Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series - 1420
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library
Williamsburg, Virginia
Notes of the Excavations of the Site of the Colonial Governor's Palace
Williamsburg, Va. by H.S. Ragland
Perry, Shaw & Hepburn, Architects
Notes of the screening of earth & debris, excavated by others at House East of Paradise House, East Duke of Gloucester St.
Vol I.
June 30, 1930. Work began at 8 a.m. under the direction of Prentice Duell, Archeologist; Herbert S. Ragland, Field Supt., John B. Etheridge, Foreman. 7 workmen - Notes by H.S. Ragland. Foremen & Labor supplied by Todd & Brown Inc. Trial trenches were dug north of and East and west of the "Matty" School, all of which at a depth of about one foot began to show brick and plaster remains. No walls were uncovered today but in trench no. 3 found what appears to be an old brick drain.
See sketch on next page, showing location of trial trenches. The brick drain runs North & South about parallel with West wall produced of Matty School & 3' or 4' to the west of it produced. Part of drain first uncovered is about 30 ft. north of Matty School.
July 1, 1930 - 8 man 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Excavated deeper in trenches started yesterday and in trench no. 3, about 35 ft. N. of School and about in line with the west wall of it found what is apparently a stone step nosing or perhaps swirl of step. This was in trench with the drain found yesterday. Found parts of 3 walls; one of them in trench no. 2 running East & west parallel with North brick wall of Matty School & about 12 ft. from it, and first uncovered about 3 ½ ft. below ground surface; 2nd wall parallel to wall first mentioned and about 26 ft. north of it and 3 or 4 ft. below present ground surface; & 3rd wall about 16 ft. north of second wall and also running East & west, about 18" below surface. In trench no. 3, in what appears to be a drain, found bones, which Dr. Foster, former Supt. of Eastern State Hospital, identified as human. Found other bones, apparently animal.
July lst continued. Found a Key in trench no. 2, about 10 ft. North of School & 15 ft. E, of new cor. of school and alongside wall in brick & mortar debris & 6 ft. below surface. Key is 5 ½" long, & apparently a door Key.1 Also found a number of pieces of China, glassware, parts of bottles, part of an old clay pipe etc. About 4 p.m. uncovered a wall about 3' wide about 1 ft. below ground, running North & South. It may be west wall of the of the [sic] rear or ball room portion of the Palace building.
July 2, 1930. - 10 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 P.m. Uncovered more of walls found yesterday and wall which is 38 ft. north of Matty School shows parts of 2 arches springing up from it, [1a] -2- one to the North & the other to the South. Adjacent to the North side of this wall about 7' below ground surface found brick paved floor. Uncovered more of 3 ft. wall running N. & S. found yesterday and about 28 ft. East of it a parallel wall of same dimension, apparently the last wall of ball room portion of Palace building.
July 3, 1930 - 10 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 P.M. Uncovered, six inches below surface and about 130 ft. North of school what appears to be remains of chimney foundation and on E & W sides of it, what may be the rear wall of the building. Found a spoon in western part of excavation for the wall, just mentioned. Also, found what looks like piece of stone paving slab. Wheeled all excavated material to rear of lot and cleaned up job. Whole bricks and ½ bricks and larger bats are being placed in separate pile & saved.
July 4 | Holiday ) | |
July 5 | " ) | No work done |
July 6 | Sunday ) |
July 7, 1930 - 11 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Uncovered more of wall in trench no. 2 11 ft. North of School, and a door opening, apparently.
Cut down 2 locust trees & removed them from the foundation site. Found in trench no. 2 a key - Looks like old bureau Key.2 Found hatchet in same trench.3 Exposed today more of walls previously mentioned, Excavating what seems to have been palace basement.
July 8, 1930. 16 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 P.m. Uncovered stone flagging or paving about 10 ft. North of school, apparently the basement floor of the palace bldg. This floor 7 ½ ft. below ground surface. Also, found brick steps, which apparently once had wood nosings, leading from west side of building into basement. Flight of steps in an E & W direction. Also wall running N & S & apparently running under Matty School near the center of it. Now following this wall with the excavation to determine if Matty School is built over it and the palace site. Dug up hand made nails, bits of china, glass, another old hatchet etc.
July 9/30 - 26 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 P.M. Uncovered larger area of basement floor (stone flagging) & parts of interior walls. Wall mentioned yesterday running N & S near center of Matty School was uncovered today to School wall.
