain Sears's, from Gloucester, Captain Green's (all riflmen) from Culpeper, and Captain Nicholas's, of the Elizabeth City district."40
The ordinance of this July-August 1775 Convention of Delegates which concerned the raising of two regiments of regulars and of minute-men, and the regulating of the county militia, also directed that the Committee of Safety appointed by the Convention should select "…some fit person, or persons, to provide arms and accoutrements, clothes, waggons, tents, and bedding, upon the best and cheapest terms, and also to appoint one or more commissaries or contractors; who are hereby required to use all possible despatch in purchasing such provisions as shall be necessary for the army, and in laying of the same in such convenient place, or places, as may best suit their different stations and marches." 41
William Aylett became the commissary of supplies, with the principal
Public Store located in Williamsburg, where it remained until the Virginia seat of government moved to Richmond in 1780.42 On October 7, 1775, William Aylett advertised as follows in The Virginia Gazette:
CAMP KETTLES, either Tin or Brass, to hold about three Gallons; a large Quantity of DUCKING, or RUSSIA DRAB, for Tents; OSNABRUGS, for Hunting-Shirts; CHECKS, coarse white LINEN, or Country made LINEN, for under Shirts; also BLANKETS and coarse STOCKINGS. Any Person who has any of the above Articles for Sale will be pleased to inform me
by Letter, per Post, directed to be lodged at the Post Office, Aylettts.--CANTEENS are also much wanted, and it is requested of the respective Committees [of Safety in the counties] to make immediate Inquiry after those taken from the Magazine, and contrive them to the Head Quarters; not omitting those that are damaged, which may be repaired.--I will also give ready Money for any Quantity of SALTPETRE, SULPHUR, or LEAD.
SPADES, SHOVELS, and JATTOCKS, are also wanted. Those who have them will apply as above."
There were changes made in the sixteen districts as outlined by the Virginia Convention of Delegates during their May 6-July 5, 1775 meeting. As noted, the Convention divided the colony into sixteen districts for the purpose of raising regular forces, and battalions of minutemen; and the city of Williamsburg was included by the Convention in one district with Culpeper, York, James City, Charles City, and New Kent counties [see page 6 and note 30.] By September, 1775, the district including the city of Williamsburg had dropped Culpeper County, and added Elizabeth City and Warwick counties: it consisted of Elizabeth City, Warwick, York, James City, Charles City, and New Kent counties, and the city of Williamsburg. On September 11 and 12, 1775, deputies from these last-named counties and from Williamsburg met at the courthouse in Williamsburg, appointed Robert Carter Nicholas of Williamsburg (treasurer of the Virginia Colony) chairman of the district, and William Russell, of Williamsburg, clerk of the meeting. The deputies then proceeded to appoint officers in the regular service for the district, who were to proceed to enlist regulars to rendezvous in Williamsburg; and also stipulated the number of men to be supplied as the minute-men from each county, and from Williamsburg, in the district; and named the battalion and company officers. An account of the resolutions of this September 11-12 meeting of the deputies appeared in The Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, Dixon & Hunter, eds.) for September 16, 1775:
Then the committee proceeded to the choice of officers in the regular service for this district, and nominated the following Gentlemen:
George Nicholas, Esq; Captain; Mr. Beverley Dickson, 1st Lieutenant; Mr. Thomas Russell, 2d Lieutenant; and Mr. Merritt Moore, Ensign.
Resolved, that it be recommended to the officers so appointed to proceed with the utmost expedition to inlist within this destrict [sic] one company of regulars, to consist of 68 men, rank and file; that they rendezvous with the said company in the city of Williamsburg, when enlisted, until further orders of the committee of safety.
Tuesday, Sept. 12, 1775.
The committee proceeded to take under their consideration the proper arrangement of minute men, to be enlisted in this district, pursuant to an ordinance of the General Convention, and came to the following resolution.
Resolved, that there be enlisted, in the county of Elizabeth City one company of 50 men, rank and file; in the county of Warwick one other company of 50; in the county of York two companies of 50 each; in the county of James City one company of 50; in the county of New Kent two companies of 50 each; in the county of Charles City two companies of 50 each; and in the city of Williamsburg one company of 50, to be commanded by their proper officers.
The following Gentlemen were then appointed officers.
Champion Travis, Esq; Colonel of the battalion; Hugh Nelson, Esq; Lieutenant Colonel; and Samuel Harwood, Esq; Major. Mr. John Cary, Captain of the company to be raised in Elizabeth City; Mr. John King, Lieutenant; and Mr. Joseph
Selden, jun. Ensign. Mr. Richard Cary, Captain of the company to be raised in Warwick county; Mr. Thomas Haynes, Lieutenant; and Mr. Josiah Massenburg, Ensign. Mr. William S. Sclater, Captain of one of the companies to be raised in York county; Mr. Callohill Minnis, jun. Lieutenant; and Mr. Edward Howard, Ensign. Mr. William Goosley, Captain of the other company to be raised in York county; Mr. Thomas Harwood, Lieutenant; and Mr. Frederick Bryan, Ensign. Mr. John Walker, Captain of the company to be raised in James City; Mr. William Johnson, Lieutenant; and Mr. Henry Brown, Ensign. Mr. Furnea Southall, Captain of one of the companies to be raised in Charles City; Mr. Edward Marrable, Lieutenant; and Mr. John Bell, Ensign. John Tyler, Esq.; Captain of the other company for Charles City; Mr. Stith Hardyman, Lieutenant; and Peter Dunn, Ensign. Mr. Thomas Massie, Captain of one of the companies to be raised in New Kent; Mr. Henry Finch, Lieutenant; and Mr. Samuel Manning, Ensign. Mr. Andrew Anderson, Captain of the other company to be raised in New Kent; Mr. Walter Hopkins, Lieutenant; and Mr. William Armistead, jun. Ensign. Mr. Robert Anderson, Captain of the company to be raised in the city of Williamsburg; Mr. Humphrey Harwood, Lieutenant; and Mr. William Rowsay, Ensign.
Resolved, that James Bray Johnson, Gentleman, be appointed Commissary of Musters for this district.
Resolved, that the place of general rendezvous for the battalion of this district be in the neighbourhood of the city of Williamsburg.
Resolved, that public notice be given, to such persons as may be willing to contract for supplying the battalion of this district with necessary provisions, to give in their proposals to the Chairman of this committee, in writing; and that the said Chairman, together with members of James City, York, and Williamsburg, or any six of them, do, in the mean time, as occasion may require, contract with proper persons to supply any company or detachment of minute men, who may, upon any emergency, be called out to actual service.
It being represented to this committee, that a number of field-pieces have been lately brought to the city of Williamsburg; and the committee being of opinion, that it is necessary the same should be properly mounted and taken care of, offer it, as their opinion, to the Committee of Safety, that a proper person be appointed for that purpose; and take the liberty of recommending Mr. William Finnie, as a Gentleman who hath distinguished himself by his activity and zeal in the cause of the country."
1775-1776: The next Virginia Convention of Delegates met in Richmond on December 1, 1775, but adjourned to reconvene at the Capitol in Williamsburg on December 5, 1775. It sat through January 15, 1776, concerning itself chiefly with increasing the forces, because of Lord Dunmore's "many hostile attacks upon the good people of this colony, and attempts to infringe their rights and liberties, by his proclamation declaring freedom to our servants and slaves, and arming them against us,..." This statement was made in "An Ordinance for raising additional number of forces for the defence and protection of this colony,…"44 The two regiments formerly raised were to be "augmented, by the addition of three hundred and eighty two men, to be divided into five companies, consisting of sixty men each rank and file," two of these companies to be added to the First Regiment, and three to the Second Regiment. Six other complete regiments were to be raised, composed of ten companies of sixty-eight men each rank and file (three of which companies in each regiment to consist of riflemen, to act as light infantry); each company was to have a captain, two lieutenants, an ensign, four serjeants, and a drummer and fifer--all under the command of a colonel, lieutenant-colonel, and major.45 Further instructions and directions were given in the ordinance concerning the battalions of minute-men, and the companies guarding the frontiers,46 and the following instructions were given as to clothing and accoutrements:
"...the soldiers to be enlisted, and the several serjeants appointed...shall, at the expense of the publick, be furnished each with one good musket and bayonet, cartouch box, or pouch and canteen; and until such musket can be provided that they bring with them the best gun of any other sort that they can procure;
and that they also bring with them (if to be had) one blanket each, and that such as are to act as riflemen bring with them one good rifle and tomahawk, each to be approved by their captain, for the use of which guns they shall be allowed as follows, to wit: For the smoothbores, or muskets, after the rate of 20s. and for the rifles and tomahawks after the same rate by the year, and for the blanket so much as by the judgment of any field-officer of his regiment the same shall be considered worth at the time it is produced. That each common soldier, not already sufficiently provided, in the opinion of his commanding-officer, shall be provided with sufficient clothing, at the expense of the publick, to be deducted out of his pay, and also be allowed by the publick a hunting shirt, a pair of leggins, and binding for his hat. "47
This ordinance also ordered that "one company of artillery be forthwith raised…"; and that the Committee of Safety should also provide as many armed vessels as they might judge necessary for the protection of "the several rivers in this colony."48
1776: We have already mentioned the principal activities of the last Convention of Delegates, which met in Williamsburg May 6--July 5, 1776, and produced a "Declaration of Rights," a Constitution for the new State of Virginia, elected Patrick Henry its first governor, and appointed his Privy Council.49
Patrick Henry resigned his commission as Commander in Chief of the Virginia troops. It was announced in the Gazette for March 1, 1776, that he, being about to leave the troops in Williamsburg, "...the whole went into deep mourning, and, being under arms, waited on him at his lodgings," where an address was made to him, to which he replied. After this he joined the officers for dinner at the Raleigh Tavern, before departing from Williamsburg.50 The Gazette for April 5, 1776, announced the arrival of his successor at Headquarters in Williamsburg: "On Wednesday last brigadier-general ANDREW LEWIS arrived at head-quarters in this city."51
An "Orderly Book of that Portion of the American Army Stationed at or near Williamsburg, Va., under the command of General Andrew Lewis," (covering the period from March 18-August 28, 1776) has survived, which gives some information on the dress and accoutrements of the Virginia troops, and their officers, at the outset of the war.52
The first entry, dated "Williamsburg. Head Quarters, March 18th, 1776," ordered that the officers of companies were "immediately to make return to the Commanding Officers of the number of Men in their Company who are furnished with Cartouch Boxes, Powder Horns and Shot Pouches, also the number who are not provided."53
An entry dated Williamsburg Headquarters, March 28, 1776, recommended that all officers should view their men "warned for Guard and see that their Beards are close shav'd and as clean and decently dressed as their situation will allow."54
Another recommendation from "Williamsburg. Head Quarters, April 3rd, 1776," was as follows:
"It is recommended to the Colonels to make their men appear as uniform as possable in their Dress, that their Hatts shall be cut, all cocked in Fassion, that their Hair be likewise cut exactly the same length. When the Regiment are under Arms, the Officers to appear in their Hunting shirts;55 the Officers as well as men to die their shirts in an uniform manner. These attentials may appear Trivial, but they are in fact of considerable importance, as they tend to give what is call'd Esprit de Corps, without which Regiments never grow to Reputation.
R.O. The Captains of the 6th Battallion, together with the other Officers, are immediately to provide themselves with Hunting Shirts, short and fringed; the men's shirts to be short and plain, the Sergeants' shirts to have a small white Cuffs [sic] & plain; the Drummers' shirts to be with dark Cuffs. Both Officers & Soldiers to have Hatts cut round and Bound with black; the Brims of their Hatts to be 2 inches deep & cocked on one side, with a Button & Loop & Cockades, which is to be worn on the left. Neither men nor Officers to do duty in any other Uniform. The Officers & Soldiers are to ware their Hair short & as near a like as possable.56
From Williamsburg Headquarters on April 19, 1776, it was ordered that an officer of the different companies was each day to see that the men "warnd for guard" were "Paraded and marched to the General parade by a Serjant by good time." Also an officer was to "examine their arms and see that they were in good order, and likewise to "see that the mens heads are combed, their hatts
Cock'd agreeable to former orders, their Bairds shaved Close, their woes Cleaned, in every respect as neat as their sircumstance will allow."57
On May 8, 1776, the following entry was made concerning the officers:
"It was established by General Washington as a marke of Distinction, that the General officers and Aidecamps, Major Brigade might be known by the Soldiers, the Major General should were [sic] purple or blew Ribband, the Brigade General a pink or light Red, the staff, comprehending the Adjutant General, a green, Major Brigade Green, Aidecamp the same. The officers of those different ranks are to provide themselves accordingly...Those Gentlemen officers who has no swoards are to procure them immediately, and not to appear on the parade without them, and when their men are going on exercise, the officers are to take their Fuzees in their hand."
An order headed "Deep Spring, Augt 19th" 1776 directed that no man was to "appear on the parade for Guard but as clean as his Circumstances will allow. He should have a clean shirt, shoes, leggings or stockings, hair combed, shirt collar buttoned, wt a stock, Hunting Shirt well put on, hat clean & beard shaved. The officers to be very strict in seeing this necessary peace of Duty executed."59
On August 26, 1776, another order from "Deep Spring" concerning the facing of officers "Regimentals" was issued:
"...As the scarcity of Scarlet Cloath is very great and indeed not to be purchased, the Colo has thought proper to alter the Facing of the Regimentals to white, which he hopes every officer will procure as soon as possible."60
GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON by Charles Willson Peale, 1779.
[See back for description]
In 1779 Charles Willson Peale painted the original of this portrait of General George Washington, and subsequently painted several replicas. One of these, painted ca. 1780, belongs to Colonial Williamsburg, and now hangs in the Capitol at Williamsburg. [See photograph]
In this portrait Washington is shown in the uniform of an officer of the Continental Army: a dark blue coat with buff facings and Ruffs, and gilt buttons, with gilt epauletts [or "shoulder knots"], having three gilt rosettes and fringe on the shoulders; a buff waistcoat with smaller gilt buttons; and buff breeches. He wears a white stock and white shirt with ruffles down the front and at the wrists. Across his breast, between coat and waistcoat, is the bright or light blue ribbon which denotes his rank as commander-in-chief. His boots are black, and he wears spurs. The shape of the dark hat which he holds in his hand is not clearly defined. The attendant holding his horse is wearing a blue coat with red facings, and a dark hat.
In the background is a view of Princeton College buildings, with blue-coated American soldiers guarding red-coated British prisoners. [For description of the 1779 original see Charles Coleman Sellers, Portraits and Miniatures by Charles Willson Peale (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1952) pages 228, 355; also a very poor color reproduction of the portrait belonging to Colonial Williamsburg as frontispiece.]
This orderly book, although it covers a rather brief period, gives a picture of the military activities in and around Williamsburg. It describes the exercising, parading, and disciplining of the troops, with orders issuing from Headquarters at Williamsburg and from encampments at "Great Spring," the "College Camp," "Spring Field," "Deep Spring"; also the stationing of guards at King's Creek on the York, Queen's Creek (Burwell's Ferry) on the James, Jamestown, Cobham, etc. On March 211th, the troops were ordered to "attend Church this afternoon at three o'clock near the Capitol";61 on April 19th, the "Officers and Soldiers" were ordered to "attend Divine service on Sunday at 11 o'clock in the Grove, if the weather will permitt."62
Orders were also give concerning tents: Officers who so desired were allowed money in lieu of tents;63 and all "Officers that have received money (£11.10) in lieu of Tents" were ordered "to give up their Linen Tents immediately."64 It was also ordered that "No more than 111 tents are to be allowed pr. Company, the overplus to be delivered to the Quarter Master..."65
Colors or standards were also mentioned for the battalions and regiments, the colonels being " provide themselves with some Colours or Standerds if they are to be procured; it doth not signify of what sort they are."66 "Colonel Bullett" was ordered on April 11, 1776, to have all his troops "under Arms at 11 o'clock, if possible provide five or six pair of Colours or as many as you can."67
MILITARY MUSIC—Fifers & Drummers:
Considerable attention was given in this Orderly Book to the training of Fifers and Drummers,68 and there is no indication that any other "military music" was used by the Virginia troops at this time. From "Head Quarters" at Williamsburg, on March 27, 1776, it was directed that "All the Gentlemen Cadets" attend "the parade constantly"; also that their colonel had "thought proper to appoint Matthew Snook as Fife Majr, & William Croker as Drum Majr, & they are to be obeyed as such, & are to practice the young Fifers & Drummers between the hours of 11 & 1 o'clock every day, & take care that they perform their several duties with as much exactness as possible."69 On April 2, 1776, it was ordered from Williamsburg Headquarters, that the "Captains of the 6th Battallion" make out pay rolls for the companies, including the cadets, and "see that their Drummers & Fifers provided Drums and Fifes."70 It was further ordered that each Captain "appoint a Drummer & Fifer to their respective Comps, to see that they practice every Day & by no means to be hindered."71 On April 19th, it was ordered that the "Drum and Fife Majors" be "more Deligent in teaching the young Drummers and Fifers."72 On June 5, 1776, the pay of the drum and fife majors was increased by payments from their students:
"As the Drum Majors pay is not more than the common Drummers, and he being oblijt to teach the young Drummers and keep their Drums in Repair, General Lewis has thought proper to order and it is what is custommerry in the army that each young Drummer shall pay the Drum Major 5s. pr month untill the Drummers are capable of doing duty, and keeping their Drums in order.
The fife Major, for his trouble of teaching, the young fifers are to pay him 5s. pr month untill they are capable of doing duty, and should any young Fifer bre4k or render his fife unfit for service, he is to pay for it."
The Orderly Book recorded, on August 4, 1776, that "Two Regiments being ordered to the Northward, the 1st & 2nd is intitled to that Honour to that perticular service." It was resolved that the commanding officer of each regiment "in the Continantle army," appoint a "serjant Major, Quarter Master Serjant, Drum & Fife Major, who shall Respectively hold no other appointment …that their pay be one Dollar pr. mon each, more than that allowed a Serjeant Drummer or Fifer in the said Regiment."74
It was ordered by the Council of State for Virginia, that a circular letter be written to "the several Colonels of the Minute Battalions of the Southampton, Amelia, Caroline, Gloucester, Prince William & Culpeper Districts, requiring them to Order all the Companies of their respective Battalions which are furnished with good musquets; Guns, or Rifles, Cartouch Boxes, or Pouches and Powder-Horns, immediately to hold themselves in Readiness to march whenever called upon; in order to replace the Two Regiments of Continental Troops ordered by the General Congress to the Flying Camp in New Jersey and that if any such Company should not have been already compleated, that that be done as soon as possible; informing them at the same Time, that no men who are not so accoutred will be intitled to Pay;…"75
On August 4, 1775, General Washington wrote from "Camp at Cambridge" to the governors of Rhode Island (Governor Nicholas Cooke) and of Connecticut (Governor Jonathan Trumbull) stating:
"My last letter from the Honorable Continental Congress recommends my procuring from the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island a Quantity of Tow Cloth, for the purpose of making of Indian or Hunting Shirts for the Men, many of whom are very destitute of Cloathing; A Pattern will be sent you and I must request you to give the Necessary Directions throughout your Government, that all the Cloth of the above Kind may be bought up for this use, and suitable Persons set to work to make it up. As soon as any Number is made worth the Conveyance, you will Please to direct them to be forwarded; It is designed as a Species of Uniform both cheap and convenient...."
On August 7, 1775, General Orders were issued from "Head Quarters, Cambridge," to each commanding officer to see that a sufficient store of shirts and shoes were laid in for the men, and also that the General
"…recommends it to the Colonels, to provide Indian Boots, or Leggins, for their men, instead of stockings; as they are not only warmer, and wear longer, but (by getting them of a colour) contribute to uniformity in dress; especially, as the General has hopes of prevailing with the Continental Congress, to give each Man a hunting shirt."77
On August 11, 1775, Washington wrote to the Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature, from "Camp at Cambridge":
"...The Shirts, Shoes, Breeches and Stockings, Provided by the Province can be taken on the Continental Account: but I apprehend there will not be the same Necessity to provide Coats; the Continental Congress having ordered Hunting Shirts, as an outside Dress and warm waistcoats under will be Cheaper and more convenient."78
An attempt was made to obtain uniforms for the Continental Army, and on October 28, 1775, General Orders from Head Quarters, Cambridge, recommended
"…to the Non-Commissiond Officers and Soldiers, whose pay will
be drawn in Consequence of last Thursday's orders [order urging officers, etc. to signify immediately whether they would continue in the service through December, 1776]…to lay out their money in Shirts, Shoes, Stockings and a good pair of leather Breeches; and not in Coats, and Waistcoats, as it is intended that the new Army shall be cloathed in uniform. To effect which; The Congress will lay in Goods, upon the best terms they can be bought, anywhere for ready Money, and will sell them to the Soldiers without any profit, by which means, a Uniform Coat, and Waistcoat will come cheaper to them; than any other Cloathing of the like kind can be bought—A number of Taylors will be immediately sett to work, to make Regimentals for those brave Men, who are willing at all hazards, to defend their invaluable rights and privileges."79
On November 4, 1775, the Continental Congress resolved that "cloathing be provided for the new army by the Continent, and paid for, by stoppages out
of the soldiers wages, at 12/3 dollars per month, that as much as possible of the cloth for this purpose be dyed brown, and the distinctions of the Regiments made in the facings."80
In November, 1775, the colonels "upon the new Establishment" were urged to settle promptly with the Quarter Master General "the Uniform of their respective regiments; that the buttons may be properly number'd, and the work finished without delay."81
By January, 1776, a supply of Regimentals was ready for distribution, according to General Orders from Head Quarters at Cambridge on January 5th:
"The Regimentals, which have been made up, and drawn for, may be delivered to the respective Colonels...who drew them at such prices, as they have cost the Continent, which is much cheaper than could otherwise be obtained"82
In May, 1776, General Orders from "Head Quarters, New York" included the following:
"The Colonels, and commanding Officers of Regiments are again reminded, of the propriety of immediately providing their men with cloathing, and necessaries; that they may be ready to march, or embark, upon the shortest notice:…
It is recommended to those Corps which are not already supplied with Uniforms, to provide hunting Shirts for their men."83
On January 3, 1776, Congress resolved that certain goods and stores "ought to be imported as soon as possible, for the use of the United Colonies," including "60,000 striped blankets. 120,000 yards of 6-Li. broad cloth, the colours to be brown and blue, from 3/ to 6/ ster. per yard. 10,000 yards of d[itt]o. of differen colours, for facing, @ 4/. 3,000 pieces of duffils, or some such cloth."84
On June 19, 1776 the Continental Congress passed a resolution concerning the clothing of the soldiers, deeming it "necessary for the good of the service, that the soldiers of the United Colonies should be well provided with blankets and cloathing":
"Resolved, That it be recommended to the assemblies and conventions of the United Colonies, forthwith to cause a suit of cloaths, of which the waistcoat and breeches may be made of deer leather, if to be had on reasonable terms, a blanket, felt hat, two shirts, two pair of hose, and two pair of shoes, to be manufactured, or otherwise procured at reasonable rates, in their respective colonies, for each soldier of the American Army, inlisted therein for the present campaign, and that the same be baled, invoiced, and stored in suitable places, to be delivered to the order of Congress, or the commander in chief of the American Army."85
In August, 1776, Congress ordered that "it be recommended to the legislature of the commonwealth of Virginia, to provide cloathing for the continental troops raised in that state; the expence of the said cloathing to be paid out of the continental military chest for the southern department, and deducted out of the soldiers' pay."86 It was further resolved that "Mr. J. Mease be directed to provide proper cloathing for the German batallion, and also for the two batallions of Virginians on their march to New York, the cost of the same cloathing to be deducted out of the pay of the wen by stoppages."87
In accordance with the ordinances of the Virginia Conventions of Delegates of 1775 and 1776, and orders of the Committee of Safety, the Public Store in Williamsburg was established, to supply the Virginia officers and soldiers of the regular regiments, minute-men, and militia. The articles supplied the officers for themselves and their troops were according to orders of the Virginia Conventions, the Council of State of Virginia and the General Assembly, and, of course, in accordance with the resolutions of the Continental Congress, and orders from General Washington's headquarters.
From: Lt. Charles M. Lefferts, Uniforms of the American British, French, and German Armies in the War of the American Revolution (New York Historical Society: 1926) Plate XV, opposite page 42.
[Colors: Dark hat; blue coat, faced with red, and red cuffs—tails lined with white; metal buttons (pewter with regiment number stamped on them); yellow or buff spotted waistcoat (possibly of the "spotted swanskin" sold. in the Williamsburg Public Store for waistcoats); black stock; blue breeches; light blue hose, dark shoes with brass buckles. According to Lt. Lefferts (p. 42), their "waistcoats were of various colors," and some "wore breeches of buckskin, others of blue cloth." The "regimentals" of the Virginia regiments varied also--many were blue faced with red (and at one time with white—see page 12 of this report). See index at end of this report under "Regimentals.")
As has been noted, Will Aylett was appointed first commissary of the Public Store in Williamsburg,88 and immediately set about purchasing necessaries to supply the troops: materials for tents, hunting and under shirts, materials for leggings, coats, and breeches; materials for colors and standards; shoes, hose, hats and binding for hats; shoulder knots; fifes, drums, kettles, pans, canteens, etc. In the Journals of the Williamsburg Public Store, which have survived (1775-1780) there are accounts with officers for themselves and their men; accounts with various Virginia institutions such as the Public Gaol, the hospitals, the salt works, rope walk, shipyard, etc., and also accounts with the United States. Ships officers and marines were supplied from this store with clothing, lanterns, compasses, spy glasses, sailcloth, rope, nails, and other necessaries for their vessels, as well as ships bread, rum, sugar, etc.89 For a time, until June, 1778, the store also sold goods to the general public. On June 22, 1778, the Council of State for Virginia passed the following order:
"It appearing that the retailing of sundry Articles now in the Public Store which are not wanted for the Army & Navy hath become very inconvenient for the Commissary of Stores to attend to…the Board do advise the Governor to direct the Commissary of Stores to forbear selling or retailing any more such Goods at large but that he deliver the Articles unfit for the Army & Navy to Mr Robert Prentis to be by him disposed of on account of the State…Which the Governor directs accordingly."90
Obviously everything purchased by the officers, for themselves and their men, cannot be here listed, but enough can be quoted to show what was purchased by various officers at various times. These sales started on October 12, 1775, and we quote from the journals as follows:
PUBLIC STORE— WILLIAMSBURG. JOURNAL OCTOBER 12, 1775—..00TOBER 16, 1776. Ms Virginia State Library. C.W. Microfilm M-1016-2.
Page 6 [Williamsburg, October 12, 1775] | DR | |
To 40 pr Virginia Shoes @ 7/6 | [£]15:--:-- | |
62 yds best blue 1/2 thicks92 @ 3/6 | 10:17:-- | |
25 Check93 shirts @ 11/3 | 14.: 1: 3 | |
24 pr Stockings @ 2/6 | 3: 0: 0 | |
10 pr ribd ditto @ 3/1-½ | 1:11: 3 | 44: 9: 6." |
To Sundries pr order Com safety Vizt | | |
2 Blankets 23/. 2 Check shirts 28/. | 2:11:-- | |
1 pr Shoes 7/6 1 pr Stockings 2/6 | --:10:-- | |
1-378 yd blue Serge 7/6 | -:10: 3-¼ | |
2 yds linnen for lining 1/6 | --: 3:-. | |
Twist & thread 1/3 1 hatt 7/ | --: 8: 3 | |
2 [blotted] big & 12 small buttons | -: 1: 3 | 4: 3: 9-¼" |
Page 7 [Williamsburg, October 12, 1775] | | |
To 1 ps Duck 136 yds from Inglis for Tents) | | |
To Sundries for his Co Vizt | | |
96 pr rib' d yarn hose @ 3/1-½ | [£] 114:10:..- | [sic] |
10 hatts @ 3/9 | 1:17: 6 | |
15 Check Shirts @ 11/3 | 8: 8: 9 | |
20 pr Shoes @ 6/8 | 6:13: 4 | 31: 9: 7" |
Page 8 [Williamsburg, October 13, 1775] | | |
To Sundries deld pr yr order to Chs Chattaley Vizt | | |
3-½ yds blue Cloth97 @ 11/2 | 1:19: 1 | |
1 pr Ribd hose 3/1-½ thr ad 7-½ | -: 3: 9 | |
3 yds best blue Shalloon98 @ 2/10 | -: 8: 6 | |
2 Sticks twist 1/ 1 pr Shoes 7/6 | -: 8: 6 | |
2 yds linen for lineing 1/6 | -: 3:-- | |
½ yd buckrm 10d. 1 Castor hatt99 10/6 | -:11: 4 | 3:14: 2" |
Page 8 [Williamsburg, October 13, 1775] | |
To 3 yds blue Cloth pr yr order deld Colo Birds man 10/4 | 1:11:--" |
Page 8 [Williamsburg, October 14, 1775] | | |
To 15 pr Virga Shoes 7/6 | [£]5:12: 6 | |
21 pr imported ditto 6/8 | 7:--:-- | 12:12: 6" |
Page 9 [Williamsburg, October 15, 1775] | |
To 40 yds tweel102 … [tweel for haversacks and pouches] | |
… | |
To 5 yds duck from Sparling & Co dead ditto [Capt Parker] for belts @ 1/6 | -: 7: 6 |
To 41 yds Tweel to make up pouches & Haver Sacks) for Capt Seayres 1/6 ) | 3: 1: 6 |
Page 9 [Williamsburg, October 15, 1775] | |
[EXPENCES ARMY continued] | [DR] |
To 24 yds fearnought103 to make Watch Coats104) | |
deliver'd W Nicholson 4/.) | [£] 4:16:--" |
Page 9 [Williamsburg, October 16, 1775] | | |
To 1ps blue duffle106 19 yds) | | |
21 yds ditto ) @ 8/5-¼ | 19:17: 6 | |
3 Hatts 8/6. 12 doz Ct buttons 12/. | 1:17: 6 | |
16 Sticks twist 8/. 16 ozs thd 5/4 | -:13: 4 | |
19-¼ yds blue Stroud107 for legings 4/3 | 4: 1: 9-¾ | |
12 doz small buttons from Turners | -: 7: 6 | 26:17: 7-¾" |
Page 9 [Williamsburg, October 16, 1775] | | |
"CAPT WILLIAM DAVIES pr Self108 | | |
To 17 Check shirts for his Co @ 11/3 | [£]9:11: 3 | |
1 ps blue duffil 28 yds @ 8/6 | 11:18:-- | |
16-½ yds blue serge @ 6/6 | 5: 7: 3 | |
12 doz big butts 12/. 12 doz small 6/ | -:18:-- | |
24 Sticks twist 10/. 16 ozs the 5/4 | -:15: 4 | |
28-½ yds linnen for lining 1/6 | 2: 2: 9 | |
18 yds Spoted Swanskin109 3/6 | 3: 3:-- | |
8 ozs thread for do | -: 2: 8 | 33:18: 3" |
To 2 yds green duffle @ 10/6 | 1: 1:-- | |
To 2 yds blue ditto @ 5/8 | -:11: 4 | |
To 1-½ german Serge @ 5/4 | -: 8:-- | 2: 1: 4 [sic]" |
Page 10 [Williamsburg, October 17, 1775] | |
To 71 Blankets deliver'd Capt Ballard | 35:10:-- |
… | |
To 22-¼ yds blue Kersey111 deld William Nicholson for Watch Coats 4/ | 4: 9:--" |
Page 10 [Williamsburg,October 17, 1775] | | |
To 374 yd best blue Stroud @ 9/6 | [£] -: 7: 1-½" | |
"CAPT JOHN MARK113 | | |
To Sundries for his Co | | |
33 pr Shoes @ 6/8 | 11:--:-- | |
24 pr Stockings | @ 2/6 | 3:--:-- | |
22 pr rib'd ditto @ 3/3 | 3:11: 6 | 17:11: 6" |
To Sundries deld pr yr order John Baxter | | |
3-¾ yds Crimson Coating @ 5/6 | 1: 0: 7-½ | |
2 Sticks twist & 1 oz thread | -: 1: 4 | |
14 big & 12 small buttons | -: 1: 8 | |
½ yd Shalloon113a 1/3 2 yds linnen 3/ | -: 4: 8 | 1: 7:10-½ |
From: Lt. Charles M. Lefferts, Uniforms of the American, British, French, and German Armies in the War of the American Revolution (New York Historical Society: 1926) Plate XI, opposite page 34.
[Colors: Black hat bound with white; black stock; white shirt; light purple fringed hunting shirt, with red collar (or "cape") and cuffs; white belt, etc.; leather (buff colored) breeches; light stockings; black leggings and shoes. According to Lt. Lefferts (page 3L), the Maryland Council authorized the captains of the independent companies to clothe their men at a cost not exceeding £3:5:0, and this particular company wore
"osnabrug linen hunting shirts dyed purple, with red cape and cuffs, buckskin breeches, an spatterdashes [leggings] made of black linen."]
Page 11 [Williamsburg,) October 19, 1775] | |
To 98-¾ Yds Ozs for huntg Shirts115 for his Company at 1/6. & ½ lb. the 2/.3 | 7:10: 1-½" |
27Page 11 [Williamsburg, October 19, 1775] | | |
"CAPT ROBERT BALLARD116 pr Mr Lawson | [No DR] | |
To 110 yds Oza for huntg shirts for his Company @ 1/6 | [£] 8: 5: -- | |
½ lb. thread at 4/ | -: 2:-- | 8: 7:--" |
"CAPT RICHARD PARKER117 pr Self | DR | |
To 75 Yds Ozs for hunting Shirts for his Comp at 1/6 | 5:12:-- | [sic] |
½ lb. tread at 4/ | -: 2:-- | 5:14:--" |
From: Lt. Charles M. Lefferts, Uniforms of the American, British, French, and German Armies in the War of the American Revolution (New York Historical Society: 1926) Plate VIII, opposite page 28.
[Colors: Dark hat; light brown fringed hunting shirt with collars and cuffs of same; black stock; white "check" shirt; white belt, etc., leather (buff) breeches; dark leggings and shoes. According to Lt. Lefferts (page 28), these soldiers were furnished, after 1777, with "long overalls or leggings, of wool in the cold weather, and of white coarse linen or duck in summer, replacing the leather breeches shown in the picture." Later the Virginia regiments were also furnished with such overalls. See page 28-a following for picture showing these long leggings or overalls on a private of a North Carolina regiment (1778).]
From: Lt. Charles M. Lefferts, Uniforms of the American, British, French, and German Armies in the War of the American Revolution (New York Historical Society: 1926) Plate XVIII, opposite page 48.
[Colors: Dark hat, cocked on left side, similar to those ordered for Virginia regiments in 1776 (see pages 11-12 of this report); fringed hunting shirt with cape and cuffs all of light color; long leggings or overalls of same color. According to Lt. Lefferts (page 48), both officers and men "wore the hunting or rifle shirt and long overalls, of wool in winter, and of linen in warm weather, exactly as shown in the drawing." This North Carolina private has "a home made haversack of painted linen, an English musket, and a cartridge belt like those worn by the British Army."]
Page 11 [ Williamsburg, October 19, 1775] | | |
deld Wm Nicolson for Watch Coats118 | | |
42 yds blue Kersey119 @ 4/6 | [£] 8: 8:-- | [sic] |
5 yds bro: do 4/4 | 1: 1: 8 | |
18-½ yds blue Duffil120 7/6 | 8:16: 9 | 18: 6: 5" |
Page 11 [Williamsburg, October 20, 1775) | |
To 3 yds Duffil | @ 4/6 | -:13: 6" |
To deld Mr Durfey for Watch Coats | 20:10: 7-½ | |
7-½ yds Duffil @ 6/9 | 7: 5: 3-¾ | |
23-¼ do do 6/3 | 3:14: 3 | |
11 yds do 6/9 | 6:15:-- | |
20 yds do 6/9 | -: 5: 4 | 20:10: 6-¼" |
1 lb. cold thd 5/4 | | |
Page 12 [Williamsburg, October 20, 1775] | | |
27-¾ yds Duffil deld Thos Craig121 @ 5/9 | £ 7:19: 6-¾ | 7:19: 6-¾ |
deld Mr Nicolson for Watch-Coats122 | | |
20 yds Kersey @ 4/ | 4:--:-- | |
55 yds blue Duffil 6/9 | 18:11: 3 | |
1 lb. cold thread 5/4 | -: 5: 4 | |
14-½ doz large buttons @ 12 [d] | -:14: 6 | |
3-½ doz small do 6 [d] | -: 1: 9 | 23:12:10" |
Page 12 [Williamsburg, October 21, 1775] | | |
"CAPT JOHN SEAYRESS for his Compy123 | DR | |
2 doz 9 pr rib'd yarn hose @ 3/ | £ 4:19:-- | |
3 doz pr plain ditto 2/8 | 4:16:-- | |
30 check shirts124 12/6 | 18:15:-- | |
44 pr Shoes 6/8 | 14:17: 4 | [sic] |
16 hats No 6 4/3 | 3: 8:-- | 46:15: 4" |
deld Ensign Burwell pr Order Col: Henry | | |
"CAPT GEORGE NICHOLAS125 for his Compy | DR | |
284 yds Ozs at 1/6 | £21: 6:-- | |
29-¾ yds Crimson Coating 5/6 | 8: 3: 7-½ | [sic] |
23 yds German Serge 6/3 | 7: 3: 9 | |
16 Ozs best Crimson thd /5d | -: 6: 8 | |
39 Sticks of twist 5d | -:16: 3 | |
23 yds of 7/4 Coating 9/6 | 10:18: 6 | |
22-½ yds of green Flannel 2/8 | 4:--:00 | error 20/ |
8 Ozs of Blue thd /5d | -: 3: 4 | |
20 doz & 8 big basket buts 12/. | 1: 0: 8 | |
24 doz small yellow mettle do 7/6 [a groce?] | -:15:-- | |
4-½ doz large do @ 15/ Groce | -: 5: 7-½ | |
32-¼ yds lin: for ling breeches 1/6 | 2: 8: 4-½ | |
55 pr Yarn hose 2/8 | 7: 6: 8 | |
12 felt hats bound 26 3/9 | 2: 5: 0 | |
2 ditto not bound 4/6 | -: 9: 0 | |
23-½ yds blue Stroud 6/8 | 7:16: 8 | |
22 yds | do 7/-½ | 7:14:11 |
32 pr Shoes 6/8 | 10:13: 4 | 93:13: 4" |
Page 13 [Williamsburg, 0ctober 21, 1775] | | |
"CAPT RICHARD PARKER127 pr Self | DR | |
To 20 pr Virginia Shoes @ 7/6 | [£] 7:10:-- | |
9 pr plain yarn Hose 2/6 | 1: 2: 6 | |
12 pr Rib'd do128 3/3 | 1:19:-- | |
22 yds blue stroud 7/3 | 7:19: 6 | |
23 yds ditto 7/3 | 8: 6: 9 | |
½ lb. black the 5/4 | -: 2: 8 | 27: 0: 5" |
Page 13 [Williamsburg, October 22, 1775] | | |
To 2-½ yds Bearskin130 @ 5/9 | -:14: 4-½ | |
1-¼ yds German Serge 5/- | -: 6: 3 | |
2-½ yds Ozs 1/6 | -: 3: 9 | |
2 Sticks twist 1/ 2 Ozs the 1/ | -: 2:-- | |
14 Coat mettle buts & 20 breast do 2/1-½ | -: 2: 1-½ | 1: 8: 6" |
"CAPT JOHN MARKHAM131 pr Self | DR |
To 27 yds blue stroud @ 7/-[blot 7/1] | 7:15:10 |
10-¼ yds Ditto 7/6 | 3:12: 7-¼ [sic] |
87 yds green flannel 2/9 | 11:19: 3 |
15-¼ yds blue Cloth 8/- | 6: 2:-- |
17-¼ yds ditto 11/6 | 9:18: 4-½ |
36 Sticks blue twist 5d | -:15:-- |
17 yds blue stroud 4/8 | 3:19:-- |
1 lb. Cold black thread 5/4 | -: 5: 4 |
31Page 13 [Williamsburg, October 22, 1775] | | |
[CAPT JOHN MARKHAM, Continued] | [DR] | |
27 yds blue duffil132 8/6 | [£] 11: 9: 6 | |
18 doz green small buttons 6d | -: 9:-- | |
48 yds Coating 9/6 | 22:16:-- | |
3 yds ditto 9/6 | 1: 8: 6 | |
38 Sticks twist @ 5d. 5/10. 24 ozs thd 8/ | 1: 3: 10 | |
34 doz. basket Coat buts 34/. 4 ps binds 12/133 | 2: 6:-- | 84: 0: 2-¾" |
Page 14 [Williamsburg October 22, 1775] | | |
"CAPT JOHN SEAYRES134 pr Self | DR | |
To 86-¾ yds green flannel, at 2/9 | 11:18:6-¾ | |
36-¼ yds blue Cloth135 11/3 | 20: 7: 9-¾ | |
26 yds blue stroud136 8/6 | 11: 1:-- | |
18 yds ditto 4/8 | 4: 4:-- | |
36 Sticks blue twist 5d | -:15:-- | |
1 lb. cold thread black 5/4 | -: 5: 4 | |
18 yds blue Serge 6/2 | 5:11:-- | |
35 yds Coating 9/- | -:11: 8 | |
28 Sticks twist 5d | 15:15:-- | |
82-½ yds Ozs for link breeches @ 1/6 | -:11: 8 | |
16 Ozs red thread 4d | 6: 3: 9 | |
4 ps binding 36 yds each 3/- | -: 5: 4 | |
36 doz large metal buttons 1/3 | -:12:-- | |
36 doz small ditto 7-½ | 2: 5:-- | |
16 Ozs green thread 5/4 | 1: 2: 6 | |
2 yds green Coating for self 12/6 | -: 5: 4 | |
3 yds twist 9d. ½ lb. best bro. thd 2/3 | -: 3:-- | 82:11: 3-½" |
… | | |
"CAPT JOHN MARKHAM137 pr Self | DR | |
To 1 gross large metal Buttons @ 1/- | -:12:-- | |
3 gross small ditto 6/ | -:18:-- | |
73 yds Ozs for ling Breeches 1/6 | 5: 9: 6 | |
1 lb. green thd 5/4. ½ lb. best bro: thd 2/3 | -: 7: 7 | |
4 pr best Virga made Shoes 8/- | 1:12:-- | 8:19: 1" |
… | | |
Page 15 [Williamsburg, October 23, 1775] | |
To 12 doz Coat & 1-½ doz small buttons | |
deld Durfey for the Watch Coats138 | [£] -:12: 9" |
To 13-½ yds red Duffil for Capes &c for hunting shirts140 @ 6/8 | £ 4:10:-- |
4 Ozs red thd 5d | -: 1: 8" |
To 13 yds red Duffil for Capes &c to hunting shirts 6/8 | £ 4: 6: 8" |
To 9 Check Shirts for his Comy @ 11/3 | 5: l: 3" |
Page 15 [Williamsburg, October 25, 1775] | | |
"CAPT RICHARD PARKER pr Self & Note | DR | |
To 7 check Shirts @ 11/3 | 3:18: 9 | |
6 pr Shoes 6/8 | 2:--:-- | |
5 pr Hose 2/6 | -:12: 6 | |
½ lb. black thrd 4/ | -: 3: 2 | |
1 Oz red do 4d 2-¼ yds Swanskin for 3/6 | -: 8: 2-½ | 7: 2: 7" |
Page 16 [Williamsburg, October 25, 1775] | | |
To 2b yds blue Duffil @ 6/8 | [£] 8:13: 4 | |
8 yds ditto 5/8 | 2: 5: 4 | |
27 pr Worsted Hose 3/6 | 4:14: 6 | |
25 pr. Shoes 6/8 | 8: 6: 8 | |
2 bound hats 4/6 | -: 9:-- | |
8-½ yds Bearskin 6/3 | 2:13: 1-½ | |
4 yds German serge 5/- | 1:--:-- | |
5 yds Swanskin 2/8 | -:13: 4 | |
1-¾ yds best ditto for Ensign 3/6 | -: 6: 1-½ | |
4 doz Coat & 3 doz breast buts 5/6 | -: 5: 6 | |
16 Ozs thread 4d | -: 5: 4 | |
7 Sticks twist 3/1. 18 doz. small buts 9/ | -:12: 1 | |
14 yds Swanskin 3/6 | 2: 9:-- | 32:13: 4" |
To 8 yds white Shaln147 for Camp Coirs @ 2/6 | 1:--:-- | |
16 Ozs the 3/1 & 4 doz large & 1-½ doz small buts for Watch Coats deld T. Craig @ 1/ ) | -: 8: 1 | 1: 8: 1" |
To 45 yds white Flannel at ½ | 2:12: 6 |
22-½ yds narrw Frize148 1/10-½ | 2: 2: 2-½ |
1 pr Shoes for Harry 3/6 | -: 3: 6 |
Page 17 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1775] | | |
"CAPT TALIAFERRO149 pr Note | | |
To 6-¼ yds Swanskin150 2/8 | [£] -:16: 8 | |
1/3 yd do best for Ensign Holmes 3/6 | -: 1: 9 | [sic] |
4-¾ yds do 3/6 8-½ yds Ozs 1/6 | -:16: 7-½ | [sic] |
1 pr Shoes 6/8 | -:12: 9 | |
6 doz. small buttons 6d | -: 3:-- | 2:17: 5-½" |
… | |
For Capt William McClanahan's Co151 | |
To 49 yds blue ½ thick152 for Legings @ 2/10 | 6:18:10 |
4 Ozs thread for Ditto 4 | -: 1: 4 |
110 yds Ozna for hunting Shirts 1/6 | 8: 5:-- |
Page 17 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1775] | | |
[Culpeper Battalion, Capt. McClanahan's Co., continued] | | |
2-¼ lb. thrd for ditto 4/ | -: 9:-- | 15:14: 2 |
45-½ yds Ozna for under Shirts 1/6 | 3: 8: 3 | |
4 Blankets @ 7/6. 30/. 1 do 11/9 | 2: 1: 9 | |
½ lb. bro: thread 4/- | -: 2:-- | |
3 yds Coating 6/8 | 1:--:-- | |
3 yds German Serge 5/- | -:15:-- | |
4 Sticks twist 2/. 4 Ozs thread 1/3 | -: 3: 3 | |
4 yds Ozna for breeches lining 1/6 | -: 6:-- | |
28 Coat Has 2/4. 2 doz breast 1/ | -: 3: 4 | |
2-¼ yds best blue stroud* for legs for Offrs 9/6 | 1: 1: 4-½ | 9: 0:11 |
| | 24:15: 1" |
To 60 yds blue ½ thicks154 for legings @ 2/10 | £ 8:10:-- | |
60 yds Ozna for huntg shirts 1/6 | 4:10:-- | |
1 lb. bro. the for ditto 4/- | -: 4:-- | |
¼ lb. cold do for Legings 5/4 | -: 1: 4 | |
1-7/8 yds best blue stroud for Officers 9/6 | -:17: 9-¾ | |
7 yds Ozns for close shirts 1/6 | -:10: 6 | |
3 yds German Serge 5/- | -:15:-- | |
4 yds Ozna for lining 1/6 | -: 6:-- | |
7 pr yarn Stockings 2/6 | -:17: 6 | |
3 hats ¾ | -:10:-- | |
2 doz small buts 1/. 6 large do 6d | -: 1: 6 | |
… [thread & twist] | -: 1: 6 | |
2-¼ yds Swanskin 2/3155 | -: 5: -¾ | |
2-7/8 yds German Serge 6/- | -:12: 9 | |
2 doz. small buts 1/. 6 large do & 1 hk silk 1/1-½ | -: 2: 1-½ | |
4 yds printed lin. 2/6 | -: 6:-- | 18:11: 1" |
Page 18 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1775] | | |
"[Culpeper Battn] brot over | [18:11: 1] | |
To 4 pr Stocks for Capt Williams's Comb @ 2/6 | -:10:-- | |
4 pr do 2/- | -: 8:-- | |
7 Ozs thd 4d | -: 2: 4 | |
9-¼ yds Coating156 6/8 | 3: 1: 8 | |
2 doz large buts 2/. 4 doz small do 2/ | -: 4:-- | |
6 Stks twist 2/6 1 doz & 1 small & 3 large buts 9d | -: 3: 3 | |
1-½ yds Serge @ 5/6 | --: 8: 3 | |
1 Oz. thd 4d 1 Stk twist 5d 2 yds Ozna 3/ | -: 3: 9 | |
1 pr Ribed worsted hose for Ensign Tate 6/6 | -: 6: 6 | |
1 pr. Shoes 7/- | -: 7:-- | 24: 5:10" |
To 2-7/8 yds best blue Stroud for Legings for Officers @ 9/6 | 1: 7: 3-¾ |
55 yds blue planes158 do 2/10 | 7:15:10 |
Page 18 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1775] | | |
[Culpeper Battalion, Capt. Scott's Co., continued] | | |
90 yds Ozns for hunting shirts 1/6 | 6:15:-- | |
1 lb. bro: thd for ditto 4/- | -: 4:-- | |
¼ lb. cold the for legings 5/4 | -: 1: 4 | |
38-½ yds Ozns for under Shirts 1/6 | 2:17: 9 | |
½ lb. bro: thread for ditto @ 4/- [sic] | -: 4:-- | |
13 pr Yarn Hose 3/- | 2:19:-- | |
9-¾ yds broad cloth159 | 2:18: 6 | |
26 yds Ozns for lining 1/6 | 2:19:-- | |
13 Sticks twist coarse 52 | -: 5: 5 | |
13 doz. small buts 6d | -: 6: 6 | |
3-¼ doz large do 1/- | -: 3: 3 | |
13 Ozs cold the 4d | -: 4: 4 | |
1-¾ yds Coating 6/8 | -:11: 8 | |
1 Stick twist 5d 4 Ozs thd at 4d 1/4 | -: 1: 9 | |
1 doz. Coat buts 1/. 3 felt hats @ 4/ 12/. | -:13:-- | |
9 bed Blankets 7/- | 3: 3:-- | |
7 yds Ozns for under Shirts 1/6 | -:10: 6 | |
12 pr Shoes the 31st 7/ | -: 7 Error | 34: 8: 1-¾ |
Page 18 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1775] | | |
[Culpeper Battalion, continued] | | |
"for Capt John Jamson's Compy160 | | |
To 2-½ yds best blue stroud for legings @ 9/6 | 1: 3: 9 | |
57-¾ yds blue nap161 for do 3/6 | 9: 1: 1-½ | |
90 yds Ozna for hunting shirts 1/6 | 6:15:-- | |
1 lb. bro: thd for ditto 4/- | -: 4:-- | |
¼ lb. cold do for leggings 1/4 | -: 1: 4 | |
7 pr rib'd hose 2/9 | -:19: 3 | |
3-¾ yds brod Cloth 8/6 | 1:11:10-½ | |
4 yds Cloth 6/1 | 1: 4: 4 | 21: 0: 8 |
Page 19 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1775 cont. -brt.forw | 21: 0: 8] |
11 Ozs thread @ 4d | -: 3: 8 |
8 Sticks twist 5d | -: 3: 4 |
7 doz. small buts 3/6. 2 doz large 2/. | -: 5: 6 |
4-½ yds stout drab162 for Lieut Long 12/6 | 2:16: 3 |
3-½ yds Shaln163 2/6 | -: 8: 9 |
39Page 19 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1775] | | |
[Culpeper Battalion Capt. Jamson's Co., continued] | | |
"½ yd Buckram164 @ 1/8 | -:--:10 | |
3 hks silk 2/3. 2 Stks fine twist 10d | -: 3: 1 | |
11 yds. Ozn: for lings Pockets &c 1/6 | -:16: 6 | |
38 yds do for under Shirts 1/6 | 2:17:-- | |
1-¾ yds Coating 6/8 | -:11: 8 | |
3 dutch Blankets 11/- | 1:13:-- | |
1 Oz. thd 4d. 1 doz buts 1/. Stk twist 5d | -: 1: 9 | |
1 hat 4/. 5 pr Shoes @ 7/. 35/ | 1:19:-- | 33: 1: 6" |
"for Capt ---- Bluefords165 Compy | |
To 2-½ yds best blue stroud for Offrs 9/6 | 1: 3: 9 |
54 yds blue Nap for legings 3/6 | 9: 9:-- |
10 yds Ozn: for hunting shirts 1/6 | -:15:-- |
2 Ozs thd for ditto 4d | -:--: 8 |
¼ lb. cold do for legings 4d | -: 1: 4 |
28 yds Ozn: for under Shirts 1/6 | 2: 2:-- |
½ lb. bro: thd for ditto 4/- | -: 2:-- |
3 pr yarn Hose 2/6 | -: 7: 6 |
1 blanket 11/ | --:11:-- |
3 Check shirts vizt | |
10-½ yds check @ 3/- | 1:11: 6 |
making & thread @ 2/- | -: 6:-- |
4 yds lin: for lining @ 1/6 | -: 6:-- |
2 doz. small & 6 large buts | -: 1: 6 |
2 Ozs thd 8d 2 Sticks twist @ 5d 10d | -: 1: 6 |
3 yds German Serge 5/6 | -:16: 6 |
[Nov. 9, 1775] | | |
12 yds. London brown Coating166 @ 9/11 | 5:19:-- | |
12 pr Shoes 7/- | -: 7:-- | Error [sic] |
8 Ozs thread 4d | -: 2: 8 | |
5 yds light drab167 6/8 | 1:13: 4 | |
11 pr ribed Hose 4/4 | 2: 7: 8 | |
Page 20 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1775] | |
[Culpeper Battalion, continued, for Capt Spencer's Co.] | |
"To 2-½ yds blue stroud168 for Officers @ 9/6 | 1: 3: 9 |
3-½ yds blue Nap169 for legings 3/6 | -:12: 3 |
41-½ yds blue planes170 ditto 2/9 | 5:14: 1-½ |
…" | |
[November 4, 1775] | |
"1-½ yds German Serge @ 5/6 | -: 8: 3 |
2 yds printed Linnen 1/6 | -: 3:-- |
…[November 10, 1775] | |
To 91 yds Ozn. for body shirts @ 1/6 | 6:16: 6 |
7 yds mixt bearskin171 9/9 | 3: 8: 3 |
13 pr. Virginia Shoes 8/- | 5: 4:-- |
… | |
20 yds striped swan skin172 2/8 | 2:13: 4 |
2 felt hats bound 4/9 | -: 9: 6 |
Page 21 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1775] | |
[Culpeper Battalion, Capt. Blackwell's Compy] | |
To 1-7/8 best blue stroud174 for 3 Officers @ 9/6 | -:17: 9-¾ |
50-¾ yds blue ½ thicks175 for legings 3/4 | 8: 9: 2 |
65 yds Ozns for hunts shirts 1/6 | 4:17: 6 |
1 lb. cold thread for huntg shirts &c 5/4 | -: 5: 4 |
28 yds Ozns for body shirts 1/6 | 2: 2:-- |
½ lb. bro: thread for ditto 4/- | -: 2:-- |
… | |
Novr 7 | |
3-¼ yds green frize176 @ 10/ | 1:12: 6 |
…: | |
Page 22 [Williamsburg, November 13, 1775] | |
[Culpeper Battalion, Capt Willm Picket's177 Compy] | |
° | |
9 yds flannel (for Majr Marshall) at 2/6 | 1: 2: 6 |
7/8 yds green Coating176 12/6 | -:11:-- |
1-½ yds green Shalloon179 do 2/6 | -: 3: 9 |
... [Nov. 14, 1775] | |
1-¾ yds green Coating for self @ 12/6 | -:18: 9 |
1 doz. Coat Buttons @ 1/- | -: 1:-- |
… | |
Page 22 [Williamsburg, October 27, 1775] | |
"for Capt John Chilton's180 Compy | |
To 85 yds Ozns for hunting shirts @ 1/6 | 6: 7: 6 |
1 lb. Cold thread for ditto | -: 5: 4 |
1-7/8 yds best Stroud for Officers 9/6 | -:17: 9-¾ |
44 yds blue ½ thicks ¾ | 7: 6: 8 |
11 yds bath Coating181 6/10 | 3:15: 2 |
… | |
4-¼ yds German Serge 5/6 | 1: 3: 4-½ |
10 yds linen for lining 1/6 | -:15:-- |
3 doz. small buttons or breeches 6d | -: 1: 6 |
6 large buts 6d. 15 yds Ozns 22/6 | 1: 3:-- |
yds blue German Serge 6/- | 1: 4: 9 |
…" | |
Page 24 [Williamsburg, November 6, 1775] | |
… | |
For James Taylor | |
To 2 yds light blue Coating @ 12/2 … | 1: 4: 4 |
[silk, twist, thread] | |
42 |
"for Lieut Madison | |
To 2 yds light blue Coating @ 12/2 | 1:4:4 |
...[silk, twist, thread] | |
…" | |
[Note: Supplies purchased for "CULPEPPER BATTALLION" by various company captains for the next several pages (23-26) approximately the same as above.]