-3-Apparently this wall & lower portion of the Matty School North wall were built at the same time, and that both are palace walls. It seems that the North wall of the school is built on the foundation part of the old South or front wall of the Palace. It is very evident that the lower part of the North wall of the school is older than the portion above it. The brickwork is entirely different. The old part of wall begins 4 ft. below surface of ground.
July 9 Continued. Piece of stone about 2 ½ ft. long x 16" wide x 3 ½" thick, molded on both edges, found 6 ft. below surface in basement about 12 ft. North of Matty School, or 12' N. of the front wall of the Palace, near door opening in E & W wall which is 11 ft. N. of School or front wall. A piece of iron about 2 ft. long x 9" wide 1" thick found near pc. of stone above mentioned. It was about 6 ft. below surface, and looks like part of an iron fire back.4
July 10 -/30. - 28 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 P.m. Uncovered chimney foundation, about 17 ft. north of School at nearest point of chimney. Chimney is in position shown on blue print made by Perry Shaw & Hepburn from Jefferson's Plan of the Palace, and the sealed dimension from the blue print checks closely with actual measurements from chimney to Matty School, proving it seems, that the Matty School wall is built on portion of front wall of the Palace Bldg. Hereafter I shall call it the front wall of the Palace Bldg. So, it seems, that to date, the front wall, the chimney at the rear of the hall, and the two side walls of the ball room portion of the palace have been found and other walls not yet certainly identified.
July 11, 1930. 27 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Continued excavation today in west portion of building under locations, which Perry Shaw & Hepburn have called, according to their plan, No. Dining Room Butlers Pantry & Front Hall. Apparently there was a basement in all of this area, which was filled from the surface of the ground to basement floor with brick and mortar debris. In basement, under Dining Room, Hall, Entrance Hall (reached by stairs from the outside & west of the bldg) Passage or Rear Hall at east of chimney. The floor is paved with stone slabs of rectangular shape. Basement, under portion marked on plan, Butlers Pantry, is paved with brick. Cut roots of stump of locust tree, preparatory to moving stump. Protected with lumber door opening in rear of chimney, and also parts of drain on west side of building. Started trial trenches to look for wall between Ball Room & supper room and cleaned up part of surface of debris. Also, on East side of supper room trial trench was begun to check the possibility of bldg. being of H plan. At closing time no wall uncovered.
Sat. July 12/30 21 men - 8 a.m. to 12 N. Cut roots of large locust stump and removed it from Site of Building. Cleaned up debris previously thrown out of the Excavation, (so much of it had accumulated around the edges of the excavation) and wheeled it to rear of the lot, so that, if desired, it can be screened later. No new excavation made today in main basement. Continued Excavating in trenches looking for wall between Supper Rm & Ball Room, and in trench to East of Supper Room to check the possibility of bldg, being of H plan, but no walls found.
Erected about 100 ft. of fence today to enclose site, and keep out the public.
July 13, 1930 - Sunday
July 14, 1930 - 27 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 P.m. Continued wheeling to dump, on rear of lot, material thrown previously out of excavation. Practically cleared around excavation today making the banks safe from caving. Also, braced walls at door openings & covered walls with timber where bricks were loose. Continued excavating in trenches near rear of building but uncovered no more walls today.
4 men from this job were sent during afternoon to House E. of Paradise House and began screening the excavated material there.
July 15, 1930 - 19 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 4 men screening earth & debris at House E. of Paradise House. Cutting Roots and excavating around second locust tree stump, preparatory to moving it. Tree was growing about the center of the site of the palace and was cut down on July 7 as was other tree, stump of which was removed yesterday. Continued wheeling excavated material to dump at rear of lot, for future additional examination & screening, if desired. Also, continued bracing walls & protecting foundations previously uncovered. Practically all material Excavated from main portion of site, and especially the basement, so far, is brick & mortar debris, with only a small portion of earth. About 4 p.m. removed locust tree stump from [sic] (mentioned above) from the site of the building. This stump was lame, the diameter of the tree about 2' above ground was 28" - stump 2' below ground was 6' dia. Near chimney at rear of hall the stone floor of basement is 7'3" below present surface of the ground.
July 16, 1930 - 16 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Cut down 3rd tree today & removed it from site. Tree about the size of one, stump of which was removed yesterday. Diameter of trunk 34". It stood on east side of site near the front of the building. Continued excavating today in west side of main -5- basement. No additional walls uncovered.