Page 23 [Williamsburg,
October 27, 1775] | |
"CAPT WILLIAM TALIAFERR0182 for his Compy | DR |
To 8 yds blue Duffil @ 6/8 | 2:13: 4 |
16-¼ doz buts for Legings* @ 6d | -: 8: 1-½ |
3 yds 0zns 4/6. 1-½ yds serge 9/ | -:13: 6 |
[October 31, 1775] | |
3 yds blue Duffil183 6/8 | 1: 0: 0 |
2 pr Virga Shoes 16/. 1 pr Imported do 7/ | 1: 3:-- |
17 doz horn buttons for legings @ 4d | -: 5: 8 |
[November 2, 1775] | |
3 Yds stout drab-184 Cloth @ 12/6 | 1:17: 6 |
… | |
[November 3] | |
1 yard Duffil for Legings @ 5/8 | -: 5; 8 |
1 pr Shoes 7/ | -: 7:-- |
[November 6] | |
12 yds light Bearskin185 @ 6/3 | 3:15: 0 |
3 yds German Serge 5/6 | -:16: 6 |
…" | |
Page 24 [Williamsburg, November 6, 1775] | |
[Capt. Taliaferro's Co., continued] | |
"… | |
137 yds Ozns for hunting Shirts* 1/6 | 10: 5: 6 |
2 lb bro: thrd for ditto 4/- | -: 8:-- |
1 yd blue duffle for Legings 6/8 | -: 6: 8 |
…" | |
Page 25 [Williamsburg, November 7, 1775] | | |
[Culpeper Battalion, continued] | | |
"… | For Anthy T. Dixon Surgas Mate | |
To 5/8 yd blue bro Cloth186 for is @ 11/6 | -: 7: 2-¼ | |
4-½ yds Ozns for huntg shirt 1/6 | -: 6: 9 | |
¼ lb. bro: thread for ditto 4/- | -: 1:-- | -:14:11-¼" |
Page 26 [Williamsburg, October 27, 1775] | | |
"COL: PATRICK HENRY187 (pr note) | DR | |
To 4-½ yds best blue Coating188 @ 12/6 | 2:16: 3 | |
1-½ Ozs best thread at 6d | -:--: 9 | |
3 Sticks twist 1/. 2 hanks silk 1/3 | -: 2: 3 | |
1 yd glazed linnen 2/6 | --: 2: 6 | |
½ yd Ozns 1/6 | -: 1: 6 | [sic] 4: 3: 3" |
To 30 bound hats190 @ 4/9 | 7: 2: 6 | |
1 pr Shoes for Ensign Lawson 8/ | -: 8:-- | 7:10: 6" |
To 3 -yds blue Coating @ 12/6 | 1:17: 6 |
3 Ozs the 1/3. 3 hks silk 2/ | -: 3: 3 |
2 Sticks twist 1/. 1 Yd buckrm 1/8 | -: 2: 8 |
7 yds Swanskin192 3/6 | 1: 4: 6 |
2 yds ditto 2/8 | -: 5: 4 |
6-¾ yds blue duffil Coating @ 10/4 | 3: 9: 9 |
14 doz pr rib'd worsted hose 4/9 | 3: 6: 6 |
1 pr ditto for Mr Sanford 5/- | -: 5:-- |
23 check Shirts193 @ 12/6 | 14: 7: 6 |
15 yds blue serge 6/- | 4:10:-- |
19 yds best Swan skin (striped) 2/6 | 2: 7: 6 |
1 lb. cold the 5/4 | -: 5: 4 |
28 doz small buttons /6d | -:14:-- |
6 doz large ditto 1/- | -: 6:-- |
30 yds 0zns 1/6 | 2: 5:-- |
5 pr best rib'd worsted hose 5/- | 1: 5:-- |
18 sticks twist 4d | -: 6:-- |
10 Ozs red thread -4d | -: 3: 4 |
1 pr yarn hose 1/10-½ | -: 1:10-½" |
Page 27 [ Williamsburg, October 27, 1775] | |
[Capt. Johnston, continued] | |
"To 3-¾ yds Coating @ 6/8. | 1: 5:-- |
3 Sticks twist 4d | -: 1:-- |
2 doz & 3 large Metal buttons @ 1/3 | -: 2: 9-¾ |
3 yds best blue Shaln194 2/10 | -: 8: 6 |
3 Oz. thread 4d | -: 1:-- |
4-½ yds linen for lining 1/6 | -: 6: 9 |
4-¾ yds blue Coating 12/6 | 2:19: 4-½ |
29 pr Shoes 7/- | 10: 3:-- |
To 67 yds blue stroud for legings196 @ 4/3 | 14:13: 3 | |
1 pr Worsted hose for Lieut Clayton 5/- | -: 5:-- | |
6 pr ditto best rib'd 5/- | 1:10:-- | |
7 pr ditto plain 3/6 | 1:14: 6 | |
20 pr yarn ditto 2/6 | 2:10:-- | |
12-¼ yds blue Serge 6/- | 3:13: 6 | |
25-¼ yds ditto 6/3 | 8: 0:11-¼ | [sic] |
22 As strip'd Swanskin 2/3 | 2: 9: 6 | |
15 yds blue frize 6/9 | 5: 1: 3 | |
6 bound hats 14/6 | 1: 7: 0 | |
10 doz large blue buttons 1/- | -:10:-- | |
25 Oz thread 4d | -: 8: 4 | |
25 large sticks twist 6d | -:12: 6 | |
6 Oz red thread 4d | -: 2: -- | |
15 doz best round small buttons 7-½ | -: 9: 4-½ | |
2 doz & 10 best large ditto 1/3 | -: 3: 6-½ | |
1 large Rug for Lieut... Clayton instead of a Blanket ) 25/ | 1: 5:-- | |
10 doz best Crimson silk buts 7-½ | -: 6: 3 | |
4 Ozs blue thrd for boots 4d | -: 1: 4 | |
27 doz small metal buttons 6d | -:13: 6 | |
7 doz best ditto 7-½ | -: 4: 4-½ | |
Page 27 [Williamsburg, October 27, 1775] | |
[Capt. Ballard, continued] | |
… | |
1-1/8 yd blue stroud for Lt Clayton 4/3 | -: 4:10 |
2 doz small blue buts for do @ 6 | | -: 1:-- |
27 pr Strong Shoes 7/ | 9: 9:-- |
…" | |
Page 29 [Williamsburg, October 28, 1775] | DR |
To 31 yds blue duffel for legings198 @ 6/8 | 10: 6: 8 |
6 yds best blue stroud | do 9/6 | 2:17: 0 |
16 Oz. cold thread for do 47- | -: 5: 4 |
18 pr Shoes 7/- | 6: 6:-. |
24 pr ribed Hose 4/4 | 5: 4:-- |
8 hats 3/6 | 1: 8: 0 |
23 check Shirts 11/6 | 13: 4: 6" |
Page 31 [Williamsburg, November 1, 1775] | | |
To 68 bed blankets dd Capts Ragsdale & Temple for their Comp @ 7/6 | 23:16:-- | |
55 hunting shirts made by John Burns200) | | |
us'd 300 yds ozns & 6 lb thread ) | | |
the making 3/ each | 32: 5:-.- | 56: 1:--" |
46Page 33 [Williamsburg, November 3 1775] | | |
To 21 yds Ozns for Shirts & Trowsers @ 1/6 | 1:11: 6 | |
5 pr yarn hose 2/6 | -:12: 6 | |
1 pr Shoes 7/- | -: 7:-- | |
1 felt hat 3/4 | -: 3: 4 | |
4 Oz the for Shirts & Trousers 4d. | -: 1: 4 | 2:15: 8" |
To Cash pd James Cosby for 8 pr Virga Shoes @ 6/6 | 2:12:--" |
Page 34 [Williamsburg, November 4, 1775] | |
"CAPT RICHARD PARKER201 for his Comy | DR |
To 18 check Shirts @ 11/3 | 10: 2: 6" |
Page 35 [Williamsburg, November 6, 1775] | | |
To 6-½ yds mixt Coating @ 9/9 | 3: 3: 4-½ | |
8 pr Ribed Hose 5/- | 2:--:-- | |
2-½ doz. large & 3 doz small buts 4/- | -: 4:-- | |
4 Oz. thread 4d. | -: 1: 4 | |
6 pr Shoes 7/- | 2: 2:-- | |
5 Sticks twist 5d | -: 2: 1 | |
6 yds Ozns 1/6 | -: 9:-- | |
4 yds Ozns for hunts Shirt 1/6 | -: 6:-- | |
1 hank Silk 9d | -: -: 9 | 8: 8: 6-½" |
Page 35 [Williamsburg, November 6, 1775] | | |
"COL: PATRICK. HENRY203 pr Self | DR | |
To 1-¼ yds green Coating @ 12/6 | -:15: 7-½ | |
1 doz small buts 6d. 1 Oz thd 4d | -:--:10 | |
5 Ells Ozns deld Thos Mason | -: 7: 6 | |
¼ lb. thread pr Order 4d | -: 1: 4 | |
[November 7] | | |
1 Rug bot with Store Cash @ 13/. | -:13:-- | |
1 piece of Scarlet Gartering204 3/- | -: 3:-- | 1:11: 3-½" |
Page 35 [Williamsburg, November 6, 1775] | |
"CAPT FOUNTAIN205 for his Compy | DR |
To 578 yd blue broil Cloth @ 11/6 | -: 7: 3 |
12 yds blue Duffle for Legings 7/6 | 4:10:-- |
… | |
8 pr. Ribed. Hose 3/- | 1: 4:-- |
114 pr Sanko Hose 2/6 | 1:15:-- |
16 yds mixt bearskin 6/3 | 5:--:-- |
24 yds dove Duffle 6/1 | 7: 6:--" |
Page 36 [Williamsburg, November 7, 1775] | |
To 17 yds best blue stroud @ 9/4 | 7:18: 8 |
5-¾ yds blue ditto 4/6 | 1: 5:10-½ |
23-½ yds blue frize for Legings 7/3 | 8:10: 4-½ |
32 pr Ribed Stockings 5/- | 8:--:-- |
2 felt hats 5/2 | -:10: 4 |
Page 36 [Williamsburg, November 7, 1775] | | |
[Capt. Meade, continued] | | |
"70 yds flannel 2/6 | 8:15:-- | |
1-½ yds white broil Cloth 9/6 | -:14: 3 | |
16 pr Shoes 7/- | 5:12:-- | |
4 pr. Shammy breeches 18/6 | 3:14:-- | |
40 yds Ozns for breeches lining 1/6 | 3:--:-- | |
18 yds brod Cloth 10/10 | 9:15:-- | |
2 lb. cold thread for hunt shirts 5/4 | -:10: 6 | [sic] |
10 Oz. thread 3/4. 10 Sticks twist 4/2 | -: 7: 6 | |
6 Check Shirts 11/3 | 3:17: 6 | |
2 lb. whited bro. thread 8/- | -:16:-- | |
324 yds Ozns for hunts shirts 1/6 | 24: 6:-- | 87:13:--" |
Page 37 [Williamsburg, November 10, 1775] | | |
"CAPT CHARLES DABNEY207 for his Comy | DR | |
To 72 yds Ozns for hunting Shirts @ 1/6 | 5: 8:-- | |
39 yds coarse Cloth for Legings 2/9 | 5: 7: 3 | |
11-½ yds duffle do 7/- | 4: 0: 6 | |
4 yds Twill208 for Shot bags 1/6 | -: 6:-- | |
1 lb. cold thd for huntg Shirts & legings208a 5/4 | -: 5: 4 | |
7 yds Ozns for body Shirts 1/6 | -:10: 6 | |
1 pr Shoes 7/- | -: 7:-- | 15:14:7: |
Page 39 [Williamsburg, November 13, 1775] | | |
"COL. WILLIAM WOODFORD209 pr Self | DR | |
To 2 yds best london brown Coating @ 13/6 | 1: 7:-- | |
1-½ yds white Flannel 2/6 | -: 3: 9 | |
1 Oz thd & 1 hk silk 1/3. twist 6d | -: 1: 9 | 1:12: 6" |
To 2 yds best London Coating @ 13/6 | 1: 7:-- | |
1-½ yds flannel for lining 2/6 | -: 3: 9 | |
1 Oz thd & 1 hk silk 1/3 twist 6d | -: 1: 9 | |
3 yds white flannel 2/6 | -: 7: 6 | 2: 0: 0" |
To 31-½ yds Ozns for body Shirts @ 1/6 | 2: 7:3 |
6 yds Coating 6/3 | 1:17: 6 |
10 yds Duffle 7/- | 3:10:-- |
1-¾ yds blue duffle 7/6 | -:13: 1-½ |
14 yds brod white binding /2 | -: 2: 4 … " |
Page 41 [Williamsburg, November 14, 1775] | |
… | |
17 Watch Coats212 for Col: Woodfords Regt charg'd before now accted for …" | |
To 3 yds Crimson Coatg deld C. W. Lawson @ 11/6 | 2: 8:-- | |
5/8 yds blue brod Cloth for Legings 11/- | -: 8: 3 | |
1 Oz. thread 4d. 4 yds binding 6d | -:--:10 | |
2 hanks silk 7-½ | -: 1: 3 | |
¾ yds flanel 2/6 | -: 2:-- | 3: 0:4" |
… | | |
Page 42 [Williamsburg, November 16, 1775] | | |
To 4 bound hats @ 4/9 | 2: 8:-- | |
1 lb. bro: thd 4/. 1 ps red garterg215 3/ | -: 8: 3 | |
92 yds Ozns by Col. Henry verbal Order @ 1/6) | | |
92 yds do Ditto 1/6) | 13:16:-- | |
14-¾ yds fine Scarlet Shaln bot with Store) | | |
Cash @ 4/- | 2:15:-- | 17:17:--" |
Page 43 [Williamsburg, November 17, 1775] | | |
"CAPT DAVIES216 | DR | |
To 91 yds Ozn. for breeches lining @ 1/6 | 7: 1:-- | |
36 doz small horn buttons 4d | -:12:-- | |
6 bound hats 5/9 | 1:14: 6 | |
2 yds flannel 2/6 | -: 5:-- | |
1 Check shirt 11/3 | -:11: 3 | |
1 lb. cold thd for huntg shirts 5/4 | -: 5: 4 | |
3-½ yds blue duffle 7/- | 1: 4: 6 | |
8-½ yds scarlet gartering /3d | -: 2: 1-½ | 11:15: 8-½" |
Page 43 [Williamsburg, November 17, 1775] | |
To 1 Castor hatt | -:11:--" |
To Cash pd Mrs Eliza Starke balance for making 97 Check Shirts @ 1/8 | 4: 1: 8 |
Cash pd Mrs Hay for making 86 ditto217 @ 1/8 | 7: 3: 4" |
… | |
Page 44 [Williamsburg, November 20, 1775] | | |
To 238-¾ yds. Ozns for huntg. shirts for Capt Randolph's Compy @ 1/6 | 17:18: 1-½ | |
1 lb. cold thread for ditto 5/4 | -: 5: 4 | 18: 3: 5-½" |
"COL. BULLET219 | DR | |
To 1 bound hat 4/9 | -: 4: 9 | |
1-¾ yds bath Coating220 11/6 | 1: 0: 1-½ | |
¾ yds duffle 6/3 | -: 4: 8-½ | |
15 large metal buttons 1/3 | -: 1: 3 | |
52 |
Page 44 [Williamsburg, November 20, 1775] | | |
[Col. Bullet, continued] | | |
"1 doz small do 6 [d] | -: -: 6 | |
2 Oz. thread 8d. 1 stick twist 5d | -: 1: 1 | |
3-½ yds Ozns for linings 1/6 | -: 5: 3 | |
2 pr. Ribed hoes [sic] 3/6 | -: 7:-- | |
3 dutch Blankets 12/6 | 1:17: 6 | |
7 yds Ozns 1/6 | -:10: 6 | 4:12: 8" |
Page 44 [Williamsburg, November 21, 1775] | | |
To 2 yds green frize dd Britain Ward & 10/- | 1: -:-- | |
3 yds German Serge do 6/3 | -:18: 9 | |
3 yds stamp'd Linen do @ 1/6 | -: 4: 6 | |
2 hks the 1/. 3 Sticks twist 1/6 do | -: 2: 6 | |
¼ yd Red durants do 2/9 | -: -: 8-½ | |
5/8 yd blue brod Cloth for Legings do 11/- | -: 8: 3 | 2:14: 8" |
1 pr Sanko Hose by Ths Mason 2/6 | -: 2: 6 |
5 Watch Coats for the Waggoners | [sic] |
Page 45 [Williamsburg, November 21, 1775] | |
To 5 yds Swanskin @ 2/6 | -:12: 6 |
6 yds 0zn[abrigjs 1/6 | -: 9: |
1 pr Shoes 7/. 1 pr Ribed Hose 3/6 | -:10: 6 |
| 1:12:--" |
"CAPT JOHN GREEN224 for his Compy | DR |
To 73 pr. Shoes @ 7/ | 26:11:--" [sic] |
To 10 yds Ozns for huntg Shirts for two of Capt Temples Compy @ 1/6 ) | -:15:-- |
1-1/8 yd course Cloth for legings 2/9 | -: 3: 1 |
| -:18: 1" |
To John Greenhow for 3 Gross large Buttons @ 8/ | 1: 4:-- |
13 gross small ditto 4/ | 2:12:-- |
| 3:16:--" |
To 1 Check shirt John Baxter @ 14/- | -:14:-- |
85 yds best Ozns 1/6 | 6: 7: 6 |
8 best check Shirts 14/- | 12:13: 6" |
Page 46 [Williamsburg November 22, 1775] | |
"CAPT JOHN SEAYRES227 for his Compy | DR |
To 250 Yds Ozns for huntg Shirts @ 1/6 | 18:15:-- |
50 Check Shirts @ 12/6 | 31: 5 | :-- |
| 50:--:--" |
Page 48 [Williamsburg, November 24, 1775] | | |
"CAPT JOHN FLEMING228 for his Compy | | DR |
To 23-¼ yds blue duffle @ | 7/6 | 8:14: 4-½ |
7-7/8 yds blue Kersey | 4/ | 1:11: 6 |
7 yds blue Coating | 8/4 | 2:18: 4 |
6 yds blue half thicks | 3/- | -:18:-- |
8 yds blue frize | 10/4 | 4: 2: 8 |
4 yds grey brod Cloth | 12/6 | 2:10:-- |
25 yds Irish linnen | 3/6 | 4: 7: 6 |
1 Oz. nuns thread | 1/6 | -: 1: 6 |
3-¼ doz large blue buttons | 1/3 | -: 4: 0-¾ |
2 doz small ditto | 7-½[d] | -: 1: 3 |
2 yds Shalloon | 2/6 | -: 5:-- |
80 yds Ozns for body shirts | 1/6 | 6:--:-- |
4 Oz cold thread | 4d | -: 1: 4 |
8 Sticks best twist | 4/ | -: 4:-- |
| | 31:19: 6-¼" |
Page 50 [Williamsburg, November 30, 1775] | | |
To 23 yds Irish linnens | @ 3/3 | 4: 1: 3 |
12 bound hats | 3/6 | 2: 2:-- |
20 yds Ozns | 1/6 | 1:10:-- |
12 yds flannel | 2/6 | 1:10:-- |
181-¼ yds Ozns | 1/6 | 13:11:10-½ |
25 yds Irish linnen | 3/- | 3:15:-- |
25 yds ditto | 3/3 | 4: 1: 3 |
12 yds German Serge | 6/3 | 3:15:-- |
1 [-? Hks] whited bro. thd | 12/ [sic] | -:16:-- |
1 lb cold do | 5/4 | -: 5: 4 |
| | 35: 7: 8-½" |
Page 50 [Williamsburg, December 2, 1775] | | | |
"CAPT WILLIAM DAVIES [see fn. 226] | | DR | |
To 10 pr Worsted Hose | @ 3/9 | 1:17: 6 | |
11 Check Shirts | 12/6 | 5:17: 6 | [sic] |
30 yds Ozns for body shirts | 1/6 | 2: 5:-- | |
10 yds German Serge | 6/3 | 3: 2: 6 | |
| | 13: 2: 6" | |
Page 50 [Williamsburg, December 2, 1775] | | |
TO 1 Castor Hat | @ 9/6 | -: 9: 6 |
2 pr Worsted Hose | 4/6 | -: 9:-- |
| | -:18: 6" |
Page 50 [Williamsburg, December 3. 1775] | | |
"EXPENCES ARMY Pr ordr Col Henry… | | DR |
To 2 yds Duffle for Prisoner | @ 6/3 | -:12: 6 |
15 large Buttons do 1/3 | -: 1: | 3 |
1-½ yds German Serge | 6/3 | -: 9: 4-½ |
2 Oz thread 8d 2 Sticks twist 10d | -: 1: | 6 |
1 doz small Buttons | 6 | -: -: 6 |
1 pr Ribed Hose | 3/6 | -: 3: 6 |
1 dutch Blanket @ | 12/ | -:12:-- |
| | 2: 0: 7-½" |
Page 51 [Williamsburg, December 6, 1775] | | |
To 10 yds durants* | @ 3/ | 1:10: 0 |
13-½ Yds blue stroud | @ 5/ | 3: 7: 6 |
| | 4:17: 6" |
To paid Mrs Nicholas230 for 22 Shirts | 1:16: 8" |
Page 52 [Williamsburg, December 7, 1775] | | |
To 12 pr Shoes | @ 7/ | £ 4: 4:-- |
3 Check Shirts | @ 12/6 | 1:17: 6 |
15 pr Stockings | @ 4/6 | 3: 7: 6 |
4 Bound Hatts | @ 4/9 | -:19:-- |
| | 10: 8:--" |
Page 52 [Williamsburg, December 7, 1775] | | |
To 1-¾ Yd Coating | @ 12/6 | 1: 1:10-½ |
5 Shirts | @ 12/6 | 3: 2: 6 |
1 ps. Garterg 4/. 6 pr Shoes | @ 7/. | 2: 6: 0 |
| | 6:10: 4-½" |
To Cash paid for 3 Saddles &c @ 18/9 | 2:16: 3 |
2 ps. Ozbrg. 173 Yds dd Maj. Epps 1/6 | 12:19: 6 |
5 Blankets for Capt Flemings Co | 2:10:-- |
…" | |
To 5-pr Shoes @ 7/ | 1:15: 0" |
Page 53 [Williamsburg, December 7, 1775] | |
To 1-½ Yd Stroud | -: 7: 6" |
Page 53 [Williamsburg, December 8, 1775] | |
Cash | |
To paid for durfy235 making 17. Coats @ 4/ | 3: 8: 0" |
… | |
Page 53 [Williamsburg, December 9, 1775] | |
To 3-Yds Coating @ 12/6 | 1:17: 6 | | | |
3 Yds flannel @ | 2/6 | -: 7: 6 |
3 yds Twist 9d | Oz. thd | 4d | -: 1: | 1 |
1 hk Silk 7-½d ¼ yd Buckram 6[d] | -: 1: 1-½ |
¼ lb Oz. thrd | -: -: 4-½ |
| 2: 7: 7 |
To 2 pr large hose @ 6/ | -:12:-- |
4 yds Ozbrg. @ 1/6 | -: 6:-- |
| -:18:--" |
Page 53 [Williamsburg, December 9, 1775] | |
"CAPT JOHN SEAYRES [see note 101] | DR |
To ps. Ir. linn 25 yds @ 3/9 | 4:13: 9 |
26 yds do @ 3/3 | 4: 4: 8 [sic] |
2 Oz. thrd @ 1/6 | -: 3: - |
… | 9: 1: 5" |
Page 54 [Williamsburg, December 9, 1775] | |
To 1 Check Shirt making &c | -:14:--" |
To 208-¾ Yds. Ozbrgs. dd Duvl @ 1/6 | 15:13: 1-½ |
39 Blankets of Barrett's | 20:13: 6 |
| 36: 6: 7-½ |
To John Barrett for 41 Blankets | 21:12: 6" |
Page 55 [Williamsburg, December 12, 1775] | |
To 25-½ Yds Frize @ 5/2 | 6:16:11 |
6 yds do @ 5/- | 1:10: 0 |
Page 55 [Williamsburg, December 12, 1775] | | |
[Capt. Duvall, continued] | | |
"5-½ yds Cloath | @ 8/4 | 2: 5:10 |
14 doz & 2 Ct Butts | @ 1/- | -:l4: 2 |
7 doz Small | @ 6d | -: 3: 6 |
10 Oz. thrd | @ 6d | -: 5: 0 |
14 yds Ozbrgs. | @ 1/6 | 1: 1:-- |
20 Stk Twist | @ -- | -:10:-- |
1 doz. hose | @ | 1:10:-- |
… | | 14:16: 5" |
To Sundries. Viz. 15-¾ yds Cloath @ 11/ | 8:13:3 |
3-7/8 [yds] Cloath @ 11/6 4 Oz. thrd @ 4d | 2: 5:10-¾ |
22-½ yds Silk ferrett @ 4d | -: 7: 6 |
11 yds Scarlet gartering @ 4d | -: 3: 8 |
1 hk Silk 7-½d. 2 Oz. thrd 8d | -: 1: 3-½ |
1 pr Worsted Hose @ -- | -: 6:-- |
| 11:17: 7-¼" |
Page 57 [Williamsburg, December 15, 1775] | | |
To Sundries Viz. | | |
179-½ yds Ozbrg. | @ 1/6 | 13: 9: 3 |
9-½ yds blue duffill | @ 6/3 | 2:19: 4-½ |
3-½ yds Coating | @ 8/6 | 1: 9: 9 |
12 yds Prize | @ 6/9 | 4: 1:-- |
21 yds Ozbrg. | @ 1/6 | 1:11: 6 |
4-½ yds Cloath | @ 11/6 | 2:11: 9 |
11-¾ yds Serge | @ 6/3 | 3:13: 5-¼ |
2 Knives 2/6. 5 doz. Butts | @ 6d | -: 5:-- |
7 doz horn Butts | @ 4d | -: 2: 4 |
2 doz Metal do | @ 1/ | -: 2:-- |
14 Stks Twist | @ 6d | -: 7:-- |
½ lb Colld thrd | @ 5/4 | -: 2: 8 |
16 yds Ozbrg. | @ 1/6 | 1: 4:-- |
4 Bound Hatts | @ 4/ | -:16:-- |
1-½ yds brd Cloath | @ 11/6 | -:17: 3 |
| | 33:12: 3-¾" |
To 22 pr milled Hose | @ 5/0 | 5:10:--" |
To 1 pr hose 4/3. 2 pr do @ 6/ for Self | -:16: 3 |
2 pr do @ 6/ … | -:12:-- |
2 pr. Blanketts for offrs @ 25/ | 2:10:-- |
4 duffil Blanketts for Officers @ 12/6 | 2:10:--- |
| 6: 8: 3" |
To 1 dutch Blankett for Henry… | -:12: 6" |
To 1 pr Philda Hose | - : 5: 6" |
60Page 59 [Williamsburg, December 16, 1775] | |
To 16-¼ yds Cloath @11/ | 8:18: 9 |
2 hks Silk 1/3. 15 Oz. thread 7/6 | -: 8: 9 |
18 Stks Twist 9/. 9 yds Sw. Skin 27/. | 1:16:-- |
13 doz. Sm. Butts @ 6d | -: 6: 6 |
7-½ doz. lar. do @ 1/ | -: 7: 6 |
18 yds Ozbrigs @ 1/6 | 1: 7:-- |
10-¼ yds duffil @ 9/ | 4:12: 3 |
10 Oz. thrd 5/. 12 Stks Twist 6/ | -:11:-- |
6 yds Swan Skin 18/. 5 doz. Butts 5/ | 1: 3:-- |
9 doz. Sm. Butts @ 6d | -: 4:6 |
12 yds Ozbrgs for lining &c | -:18:-- |
Cash paid Jno Burns for 10 Suits Clo | 6.15:-- |
… | 27: 8: 3" |
To 4 yds blue Clo. Short Quty left wth him @ 10/6 | 2: 2:-- |
4 yds Virga linn @ 2/6 | -:10:-- |
3 Stks twist @ 7-½ | -: 1:10-½ |
| 2:13:10-½" |
Page 59 [Williamsburg, December 20, 1775] | |
To 1 ps. dowlas 35-½ yds @ 2/3 | 3:19:10-½" |
Page 61 [Williamsburg, December 22, 1775] | |
To 35 pr Virga Shoes @ 8/ | 14:--:--" |
To 22 Blankets dd Capt Seayres Cpy @ 12/6 | 13:15:--" |
Page 62 [Williamsburg, December 22, 1775] | |
To Cash paid Thos Craig, for W. Coats | 1: 8: 8 [sic] |
[Dec. 24th] | |
54-1/6 yds Ozbrgs @ 1/6) | |
Exchange for duck @ 2/2) | 4: 1: 3" |
Page 62 [Williamsburg, Deceper 26, 1775] | | |
To 2-½ yds Bearskin @ 8/4 | -:16: 8 | |
| 4: 2 | [sic] |
3 pr ribb. hose @ 3/6 | -:10: 6 | |
1 pr do 4/6. 2 Oz. thrd 8d | -: 5: 2 | |
| 1:16: 6" | |
Page 62 [Williamsburg, December 28, 1775] | | |
To 4-3/8 yds duffle @ 7/6 | 1:13: 9-½ | [sic] |
10 hatts @ 3/4 | 1:13: 4 | |
| 3: 7: 1-½" | |
Page 65 (Williamsburg, December 29, 1775] | | |
2 ps. douias 64 Yds @ 3/ | 9:12:-- | |
3 Oz. Nuns thread @ 1/3 | -: 3: 9 | |
10 pr Shoes @ 7/6 | 3:15:-- | |
1 doz. mild Stockings @ 5/ | 3:--:-- | |
2 pr leathr Breechs @ 18/9 | 1:17: 6 | |
14-½ yds bro: Cloath @ 14/ | 10: 3:-- | |
12 Stks Silk twist 6/. 3 doz. Butts 1/10-½ | -: 7:10-½ | |
5 doz. & 10 big Butts @ 1/3 | -: 7: 3 | |
8 hks Silk 5/. 4 Oz. thread 1/4 | -: 6: 4 | |
10-½ yds Shall[oon] @ 2/8 | -: 6: 4 | |
4 yds Buckm 8/. 1 pr hose 6/6 [sic] | -:14:-- | [sic] |
| 31:14: 8-½" | |
Page 65 [Williamsburg, December 29, 1775] | |
For Capt Tripletts Compy | |
13 pr Shoes @ 6/10 | 4: 8:10 |
12 pr better do @ 7/6 | 4:10:-- |
…" | |
To 1 pr Best kind Shoes...@ 7/6 | -: 7: 6" |
Page 67 [Williamsburg, January 2, 1776] | | |
To Sundries for Capt Wests Cpy | | |
20 pr Shoes @ 6/10 | 6:16: 8 | |
5 pr do finer @ 7/6 | 1:17: 6 | |
20 pr Mild Hose @ 5/ | 5:--:-- | 13:14: 2 |
2 felt hatts @ 4/6 | | -: 9:-- |
Delivd Chas West | | |
To ditto for Capt Lees Compy | | |
To 20-¾ yd flannell @ 2/6 | 2:11:10-½ | |
4 yds plains @ 5/4 | 1: 1: 4 | |
13 yds bro. Cloath @ 11/6 | 7: 9: 6 | |
13-½ yds best do @ 15/ | 10: 2: 6 | |
131-½ yds doulas @ 3/ | 19:14: 6 | |
16 Oz. thrd @ 8d | -:10: 8 | |
8 Oz. Cold thrd 2/80 20 Stks twist @ 5d | -:11:-- |
5 doz. & 9 large Butts @ 1/ | -: 5: 9 | |
14 doz. Sm. horn Butts @ 4d | -: 4: 8 | |
1 felt hatt 4/9. 8 pr hose @ 5/ | 2: 4: 9 | |
17-½ yds Ozbrgs @ 1/6 | 1: 6: 3 | |
6 pr Shoes @ 7/6 | 2: 5:-- | |
11-¼ yds Shall[oon]. @ 2/9 | 1:10:11-¾ | |
6 yds Frize @ 4/6. Sh. Breech. 18/9 | 2: 5: 9 | |
1 felt hatt 4/. 1 pr M. hose @ 5/. | -: 9:-- | 52:13: 6-¼" |
Page 68 [Williamsburg January 2, 1776] | |
… | |
… 1 Castor Hatt 11/. | … |
…" | |
Page 69 [Williamsburg, January 8, 1776] | |
"EXPENCES ARMY for Capt Campb[ell] | DR |
To 65 Blanketts for his Cpy @ 12/6 | 40:12: 6" |
To 30 pr imported Shoes @ 7/6 | 11: 5:--" |
Page 70 [Williamsburg, January 9, 1776] | |
To 23. yds bearskin @ 6/ | 7:16:--" |
for 52 pr leggins | |
16 yds Coating @ 12/6. 32 Stks twist @ 6d | 10:16:-- |
12 Oz. thr. 4/. 3 pr hose @ 6/6 | 1: 3: 6 |
1 Cast. hatt 9/. 1 ditto 12/6. 1 ditto 11/6 | 1:13:-- |
5 pr Shoes @ 7/6. 1 pr fine ditto 10/0 | 2: 7: 6 |
7 pr M. hose @ 5/ | 1:15:-- |
| 17:15:--" |
Page 71 [Williamsburg January 11, 1776] | |
To 48-½ yds linn @ 3/9 | 9: 1:10-½ |
6 pr M. hose @ 5/. 5 pr Shoes @ 7/6 | 3: 7: 6 |
3 yd Cloath @ 6/3 | -: 4: 8-¼ |
6 Castor hatts 54/. 6 Oz. thrd 4/6 | 2:18: 6 |
| 15:12: 6-¾" |
64Page 72 [Williamsburg, January 11, 1776] | |
To 1pr Shoes 7/6. 1 felt hatt 4/. | -:11: 6" |
Page 72 [Williamsburg, January 13, 1776] | |
To 1 pr Shoes 7/6. 1 pr S. hose @ 2/9 | -:10: 3 |
To 1 pr fine Shoes 11/6 | -:11: 6 |
| 1: 1: 9" |
Page 73 [Williamsburg, January 15, 1776] | |
To 7/8 yd light Cloath @ 12/6 | -:10:11-¼ |
1 yd Shall. 2/9. 1 yd Stamp'd linn. 1/6. | -: 4: 3 |
1 hk Silk 9d Stk Twist 5d | -: 1: 2 |
| -:16: 4-¼" |
To 13 yds Ozbrgs @ 1/6. 2 doz. Butts @ 6d | 1: 0: 6 | |
6 lar Butts 6d. 1 Oz. thrd 4d 2 Stks Tw. 1/ | -: 1:10 | |
2-¾ yd Wilton255 @ 7/6 34-½ yds doul. 3/9256 | 7:17: 6-½ | [sic] |
65Page 73 [Williamsburg, January 15, 1776] | |
[Capt. Campbell, continued] | |
4 pr M. hose @ 5/. | 1:--:-- |
1 yd Cloath @ 7/6. 1 doz. Buttons 6d | -: 8:-- |
1-½ yd Shall @ 2/6. 1 Oz. thrd 4d Twist 5d | -: 4:6 |
3 Oz. WB thrd 2/3: 2 bound hatts 8/ | -:10: 3 |
½ yd Cloath 5/9. | 2 yds ferrett257 8d | -: 6: 5 |
4 yds Ozbrig. @ 1/6 | -: 6:-- |
| 11:15: - ½" |
Page 74 [Williamsburg, January 16, 1776] | | |
To 172 doz M. hose @ 5/ | 1:10:-- | |
½ doz pr Shoes @ 7/6 | 2: 5: 6 | [sic] |
2 unbound hatts No 2 & 3 @ 4/8 | -: 9: 4 | |
3 bound ditto @ 4/8 | -:14 :-- | |
1 ditto do @ 2/ | -: 2:-- | |
4 Blanketts @ 12/6 | 2:10:-- | |
1 Oz. thrd 4. 2 Stks Twist 1/ | -: 1: 4 | |
65 yds Ozbrg @ 1/6 | 4: 2:)6 |
| 15 ) | |
| 11:14: 8" | [sic] |
Page 76 [Williamsburg, January 18, 1776] | |
To 5-Pr Shoes @ 9/. 3 pr ditto @ 8/ | 3: 9:-- |
11 dutch Blanketts @ 12/6 | 6:17: 6 |
| 10: 6: 6" |
Page 83 [Williamsburg, January 31, 1776] | |
To Capt Wm Davis Isle Wt. | 6:10:--" |
for 20 pr Shoes @ 6/ | |
67Page 83 [Williamsburg, January 31, 1776] | |
To 18 dutch Blanketts … 12/6 | 11: 5:-- |
1 pr fine Shoes 9/ …" | |
Page 86 [Williamsburg, February 13, 1776] | |
To 6 pr Sanco hose260 @ 2/6 dd Mr Price | |
for Negro Prisnrs | -:15:--" |
Page 89 [Williamsburg, February 16, 1776] | |
To 2 pr Silk hose 40/. 1 Cas. Hatt 11/8 | 2:11: 8 |
1 leathr Cap 7/6 | -: 7: 6 |
| 2:19: 2" |
Page 91 [Williamsburg, February 19, 1776] | | |
for Capt davis's Compy | | |
1 Sett Colours. 1 fife, brass Top, ferril** &c | | 5: 8: 8 |
181-¼ Yds Ozb. @ 1/6 for leggins | 13:11:10-½ | |
20 pr M. hose @ 5/ | 5:--:-- | 18:11:10-½" |
Page 92 [Williamsburg February 22, 1776] | |
To 15 Yds douls @ 2/6. 1 Oz. Nuns thr 1/3 | 1:15: 9 |
1 doz. Shirt Butts 6d | -:--: 6 |
pr Mr Burwell | 1:19: 3" |
To 1 pr pumps pr Son | -:11: 6" |
Page 92 [Williamsburg February 23, 1776] | |
To 17 Yds Sheeting @ 4/. 8 Yds Ozb. @ 1/6 | 4:- :-- |
3 pr blk hose @ 5/6. 2 yds br. Clo. @ 13/6 | 2: 3: 6 |
2 Yds blue Clo. @ 12/6. 1 Yd Shalloon 2/6 | 1: 7: 6 |
½ yd flannel 1/3. 16 lar. Butts 1/4 | -: 2: 7 |
1 Oz. thrd 4d 1 St. twist 5d. 26 Butts 14d | -: 1:11 |
1 Oz. thr. 4d 1 St. twist 5d. ½ yd Ozb. 9d | -: 1: 6 |
2 pr Virg. Shoes 15/. dd R. Whitlock | -:15:-- |
| 8:12:--" |
Page 92 [Williamsburg, February 23, 1776] | |
262-½ Yds Ozb. @ 1/6. for h Shirts | 19:13: 9 |
22 Yds bath Coating @ 8/6. 16 doz. h. Buts 4d | 9:12: 4 |
5-½ doz. plate Butts @ 1/. 1-½ lb Coll. thr. @ 5/4 | -:13: 6 |
16 St. twist @ 51. 25 Yds Ozb. @ 1/6 for lining | 2: 4: 2 |
33 pr blue hose @ 3/3. 1 hatt 4/ | 5:11: 3 |
Sent to Hampton | 37:15:--" |
Page 93 [Williamsburg, February 23, 1776] | |
To 356-¼ Yds Ozb. @ 1/6. for Shirts | 26:14: 4-½ |
26-½ Yds Coating @ 7/6. 13-½ yds ditto 10/ | 16:13: 9 |
16 doz. h. Butts @ 4d 16 doz. & 8 pl. ditto @ 1/. | 1: 2:-- |
1-½ lb Coll. thr. @ 5/4. 16 St. twist @ 5d | -:14:10 [sic] |
40 yds Ozb. @ 1/6. 21 pr blue hose @ 3/3 | 6: 8: 3 |
4 felt hatts 16/. | -:16:-- |
Sent to Suffolk | 52: 9:-- -½" |
To 247-½ Yds Ozb. @ 1/6. | 18:11: 3 |
21-¾ Yds Coating @ 6/2. 21 doz. h. Butts @ 4d | 7: 1: 1-½ [sic] |
2 doz & 2 plate Butts 2/2. ½ lb Coll. thr. 2/8 | -: 4:10 |
12 St. twist & 5d. 6 felt hatts @ 4/ | 1: 9:-- |
32-½ Yds Ozb. @ 1/6. for lining | 2: 8: 9 |
49 pr blue hose @ 3/3 | 7:19: 3 |
| 37:14: 2-½" |
To 7 Yds douls @ 2/3. for Bullit patches | -:15: 9 |
To 1 lb twine for making Cartages | -: 2: 6" |
To 1 Tent, 32 Yds duck @ 2/6 | 4:--:-- |
To making do 10/. ½ lb twine 1/3 | -:11: 3 |
| 4:11: 3" |
Page 93 [Williamsburg, February 24, 1776] | |
To 306 Yds Ozb. @ 1/6. for h. Shirts | 22:19:--" |
Page 96 [Williamsburg, March 14, 1776] | |
To 397-½ Yds Ozb. @ 1/6. for h S. & leggins | 29:16: 3 |
… | |
6 pr Shoes @ 7/6. 1 pr blk Hose 5/6 | 2:10: 6 |
Oz. thrd 4d. 1 hatt 11/6 | -:11:10 |
…" | |
Page 97 [Williamsburg, March 4, 1776] | |
To 333 Yds Ozb. @ 1/6 for hunting Shirts | 24:19: 6 |
92-½ Yds ditto @ 1/6 for leggins | 6:18: 9 |
| 31:18: 3" |
Page 97 [Williamsburg, March 4, 1776] | |
To 333 Yds Ozb. @ 1/6 for hunting Sh. | 24:19: 6 |
21 Yds Coating @ 6/8. 19 Yds ditto @ 9/3 | 15:15: 9 |
6-¼ Yds ditto. @ 8/6. 3 lb Coll. thrd @ 5/4 | 3: 9: 1-½ |
| 44: 4: 4-½ |
for leggins pr Self." | |
Page 98 [Williamsburg, March 6, 1776] | | |
To 19 Yds bro. Clo. @ 12/. 16-¾ Yds frize @ 7/ | 17: 5: 3 | |
3-¾ Yds ditto @ 13/6. 18-¼ yds fine Clo. @ 15/ | 16: 4:10-½ | [sic] |
72 |
11-¼ Yds Nar. Clo. @ 9/. 26-¾ Yds frize @ 6/. | 13: 1: 9 [sic] |
12 Yds frize @ 4/. 7-¾ Yds ditto @ 6/. | 4:14: 6 |
7-½ yds blue Clo. @ 9/. for Breechs | 3: 7: 6 |
13-¾ Yds Coating @ 9/6. 5-¾ yds ditto @ 13/4 | 10: 7: 3-½ |
6 Yds frize @ 8/4. 3 lb coll. thrd @ 5/4 | 3: 6:-- |
14-¼ Yds bro Clo. @ 13/6 for
Officers | 9:12: 4-½ |
7-¾ Yds br. Clo. @ 13/6. 63 St. twist @ 5d | 6:10:10-½ |
50 pr hose @ 5/6. 61 pr Shoes @ 7/6 | 36:12: 6 |
244 Yds douls a 2/3. for Body Shirts | 27: 9:-- |
| 148:11:11" |
Page 98 [Williamsburg, March 6, 1776] | |
To 144 Yds Ozb. @ 1/6 for hunting Sh. | 10:16:-- |
12-½ Yds Coating @ 6/6. for leggins | 4: 1: 3 |
… | |
14 pr Shoes @ 7/6. 6 hatts 36/. 5 ditto 20/. | 8: 1:-- |
9-½ yds Clo. @ 12/6 for Breeches | 5:18: 9 |
… | |
13 Oz. thrd @ 4d. 4 doz. plate Butts @ 1/ | -: 8: 4 |
14 doz. h. Butts 4/8. 18 St. twist @ 5d | -:12: 2 |
29-¾ Yds linn. @ 2/3. for lining | 3: 6:11-¼ |
…" | |
Page 99 [Williamsburg, March 6, 1776] | |
To Capt Wm duvall for | |
247 yds Ozbrigs @ 1/6 for h. Shirts | 18:10: 6 |
26 yds Coating @ 6/. for legs | 7:16:-- |
42 Blankets @ --- | 22:11:-- |
| 48:17: 6" |
To 14 Yds Coating @ 10/. for Coats &c | 7:--:-- |
4 Yds ditto @ 12/6. 6-¾ Yds br. Clo. @ 15/ | 7:11: 3 |
7 doz & 7 plate Butts @ 1/. 3 doz Sml 1/6 | -: 9: 1 |
1 doz h. butts 4d. 17 St. twist @ 5d | -: 7: 5 |
4 Oz. thrd 1/4. 25 Yds douls @ 2/3 for leg. | 2:17: 7 |
3 pr Hose @ 3/6. 78-½ Yds douls @ 2/3 B. Sh. | 9: 7: 1-½ |
21-½ Yds douls @ 2/6 for Body Shirts | 2:13: 9 |
¾ lb Nuns thrd @ 20/. 11 hatts @ 4/6 | 3: 4: 6 |
1 pr Stocks 3/6. 6 pr Shoes @ 7/6 | 2: 8: 6 |
dd Jno Gregory | 35:19: 2-½" |
Page 99 [Williamsburg, March 7, 1776] | |
To 275 Yds Ozb. @ 1/6 for H Shirts | 20:12: 6 |
75 |
18-¾ Yds duffill @ 7/10 for leggins | 7: 6:10-½ |
4-¼ yds ditto @ 7/. 25 yds ditto @ 7/6. | 10:19: 4-½ [sic] |
2 lb Cold thrd 10/8. 78 doz. h. Butts @ Ltd | 1:16: | 8 |
| 40:15: 5" |
Page 101 [Williamsburg, March 9, 1776] | |
To 2 Hatts @ 6/4. 2 yds Coating 20/ | 1:12: 8 |
… | |
28 yds Ozb. @ 1/6 for lining | 2: 2:-- |
24-½ yds ditto @ 1/6 for Body Shirts | 1:16: 9 |
198 yds ditto @ 1/6. for hunting Sh | 14:17:-- |
16 pr Shoes @ 7/6. 23-¼ yds Coat @ 8/9 | 16: 3: 5-¼ |
27 yds Ozb. @ 1/6 for leggins | 2: 0: 6 |
…" | |
Page 102 [Williamsburg, Mach 12, 1776] | |
To 30 Yds Coating @ 9/. for legs | 13:10:-- |
76 |
To 17 Yds ditto @ 11/. for ditto | 9: 7:-- |
337-½ Yds Ozb. @ 1/6. for hunting Shirts | 25: 6: 3 [sic] |
3 lb br. thrd @ 5/4. 1 lb coll. ditto 5/4 | 1: 1: 4 |
…" | |
Page 104 [Williamsburg, March 18, 1776] | |
To 1 fine hatt 12/. 14 Yds douls @ 2/3 | 2: 3: 6 |
… | |
2 fine hatts @ 12/6 pr. Mr Winslow | 1: 5:-- |
1 fine hatt 12/…" | |
To 25 Yds Coating @ 7/6 for legs | 9: 7: 6 |
21-¼ Yds frize @ 8/6 for ditto | 9: 0: 7-½ |
… | |
Page 105 [Williamsburg, March 19, 1776] | |
To 12 pr blue hose @ 3/6 6 hatts @ 5/ | 2: 7:.." [sic] |
Page 105 [Williamsburg, March 20, 1776) | DR |
To 3 Yds fine douls @ 3/9 | -:11: 3 |
1 Oz. thrd 1/3 … | -: 1: 3 |
| -:12: 6" |
Page 108 [Williamsburg, March 26, 1776] | |
To 13 Needles @ 2/ 1 palm @ 1/ | -: 3:-- |
15 lb twine @ 2/6 | | 1:17: 6" |
Page 110 [Williamsburg, March 27, 1776] | |
To 1 hatt 12/, pr Self | 1:12:--" |
To 6 Yds Ozbr. @ 1/6. 2 Yds flannel @ 2/6 | -:14: 0 |
1 hatt 13/6. pr J Chew… | -:13: 6 |
| 1: 7: 6" |
Page 110 [Williamsburg, March 29, 1776] | |
To 13 Yds Ozbrig. @ 1/6. 2 Oz. br. thrd 8d | 1: 3: 2 |
1 pr Hose 3/6. 2 doz. plate Butts @ 1/ | -: 5: 6 |
3 doz. pl. Butts | -: 3:-. |
1 doz. horn Butts 4d | -:--: 4 |
| 1: 9:--" |
To 2 fine Hatts @ 13/6 pr J. deane | 1: 7:--" |
To 370 Yds Ozbrig. @ 1/6. Huntg. & B. Sh. | 27:15:- |
4 pr hose @ 3/6. 4 pr. Shoes @ 7/6 | 2: 4:-- |
80 |
17 Hatts @ 4/6. 7 ditto @ 5/ | 5:11: 6 |
2 lb bro. thrd @ 5/4. 1 lb Colld thrd 5/4 | -:16:-- |
23 Yds Coating @ 8/. for legs | 9: 4:-- |
11-½ Yds ditto @ 6/8. for Do | 3:16: 8 |
12-½ Yds Prize @ 10/8 for Do | 6:13: 4 |
| 56: 0: 6" |
Page 112 [Williamsburg, Apri1 1, 1776] | |
To 1 fine hatt 15/. pr John Stokes | --:15:--" |
To 1 pr stitch'd Shoes @ 12/6 to Wm. Kerton | --:12: 6" |
Page 112 [Williamsburg, April 2, 1776] | |
… | |
38 felt hatts @ 4/. 7 ditto @ 5/8 | 9:11: 8 |
° 4 fine hatt @ 12/ 1 fantail hatt291 @ 13/6 ..." | |
Page 114 [Williamsburg, April 8, 1776] | |
To 1 pr Sanco hose 2/9 | …" | |
Page 117 [Williamsburg, Aril 25, 1776] | |
To filets @ 13/6. 1 ditto 12/ pr H. Field | 2:12: 6 |
2 fantail hatts @ 13/6. 1 Coarser do 12/ | 1:19:-- |
1 ditto 12/. …" | |
Page 119 [Williamsburg, May 9, 1776] | | |
"EXPS ARMY pr Ordr Gl Lewis | DR | |
To 162 Yds Cotten @ 2714-½ | 19: 4: 9 | |
138 yds better ditto @ 2/7-½ | 18: 2: 3 | |
35 Blanketts @ 22/ | 38:10:-- | |
| 75:17:-- | |
for the Soldiers at Burw. ferry- | | |
To 92 Yds Cotten @ 3/3-¾ | 16: 4: 9 | [sic] |
10 Blanketts @ 22/. to Capt Hopkins Co | 11:--:-- | |
To 144 Yds plad @ 4/3 | 30:12:-- | |
& 17 Blanketts @ 22/- for Capt Russells Co | 18:14:-- | |
128 Yds plad @ 4/3 | 27: 4:-- | |
14 Blanketts @ 22/. to Capt. Cock's Co | 15: 8:-- | |
To 80 Yds plad @ 14/3. 8 Blanketts @ 22/ | 25:16:-- | |
for Capt Massie's Co- | | |
…" | | |
Page 120 [Williamsburg, May 8, 1776] | |
To 40 Yds frize @ 6/. 21 doz. pl. Butts 21/. | 13: 1:-- |
21-½ Yds Ozbrigs @ 1/6. | 1:12: 3 |
for Artilry Co | 14:13: 3" |
Page 120 [Williamsburg, May 9, 1776] | | |
"JOHN BURNS295 | | DR |
To Sundry Cloths &c delivd him to make, Viz. | | |
1 ps Green Clo. No 1723 | 15-¾ Yds | |
1 ps bro: ditto | 17-¼ | |
1 ps drabb ditto | 16 | |
2 ps ditto | 36-½ | |
1 ps Bath Coating | 21 | |
made. 1 ps blue Clo. 26 Yds. 1 ps ditto 9 Yds. 1 ditto 17-½ Yds. | | |
1 ps drabb 10 Yds. 1 ps Mixed 18-¾. 1 ps ditto 18-¾. | | |
1 ps ditto 19-½. 603 Ells Ozbrigs or 753-¾ Yds for hunting | | |
Shirts and linings. Pr. O. Com. Safety | | |
CR By 100 hunting Shirts & 36 Suits Clothes." | | |
Page 121 [Williamsburg, May 10, 1776] | |
for Capt Alexanders Co | |
2 ps drilling297 60 Yds @ 4/6 | 13:10:-- |
117 Yds Oznabrigs @ 2/. for hunting Shirts | 11:14 :-- |
1 lb bro. thrd 746. 24 pr Shoes @ 7/6 | 9: 7: 6 |
17 pss Stripes298 246-½ Yds @ 3/9 | 46:: 4: 4-½ |
| 80:15:10-½ |
dd Capt Alexander." | |
To 7-½ Yds Ticklenburg300 @ 2/ | -:15:--" |
84Page 121 [Williamsburg, May 10, 1776] | |
To 6 Yds Ticklenburg @ 2/6 | -:15:--" |
"CAPT EDWD TRAVIS302 Pr 0. C. Bullitt | DR |
To 40 Cutlashes @ 12/. 218-¾ Yds Ozbrgs. 2/ | 45:17: 6 |
14 Yds wh. linn. @ 4/. 3 Yds drilling @ 4/6 | 3: 9: 6 |
| 49: 7:--" |
85Page 121 [Williamsburg, May 10, 1776] | |
To 2-¾ Yds Tent duck @ -- [sic] | -: 7: 6-¾" |
Page 122 [Williamsburg, May 11, 1776] | |
To 432 Yds drilling @ 4/6 | 97: 4:-- |
79 Yds Rays duck @ 3/9 | 14:16: 3 |
504 Yds Check [@] 3/6 | 88: 4:-- |
240 Yds white linnen [@] 4/ | 48:--:-- |
316 Yds blue Stripes 3/8 | 57:18: 8 |
174 Yds white Sheeting 4/8 | 40:12:-- |
36 Yds bro: Sheeting 3/6 | 6: 6: 0 |
80 Yds Douls 3/ | 12:--:-- |
872-½ Yds Ozbrigs 2/ | 87: 5:-- |
19 Sm. Blanketts @ 15/ | 14: 5:0 |
| 466:10:11" |
Page 122 [Williamsburg May 11, 1776] | |
To 6 Yds Rays duck @ 3/9 | 1: 2: 6 |
6 Yds Tent duck @ 2/9 | -:16: 8 [sic] |
1 Sm. Blankett 15/ | -:15:-- |
6 Yds wh. Sheeting 4/8 | 1: 8:-- |
1 Oz. thrd 7-½ d | -:--:7-½ |
Jno Baird | 4: 2: 9-½" |
To 20 pr Shoes @ 7/6 | 7:10:-- |
pr Ensign Armistead" | |
Page 123 [Williamsburg, May 13, 1776] | |
To 2 ps Ravs duck 78 Yds @ 3/9 | 14:12: 6 |
425 Yds drilling @ 4/6 | 95:12: 6 |
504 Yds Check @ 3 | 75:12:-- |
252 Yds Wh. Linn. 4/ | 50: 8:-- |
159-½ Yds Stripes 3/8 | 29: 4:10 |
159-½ Yds Stripes 3/9 | 29:18: 1-½ |
174 Yds Wh. Sheeting 4/8 | 40:12:-- |
94-¾ Yds douls @ 3/- | 14: 4: 3 |
836-¼ Yds Ozbrigs @ 2/ | 83:12: 6 |
80 felt hatts @ 4/10 | 19: 6: 8 |
248 pr Shoes @ 8. 4 ps Cotten 82 Yds @ 2/9 | 110: 9: 6 |
24 dutch Blanketts best kind @ 22/ | 26: 8: 0 |
4 lb bro. thrd @ 8/6. 3 lb bro. thrd @ 7/6 | 2:16: 6 |
2 lb ditto @ 7/. 1-½ lb Nuns thrd @ 20/- | 2: 4:-- |
8 Yds duck 3/9 | 1:10:-- |
| 596:11: 4-½ |
pr Colo McClannahan" | |
Page 124 [Williamsburg, May 15, 1776] | |
To 4 ps drilling 102 Yds @ 4/6 | 22:19:-- |
58 Yds Stripes @ 3/8 | 10:12: 8 |
29 Yds ditto @ 3/9 | 5: 8: 9 |
28-¼ Yds wh. Sheeting @ 4/8 | 6:11:10 |
72 Yds Check 3/. 36 Yds Wh. linn. @ 4/. | 18:--:-- |
110 Yds Ozbrigs @ 2/. 4 Blanketts @ 15/ | 14: 0: 0 |
¼ lb Nuns thrd @ 20/. 1 lb bro. thrd 7/ | -:12:-- |
1 lb bro. thrd 8/6. 60 pr Shoes @ 7/6. | 22:18: 6 |
100 felt hatts @ 4/10. 6-¾ Yds durts 3/ | 25: 3: 3 [sic] |
22 Yds Shalln @ 2/6 | 2:15:-- |
26-¾ Yds Narrw Frize @ 6/3 | 8: 7: 2-¼ |
20 doz. plate Butts @ 1/- | 1:--:-- |
5 doz. & 10 Yellw Carvd Butts @ 1/3 | -: 7: 3-½ |
| 138:15: 5-¾" |
Page 129 [Williamsburg, May 22, 1776] | |
"CAPT JAMES COCKE309 of the Brigg, Hope. | |
To 1 ps holland Duck, 1 ps Russia ditto | 15: 0:-- |
12 lb Twine dd himself 3/ | 1:16:-- |
| 16:16:--" |
Page 129 [Williamsburg, May 22, 1776] | |
To Matt. Hubbard310 for 27 pr Shoes | 9: 9:-- |
Mathew Hubbard | |
To Cash pr Recpt | 9:--:-- |
To 1 Bundle Sole leathr No 10 180 lb 1/4. | 12:--:-- |
1 Ditto Ditto 18 164 1/6 | 12: 6:-- |
1 Ditto Wax Do 13 182 2/10 | 25:15: 8 |
| 50: 1: 8" |
To Messrs Faulke & Buckard | |
130 pr leathr Breechs @ 24/ | 156:--:-- |
400 pr. Shoes 7/6 | 150:--:-- |
| 306:--:--" |
Page 141 [Williamsburg, June 17, 1776] | |
To 1 Body Shirt 10/6) | |
1 pr Breechs ) pr Man." | |
Page 148 [Williamsburg, July 4, 1776] | |
To 3 Yds blue Stripes 3/8 | -:11:--" |
Page 149 [Williamsburg, July 6, 1776] | |
To Capt. Wm. Gregory312 for 397-½ Yds Oznbs for | |
hunting Shirts &c for his Co | 29:16: 3 |
To Jno W. Austin, for 1 hunting Shirt & Leggs pr Col. Christians313 Certificate | -:16: 6 |
To 5-½ Yds blk Shalln @ 2/9 | |
for Camp Colours pr Q.M. Request | -:15: 1-½" |
Page 149 [Williamsburg, July 12, 1776] | |
To 1 Bundle Sole leather No 2 160 lb @ ½ | 10:13: 4 |
To loose Sides Do 100 ¼ | 6:13: 4 |
To 1 Bundle Upper Do 200 2/9 | 27:10:-- |
| 44:16: 8 |
To be made into Soldiers Shoes and Return'd @ 7/. pr pair. | |
Jno Chapman — Security" | |
Page 150 [Williamsburg, July 12, 1776] | | |
To Math. Hubbard-315 for 16 pr Shoes @ 7/ | | 5:12:-- |
To ditto for 80 pr ditto @ 6/6 | | 26: 0:-- |
| DR | 31:12:-- |
To Cash for 16 pr Shoes @ 7/ | | 5:12:-- |
90 |
To 1 Bundle best dental leather No 9 150 lb 1/8 | | 12:10:-- |
To 60 lb upper leathr @ 2/9 | | 8: 5:-- |
| | 20:15:-- |
To be made into Soldiers Shoes and return'd @ 7/ pr Agreemt." | | |
Page 153 [Williamsburg, July 23, 1776] | |
To Capt. Nicholas316 for 105 Yds Oznbrgs chd him | |
--for haversacks &c | 7:17: 6" |
Page 154 [Williamsburg, July 25, 1776] | |
To 23-½ Yds Red Persian pr Col. Aylett | 11:15: 0" |
Page 155 [Williamsburg, August 2, 1776] | |
"COLLIN REDDICK318 New Castle | DR |
To 1 Bundle Upper leathr 210 lbs 2/9 | 28:17: 6 |
1 ditto Sole No 7 125 1/7 | 9:17:11 |
1 ditto ditto 14 159 1/4 | 10:12: 0 |
| 49: 7: 5" |
Page 155 [Williamsburg, August 3, 1776] | |
To James Cosby for 97 pr shoes 7/ | 33:19: 0" |
"To Colin Reddick pr Mrs Vobes Cart | |
for 73 pr Shoes @ 6/6 | 23:14: 6" |
Page 156 [Williamsburg, August 9, 1776] | |
To William Davis 319 for 156 pr Shoes 6/6 | 50:14: 0" |
To Cash Paid Mr Proctor pr Recpt. | 50:14: 0" |
Page 157 [Williamsburg, August 14, 1776] | |
To Ditto for 4 pr Hose 5/. | 1: 0:-- |
57 pr Shoes 6/10. 19 pr finer Ditto 7/6 | 26:12: 0 |
for the Use of the Troops | 27:12: 0" |
Page 158 [Williamsburg, August 14, 1776] | |
To Q. Master General, Viz. | |
for 3 pr Shoes @ 6/10. 3 pr ditto 7/6 | 2: 3: 0 |
1 pr fine Hose 5/. 1 pr Coarse ditto 2/9 | -: 7: 9 |
| 2:10: 9" |
To Capt. Johnston for 33 pr blue hose @ 3/3) | |
sent for him to Norfolk, but not deld) | 5: 7: 3" |
Page 159 [Williamsburg, August 13, 1776] |
"JOHN BURNS323 K.W. pr Ord. Col. Aylett |
To Sundry Cloaths to make into Soldiers Clothes, Viz. |
26-½ Yds Coating 9/6. 21-½ Yds duffl 8/6. |
56 Yds duffill 9/. 17-½ Yds brd Clo. @ 12/. |
12 Yds Frize 14/. 12 Yds Coating 11/6. |
4-¾ Yds Stroud 7/6. 6 Yds Frize 3/6. |
5-¼ Yds Clo. 10/. 3-7/8ths of duffil 7/6. |
36 Yds buff Frize 3/6. 24-½ Yds Do 6/3. |
58 Yds Frize 6/3. 18-½ Yds Ditto 57. |
38 doz. tar. metal Butts @ 1/3. |
5 doz. Sm. ditto 7-½d. 63 doz. M hair Do 1/. |
33-½ doz. Sm. M hair Butts 6d. |
7 doz. large Ditto 1/. |
114 Yds Flannel 3/. |
3-½ Twist @ [sic] 17 Yds Shalln 2/6. |
57 Yds Shalln 2/6 10-½ Do Bucket 2/6. |
5 lb Country thread 7/6. |
4 finer Do 8/6. 2 Yds Oznbrs @ [sic] |
Agreeable to Mr Burns's recpt. in the Day Book." |
Page 160 [Williamsburg, August 14, 1776] | | |
"LIEUT. BENJAMIN POLLARD324 of The Marine Co Pr Ord. N. Bd | | |
To 2 ps Oznbrig. 214 Yds @ 2/ | | 21: 8: 0 |
8 pr Shoes 7/6. 4 pr Leath. Breechs 27/6 | 8:10:-- | |
hatts 8/6. 2 lb Country thrd @ 8/6 | 2:11: 0 | |
4 pr loath Breeches 15th @ 2776 | 5:10: 0 | 16:11:--" |
Page 162 [Williamsburg, August 28, 1776] | |
James Cosby325 for 114 pr Shoes 7/ | 39:18: 0 |
To Cash to Balance | 29: 0: 4" |
Page 163 [Williamsburg, September 12, 1776] | |
HORSE326 | |
To 24 Saddles @ 25/. 2 Ditto @ 35/ | 33:10:-- |
pr Spotswood Dandridge." | |
Page 164 [Williamsburg September 12, 1776] | |
For Capt. Jones's Co | |
19 pr Shoes @ 7/6. 5 pr hose @ 6/. pr Lieut. Stark." | 8:12: 6 |
Page 164 [Williamsburg, September 13, 1776] | |
"To SUNDRIES, for Capt. Johnsons328 Co. | |
16 pr Shoes @ 7/6. 16 pr hose 6/ pr Ens. Stubblefield" | 10:16:-- |
"To DITTO for Capt Massies329 Co | |
4 pr leather Breeches @ 30/. | 6: 0:-- |
9 Ditto Shoes @ 7/6. | 3: 7: 6 |
1 pr linn. Breechs @ 7/6 | -: 7: 6 |
pr En. Armistead | 9:15:--" |
Page 164 [Williamsburg, September 13, 1776] | |
"To DITTO for Capt Hopsons330 Co | |
21 Yds Sheeting @ 4/8 | 4:18: 0 |
2 Oz. thrd 1/. 9 Hatts @ 9/6 | 4: 6: 6 |
1 Hatt 107. 15 Yds wh. linn @ 5/6 | 4:12: 6 |
2-¾ Yds Sheeting @ 4/8 | -:12:10 |
| 14: 9:10" |
"To DITTO for Capt. Johnsons331 Co | |
9 Close Bodied Coats @ 32/6 | 14:12: 6 |
10 pr leathr Breeches @ 30/ | 15: 0:-- |
1 Hatt 8/6. 3 pr hose 2/9 | --:16: 9 |
pr Lieut. Stocks | 30: 9: 3" |
"To DITTO for Capt. Cabells332 Co | | |
2 Coats @ 32/6. 20 pr leath Breechs 30/. | 33: 5:-- | |
95 |
31 pr Shoes @ 7/6. 2 pr hose @ 6/. | 12: 4: 6 | |
6 Hatts @ 8/6. 3 ditto @ 4/ | 3: 3:-- | |
14-¾ Yds Striptd linn @ 4/2 | 3: 1: 1-½ | [sic] |
Page 165 [Williamsburg, September 14, 1776] | |
For Capt. Towles's Co | |
Viz. 3 pr Leathr Breeches @ 30/ | 4:10:-- |
1 pr mill'd hose 6/. | -: 6:-- |
1 Hatt pr Lieut. Tritt 6/6 | -: 6: 6 |
| 5: 2: 6" |
"For Capt. Massies334 Co | |
12 pr Leath. Breeches @ 30/ | 18:--:-- |
pr Ensn Armistead." | |
"For Capt Hopsons335 Compy | |
14 pr leathr Breeches @ 30/ | 21:--:-- |
11 Jacketts, & 4 Blue Coats | 11: 3: 6 |
2 pr Shoes @ 7/6. 1 Hatt 8/6 | 1: 3: 6 |
pr Capt Hopson | 33: 7:--" |
Page 166 [Williamsburg, September 14, 1776] | |
"COLO BUCKNER - 6th BATTN For Capt. Johnson336 Co | |
3 pr Leathr Breechs @ 30/ | 4:10:.-- |
1 Strip'd Waistcoat @ -- | -: 8: 6 |
1 Hatt 8/6. 1 ditto 10/ | -:18: 6 |
6 pr Breechs (leathr) M 30/ | 9:--:-- |
2 Yellw Coats & a Waistcoat | | 3:13: 6 |
pr Lieut. Garland | 18:10: 6" |
"For Capt Towles's337 Co | |
10 Close bodied Coats @ 32/6 | 16: 5:- |
7 Jacketts a [sic] 8 pr leath. Bhs @ 30/ | 14:19: 6 |
1 pr Cloth Breeches @ 16/6 | _ | -:16: 6 |
1 ps Linn. 24 Yds @ 2/6 | 3:--:-- |
1 pr Shoes 7/6. by Lt. Tritt | -: 7: 6 |
1 hatt | -: 4: 9 |
| 35:13: 3" |
Page 167 [Williamsburg, September 14, 1776] | |
To 1 ps Strip'd Linnen | 3: 5:--" |
Page 168 [Williamsburg, September 16, 1776] | |
To 6 Drums, wth Barrs | -:14:--" |
Page 170 [Williamsburg, September 20, 1776] | |
To Capt. Chs Tomkies340 for 81 Hunting Shirts & Leggs | 58: 1: 6" |
PUBLIC STORE--WILLIAMSBURG. JOURNAL OCTOBER 16, 1776--AUGUST 15, 1777. Ms Virginia State Library. C.W. Microfilm M-1016-2.
Page 2 [Williamsburg, October 2 1776] | |
To 7 Yds Linnen @ 4/6 | 1:11: 6 |
To pr Shoes 7/6. 1 fine Hatt 10/ | -:17: 6 |
To 1 Yd Cloth 11/- deld Serjt | 0:11: 0 |
| 3:--:--" |
Page 2 [Williamsburg, October 25, 1776] | |
To John Burns342 for making 123 Coats & 107 Jacketts recd this day Coats @ 5/- Jacketts @ 2/ | 41: 9: 0" |
Page 3 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1776] | |
To Joshua Storrs343 for 40 Blanketts 36/ | 72:--:--" |
Page 3 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1776] | | |
1 Yrd light frize 11/6. ¾ Yd. dark duffle @ 7/6 | 0:15: 3 | [sic] |
1 Yrd light do @ 6/8. 3 doze Sm: Butts @ 7-½d | 0: 8: 6-½ | |
2 Sticks Twist 1/3. 1 oz the 1/. 1 pr leath Breeches 27/6 | 1:11:0 | |
1 Close bodied Coat 32/6. 1 pr leath Breeches 27/6 | 3: 0: 0 | |
| 5:14: 9-½" | |
Page 4 [Williamsburg, November 3, 1776] | |
To 6 Close body'd Coats @ 32/6 | 9:15:--" |
To 1pr Shoes 7/6. 2 Waistcoats 16/. 3 pr Shoes 7/6 | 2: 6: 0 |
To 1 Waistcoat 8/. 6 Yds Linnen @ 7/6 | 2:13: 0" |
Page 4 [Williamsburg, November 4 & 5, 1776] | |
"CAPT BENJN TEMPLE of the 2d Troop | DR |
To 3 Waistcoats @ 8/. 1 ditto @ 8/. | 1:12: 0 |
To 1 Waistcoat 8/. 1 pr Shoes 7/6 | -:15: 6" |
Page 5 [Williamsburg, November 7, 1776] | |
"EIGHTH BATTAN for Capt Croghan347 | DR |
To Close bodied Coat @ 32/6 | 1:12: 6" |
"Com.wealth EXPENCE of the Army Pr O. Council | DR |
To 5 Yds dark Frize @ 5/ | 1: 5: 0 |
To 3-½ Yds Shalloon @ 3/6. 1 Oz thd. 1/3- | 0:13: 6 |
To 13 Mettle Buttons @ 2/- 1 Dozn Wt Butts 7-½d | 0: 2: 9-½ |
To 1 pr Leather Breeches 30/- 2 Sts Twist 1/3 | 1:11: 3 |
| 3:12: 6-½" |
Page 5 [Williamsburg, November 9, 1776] | |
TO 3 dozn Silk Coat Buttons @ 1/3 | 0: 3: 9 |
To 1 Yd Linnen 4/6. 2 dozn Shirt Butts @ 6d | 0: 5: 6 |
| 0: 9: 3" |
To Cash paid Sampson Matthews for 5 Pair Leather Breeches | 6: 6: 0" |
"PUBLICK GOAL for Mr Pelham DR Or. House | | |
To 2-½ Yds Motheaten Bearskin for Prisoners 6/3 | 0:15: 7-½ | |
To 6 pr Shoes @ 7/6 | 2: 5: 0 | 3: 0: 7-½" |
Page 6 [Williamsburg, November 11, 1776] | |
To 1pr Leather Breeches 30/ | 1:10: 0" |
Page 6 [Williamsburg, November 13, 1776] | |
"SECOND Troop Of Horse Capt Temple | DR |
To 11 best Saddles @ 55/- | 30: 5: 0 |
2 do--next best @ 35/- | 3:10: 0 |
| 33:15: 0" |
"EIGHTH BATTN for Capt Crohan350 | DR |
To 1 Close bodied Coat 32/6. 1 Waistcoat 8/. | 2:--: 6" |
Page 6 [Williamsburg, November 16, 1776] | |
To 1-Close bodied Coat 35/- 1 pr Leather Breeches 27/6 | 3: 2: 6" |
To 3 ps Quany 64 yds blue Cloth @ 17/6 | 56:--:-- |
To 4-½ Yds Scarlet Coating @ 10/- | 2: 5: 0 |
To ½ lb fine Country thread @ 10/- | 0: 5: 0 |
To 18 Yds Oznas @ 2/6 | 2: 5: 0 |
| 60:15: 0" |
Page 7 [Williamsburg, November 16, 1776] | |
To Third Regiment352 for Sundries left in the Publick Store which they Recd of Mr Hunter Fredericksbg Vizt | |
9 ps blue Cloth 183 Yds @ 16/6 | 150:19: 6 |
4-½ Yds Scarlet Coating @ 10/ | 2: 5: 0 |
55 Yds Osnabs @ 2/6 | 6:17: 6 |
30 Yds red Plains @ 3/- | 4 :10: 0 |
6 ps Cotton 120 Yds @ 2/9 | 16:10: 0 |
20 pr Shoes @ 6/6 14 pr @ 5/6 | 10: 7: 0 |
| 191: 9:0" |
"CAPT LEW: JONES353 of 4th Troop | DR |
To 3 Pair Leather Breeches @ 30/ | 14:10: | |
To 5 Jacketts @ 8/ | 2: 0: 0 |
To 2 Coats @ 32/6 | 3: 5: 0 |
To 1 pr Leather Breeches 27/6 | 1: 7: 6 |
| 11: 2: 6" |
Page 7 [Williamsburg, November 16, 1776] | |
"CAPT EVERARD MEADE354 pr Or Council | DR |
To 5 Ps 108-¾ Yds blue Cloth @ 17/6 | 95: 3: 1-½ |
To 37 Yds Oznas @ 2/6 | 4:12: 6 |
To 10-¼ Yds blue Cloth @ 17/6 | 8:19: 4-½ |
| 108:15: 0" |
Page 8 [Williamsburg, November 23 1776] | | |
To 13 Yds wh: Linnen @ 4/- | 2:12: 0 | |
1 Oz. Nuns the @ 1/3. | 0: 1: 3 | 2:13: 3" |
Page 8 [Williamsburg, November 29, 1776] | |
"LEAD MINES356 pr Or. Govrner | DR |
To 20 Coats @ 32/6 | 32:10: 0" |
Page 9 [Williamsburg, November 30, 1776] | | |
To 20 Coats @ 32/6. 15 pr breeches @ 30/- | 55: 0: 0 | |
To 5 pr meaner Breeches @ 27/6 | 6:17: 6 | 61:17: 6" |
Page 10 [Williamsburg, December 4, 1776] | | |
To John Burns358 for making sundry Cloaths this day delivered Vizt | | |
81 Coats @ 5/- 115 Jacketts @ 2/- | 32:10: 0 | |
4 Gross horn moulds @ 3/ | 0:12: 0 | |
Covering 150 doze butts @ 3/. | 1:17: 6 | 311:19: 6" |
To Cash pd Churchill Anderson359 making 65 pr Shoes @ 2/ | 6:10:--" |
"To Jas B. Johnson for 24 pr Shoes @ 6/6 | 7:16: on |
Page 11 [Williamsburg, December 7, 1776] | | |
"CAPT CALL360 4th Troop pr 0. Majr Bland | DR | |
To 32 Gr Waist Coats @ 8/- | 12:33: 0 | |
4 do do @ 8/- | 1:12: 0 | 14: 8: 0" |
"CAPT JONES 4th Troop361 DR pr Verb: Ord: Majr Bland | | |
To 12 blue Coats @ 27/6 | 16:10: 0 | |
33 Jacketts @ 8/- | 13: 4: 0 | |
20 Coats @ 35/- | 35: 0: 0 | |
12 Yds Red: Cloth @ 3/9 | 2: 5: 0 | 66:19: 0" |
Page 12 [Williamsburg, December 16, 1776] | | |
To Cash paid George Reid for 26 Bridles | 6:10: 0 | |
do for 2 pr Lines @ 1/3 | -: 2: 6 | |
Do for 6 pr Shoe Boots | 14: 8: 0 | 21: 0: 6" |
Page 13 [Williamsburg December 10, 1776] | |
"COLO DUDLEY DIGGS362 pr Note | DR |
To 1 pr Leathr Breeches to your Man | 1: 7: 6" |
To 2-½ Yds Russia drab @ 4/6 | 0:11: 3" |
Page 13 [Williamsburg, December 14, 1776] | |
To 1 doz sml Gilt Buttons @ 2/6 | 0: 2: 6 |
To 3 large do @ 1/3 | 0: 0: 3-¾ |
| 0: 2: 9-¾" |
To 1 ps French Linnen 72 Yds @ 9/7 | 34:10:0" |
Page 14 [Williamsburg, December 6, 1776] | |
"CAPT ST AUBIN OF THE TROOP366 DR pr 0. Governor. | |
To 2 Yds blue broad Cloth @ 27/6 | 2:15: 0 |
1-¼ Yds Scarlet do @ 27/6 | 1:14: 4-½ |
1 Shoulder Knott @ 75/ | 2: 5: 0 |
| 6:14:-½" |
Page 14 [Williamsburg December 17, 1776] | |
"GENL LEWIS pr Son367 | DR |
To 3 dozn large Gilt Buttons @ 5/ | 0:15: 0 |
1 dozn Small do @ 2/6 | 0: 2: 6 |
¼ Yd broad Cloth @ 27/6 | 0: 6:10-½ |
| 1: 4: 4-½" |
Page 14 [Williamsburg, December 17, 1776] | |
To 3-¾ Yds do blue Cloth @ 27/6 pr Yd | 5: 3: 1-½" |
Page 15 [Williamsburg, December 17, 1776] | |
To 1-doze large Gilt Buttons @ 5/- | -: 5: 0 |
To 3 dozn Sml do @ 2/6 | 0: 7: 6 |
| 0:12: 6" |
Page 15 [Williamsburg, December 19, 1776] | |
To 25 Yds bro. dowlas @ 3/ | 3:15: 0" |
Page 15 (Williamsburg, December 20, 1776] | |
"MAJR GEO: NICHOLSON371 pr. Note | DR |
To 1 Hatt 8/6 - | 0: 8: 6" |
To 9 Ells of Linnen @ 10/9-¼ pr Yd | 6: 1: 2 |
To 2 ditto fine do @ 16/10-¼ do | 2: 2: 1-½ |
| 8: 3: 3-½" |
Page 15 [Williamsburg, December 20, 1776] | |
By 20 Jackets @ 8/- 1 pr Boots 48/- | 10: 8: 0 |
5 Coats @ 35/- 3 do @ 27/6 | 12:17: 6 |
| 23: 5: 6 |
CASH | |
To 1 pr boots bought of Mr Reid for Capt Jones) | |
Returned ) | 2: 8: 0" |
Page 15 [Williamsburg, December 21, 1776] | |
"CAPT TEBBS374 pr Self | DR |
To 1 blue Coat 27/6 | 1: 7: 6" |
Page 16 [Williamsburg, December 23, 1776] | | |
To 10 Yds fine linnen @ 16/10-½ | 8: 8: 7 | [sic] |
pr Note | | |
To Cash paid for a Bottle of Snuff | -: 5: -" | |
To r yds red Cloath @ 27/6 - | 8: 5: 0 |
3 yds blue ditto @ 27/6 | 4: 2: 6 |
6 doz. large Butts @ 5/. | 1:10: 0 |
6 doz. Small ditto @ 2/6 | -:15:-- |
pr Cap. Temple. | 14:12: 6" |
Page 18 [Williamsburg, January 1, 1777] | |
To 1 Coat 35/ 1 Jacket 8/. Sh. Butts. 1/3 | 2: 4: 3" |
Page 18 [Williamsburg January 4, 1777] | |
"CAPT THOMAS LILLY376 pr Self | DR - |
To hkf 5/6 | -: 5: 6" |
Page 23 [Williamsburg, January 21, 1777] | |
TO CASH paid Benjamin Harrison junr for 2 Blanketts delivd Capt Pollard | 1: 4: 0" |
Page 23 [Williamsburg, January 23, 1777] | |
To ditto paid Gabriel Maupin377… | |
for 36 Breastplaits for Cap Nelsons378 do [Troop] | 4:10: 0" |
Page 23 [Williamsburg, January 25, 1777] | |
To 1 hkf 5/. 1 pr damaged Shoes @ 7/6 | -:12: 6 |
1 pr mill'd hose 5/ | -: 5: 0 |
| -:17: 6" |
Page 24 [Williamsburg, January 21, 1777] | |
To sundry Cloathing furnished Lieut. Holt380, for his Quota of recruits: by Ord. Council | |
Viz. 13 Reifle Shirts @ 18/ | 11:14: 0 |
7-¾ yds drilling @ 4/6 | 1:14:10-½ |
1 Coat 32/6. 1 ditto 33/9. 2 ditto @ 33/9 | 6:13: 9 |
Thrd 1/8. 1 handkf 3/6. 1 hatt 10/. 1 ditto 4/6 | -:19: 8 |
110 |
1-½ yd Stripes @ 4/6. hankf 3/6 | -:10: 3 |
3 pr Shoes @ 7/6. 1-½ yd Stripes 4/6 | 1: 9: 3 |
13 bunches thrd @ 4d. 7-½ yds Check @ 3/4 | 1: 9: 4 |
1 [h]kff 5/6. 6 yds linnen @ 5/3-½ | 1:17: 3 |
1 Hatt 10/. 1 ditto 9/6. 8 Hkffs @ 5/6 | 3: 3: 6 |
1 hatt 9/ Thrd 5d 7 Yds linen 5/3 | 2: 6: 2 |
3 yds drilling @-4/6. 1 Coat 30/. | 2: 3: 6 |
4 yds holland @ 4/6. 3-½ yds ditto @ 4/6 | 1:13: 9 |
Thread 2/3. 2 Coats 30/- | 3: 2: 3 |
for Seven Men. | 38:17: 6-½" |
Page 25 [Williamsburg, January 30, 1777] | |
To Sundries for two of Jno Halts quota of Men by former Order of Council | |
Viz. 2 Coats @ 33/9. 12 yds linen @ 9/1 | 8:16: 6 |
Thrd 2/8. 4-½ yds drilling @ 4/6 | 1: 2:11 |
¾ yd holland @ 4/6. 1 pr Shoes 7/6 | -:10:10-½ |
1 hatt 5/6. Thrd 1/4 | -: 6:10 |
5-¼ yd Striped holland @ 4/6 | 1: 3: 7-½ |
Thread 4d | -: -: 4 |
pr Jno Brice & Wm Allen | |
7 yds linn @ 8/. 7 yds ditto @ 5/3 | 4:12: 9 |
Thread 2/8. drilling 13/6. 1 pr Shoes 7/6 | 1: 3: 8 |
6 bunches Thrd 2/. fine thread 1/3 | -: 3: 3 |
pr David Hickey | |
12 Yds Stripes @ 4/6 | 2:14: 0 |
5-½ yds drilling @ 4/6. 2 pr Shoes @ 7/6 | 1:19: 9 |
7 yds Check @ 3/9 | 1: 6: 3 |
pr Jno Dunn | 24: 0: 9" |
Page 26 [Williamsburg, February 1, 1777] | |
"The Honble John Page381 pr Lady | DR |
To 2-½ yds brd Cloath @ 27/6 | 3: 8: 9 |
2-½ ditto Shalloon @ 2/6 | -: 6: 3 |
3 Sticks Twist 1/10-½. 16 Bunches Thrd. 5/4 | -: 7: 2-½ |
| 4: 2: 2-½" |
Page 27 [Williamsburg, February 4, 1777] | |
pr Mr Rogers | |
To 2 Shoulder Knotts @ 45/ | 4:10:-- |
1 doz. & 10 Silver Butts @ 5/ | -: 9: 2 |
2 Sm. ditto @ 2/6 | -: 0: 5 |
| 4:19: 7" |
Page 30 [Williamsburg, February 15, 1777] | |
To 60 yds Oznbrs @ 2/6 1 lb Thrd 4/) | |
for making baggs. Pr ditto | 7:10: 4" |
Page 32 [Williamsburg, February 19, 1777] | |
"WILLIAM AYLETT383 pr Self | DR |
To 1 blue Coat 27/6. pr Shoes 7/6 | 1:15:--" |
Page 37 [Williamsburg, February 27, 1777] | |
To 9 -Check Shirts @ 12/. 36 yds check 3/9 | 12: 5: 0 |
17 yds Stripes 4/6. 13 Yds ditto 4/ | 6: 8: 6 |
3 yds flowered Serge 5/6 | -:16: 6 |
1-½ ditto halfthicks @ 4/. 2-¾ ditto Clo. @ 30/. | 4: 8: 6 |
doz. plate Butts @ 6/. 1 doz. Sm. do 3/. | 0:12: 0 |
2 Sticks Twist 1/3. 2-½ yds Shalloon 6/4 | 0:17: 1 |
2 Bunches Thread @ 5/. 12 pr hose @ 5/9 | 3:114: 0 |
8 pr Shoes 7/6. 14 yds linen 9/9. Thread 1/. | 9:17: 6 |
1 doz. Shirt Butts 7-½d 25 yds Check 3/9 | 4:14: 4-
½ |
…2 hatts @ 5/…" | |
Page 52 [Williamsburg, March 1, 1777] | |
To Cash paid William Smith pr Ord. the Govr | |
Ninety two pounds 14/ for 154 Yds blue duffil | 92:14: 0" |
Page 54 [Williamsburg, March 5, 1777] | |
To 1-½ yds blue Coating @ 24/ | 1:16: 0 |
…" | |
Page 55 [Williamsburg, March 7, 1777] | |
To 2 yds blue broad Cloth @ 30/ | 3:--:-- |
delivd the Indian Interpreter" | |
Page 61 [Williamsburg, March 15, 1777] | |
"LIEUT JOS. SELDEN386 pr Ord. Governr | DR |
To Sundries for his recruits VIZ. | |
19-¾ yds Cloth @ 24/6 | 24: 3:10-½ |
3 yds linen @ 9/2. 6 Yds drilling387 @ 4/6 | 2:14: 6 |
9 pr hose @ 5/9. 7 do Shoes @ 7/6 | 5: 4: 3 |
1 Oznbrig Shirt 12/6. 13 Sts Twist @ 7-½d | 1: 0: 7-½ |
13 doz. Butts 6/4. 1 pr Shoes 7/6 | 4: 9:10 |
1 pr Shoes 5/9. 1 Shirt 12/6 | -:18: 3 |
| 38:11: 4" |
Page 62 [Williamsburg, March 17, 1777] | | |
To Sundries pr Ord. Colo Morgan389 for 38 Men of their Recruits | VIZ. | |
28 yds blue broil Cloth @ 24/6 | 34: 6: 0 | |
27 ditto ditto @ 23/6 | 31:14: 6 | |
49 ditto linen 5/6. 13 pr hose 5/9 | 17: 4: 3 | |
11 pr Shoes 7/6. 20 doz. Butts @ 6/4 | 10: 9: 2 | |
2 doz. Vest Butts @ 3/6. 1 lb bro. thread 7/6 | --:14: 6 | |
15 hanks Thread @ 5d 1 Shirt 12/6 | --:18: 9 | |
4 hatts 20/. 14 yds Linen @ 9/6 | 7:13: 0 | |
6 hks thread 2/6. 1-½ yd linen @ 9/11 | --:17: 3-½ | |
30 Yds drilling @ 4/6 | 6:15: 0 | 110:12: 5-½" |
Page 69 [Williamsburg, March 22, 1777] | |
"CAPT GARNETT390 pr Self | DR |
To 3B Yds Oznbrigs @ 2/9 | 5: 4: 6 |
1 pr Shoes 8/. 1 pr hose 5/9. pr Self | -:13: 9 |
| 5:18: 3" |
Page 70 [Williamsburg, March 24, 1777] | |
To 6 yds Shalloon 6/6 | 1:19: 0 |
6 do Oznbrigs 2/9 pr Self | -:16: 6 |
| 2:15: 6" |
Page 75 [Williamsburg, March 27, 1777] | |
To 14 Yds linen @ 2/6. 1 do drilling 4/6 | 1:19: 6 |
pr Note & man Pedro | |
To Cash paid for 2 yds Cambrick 50/.** | 2:10:--" |
Page 78 [Williamsburg, March 28, 1777] | |
To Sundries pr Ord. Col. Morgan | |
To 7-½ Yds Cloth @ 26/. | 9:15: 0 |
3-¾ do flowered Serge @ 5/6 | 1: 0: 7-½ |
6 do drilling @ 4/6 | 1: 7: 0 |
6 do Shall. @ 6/6. 2 pr hose @ 5/9 | 2:10: 6 |
24-½ Yds linen @ 4/6:- Thread 3/8 | 5:13:11 |
4 hats 20/. 5 pr Shoes @ 7/6 | 2:17: 6 |
pr Serj. Bishop | 23: 4: 6-½ |
Page 79 [Williamsburg, March 29, 1777] | |
Pr Ord. Colo Morgan | |
To 18 Yds Cloth @ 24/6. 5-¼ do Serge 5/6. | 23: 9:10-½ |
19-½ do drilling @ 4/6. 1 hat 5/. | 4:12: 9 |
42-½ do linen @ i/6. 4 pr hose 5/9 | 10:14: 3 |
1 pr Shoes 7/6. 13 hks Thread @ 4d | -:11:10 |
pr Serjt Boswell | 39: 8: 8-½" |
Page 79 [Williamsburg, March 31, 1777] | |
To 2 Yds Check @ 3/9. 3-¼ Yds drilling 4/6 | 1: 2: 1-½ |
1 ps Tape @ -- | -: 7: 0" |
Page 86 [Williamsburg, Aril 3, 1777] | |
Pr Ord. Colo Morgan | 31:18: 3 |
To 27-¾ Yds Coating @ 237 | 31:18: 3 |
15 ditto Oznabrigs 2/9 | 2: 1: 3 |
60 hks Thread 42 | 1: 0: - |
| 34:19: 6" |
Page 87 [Williamsburg, April 4, 1777] | |
"LIEUT. PETER STUBBLEFIELD395 pr Ord. Colo Morgan | DR |
To 4-¼ Yds Russia Sheeting @ 4/6 | 1: 0: 3 |
2 ditto drilling 9/. 7 Yds linen @ 4/6 | 2: 0: 6 |
Thread 1/. 1 yd Oznbrigs 2/9 | -: 3: 9 |
| 3: 4: 6 |
Page 88 (Williamsburg, April 4, 1777] | |
"LIEUT. JOHN DAVTRS396 pr Ord. Colo Morgan | DR |
To 16-½ Yds blue Coating @ 23/. | 18:19: 6 |
Thread 7/4. 2 Ozn. Shirts 25/. | 1:12: 4 |
1-½ Yd Shalloon 9/6. | -: 9: 6 |
| 21: 1: 4" |
Page 88 [Williamsburg, April 5, 1777] | |
To 3-¾ Yds Cloth @ 26/ | 4:17: 6 |
…" | |
Page 89 [Williamsburg, Aril 7, 1777] | |
To 36 Yds Napt Frize @ 211/. | 31: 4: 0 |
9-½ ditto Cloth @ 24/6 | 11:12: 9 |
10-½ ditto Shalloon @ 6/11 | 3: 6: 6 |
| 46: 3: 3" |
Page 90 [Williamsburg April 7, 1777] | |
"CAP WINDSOR BROWNJ98 pr Ord. Maj: Brent399 | DR |
To 25 Yds Coating @ 23/. 25:15:-- error in posting £3 | 28:15: 0" |
Page 90 [Williamsburg, April 7, 1777] | |
"LIEUT. EPHS RUDDER400 pr Ord. Maj. Brent | DR |
To 15 Yds Coating @ 24/ | 18: 0:-- |
25-¾ do linen @ 7/ | 9: 0: 3 |
9-¼ do finer ditto @ 8/1 | 3:14: 9-¼ |
| 30:15: 0-¼" |
Page 92 [Williamsburg, April 8, 1777] | |
"CAPT JAMES QUARLES401 pr Ord Maj. Brent | DR |
To 42 Yds Cloth @ 24/6. pr Yarde | 51: 9: 0 |
34 do check 3/9. 10-½ do linen 9/6 | 11: 7: 3 |
72 hks Thread 4d pr Self | 1: 4: 0 |
| 64: 0: 3" |
Page 92 [Williamsburg, April 8, 1777] | |
"CAPT CHARLES YARBROUGH402 | pr Ord Maj. Brent | DR |
To 2 Yds Cloth @ 40/. 6 pr hose @ 5/9 | 5:17: 6 |
3 pr Shoes 24/. 3 pr ditto 22/6 | 2: 6: 6 |
6 felt hats 42/. 17-½ Yds ditto @ 4/. | 5:12: 0 |
Thread 2/8. 1 pr Shoes 8/. | -:10: 8 |
pr Self. | 14: 3: 8" |
"CAPT THOMAS EWELL403 pr Ord. Maj. Brent | DR |
To 110 Yds linen @ 4/. 32 pr hose @ 5/9 | 31: 4: 0 |
25 pr Shoes @ 7/6. 32 hks Thread 10/8. | 9:18: 2 |
12 Check Shirts 12/ | 7: 4: 0 |
| 48: 6: 2" |
To 1 felt hatt 5/. | -: 5:--" |
Page 94 [Williamsburg, Aril 9, 1777] | |
"COLO CHARLES LEWIS405 14th BATTN pr Ord. Governour | |
To 300 pr yarn Hose 5/9 | 86: 5: 0 |
for his Regiment." | |
Page 95 [Williamsburg, April 14, 1777] | |
To Sundries pr Mr Pelham for Hakke Pride, Prisoner VIZ | |
1 Coat 35/7 pr hose 5/9. hat 5/. | 2: 5: 9 |
1-½ Yd drilling 6/9. Thread 4d | -: 7: 1 |
1 Oznabrig Shirt 12/6. pr Shoes 7/6. | 1: 0: 0 |
| 3:12:10" |
Page 98 [Williamsburg, April 12, 1777] | |
To Capt John Green406 1st Regt for 16 Hunting Shirts @ 8/4 | 6:13: 4 |
73 pr legs @ 4/.- | 14:12: 0 |
Not before settled for. | 21: 5: 4" |
Page 102 (Williamsburg, April 14, 1777] | |
"CAP WALTER VOWLES407 pr Ord Major Brent Vizt | DR |
To 19 Oznabrig Shirts @ 12/6 | 11:17: 6 |
5 Yds Check @ 4/6 | 1: 2: 6 |
7 ditto linen 28/. 3-½ ditto linen @ 4/. | 2: 2: 0 |
6 pr Shoes @ 7/6. 4 pr hose @ 5/9 | 3: 8: 0 |
6 do drilling @ 4/6 3 ditto Stripes 4/6 | 2: 0: 6 |
3 hats @ 8/6. 11 hanks Thread 3/8 | 1: 9: 0 |
| 21:19: 6" |
Page 105 [Williamsburg, April 15, 777] | |
pr man Pedro | |
To 8 Yds french Callico @ 6/ | 2: 8: 0" |
Page 116 [Williamsburg, April 22, 1777] | |
"CAP. JOHN CAMPS409 pr Ord. Maj. Brent | |
To 22-½ Yds flower'd Serge 5/6 | 6: 3: 9 |
157-¾ yds linen @ 4/. | 31:11: 0 |
25 ditto do 7/8-½ | 9:12: 8-½ |
7 ditto do 9/2 | 3: 4: 2 |
6 Yds Coating @ 19/ | 5:14:0 |
84 ditto Sheeting @ 6/. | 25: 4: 0 |
2 lb Sewing Thread @ 10/ | 1: 0: 0 |
8 bunches Sewing Thread @ 4d | -: 2: 8 |
10 doz. Shirt butts 6/3 | -: 6: 3 |
15 Blankets No 158 | 22:10: 0 |
12 ditto 157 | 18: 0: 0 |
4 bunches thrd 2/. 18 pr Shoes 7/6 | 6:17: 0 |
| 130: 5: 6-½" |
Page 118 [Williamsburg, April 23, 1777] | |
pr Ord. Maj. Brent | DR |
To 7 Yds red plains @ 9/. | 3: 3: 0 |
122 |
1 pr Shoes 7/6. 8 Yds linen @ 4/. | 1:19: 6 |
7 Yds linen @ 5/6. 4 hks Thrd 1/8 | 2: 0: 2 |
1 do Shalln 6/4 | -: 6: 4 |
| 7: 9: 0" |
To 2 Yds red Cloth @ 40/ | 4: 0:-- |
4 ditto napt Coating @ 24/. | 4:16: 0 |
1 ditto linen 5/6 3 ditto Rays duck 7/6 | 1: 8: 0 |
6 hks Thread @ 5d | -: 2: 6 |
pr Mr Diddep | 10: 6: 6" |
Page 121 [Williamsburg, April 25, 1777] | | |
Yds pr Ord. Maj. Brent | | |
To 28/linnen @ 5/3 | 7: 7: 0 | |
28 ditto 9/6 | 13: 6: 0 | |
Thread 2/8. 8 pr hose 46/. | 2: 8: 8 | |
8 hats 4o/. 8 pr Shoes 60/ | 5: 0:-- | |
Shirt Butts 1/3. Thread 2/8 | -: 3:11 | |
8 dutch Blankets @ 30/ pr Self. | 12: 0:00 | 40: 5: 7" |
Page 124 [Williamsburg, April 29, 1777] | | |
To 45 Yards Oznabriggs @ 2/9 | 6: 3: 9 | |
6 wrappers @ 2/- | -:12: 0 | 6:15: 9" |
"CAPT DELAPORTE pr ord. Governour- | DR | |
To 23 Yards Cloth @ 23/1 10 ditto @ 23/8 | 40:13: 9 | |
22 ditto Shalloon @ 6/. 11 hk thred @ 5d | 6:16: 7 | |
16 ditto linen @ 5/6. 23 butts 4/9-½ | 4:12: 9-½ | |
2 Yds Clo. @ 23/l. 1 ditto 23/8 | 3: 9:10 | |
1 Sh. knott 45 - pr Self | 2: 5: 0 | 57:17:11-½" |
Page 125 [Williamsburg, April 30, 1777] | |
To James Bray Johnson412 pr man Ned for 46 pr Shoes @ 6/6 | 14:19: 0" |
Page 135 [Williamsburg, May 3, 1777] | |
"WILLIAM AYLETT pr man Harry | DR |
To 1 Oznabrigg Shirt | -:12: 6" |
Page 137 [Williamsburg, May 6, 1777] | |
"PUBLIC GOAL pr Mr Pelham | DR |
To 11-½ Yds Check @ 3/9 | 2: 3: 1-½ |
10-½ Yds linen @ 5/4 | 2:16: 0 |
1 Shirt 12/. 2 pr Shoes 15/ | 1: 7: 0 |
2 Hats 14/. Thread 4/2 | -:18: 2 |
3-½ Yds Honleys413 @ 12/2 | 2: 2: 7 |
1 Stk. Twist 7-½d butts 2/. ½ yd Oznbrs 1/6 | 0: 4: 1-½ |
| 9:11: 0" |
Page 144 [Williamsburg, May 12, 1777] | |
"CAPT ABNER CRUMP414 pr Ord Majr Brent) | DR |
for nine Recruits Viz.) | |
To 12 Y'ds Cloth @ 23/6 | 14: 2:-- |
2 ditto for faceings @ 9/ | -:18:-- |
124 |
1 lb bro: thread best kind | -:10:-- |
1 pr hose 5/9. hat 7/. Shirt 12/6 | 1: 5: 3 |
2-¾ doz buttons @ 5/ | -:13:9 |
pr Shoes 7/6- pr Hose 5/9 | -:13: 3 |
8 Y'ds Shalloon @ 6/4 | 2:10: 8 |
½ lb Thread | -: 4: 3 |
3 Y'ds Oz'bgs 9/. 3-½ Yds Linnen 24/6 | 1:13: 6 |
3 Shirts 37/6. 3 pr Stockings 17/3 | 2:14: 9 |
3-¾ Y'ds Sheeting 28/1-½ Hatt 6/. | 1:14: 1-½ |
Thread | -:--: 5-½ |
pr Self | 27:--:--" |
Page 145 [Williamsburg, May 13, 1777] | |
To Sundrys charged him pr Ord. Governour Viz | |
8 Y'ds Sheeting @ 7/6 | 3:--:-- |
¼ ditto red Cloth @ 40/. | -:10:-- |
3-5/8 ditto linnen > 5/6 | -:19:11-¼ |
12 hks Thread > 5d | -: 5:-- |
10 Y'ds Linnen 7/3 | 3:12: 6 |
6 hks thread @ 5d | -: 2: 6 |
pr Self | 8: 9:11-¼" |
"LEUT JOSEPH SELDON416 pr Ord. Mat Brent. | DR | |
To 3-Yds blue honleys @ 12/2 | 1:16: 6 | |
1 Ozbrig Shirt | -:12: 6 | |
1 pr Hose 5/9. 1 felt Hatt 5/3 | -:11:-- | |
1 Blanket... | 1:10:-- | 4:10:--" |
Page 151 [Williamsburg, May 17, 1777] | |
pr Ordr Majr Brent | |
To 28-½ Y'ds Cloth @ 25/. | 35:12: 6 |
13-¾ ditto Rushia Sheeting @ 7/6 | 5: 3: 1-½ |
17 ditto Linnen @ 7/2 | 6: 1:10 |
1 lb Sewing thread 10/ | -:10:-- |
Scarlet Cloth for faceing 10/5-½ | -:10:5-½ |
5 Bunches Wt Thread 2/1 | -:10:5 |
| 48: 8: 4" |
Page 160 [Williamsburg, May 23, 1777] | |
To 1 ps blue broad Cloth No 16 28 Yds @ 24/6 | 34: 6:-- |
deliver'd Capt Massenburg When those Goods were Recd)" | |
Page 163 [Williamsburg, May 27, 1777] | |
To 1 pr Pumps 8/. 1 pr Shoes 8/. | 0:16: 0" |
Page 170 [Williamsburg, June 1, 1777] | | |
"CAPT DELAPORTE pr Ord. Governour | DR | |
To 11 Hatts @ 6/6. | 3:11: 6 | |
11 pr. Shoes @ 8/. | 4: 8:-- | |
142 Yds Linnen @ 8/6. | 17:17:-- | |
1 doz thread | -: 5:-- | |
17 Yds Linnen @ 8/1 | 6:17: 5 | |
Thread | -: 1: 1 | 33:--:--" |
"COMMONWEALTH pr Ord. Governour | DR | |
To 140 Yds Linnen @ 872 1-½ doz thread @ 5/. | 16: 6: 8 | |
to make Sheets & Pillow cases at the Palace | -: 7: 6 | 16:14: 2" |
pr. Man." | | |
Page 171 [Williamsburg, June 1, 1777] | | |
"PATRICK HENRY ESQR GOVERNOR DR pr verbal order | | |
To 6 yds Check @ 379. 2-1/ doz shirt butts | £ 1: 4:-- | |
To 1-7/8 yds french callico421 @ 6/. - | -:11: 3 | 1:11: 3" |
Page 190 [Williamsburg, June 7, 1777] | | |
"LIEUT JNO DAVIES422 pr Ord. Maj. Brent. | DR | |
To 16-½ Yds brown Cloth 24/. | 19:16: 0 | |
8-¼ Yds Shalloon 6/. 8-¼ do Oznbrs 3/. | 3:14: 3 | 23:10: 3" |
Page 192 [Williamsburg, June 10, 1777] | | |
pr Mr Diddip | | |
To 12 Y'ds Red Camblet @ 12/6 | 7:10:-- | |
2-½ Y'ds Rusia Sheeting @ 7/6 | -:18: 9 | |
4 Yds Linnen @ 5/. | 1:--:-- | 9: 8: 9" |
Page 193 [Williamsburg, June 11, 1777] | | |
"FRENCH CORPS pr Ord Govr | DR | |
To 21 Y'ds Cloth for Coats @ 24/ | 25: 4:-- | |
6 Yds Oznbs 18/. 18 ditto Shalloon @ 6/. | 6: 6:-- | |
3 Yds Plains 27/. 1 Oz thread @ 5/ | 3:17:-- | |
26--¼ Y'ds Sheeting @ 7/6. for Breeches | 9:16:10-½ | |
31-½ yds Linnen @ 7/6 for Jackets | 11: 7: 3 | |
15-¾ yds Oznabrigs @ 3/ 2 doz best Plated buttons | -:12:-- | 59:10: 4-½" |
Page 194 [Williamsburg, June 12, 1777] | | |
To 2 Yds Russia Sheeting @ 7/6 | -:15:-- | |
1-½ yds Blue Bro: Cloth @ 30/ | 2: 5:-- | |
20 yds Oznabrigs @ 3/. | 3:--:-- | |
1 doz large blue Buttons 2/. | -: 2:-- | 6: 2:-- |
by Sarah Bowles" | | |
"CAPT WILLIAM FIELD425 pr Ord: Capt Allison | DR | |
To 23 pr Shoes @ 8/. | 10:00:-- | |
25 Dutch Blankets @ 30/. by Self | 37:10:-- | 47:10:--" |
Page 195 [Williamsburg, June 16, 1777] | |
"COMMON WEALTH pr Mr Rose | DR |
To 3-½ Yds Wide Broom Linnen @ 4/6 | -:15: 9 |
for lineing Collars." | |
To 2-¼ Yds Brown Honley's @ 11/8 | 1: 6: 3 |
for the Door Keepers pr William Nicolson" | |
Page 196 [Williamsburg, June 16, 1777] | |
To 2 -Shirts @ 12/6. 1 Hat 6 . | 1:11:-- |
2-½ Yds Oznabrigs @ 3/. | -: 7: 6 |
…" | |
Page 199 [Williamsburg, June 17, 1777] | | |
"CAPT HAMILTON427 pr. Ord L Colo Brent. | DR | |
To Sundries for 1 Man | | |
To 3 Yds Blue Honleys @ 12/2 | 1:16: 6 | |
2-¾ Yds 0znb s &c @ 3/. | -: 8: 6 | |
3/8 yds Red Cloth @ 40/. | -:15:-- | 3:--:--" |
Page 214 [Williamsburg, June 28, 1777] | |
To 7 [written over] pr Order Colo Morgan. Viz. | |
12 Yds Honleys @ 12/2 | 7: 6: 0" |
To 1 ps Check 18 Yds @ 3/9 | 3: 7: 6 |
To 3 Oznbrig Shirts @ 12/6 | 1:17: 6 | |
pr Shoes 8/. 1 hat 5/. | 0:13: 0 | 2:10: 6 |
pr Self" | | |
Page 230 [Williamsburg, July 7, 1777] | | |
"COLD GEORGE GIBSON431 pr Ord. Governour | DR | |
To Sundrys pr. Q M Slaughter Viz | | |
1 Chest 250 pr Shoes @ 8/. | 100: 0: 0 | |
20 ps Russia Sheets 770 Yds @ 7/6. | 288:15:-- | |
6-½ doz: Mens hats @ 60/. | 19:10:-- | |
4O0 Oznabrigs Shirts 12/6 | 250: 0:-- | |
47-1/3 doz: White Thread @ 5/. | 11:16: 8 | |
8 bunches tape pr Self | 2: 8: -- | |
2 ps Ozgs 228-¾ Yds @ 3/. | 34: 6: 3 | 706:15:11 |
Page 230 [Williamsburg, July 7, 1777] | | |
[Continued from
previous account] | [706:15:11] | |
To Colo Turner Southall432 for an Order on him for the following Goods Viz to be taken from bale no ---[?] | | |
8 ps brd Coating 274-¼ Yds @ 20/9 | 284:10: 8-¼ | |
No 1. 3ps blue Honleys 51 Yds- | | |
No 2. 10 ps do 170 Yds. No 3. 2 ps 34 Yds | | |
No 5. 6. b Do 1.62 yds 357 Yds Honley @ 12/2 | 217: 4: 6 | |
1 Hhd 400 pr Shoes @
8/. | 160:--:-- | |
Bale. 10 ps brown Shalloon 300 Yds @ 6/. | 90:--:- | 751:15: 2-¼" |
Page 231 [Williamsburg, July 7, 1777] | |
"CASH | DR |
To Colo George Gibson in ful for Sundrys furnished | 1458:11: 1-¼" |
his Regt | [total of above two sums] |
Page 232 [Williamsburg, July 8, 1777] | | |
To 3-½ Yds Camblet434 | 2: 3: 9 | |
131 |
3 Wrappers435 71/6. Twist 1/6 | -: 9:-- | |
5 Hanks Thread 2/1 | -: 2: 1 | 2:14:10" |
Page 233 [Williamsburg, July 12, 1777] | | |
"CAP WILLIAM SMITH436 pr Ord. Col Morgan. | DR | |
To 1 pr Shoes 8/. 1 pr hose 5/9. 1-½ Yds Sheeting 9/4-½ | 1: 3: 1-½ | |
1-½ Yd Coating 36/. thread | 1:16:10-½ | 3: 0:-" |
132Page 248 [Williamsburg, July 28, 1777] | |
To ½ Yard Virga Linen | -: 3: 9" |
Page 250 [Williamsburg, July 28, 1777] | | |
To 34 Yards wrappers @ 6d | -:17: 0 | |
6-½ ditto better ditto 3/- | -:19: 6 | |
3 pr damag'd Lr. Breeches @ 6/8 | 1: 0: 0 | 2:16: 6 |
pr Self" | | |
"FRENCH CORPS439 pr ord. Col. Smith | DR | |
To 13 french Shirts 25/6 | 16:11: 6 | |
2 pr hose 11/6. Thread 3/9 | -:15: 3 | 17: 6: 9 |
Page ____[blotted] [Williamsburg, August 5, 1777] | | |
To 4 Shirts 25/6. 2 ditto 51/. | 7:13: 0 | |
6 pr hose 5/9 | 1:14: 9 | 9: 7: 6" |
Page ____ [blotted] [Williamsburg, August 9, 1777] | | |
To 2 ps Britanias440 pr Jno Hix @ 26/6 | 2:13: 0 | |
2 Hats pr S. English @ 20/. | 2: 0:-- | |
¼ lb brown Thread No 10 @ 10/6 | -: 2: 1-½ | 4:15: 1-½" |
Page ___ [blotted] [Williamsburg, August 15, 1777] | |
"Hole DUDLEY DIGGS441 | DR |
[To] Col. Thomas Whiting442 for 1 ps Honleys 17 Yds 12/2 | 10: 6:10" |
To Col. Thomas Whiting442 for 1 ps Honleys 17 yds 12/2 | 10: 6:10" |
Page ___ [blotted] Williamsburg, August 16, 1777] | | |
"FRENCH CORPSE444 pr ord. Col. Morgan | DR | |
To 3 Hats 60/. 2 Shirts 51/. | 5:11: 0 | |
2 ps Britanias | 2:13: 0 | |
part of a ps ditto | -:16: 0 | 9: 0:--" |
for three recruits | | |
"THOS. WHITING ESQR445 pr Self | DR |
To 1 ps white linen 26 yds @ 6/ | 7:16:-- |
…" | |
PUBLIC STORE-WILLIAMSBURG. JOURNAL AUGUST 18, 1777--SEPTEMBER 30, 1778. Ms Virginia State Library. C. W. Microfilm M-1016-2.
Page 3 [Williamsburg, August 20, 1777] | |
To 1 ps Britania 26/6. 1 hat 20/ | 2: 6: 6" |
Page 3 [Williamsburg, August 21, 1777] | |
To 2 Oznabrigs Shirts 25/. pr Breeches 12/6 | 1:17: 6 |
pr Mr Rose for a publick Waggoner" | |
Page 6 [Williamsburg, August 23, 1777] | |
"FRENCH CORPSE Pr Ord. Col. Morgan | DR |
To 7 pr Shoes 56/: 2 yds Shalloon 6/ | 3: 2: 0 |
2 ps Britanias 53/ pr hose 5/9 | 2:18: 9 |
4-½ yds Sheeting 5/6 | 1: 4: 9 |
1 Hat 20/. Thread 2/5-½ | 1: 2: 5-½" |
| 8: 7:11-½ |
Page 11 [Williamsburg, August 29, 1777] | |
To Sundries delivd Pr Ord. Col. Morgan for the Troops ordered on command to the E: Shore Vizt | |
73 best white Shirts @ 25/ | 93: 2: 0 |
9 Hats 20/. 6-1/6 doz. priming Wire 5/. | 10:10:10 |
47 pr hose 5/6 37 yds Sheeting 5/6 | 23: 1: 0 |
12 Yds Sheeting for the Officers 5/6 | 3: 6: 0 |
1-½ 1la fine thread @ 11/6 58 pr. Shoes 8/ | 24: 1: 3 |
27 Blankets 30/. | 40:10:-- |
| 194 :11: 1" |
Page 19 [Williamsburg, September 3, 1777] | |
Pr Ord: General Nelson448 | |
135 |
To 95 Yards Sheeting449 @ 5/6 | 26: 2: 6 |
60 Shirts @ 25/6 | 76:10:-- |
6 Blankets @ 30/ | 9:-.- |
128 yds thick Duck for Haversks450 @ 7/6 | 48:--:-- |
75 Yds Sheeting for Spatrdashs451 @ 5/6 | 20:12: 6 |
2 lb thread best @ 11/6 | 1: 3:-- |
75 pair Shoes @ 8/ | 30:--:-- |
4 doz priming Wire @ 5/ | 1:--:-- |
lb Sewing twine for the Duck 3/9 | -: 3: 9 |
| 212:11: 9" |
Page 24 [Williamsburg, September 5, 1777] | | |
To 58--¼ yds broad Cloth @ 24/ | 68:18:-- | |
79-¾ yds Ditto @ 20/ | 79:15:-- | |
2 lb best thread @ 11/6 | 1: 3:-- | |
1 lb Ditto | -:11: 6 | |
5 lb Twine for makeing up the Duck) | | |
before deliver'd @ 3/9 ) | -:18: 9 | 152: 6: 3" |
[for Haversacks] | |
Page 30 [Williamsburg, September 13, 1777] | | |
Pr Ord: Col. Morgan | | |
To Sundries deliver'd Lt Clayton Viz | | |
34 Yds Cloth for Coats & Jackets @ 20/. | 34:--:-- | |
41-¾ yds Do for 58 Pr Breeches @ 24/ | 50: 2:-- | |
97 Yds Yds [sic] Ozgs @ 2/6 for lineings | 12: 2: 6 | |
15 Pr Shoes @ 8/ | 6:--:-- | 102: 4: 6" |
deliver'd Henry Clayton Lt" | | |
Page 33 [Williamsburg, September 18, 1777] | | |
Pr Ord: Honble Mr Page | | |
To Sundrys for three Men Viz | | |
9 Yds Cloth @ 244/ | 10:16:-- | |
21 ditto Owls @ 2/6 | 2:12: 6 | |
4-½ ditto for lineings @ 2/6 | -:11: 3 | |
1 ditto red Cloth for faceing | -: 9:-- | |
Thread 6d 3 pr Shoes @ 8/ | 1: 4: 3 | 15:13:--" |
To 1 Y'd Blue plains pr Self | -: 8: 6" |
137Page 34 [Williamsburg, September 18, 1777] | | |
Pr Ord. Col Morgan To 21 Yds black Cloth @ 24/ | 25: 4:-- | |
51 yds bro: plains @ 8/6 | 22:19:-- | error 25/6 [sic] |
30 yds Shalloon @ 6/ | 9:--:-- | |
58 Yds Oznabrigs @ 2/6 | 8:14:-- | error 29/ [sic] |
6 Hks Twist @ 7-½d | -: 3: 9 | |
1 pr Hose 5/. | -: 5:-- | 66: 5: 9 [sic] |
Page 41 [Williamsburg, September 27, 1777] | | |
"CAPT SAMUEL TIMPSON456 Pr Ord: Col. Mason | DR | |
To 44 Y'ds Fearnought @ 11/6 | 25: 6:-- | |
6-¼ ditto Honleys @ 8/6 | 2:13: 1-½ | |
1 do 0zs @ 2/6 | -: 2: 6 | |
1-½ Do Coating @ 20/. | 1:10:-- | |
4 Do Flannel @ 6/6 | 1: 6:-- | |
½ Do Shalloon @ 6/ | -: 3:-- | |
1 Pr Shoes 8/. 1 Pr Hose 5/. | -:13:-- | |
Twist 7-½ d. 9-½ Yds Ozas @ 2/6 | 1: 6: 4-½ | 33:--:--" |
for 11 Men | | |
Page 56 [Williamsburg, October 14, 1777] | | |
"CAPT GEORGE MAIBELLE457 Pr Ord. Mr Page | DR | |
To 2 Yds Cloath 100/. Pr yard | 10: 0:-- | |
1-½ do @ 100/. | 7:10:-- | |
¼ do Scarlet @ 80/ | 1: 0:-- | |
3 doz. butts 7/6 4 Yds Shalloon 6/ | 1:11: 6 | 20: 1: 6" |
Page 57 [Williamsburg, October 14, 1777] | | |
To 2 Yds Cloath 200/. 2 Yds ditto 200/. | 20: 0:-- | |
1-¾ do @ 100/ 1-¾ Yds buff @ 100/ | 17:10:-- | 37:10:-- |
for himself & Aid de Camp Pr Memo" | | |
Page 60 [Williamsburg, October 16 1777] | | |
For Sundries furnished Capts Pendleton & Dandridge Pr Ord. the Governour Viz. | | |
105 Yds Honleys 12/ | 63: 0:-- | |
123 do halfthicks 7/6 | 46: 2: 6 | |
35 do Shalloon 6/. 75 do Sheeting 6/. | 33: 0:-- | |
40 Oznbrigs Shirts 12/6. 100 Pr hose 6/. | 55: 0:-- | 197: 2: 6" |
Page 61 [Williamsburg October 20, 1777] | | |
"CAPT JOHN MAZETTEE460 Pr Ord. Col. Mason | DR | |
To Sundries for 20 Men Viz. | | |
4 pss 68 Yds Honleys 12/ | 40:16: 0 | |
30 Yds Shalloon 6/. ½ Yd red Cloath 40/ | 11: 0:-- | |
2 Shirts 25/. Buttons 21/3 | 2: 6: 3 | |
7 Yds ½ thicks 52/6. 6-½ do Canvas460-a 48/9 | 5: 1: 3 | |
2 pr hose 12/ Twist 4/6 | -:16: 6 | 60: 0:--" |
Page 63 [Williamsburg, October 23, 1777] | |
To 1-½ Yds buff Cloath @ 90/ | 6:15: 0" |
Page 93 [Williamsburg, November 29, 1777] | | |
"CAPT PHILIP TALIAFERR0462 Pr Ord. Colo. Mason | DR | |
To Sundries for 17 Men Viz | | |
40 Shirts @ 12/6d 5 pr Shoes @ 12/6d | 28: 2: 6 | |
20 Hatts @ 9/. 10 ditto best kind @ 15/ | 16:10: 0 | |
25-½ Yards Linen @ 5/ | 6: 7: 6 | 51: 0: 0" |
Page 94 [Williamsburg, December 1, 1777] | | |
To Sloop Congress463 for Sundries deld Coll Finnie to go to General Washingtons Army Viz ) | | |
24 Bales qty 1200 blanketts @ 60 | 3600: 0: 0 | |
2 Bales qty 1200 pr best double Mild yarn hose @ 15/ | 900: 0: 0 | |
6 Bales 42 ps's blue broad Cloth 820-¼ Yds @ 60/ | 2460:15: 0 | |
5 ditto 35 Ps's ditto 708-¼ Yds at 60/ | 2124:15: 0 | |
2 ditto 19 Psls Red & Buff do 386-½ do @ 60/ | 1159:10: 0 | |
1 Case 148 lb. Cold threads @ 25/ | 185: 0: 0 | |
80 Dble Gross plain Mettle butts @ 10/ | 40: 0: 0 | 10470: 0: 0 |
Bale Cloths Rope & Cases… | | 21:15: 6 |
Pr Coll Finnie" | | |
Page 94 [Williamsburg, December 2, 1777] | |
To Shoes for 300 Pr @ 20/ | 300:--:-- |
sent to Genl Washington dell to Coll Finnie | |
1 Chest for do Iron bound" | |
To Sloop Congress for Sundries recd in the public Store Viz. | |
6 Bales qty 300 Blankets @ 4.0/. | 600:--:-- |
54 whole & 1 half Ps Superfine blue Cloth...) | |
148-¾ Yds @ £4 ) | 595:--:-- |
4 Ps Scarlet do…130-¾ Yds @ £4 | 523:--:-- |
3 Ps Buff do…90-½ [Yds] @ £4 | 362:--:-- |
6 ps brown do 126 [yds] @ £4 | 504:--:-- |
1 lb. 14 oz. Sewing Silk @ 10/ Pr oz. 3-¾ lb.) | |
Mohair @ 6/ Pr oz. ) | 33:--:-- |
4 lb. best thread @ 20/. Pr lb. 106-1/6 doz. Hks Superfine do @ 6/) | 35:18:-- |
36 Ps Shalloon 720 Ells 12 Ps Scarlett do 240 Ells @ 10/) | 600:--:-- |
8 Bales qty ps's Ell wide Tent Stuff qty 2908 yds @ 6/) | 872: 8:-- |
10 Bales 5000 yds white Linen @ 6/. | 1500:--:-- |
32 dble Gross plain mettle buttons @ 2/ | 57:12:-- |
…[pump & scupper nails, cotton & wool cards, wire] | |
4524 Yds Duck @ 10/ | 2262: 0: 0 |
1 Bale blue Cloth No 14. 142-¾ Yds @ 27/6d | 196: 5: 7-½" |
Page 97 [Williams pug, December 3, 1777] | | |
"LIEUT LOVELL,464 Pr Ord. Col. Morgan | DR | |
To Sundry Clothing for difft Officers quota's of men, to be charged them, when the above Lieut renders us an Acct of the distribution of those Goods: Viz- | | |
1 Ps 44 Yds bro. Cloth @ 12/6d | 27:10: 0 | |
22 Yds ditto @ l2/6d | 13:15: 0 | |
23 pr Shoes @ 12/6d 14 Pr hose @ 6/ | 18:11: 6 | |
143 Yds linen @ 5/ | 35:15:-- | |
6-¼ Yds Cloth @ 6/. for Legs | 1:17: 6 | |
17 Blankets @ 40/ | 34:--:-- | |
25 Yds Strong linen for K. Sacks @ 6/ | 7:10:-- | |
56 Yds blue Frize for Coats @ 11/ | 30:16:-- | |
38 doz. large plain Butts @ 2/ | 4:16:-- | |
36 doz. vest Ditto ditto 1/ | 1:16:-- | |
2 1b White thread No 34 @ 2/6 ozs 66 Sticks Twist @ 7-½ | 2: 1: 3 | |
56 Yds Sheeting @ 6/. | 19:16:-- | error £3 [sic] |
9-10/12 Doz. blue thread dyed in Silk @ [illeg] | 2:19:-- | 205: 3: 3" |
Page 105 [Williamsburg December 8, 1777] | | |
"CAPT BENJN POLL465 Pr Ord. Coll Morgan | DR | |
To 48 Yds flannel best kind @ 17/6d | 42:--:-- | |
for Westcoats & Breeches | | |
32 Yds Linen @ 5/) | 8:--:-- | |
85 do do @ 6/) | 25:10:-- | |
117 Yds for 36 Shirts | | |
20 Pr Hose @ 6/ | 6:--:-- | |
24 Setts Shoe and knee Buckles @ 5/6d | 6:12:-- | |
12 pr Shoes | 7: 4:-- | |
½ lb. White thread | -: 8:-- | |
1 lb. Cold do 20/ 3 doz. Butts 6/ | 1: 6:-- | |
32 doz. Vest Buttons @ 1/ | 1:12:-- | 98:12:--" |
Page 105 [Williamsburg, December 8, 1777] | | |
To 3 Yards Flannel @ 11/. | 1:13:-- | |
3 Handkerchiefs @ 9/2 | 1:7:6 | |
2 Pr Scissors @ 3/. a pr ditto 4/. 2 Combs @ 1/3d | -:12: 6 | |
2 Ivory Combs @ 5/. 2 Papers Pins @ 5/9d | 1: 1: 6 | |
8 Hanks Thread @ 5d | -: 3: 4 | |
1-3/8 Yds Cambrick @ 44/. | 3:--: 6 | |
4-¾ Yds durants @ 11/9d | 2:12: 3 | |
6 Hanks Thread @ 3d 2 Pen knives 6/ | -: 7: 6 | |
1 hat | -:15:-- | 11:13: 1" |
Page 114 [Williamsburg, December 11, 1777] | | |
"LIEUT LAWRENCE HOUSE467 Pr Ord. Coll Morgan | DR | |
To 11 Yards bro. Cloth @ 80/ | 44:--:-- | |
11 ditto. red Serge @ 11/. | 6: 1:-- | |
27 hks. thread @ 4d 24 do Silk @ 3d | -:15:-- | |
twist 2/. 7 doz. Butts @ 2/ | -:16:-- | |
6 doz. small Butts @ 17. 3 Pr Scissors @ 3/ | -:15:-- | |
7 Yds durants @ 11/. 2 handkfs @ 6/ | 4: 9:-- | 56:16:--" |
Page 114 [Williamsburg, December 11, 1777] | | |
"LIEUT. PATRICK WRIGHT468 Pr Ord. Coll Morgan | DR | |
To Sundries for Your Men Viz. | | |
18 Pr hose @ 6/. | 5: 8:-- | |
81 Yds. Linen @ 8/3d | 33: 8: 3 | |
69 Yds Linen @ 8/10d | 30: 9: 6 | |
36 Hkfs at 7/. 18 Combs @ 2/. | 14: 8:-- | |
20 knives @ 3/. Silk 3/0 | 3: 3:-- | |
6-½ Yds Cloth @ 80/. | 26:--:-- | |
6 doz. buttons at 6/. 6 doz ditto @ 1/ | 2: 2:-- | |
2 doz. ditto @ 3/. Silk & thread 10/10d | -:16:10 | |
6 Yds Linen @ 6/. 6 Yards Serge @ 10/. | 11:16:-- | |
8-½ Yds Sheeting @ 6/. | 2:11:-- | |
Spoons & Forks 17/6d. 18 horn Combs @ 3/9d | 4: 5:-- | 127: 7: 7" |
Page 120 [Williamsburg, December 13, 1777] | |
To Sundries delivered Colonel Finnie the D.Q.M. of this Department, to be by him forwarded on to the Continental Army, under General Washington: Pr direction of Council: Viz. | |
3 Bales Nos 63, 64 & 67 each | |
Containing 560 Yards 7/8 white Linen is 1500 Yards @ 10/ | 750:--:-- |
17 Ps Check linens 860-½ Yds 8/6 | 365:14: 3 |
20 ditto fine Cotten Checks Containing 334-½ Yds @ 8/6 | 142: 3: 3 |
Pr Coll Finnie | 1257:17: 6" |
Page 140 [Williamsburg, January 1, 1778] | | |
To Cash paid Math. Anderson,469 on Shoe Acct | 6:--:-- | |
To ditto ditto | ditto | 20:--:-- | 26:--:--" |
To Cash paid Math. Anderson, the Bale | | |
of his Acct for Making 345 Pr Soldiers Shoes ) | | |
& purchasing necessary Tools, thread &c. which) | 53:17: 3 | |
Tools are in his care & are to be deld when ) | | |
required. ) | | 53.17: 3" |
PUBLIC STORE--WILLIAMSBURG. JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 14, 1778-NOVEMBER 30, 1779. Ms Virginia State Library. C. W. Microfilm M-1016-2.
Page 10 [Williamsburg, September 24, 1778] | | |
"UNITED STATES Pr Order Council | DR | |
To Sundries deld Capt Wm Davenport470 for the Continental Troops Stationed on the Eastern Shore. Viz- | | |
To 57 Hatts @ 7/6. 57 Pr Shoes @ 25/ | 92:12: 6 | |
57 Pr Stockings @ 15/7 57 Shirts @ 25/ | 114.:-- | |
4 Suits of Soldiers Cloaths @ £20 | 80:--:-- | |
2 Quires Cartridge Paper @ 1/6 | -: 3:-- | £ 286:15: 6" |
To Sundries to compleat the Clothing due by Act of Assembly | | |
to Capt Elias Edmonds, Capt Quarles, Capt --man [?], Capt Pollard, & Capt Pannels Companies; except 133 Suits of Regimentals, still due, Vizt | | |
145 |
58 pair Yarn Stockings @ 15/. | 43:10:-- | |
54 White Shirts @ 25/ | 67:10:-- | |
27 Hats @ 7/6 | 10: 2: 6 | 121: 2: 6" |
Page 22 [Williamsburg, October 2, 1778] | |
To Cash paid Mr Wm Nicolson472 for making 70 Suits) | |
of Soldiers Cloaths ) | 96: 5: 0" |
To 70 Suits of blue & red Regimental Cloaths made by Wm Nicolson | 1099:12: 6 |
50 ditto made by James Moir | 786:10: 3 |
28 ditto made by Thomas Orrell | 423: 1:-- |
148 | 2309: 3: 9 |
Deld Mr Wm Mitchel the above Cloaths by Colo Marshal's order, & his rect in D.B." | |
Page 24 [Williamsburg, October 6, 1778] | | |
"UNITED STATES Pr verb. Ord. Mr Page | DR | |
For Soldiers allowed by Act of Assembly,473 to Jack White, James Childer & James Derham, recruited by Capt White of ye 1st Regiment: Vizt- | | |
To 6 pr Shoes @ 24/. 6 pr Stockings @ 15/ | 11:14: 0 | |
6 Shirts @ 25/. 3 Hatts @ 7/6d | 8:12: 6 | |
3 Suits of Regimental Cloaths @ £15.10/ | 46:10: 0 | £66:16: 6" |
Pr Elisha White, Lt.-" | | |
Page 29 [Williamsburg, October 9, 1778] | |
TO CASH paid Jno Woodward for making 25 Suits Regimental Cloaths @ 27/6 | 34: 7: 6 |
…" | |
Page 32 [Williamsburg, October 13, 1778] | |
TO CASH, paid Wm Nicolson474 for making 98 Suits of Soldiers Cloaths, @ 27/6 ) | 134:15: 0" |
Page 43 [Williamsburg, October 24,
1778] | |
TO CASH paid Mr Orrell475 for making 20 Suits of Soldiers Cloaths | 27:10: 0" |
Page 44 [Williamsburg, October 26, 1778] | |
"Mr JOHN MOSS, Agent to the Northward | DR |
To Sundry Goods shiped on board the Schooner May
Flower, Cat Valentine Nickell, to be delivd to Colo Hollingworth476 at the Head of Elke, for the Virginia Continental Troops, Viz.- | |
147 |
No. 1 a Large Box | |
Containing 71 Suits of Regimental Cloaths | |
No 2 | 1 Bale Contg | 73 do | Do | |
No 3 | 1 Do Do | 73 do | Do | |
No 4 | 1 Do Do | 88 do | Do | |
No 6 | 1 Do Do | 64 do | Do | |
| | 369 Suits Averaged @ | £17:15/ Pr Suit | 6549:15: 0 |
Also in Bale | No 6 | 32 Coats @ £8:17:6. | 7 Jackets @ 4:8:9 | 315: 1: 3 |
Also Sundry Coats bot by D. Rose: viz. |
…[20 coats totalling £200:5:0] |
1 Bale No 7 Containing 6 pss Cloth: Viz- |
…[3 pieces of London brown, 1 piece Claret, 1 piece white - 97-½ yards in all totalling £362 :14: --] |
1 Ps blue Cloth but by Mr Smith 15 Yds @ 119/. | 89: 5: 0 |
1 Bale No 8 Containing 9 Pss Cloth: Viz. |
…[3 pieces white, 5 pieces London Brown, 1 piece "Light ditto" |
194-½ Yds (converted from French money) totalling £723:10:9-½.] |
Page 61 [Williamsburg, November 9, 1778] | |
To CASH paid Jno Woodward for making 25 Suits of Solds Cloaths | 34: 7: 6" |
Page 63 [Williamsburg, November 11, 1778] | |
To CASH, paid Jesse Crump for making 60 Suits of Cloths for the Soldiery 27/8 | 82:10:--" |
Page 65 [Williamsburg, November 1778] | | |
"CAPT THOMAS MARSHAL'S REGIMT477 Pr Order Governour- | DR | |
To Sundry Clothing for 20 Men which Capt Jno Mazarett is to endeavor to recruit: Viz. | | |
To 40 Shirts @ 27/6. 40 pr hose @ 18/ | 91: 0: 0 | |
" 20 hats @ 24/. 40 Pr Shoes @ 24/ | 72: 0: 0 | |
" 20 Suits of Regimentals @ £20:10 | 410: 0: 0 | 573:--:--" |
"To Blankets for 20 @ 73/ | 73: 0: 0" |
148Page 66 [Williamsburg, November 16, 1778] | |
To CASH paid Mr Wm Page for Sundries for the Virginia Troops at Head Quarters Viz. | |
To 1084-¼ Yds white Linen @ 19/ | |
To 10 white Shirts for Officers @ 93 | 1499:13: 9" |
Page 68 [Williamsburg, November 18, 1778] | | |
To Sundry Materials to make Six cential Great Coats) | | |
by Order Coll Moeballe;478 approved of by the ) | | |
Governor: Viz.- | | |
To 36 Yds 5/4 red Cloth @ 65/ | 117: 0: 0 | |
20 ditto Green Baize @ 65/ | | |
1 lb. Thread 18/. 6 doz. buttons @ 4/ | 2: 2: 0 | 138: 2:--" |
Page 69 [Williamsburg, November 18, 1778] | | |
"COLL MARSHALL'S REGIMT Pr Ord. Coll Muter. | DR | |
To 4 Suits of Solds Cloaths @ £15:10/ | 62: 0: 0 | |
6 Waist Coats & Breeches @ £7:15/ | 46:10: 0 | |
13 Shirts @ 25/. 8 Pr hose @15/ | 22: 5: 0 | |
4 Pr Shoes @ 24/. 1 hatt 7/6 | 5: 3: 6 | 135:18: 6 |
To Compleat the Cloathing allowed by Act of Assembly479 to Capt Moody's, Capt Wright's, Capt Crawly's, Capt Roane's & Capt Lieut [sic] Porter's Companies at Portsmouth. ded Capt Roane-" | | |
Page 73 [Williamsburg, November 19, 1778] | |
"Mr JOHN MOSS480 | DR |
To Amount brot forward | £4700:18:-- |
& Invoice Continued, Viz.- | |
A hair Trunk Containing…[short lengths of white, blue, and buff cloth, twist, silk, buckram "5-½ doz. flet hatts @ 30/" &c] | |
A Large Smooth Trunk Containing 6 doz. felt hatts @ 30/ | 180:--:-- |
… | |
Box No 1…[white thread] | |
Box No 2 (100 dble Woolen Caps @ 7/ | 35:--:-- |
(100 Single Ditto @ 3/6 | 17:10:-- |
(101 white Shirts bot @ 93/ | 469:13:-- |
Bale No 3 Containing
172 Suits of Jackets & breeches cost £15:10 Pr Suit 1333: 0: 0
Page 73 [Williamsburg, November 19, 1778] | | |
[Mr. John Moss, continued] | | |
Box No 4 Containing | | |
382 Single Woolen Caps @ 3/6d | 66:17:-- | |
88 Dble Ditto @ 7/ | 30:16:-- | |
Hhd No 5 Containing 160 felt Hatts | 192:--:-- | |
Bale No 6 Containing 102 Suits of Jackets & Breeches £15-½ Pr Suit | 790:10:-- | |
Hair Trunk before mentioned containing: | | |
1 lb. white Thread bot | 3: 4:-- | |
48 doz. Gilt Buttons @ 4/ | 9:12:-- | |
924 black Stocks @ 3/4d | 154:--:- | |
934 Stock Buckles @ 9 | 35:--:-- | |
244 Razors @ 2/6d | 30:10:-- | |
2 Packets black Tape @ £18:15/ | 37:10:-- | |
244 Coarse Combs @ 2/ | 24: 8:-- | |
48 Coarser Ditto @ 1/ | 2: 8:-- | |
135 fine Ditto @ 3/ | 20: 5:-- | |
106 fine Ivory Ditto @ 5/ | 26:10:-- | |
… | | [£5053:19: 2] |
Large Smooth Trunk before mentioned Containing: | | |
1000 Writing Pens @ 8/ Pr C | 4:--:-- | |
3000 Quills @ 10/ Pr C | 15:--:-- | |
20 Reams of paper @ 27/6d | 27:10:-- | |
10 Shirts @ 25/. | 12:10:-- | |
…[Other boxes and bales containing "32 lb. Mohair @ 72/6 116:0:0"; vest and coat Buttons; shirts; hose; red, blue, and green baize; green, brown, and blue cloth; more hose, shoes, shalloon, hats, sealing wax, caps--total account with Mr. Moss amounting to | | £19655:0:8.]" |
Page 79 [Williamsburg, November 24, 1778] | | |
To Sundry Materials for 6 Great Coats for the use of the Guard: | Viz.- | |
To 36 Yds red Cloth @ 65/ | 117: 0: 0 | |
36 Yds Green Baize @ 19/ | 34: 4:-- | |
3 doz. Buttons @ 4/. 1 lb. thread 18/ | 1:10:-- | |
4-½ Yds narrow Cloth @ 28/. 6 Yds nar. baize @ 12/6 | 10: 1:-- | 162:15:--" |
Page 79 [Williamsburg, November 24, 1778] | | |
"UNITED STATES, Pr Order Governor | DR | |
To Sundries deld Coll David Mason482 for Clothing for Gideon Mason of the 15th Regent | Viz. | | |
To 1 Regimental Suit | 22:10: | |
10-½ Yds Check @ 5/ | 2:12: 6 | |
2 Pr hose @ 15/. 2 Pr Shoes @ 25/ 1 hat | -: 7: 6 | 29:10:--" |
Page 86 [Williamsburg, December 5, 1778] | |
To CASH paid Mr James Slate for making 148 Suits | |
of Solds Cloaths @ 27/6 for Coll Moeballes Regmt | 203:10:--" |
"STATE GARRISON REGIMT Coll Moeballs483 rect | DR |
To 90 Suits 1 Jacket 5 Pr Breeches, recd of Mr Slate; equall to 92 Suits @ £10:4:0 | 1309:17:--" |
Page 99 [Williamsburg, December 18, 1778] | | |
Pr Roll signed by Marshal.--For Clothing allowed by Act of Assembly to Seven Men recruited by Capts Moody, Wright, & Timson, Viz.- | | |
7 Suits of Regimental Cloathes @ £15 | 105: 0: 0 | |
14 pr hose @ 15/. 14 Pr Shoes @ 25/ | 28:--:-- | |
7 hats @ 7/6 | 2:12: 6 | 135:12: |
6 Shirts not deld Pr Chris. Roane-" | | |
Page 106 [Williamsburg, December 29, 1778] | |
To CASH paid Mr Prosser for making 100 Suits of Solds Cloathes under Coll Moebelle's direction | 75: 0: 0" |
Page 106 [Williamsburg, December 29, 1778] | |
To Cash paid Mr Prosser485-a for making 12 Watch Coats chd the Regimt | 9: 0: 0" |
Page 179 [Williamsburg, March 3, 1779] | |
To Saul Beale, esqr | |
For Sundries bot by direction of Bolling Starke, esqr for Clothing the Soldiery: Viz.- | |
1 Ps blue Cloth 22 Yds @ 100/ | 110:--:-- |
3 ditto red do 110-¼ do @ 110/ | 606: 7: 6 |
3 ditto buff do 109-¼ do @ 110/ | 600:17: 6 |
…" | |
Page 205 [Williamsburg, April 16, 1779] | |
To CASH pd Mr Jno Burns485 for making 102 Suits of Regimental Clothes | 140: 5:--" |
Page 218 [Williamsburg, May 3, 1779] | |
To CASH paid Sundry Persons for making Shirts for the Soldiery: Viz- | |
Mrs Easter Crump for 22 Shirts @ 10/ | 11:--:-- |
Mr Robt Hyland 12 do | 6:--:-- |
Benjn Strange 22 do | 11:--:-- |
Mrs Ellison 12 do | 16:--:-- |
Mrs. Kemp for making 55 Shirts for the Soldiery | 27:10:--" |
Page 219 [Williamsburg, May 4, 1779] | |
To 26 Yds Duck @ 16/ | 20:16:-- |
for Slings to the bayonets & Cartridge boxes." | |
Page 223 [Williamsburg, May 10, 1779] | | |
"COLO PORTERFIELD486 P ord. approved by Govr | DR | |
To Sundries deld Lieut. Bryant for the Following Companies Viz. | | |
Capt Edwd Digges' Men. 40 Shirts @ 15/ 40 pr Shoes @ 8/ | 46:--:-- | |
40 Pr Gaiters @ 4/6d. 4 Cloth Coats @ 50/ | 19:--:-- | |
8 Jackets @ 25/. 12 Pr Breeches @ 25/ | 25:--:-- | |
15 Baize Blankets @ 35/ | 26: 5:-- | |
Capt Upshaw's Company 49 Shirts @ 15/ | 36:15:-- | |
33 Pair Shoes @ 25/. 12 Pr Breeches @ 25/. | 31: 5:-- | |
8 Baize Blankets @ 35/ | 14:--:-- | |
Lieut. Blankenburg- 18 Shirts @ 15/. 20 Pr Shoes @ 8/ | 21:10:-- | |
17 Pr Gaiters @ 4/6d. 2 Coats @ 50/. 12 Waistcoats 25/ | 23:16: 6 | |
12 Pr Breeches @ 25/. 8 baise blankets @ 35/. | 29:--:-- | 293: 4:--" |
Page 246 [Williamsburg, June 9, 1779] | |
"MICHAEL GRATZ, esqr437 | |
To CASH on Acct of Sugar & Britannia Linens bought of him for the Army | 1070:--:--" |
Ms Virginia State Library. C. W. Microfilm M-1016-2.
Page 1-2 [Williamsburg, July 6, 1779] | | |
For Sundries deld to Capt John Stith Pr Rect Vizt | | |
21-½ Yds Cloth @ 60/. 18 Yds do 5 £16 | 352:10:-- | |
75 Yds ditto @ £16. 90 Yds Shalloon @ 12/9d) | | |
6 lb Thrd @ 18/) | 1262:15: 6 | |
138 doz. Buttons @ 2/. 27 Ps Tape @ 12/6d | 30:13: 6 | |
50 White Shirts @ £13:15/. 77 Black Stocks @--- | 700: 6: 8 | |
38 Stock Buckles @ 1/3d. 20 Blankets @ 90/ | 92: 7: 6 | 2438:13: 2 |
… | | |
Colo George Baylor's Dragoons… | | |
To Benjn Day Esqr as Agent, for sundry Articles not to be had in the Publick Store- Vizt- | | |
112 ½ Yards Linen for Shirts | £841:17: 6 | |
41 Pair Leather Breeches | 984: 0: 0 | |
44 Pair thread Stockings | 169: 4: 0 | |
71 Pair Boots | 210:--:-- | 2205: 1: 6 |
To Ditto advanced Capt Stith for having 40 Coats) | | |
26 Jackets & 32 Shirts made ) | | 1259:18: 6 |
| | £3465:--:-- |
To CASH of Wm Armistead for do & for purchasing 34 pr Boots | 109: 5: 6" |
Page 4 [Williamsburg, July 14, 1779] | | |
"STATE GARRISON REGIMT | Pr Ord Board of W. | DR | |
For Sundries to make 10 Suits of Clothes for the Drummers & Fifers489 | | |
in sd Regimt delivd Sergt Graves - Vizt | | |
12-½ Yds red Cloth @ £18 | 225: 0: 0 | |
1-¼ Yd Ditto @ £20 | 25: 0: 0 | |
13-¾ Yds buff Ditto @ 110/ | 75:12: 6 | |
3-½ ditto blue Ditto @ £16 | 56:--:-- | |
30 double doz: buttons @ 6/ | 9:--:-- | |
2-½ lb. thread @ 18/ | 2: 5:-- | |
22-½ Yds Shalloon @ 12/9d | 14: 6:10-½ | |
50 Yds red ditto @ 10/9d | 26:17: 6 | |
Twist or Mohair | -:15:-- | 434 :16 :10-½ " |
Page 14 [Williamsburg, August 5, 1779] | | |
To Sundry Materials deld Capt Johnston for Fourty Suits Clothes…Vizt | | |
420 White Linen Shirts @ £7:10:1 | 3151:15:.-- | |
49-½ Yds 4/6 wide blue Cloth @ £16 | 792:--:-- | |
1 ditto Green ditto @ £16 | 92:-:-- | |
19-½ ditto blue do @ 120/ | 117:--:-- | |
2-3/8 ditto red do for facings @ £20 | 47:10:-- | |
7-5/8 ditto do @ 120/ | 45:15:..- | |
62 ditto in part of 120 for breeches &c @ 120/ | 372:--:-- | |
155 |
80 ditto Serget** for facing @ 10/ | 40:--:-- | |
108 dble doz buttons @ 30/3d | 163: 7:-- | |
65 Yds Linen for Breeches Linings @ 37/6d | 121:17: 6 | |
60 Yds Serget for Sleeve Linings @ 10/ | 30:--:-- | |
6 lb. Sewing thread @ 18/ | 5: 8:-- | |
1 lb. Mohair | 3:--:-- | 4905:12: 6" |
Page 19 [Williamsburg, August 12, 1779] | |
"RICHMOND GUARD,491 Pr Ord. Bd of War | DR |
To Sundries for Clothing 16 Men, employed as a Guard at the Public Magazine Pr Lieut James Price: | |
Vizt: | |
28 Yds blue Cloth for 16 Coats @ 60/ | 84:--:-- |
28 ditto buff do for do Vests & Breeches) | |
& Lapels @ 110/ ) | 154:--:-- |
43 doz Coat Buttons @ 4/ | 8:12:-- |
40 doz Vest ditto @ 2/ | 14:. -:-- |
25 Yds coarse Linen for Linings @ 37/6 | 46:17: 6 |
2 lb thread @ 18/ | 1:16:-- |
16 Scanes Mohair @ 1/ | -:16:-- |
16 Pair Shoes Country made @ £6 | 96:--:-- |
32 Pair Stockings @ 15/ | 24:--:-- |
6 Yds red Serge for Pockets @ 12/6d | 5:--:-- |
| 425: 1: 6" |
Page 125 [Williamsburg, June 3, 1780] | |
"COLO GIBSON'S492 REGMT Pr direction Dunc. Rose Esqr | DR |
For 600 Yds Oznabrigs (of Beall) @ £10 | 6000:--:-- |
156 |
300 Scanes thread @ 6d | 7:10:-- |
| 6007:10:-- |
to Make 150 hunting Shirts.493 Pr Capt Russell)" | |
Page 128 [Williamsburg, June 12, 1780] | |
For 30 Doz Pr Pewter Sleeve Butts @ 7/6d | 18:15:-- |
pr Wm Nicolson" | |
The 1775 ordinance of the Virginia Convention of Delegates for "raising an additional number of forces for the defence and protection of this colony°" directed that the soldiers to be enlisted "bring with them (if to be had) one blanket each" for which each soldier would be allowed "so much as by the judgment of any field-officer of his regiment the same shall
be considered to be worth at the time it is produced."[William Waller Hening, The Statutes at Large…, Vol. IX (Richmond: 1821) pages 81-82.]
In 1776, in an act of Assembly "for making a farther provision for the internal security of this country," certain bounties were allowed each enlisted man who would serve three years: "a bounty of twenty dollars" and, also, at public expense, each year,"a hunting shirt, a pair of leggins, and a blanket,…"[Ibid., Vol. IX, pages 192-1911.]
In 1778, in an act for "speedily recruiting the Virginia regiments on continental establishment," a bounty of $300 was offered soldiers enlisting to serve eighteen months, as well as clothing at public expense furnished annually: "a coat, waistcoat, and breeches, two shirts, one hat, two pair of stockings, one pair of shoes, and a blanket to be delivered for the first year at the place of general rendezvous…"[Ibid., Vol. IX, pages 588-589.]
At the time the Public Store was being established at Williamsburg, William Aylett, its Commissary, advertised as "Wanted Immediately, for the Army," camp kettles, materials for tents and clothing, "also BLANKETS and coarse STOCKINGS."[The Virginia Gazette, Dixon & Hunter, eds., October 7, 1775. See page 8 of this report.]
Blankets issued to a company were ordered returned when the company disbanded. For example, Capt Robert Anderson of the company of minutemen raised in the City of Williamsburg [see pages 8-b and page 66, fn. 259 of this report], was issued a warrant for £167:16:3 for the balance of his account "for the pay of and necess'rs for his Company" on February 8, 1776, with the notation "Sundry Rugs,1 blanketts2 &c., to be ret'd when his Company
is disbanded."[Calendar of Virginia State Papers, Vol. VIII, page 78.]
Officers were empowered to purchase "Tents, Camp Kettles, Kanteens, Blankets and other necessaries" which might be wanting for their regiments or companies. [Ibid., Vol. VIII, pages 108, 121, 122, 128, 129, 131, 136, etc.]
On June 10, 1776, the Virginia Committee of Safety authorized George Mason and John Dalton to contract on the best terms possible "for the purchase of two thousand blankets from a manufactory established in Pennsylvania, if they approved of a sample/sewn them."[McIlwaine, Journals of the Council…, Vol. I, page 12.]
On June 27, 1776, the Committee of Safety ordered that the blankets lately brought to Williamsburg "which were taken on board the Oxford Prize Ship," be exchanged "with Colonel Weedon for an equal number of Ruggs now in Possession of the third Regiment, they being lodged with the Commissary of Stores."[Ibid., Vol. I, page 48.]
In September, 1776, the Council sent certain vessels to the West Indies for cargoes of goods, including blankets. [Ibid., Vol. I, pages 158-159.] In February, 1777, the soldiers of the state as well as those of the Continental Army being "destitute of this necessary Article [blankets]," the Council ordered the Commissary of Stores to purchase from Storrs & Company, Virginia merchants, "a great Quantity of Blanketting lately imported."[Ibid., Vol. I, page 331.]
On April 21, 1777, the Council ordered the Commissary of Stores to lend the Continental Quarter Master one hundred blankets, for the use of the regiment of artillery, on condition that he would "return other Blankets in Lieu thereof when call'd for."[Ibid., Vol. I, page 394.]
In April, 1777, blankets being much wanted for some Continental recruits on their march to headquarters, "and there being none in the Continental store," the Virginia Council ordered the Commissary of Stores to "furnish the said recruits with as much coarse red cloth as will do instead thereof."[Ibid., Vol. I, page 396.]
On April 25, 1777, Col. Aylett, the Commissary of Stores, was instructed to purchase military stores, including clothing and blankets, from Nantz. [Ibid., Vol. I, page 398.]
There follow some of the references to blankets and rugs supplies by the Public Store in Williamsburg:
PUBLIC STORE--WILLIAMSBURG. JOURNAL OCTOBER 12 177--OCTOBER 16 1776. Ms Virginia State Library. C. W. Microfilm M-101 -2.
Page 3 [Williamsburg, October 12, 1775] | |
… | |
To John Greenhow [Williamsburg merchant] 10 blankets | [£] 5:--:--" |
Page 5 [Williamsburg, October 12, 1775] | |
To Lewis Hansford for 10 Blankets deliver'd Capt Davies*) | 6:--:-- |
To Daniel Barraud 20 Dutch Blankets deld Capt Davies ) | 10:--:-- |
making 39 with those charg'd before)" | |
Page 6 [Williamsburg, October 12, 1775] | |
"To 60 Blankets delivd Capt Parker | 30:--:--26 |
do Capt Green | 13:--:--" |
Page 7 [Williamsburg, October 12, 1775] | |
…[materials for haversacks, shot pouches…] | |
To 56 Blankets to Capt Seayres issued by Mr Jouett | 28: 0: 0 |
To 16 ditto by do to Capt Markham | 8: 0: 0 |
To 11 ditto deld Capt Parker | 5:10:-- |
To 62 ditto to Capt. Markham pr Mr Finnie | 31:--:- |
To 72 ditto to Cat Nicholas pr ditto | 36:--:-- |
To 100 ditto to Capt Taliaferro pr rect) | |
came from Falmouth & Cost 12/6 ) | 62:10:-- |
…" | |
Page 8 [Williamsburg, October 14, 1775] | | |
"COLO PATRICK HENRY | DR pr note | |
To 2 dutch Blankets @ 11/6 | 1: 3:-- | |
To 4 best bed blankets @ 12/ | 2: 8:-- | 3:11:--" |
Page 12 [Williamsburg, October 21, 1775] | |
40 blankets deld Capt Fleming | 20:--:-- |
…" | |
Page 14 [Williamsburg, October 23, 1775] | |
To 1 pr bed blankets 19/6 | -:19: 6" |
Page 27 [Williamsburg, October 27, 1775] | |
To 69 yds blue strand for legings @ 4/3 … | |
… | |
1 large Rug for Lieut Clayton instead of a Blanket) 25/ | 1: 5:--" |
Page 31 [Williamsburg, November 1, 1775] | |
To 68 bed blankets dd Capts Ragsdale & Temple for their Comps @ 7/6) | 23:16:--" |
Page 31 [Williamsburg, November 2, 1775] | | |
… | | |
60 dutch blankets dd Capt Meade for his Compy 12/.) | 36:--:-- | |
1 bed Ditto 9/- | --: 9:-- | 36: 9:--" |
Page 35 [Williamsburg, November 6-7, 1775] | |
To 1-¼ yds green Coating @ 12/6 | -:15: 7-½ |
… | |
1 Rug bot with Store Cash @ 13/ | -:13:-- |
…" | |
Page 36 [Williamsburg, November 7, 1775] | |
To 7 dutch blankets deld Ensign Moore for Capt Nicholas's Compy at 12/ | 4: 4:--" |
Page 38 [Williamsburg, November 11, 1775] | |
To 17/4 Blue Rugg 34/. 1 ditto 25/. 1 do 18/. | 3:17:-- |
…" | |
Page 88 [Williamsburg, February 15, 1776] | | |
To Richard Banks, for Blanketts dd in Jany Vizt | | |
To 6 ps. Strip'd Blanketts @ -- | | 63:--:-- |
1 ps. ditto 16 @ 15/ | | 12:--:-- |
13 pr Ross Blanketts @ 22/6 | | 14:12: 6 |
10 pr better ditto @ 28/ | | 14:--:-- |
| Pensyla Curry | 103:12: 6 |
| deduct to bring it to Virg. | 20:14: 6 |
| | 82:18: 0" |
Page 113 [Williamsburg, April 4, 1776] | |
for Capt Webbs Company- | |
2 fine Rugs No 5 @ 23/7-½ | 2: 7: 3 |
1 ditto No 4 21/10-½. 1 ditto No 3. 19/3 | 2: 1: 1-½ |
1 ditto No 2 15/9 | -:15: 9 |
had of Adkinson | 5: 4: 1-½" |
To John Adkinson | | |
for 36 Ruggs | 21:10: 6 | |
Advc 75 pr Ct | 16:10:10-½ | 38:1:4-½" |
To 3 Ruggs @ 19/3 3 ditto @ 15/9 | 5: 5:-- |
for Prisoners" | |
Page 114 [Williamsburg, April 6, 1776] | |
To Cash paid Wm Pitt for 6 Iron potts | 1:13: 1 |
To 15 Ruggs sent to Suffolk for Hospital | 16: 2:10-½" |
Page 119 [Williamsburg, May 9, 1776] | | |
"EXPS ARMY Pr Ordr Gl Lewis | DR | |
To 162 Yds Cotten @ 2/4-½ | 19: 4: 9 | |
138 yds better ditto @ 2/7-½ | 18: 2: 3 | |
35 Blanketts @ 22/- | 38:10:-- | |
for the Soldiers at Burw. ferry-- | 75:17:-- | |
To 92 Yds Cotten @ 3/3-¾ | 16: 4: 9 | [sic] |
10 Blanketts @ 22/. to Capt Hopkin's Co | 11:--:-- | |
To 144 Yds plad @ 4/3 | 30:12:-- | |
& 17 Blanketts @ 22/- | 18:14:-- | |
For Capt Russell's Co | | |
128 Yds plad @ 4/3 | 27: 4:-- | |
14 Blanketts @ 22/. to Capt Cock's Co | 15: 8:.-- | |
To 80 Yds plad @ 4/3. 8 Blanketts @ 22/ | 25:16:-- | |
for Capt Massie's Co." | | |
PUBLIC STORE- WILLIAMSBURG. JOURNAL AUGUST 18, 1777--SEPTEMBER 30, 1778. Ms Virginia State Library. C. W. Microfilm M-1016-2.
Page 5 [Williamsburg, August 22, 1777] | |
To 31 Blankets @ 30/. | 46:10:--" |
Page 17 [Williamsburg, September 1, 1777] | |
… | |
17 Dutch blankets delivered the other Day to Colo Gist ) | 22:15: 6" |
Page 65 [Williamsburg, October 25, 1777] | |
To 3 Blankets @ 40/ | 6: 0:-- |
deld the Governor, to replace that No | |
furnished the Indians" | |
Page 66 [Williamsburg, October 27, 1777] | | | |
To Sloop Liberty, for sundry Merchandize imported VIZ | | | |
233 lb loaf Sugar 7/6 | ps | rs | 87: 7: 6 |
100 Blankets | 468 | 6 | |
18 ps Linen | 128 | 6 | |
Wrapper | 2 | 0 | |
| ps 599. | 4 | |
599 ps 4 rs @ 6/ is £179:17: 0" | | | |
Page 72 [Williamsburg, November 3, 1777] | |
To Dutch Blankets 40/ | 10: 0:--" |
… | |
20 Blankets 40/. | 40: 0:--" |
Page 204 [Williamsburg, September 6, 1778] | |
To Sundrys delivered him the 7th of January last omited Vizt | |
… | |
73 dutch Blankets @ 40 | 146:--:-- |
…" | |
PUBLIC STORE--WILLIAMSBURG. JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 18, 177.8--MOVEMBER 20, 1779. Ms Virginia State Library. C. W. Microfilm M-1016-2.
Page 223 [Williamsburg, May 10th, 1779] | |
"COLO PORTERFIELD Pr Ord. approved by Govr | DR |
To Sundries deld Lieut. Bryant for the Following Companies, Viz. | |
Capt Edwd Digges' Men:…[shirts, shoes, gaiters, coats, jackets, breeches] | |
15 Baize Blankets @ 35/ | 26: 5:-- |
Capt Upshaw's Company…[shirts, shoes, gaiters, jackets, breeches] | |
8 baize blankets @ 35/ | 14:--:-- |
Lieut. Blankenburg…[same as above] | |
8 baize blankets @ 35/ …" | |
On April 19, 1776, The Virginia Gazette (A. Purdie, ed., Postscript) carried the following notice:
"AS an army without cavalry is, in all countries a very defective machine, but in this province, circumstanced as it is, it is impossible to carry on the service, with any tolerable degree of credit and success, without a certain proportion of this species of troops, general LW, begs leave to address himself to the young gentlemen of the different counties, entreating that they will form themselves into companies of LIGHT DRAGOONS, consisting of one captain, one lieutenant, one cornet, two serjeants, two corporals, and a trumpet or horn sounder. As it is intended, and hoped, that the whole will be composed of GENTLEMEN VOLUNTEERS, it will not be expected that they should receive any pay…[except rations for their horses and for themselves.] Their arms should be a short rifled carbine, a light pike, of eight feet long, and a tomahawk…."
On June 12th and 13th, 1776, the Virginia Convention of Delegates passed an ordinance for, among other things, raising six troops of horse, which directed:
"…That six troops of horse, consisting of thirty each, rank and file, be immediately raised, under proper officers, and taken into the service of this colony; and that each of the said companies be under the command of a captain, a lieutenant, a cornet, to be chosen by the Convention, and three corporals, to be chosen by the captain, and be allowed a trumpeter, to be also appointed by the captain. And that the several officers and troopers shall, at their own expense, be furnished with horses, proper arms, and accoutrements, and shall be allowed the following pay per day, besides rations and forage, to wit: …[captains 7s.6d., lieutenants 6s. cornets 5s., corporals 3s., trumpeters 3s., and troopers 2s.6d.]1
An additional ordinance, passed by the same Convention "to supply certain defects in a former Ordinance of this Convention for raising six Troops of Horse," ordered a commission to be issued to a captain when he had enlisted 1 troopers, to a lieutenant when he had enlisted 12 troopers, and to a cornet when he had enlisted 9 troopers. It also ordained that each trooper should be furnished with a "carbine with bucket and straps, a pair of horseman's pistols and holsters, a tomahawk, a spear, a good saddle well
From: Lt. Charles M. Lefferts, Uniforms of the American, British, French, and German Armies in the War of the American Revolution (New York Historical Society: 1926) Plate XXVI, opposite page 64.
[Colors: According to Lt. Lefferts (page 64), this dragoon wore a "helmet of leather with white horse-hair crest," but they were "later of steel or brass, turned up at the base with black bearskin and had long flowing horse-hair crests of white or black." Colonel Bland's dragoons, as shown here, wore blue coats faced with red, with gilt or yellow-metal buttons; red waistcoats with gilt buttons; black belts, black stocks, leather breeches, and black "top boots." Lt. Lefferts states that some of the Virginia dragoons wore "brown coats faced with green," and all "had leather breeches and top boots."]174
fixed with girths and surcingle, and curb bridle." It ordered that corporals, trumpeters, and private troopers be furnished at the expense of the public with horses, arms, and accoutrements, and the pay of each corporal and trumpeters be reduced to 2 shillings, and of each trooper to 1 shilling 6 pence a day. To preserve "equality, as near as may be, in the kind of horses" the price of each horse was limited by this ordinance to £30. It also ordered that there would be "a major commandant over the whole six troops" to be appointed by the Convention or General Assembly, to be paid 10 shillings a day; and that the officers, and troopers, were to be allowed tents, rations, and forage, as were allowed to the infantry." Any cadet who joined a troop and furnished himself with a good horse, and the arms and accoutrements directed by the act, would be allowed the pay and provisions of a private soldier, and a tent for every four cadets.2
On June 13, 1776, the Convention of Delegates appointed Theodorick Bland, jun. captain of the First Troop of Horse; Benjamin Temple captain of the Second Troop of Horse; John Jameson captain of the Third Troop of Horse; Llewellyn Jones captain of the Fourth Troop of Horse; Henry Lee, jun., captain of the Fifth Troop and John Nelson captain of the Sixth Troop of Horse. Lieutenants appointed were Richard Call, 1st troop; Cuthbert Harrison, 2d troop; William Penn, 3d troop; Spotswood Dandridge, 4th troop; John Belfield, 5th troop; Addison Lewis, 6th troop. On June 14th the Convention appointed cornets in the following order: 1. John Henry, 2. James Jones, 3. William Lindsay, 4. John Watts, 5. Henry Peyton, 6. Henry Haggard Clements.3
On July 5, 1776, The Virginia Gazette (A. Purdie, ed., Postscript) carried the following notice from Captain Bland of the first troop of Horse:
"WANTED for the first troop of HORSE, about 30 geldings from 14 hands and a half to 15 has high, and from 4 to 6 years old, well formed and active. Bays will be most suitable, or the colours nearest to bay….apply to the subscriber at the rendezvous at Blandford, in Prince George county; to lieutenant Call, near Petersburg; or to cornet Henry in Hanover….
On December 6, 1776, Purdie's The Virginia Gazette announced:
"ON Wednesday last the following appointments were made in the House of Delegates, viz.-…THEODORICK BLAND, esq; to be major commandant of six troops of light horse lately raised."
As will be seen under "Clothing and Accoutrements for Officers and Soldiers" in this report, the Public Store furnished the officers of the six Troops of Horse with supplies for themselves and their troopers: items such as materials for clothing (blue and scarlet cloth or broadcloth), gilt buttons, coats, jackets, waistcoats, leather breeches, shoulder knots, shoe boots, boots, etc.; also saddles, bridles, etc.4
On December 18, 1776, the Council, pursuant to a resolution of the General Assembly on December 5th, directed that each non-commissioned officer and common trooper be "furnished with a Coat, Cap, a pair Leather Breeches, and a pair of Boots and Spurrs at the Publicks Expence" or "twenty Dollars" in lieu thereof; and also requested the Governor to issue "marching Orders for the six Troops of Horse to join General Washington."5 On December 30, 1776, Washington wrote from Trenton to Major Bland: "I am informed that you are on your March from Virginia, to join the Army under my Command," and urged him to "advance with the Horse, as quick as you possibly can."6 The Virginia Gazette (Dixon & Hunter) for January 31, 1777, carried the note: "Philadelphia…Jan. 17. Last Tuesday four troops of the Virginia light horse, commanded by Captains Lee, Nelson, Jameson, and Temple, arrived here."
More cavalry troops were soon needed, and on March 19, 1778, the Virginia Council considered "the Resolution of Congress of the 2d Instant recommending to the Young Gentlemen of Property & Spirit in the several States to constitute a Troop or Troops of light Cavalry," and ordered that such resolution be printed in The Virginia Gazette, with the assurance that "such young Gentlemen as may incline to stand forth in the Defence of their Country" would be given "every encouragement & Support" within the power of the state.7 The General Assembly passed an act for "raising a regiment of Horse," to strengthen "the continental army under the command of general Washington during the present campaign"; to consist of 350 rank and file, formed into six troops, each commanded by a captain, two lieutenants, and a cornet, and the whole by a colonel, lieutenant-colonel, and major. Officers and troopers were to have the same pay, rations, and forage as those in the continental army; and any trooper furnishing his own horse, arms, and accoutrements would be paid for loss in service. In addition to horses, arms and accoutrements furnished by the troopers, others would be furnished, where necessary at public expense, together with ammunition and necessaries for travelling.8 Brigadier General Nelson was requested to superintend the
business of raising men and providing arms and accoutrements for the regiment of horses and a number of warrants were subsequently issued him for that purpose.9 On April 24, 1778, under a Williamsburg dateline, The Virginia Gazette (Dixon & Hunter) carried the following announcement: "Several young Gentlemen of this city having offered themselves volunteers for General Nelson's light horse provided they could be equipped, a subscription was immediately set on foot for that purpose, and upwards of £300. subscribed in a day or two." On April 28, 1778, the Council instructed the Commissary of Stores to "furnish those Gentlemen, of the City of Williamsburg who have engaged to serve as Volunteer Cavalry agreeable to the recommendation of Congress, with such necessary Cloathing as they may want not exceeding Cloth sufficient to make a Horsemans Cloak, Coat & Waistcoat; Linen for two Shirts and two pair of Stockings for each Voluntier they paying for the same."10
In the spring of 1779 another act was passed by the General Assembly for "raising a body of Cavalry" for the "defence of the commonwealth under the present invasion"--the officers and troopers to receive the same pay, rations, and forage as those in the cavalry of the United States.11
A few notes from the Public Store Journals follow concerning saddles, girths, bridles, bits, breastplates, boots, etc. furnished the several officers of the horse troops—the references to clothing furnished may be found in the portion of this report on "Clothing and Accoutrements"--see index.12
PUBLIC STORE--WILLIAMSBURG. JOURNAL OCTOBER 16, 1776--AUGUST 15, 1777. Ms Virginia State Library. C. W. Microfilm M-1016-2.
Page 6 [Williamsburg, November 13, 1776] | | |
"SECOND Troop of Horse Capt Temple | DR | |
To 11 best Saddles @ 55/ | [£] 30: 7: 0 | |
2 do - - next best @ 35/. | 3:10: 0 | 33:15: 0" |
Page 12 [Williamsburg, December 9, 1776] | |
"CAPT JONES 14th Troop pr Or: Majr Bland | |
To 2 best Saddles @ 55/- | 5:10: 0" |
Page 12 [Williamsburg, December 10, 1776] | | |
"CAPT JONES 4th Troop | DR | |
To Cash paid George Reid for 26 Bridles | 6:10: 0 | |
do for 2 Lines @ 1/3 | 0: 2: 6 | |
Do for 6 pr Shoe Boots | 14: 8: 0 | 21: 0: 6" |
"MAJOR BLAND 1st Troop | DR | |
To Cash pd Geo: Reid for 2 double Girths | 0: 5: 0 | |
To do 36 Bridles @ 5/. 100 30d Nails | 13: 3: 4 | 13: 8: 4" |
Page 13 [Williamsburg, December 14, 1776] | |
"MAJR BLAND pr. Mr Anderson | |
To 3 dozn bridle bitts @ 9/ | 16: 4: 0 |
To 66 do @ 9/- pr Gabl Maupin | 29:14: 0 |
| 45:18: 0" |
Page 14 [Williamsburg, December 17, 1776] | |
"MAJR BLAND pr Self | DR |
To 7 Best Saddles @ 55/- | 19: 5: 0 |
…" | |
To 1 Saddle 45/ 1 Great Coat 30/- | 3:15: 0" |
Page 23 [Williamsburg, January 23, 1777] | |
… | |
To ditto [Cash] paid Gabriel Maupin for putting 31 Buckles &c to Bridles for Capt Jamesons Troop | 1: 4: 4 |
for 36 Breastplaits for Cap. Nelsons do | 4:10: 0 |
ditto 12 Gun Buckets for Majr Bland | 3:12: 0 |
| 9: 6: 4" |
Page 203 [Williamsburg, June 19, 1777] | |
Pr William Rose | |
To 2 Yds Plains @ 3/ | -: 6:-- |
2 yds Oznabrigs @ 3/. | -: 6:-- |
for Saddle Cloth for a french Gentleman" | |