4 men continued screening earth & debris at House E. of Paradise House.
Removing vines from the Matty School today so that bldg. can be measured by architects before wrecking.
July 17/30. 20 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Excavating today in west side of basement. Uncovered wall, running E & W, parallel with front wall of building and feet north of it. Continued wheeling excavated material to dump at rear of lot, and continued removing vines (ivy) from the school bldg. Cut roots around third tree stump today but stump not yet removed.
6 men at House E. of Paradise House, today screening excavated material.
July 18/30. 27 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Found today underground tunnel of brick present opening about 2 ft. wide & 3' high running E & W 11' north of Front wall of Palace Bldg [sic] Foundation produced. It connects with Palace Basement under basement steps and runs to the westward under Palace or Tyler St. with 2 angles or curves in it, and thence towards ravine to the westward. Top of tunnel is about 6' deep at west side of Palace St. Excavated today, in depth 3 ft. of the tunnel at W. side of Palace St. Pictures were taken today by Clyde Holmes of the "Matty" School to show the elevations and architectural details for purposes of record before the school is razed.
6 men at House E. of Paradise House screening excavated material.
July 18/30 - Cut down at S.E. Corner of site 4th locust tree today, diameter 32" inches. No careful measurements made of tunnel today. Bottom of it not reached yet. Measurements taken are only approximate & merely for purpose of describing its general location. It does not look like usual drain although, apparently in recent years, a 6" sewer or drain apparently from Matty School has emptied into it.
July 19 - On the west side of Palace St. top of tunnel or drain has been broken for a distance of 12 or 15 feet, and here we have excavated to bottom of it. The bottom is flat and paved with brick. Opening is 2' wide & 3'2" high.
-6-25 Sat. July 19/30. 19 men 8 a.m. - 12 N. Cleared up job today. Wheeled excavated material to dump at rear of lot. Cut roots and excavated around trees stumps.
Erecting fences to keep out public.
7 men at House East of Paradise House screening excavated material.
Monday, July 21st, 1930. 18 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Removed 3rd locust tree stump today. Continued excavation of basement west of Hall chimney & around hall chimney and uncovered more of walls and stone floor previously mentioned. Large number of smoked Bricks indicates hall chimney fell in south easterly direction towards the front of the building .
8 men at House E. of Paradise House screening excavated material.
Tuesday, July 22, 1930 19 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Continued excavating west portion of basement near front of bldg. Uncovered part of very heavy wall about 25' N. of front wall and parallel to it in west portion of basement. Part of it looks like the foundation of the chimney shown on P S & H's plan between Dining Room & Butler's Pantry . Began wrecking "Matty" School today. Roof removed. Wrecking force not included in this report.
7 men at House E. of Paradise House screening excavated material.
28 & 29
Wed. July 23, 1930 -
27 men (2 of them bldg. tool house) 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Continued excavating west portion of basement. Uncovered
more of heavy wall 25' N. of front wall and (a part of it)
a large chimney foundation. This foundation is for the
chimney shown on plan at N end of dining room. Continued
wrecking Matty School. Began building tool house on job.
Continued wheeling excavated material to dump at rear of
lot. Keeping banks around excavation clear. Uncovered a
small part of main west wall near S.W. cor. of bldg. This
is first part of this wall yet found. Remainder of west
wall of main part of bldg. has been removed, supposedly
for the bricks. It is clear however where this wall stood
for original lines of excavation for the bldg. are clearly
defined by debris falling away, as excavated, from the original earth wall of the cut. There are also evidences, at
the bottom [sic] basement floor level, of the fact that the west wall & part of the south [sic] north wall of main portion have been removed.
8 men at House E. of Paradise House screening excavated material.
Thurs. July 24, 1930 27 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 2 bldg. tool house. Continued excavation west portion of basement & center of basement.
Continued wheeling excavated material to dump at rear of lot. Nearly all excavated material is brick & mortar debris.
8 men screening excavated material at House E. of Paradise House.
Friday July 25/30 - 25 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Continued excavation main basement near center & on east side near center. West side finished yesterday except adjacent to Matty School. This part will be excavated after school is pulled down. Continued pulling down school today, and wheeling excavated material to rear of lot, Keeping banks clear of debris - Excavated today passageway running N. & S. through center of basement.
The passageway is paved with stone slabs.
8 men at House E. of Paradise House screening excavated material & filling foundation.
Sat. July 26, 1930 - 25 men 8 a.m. - 12 N. Continued excavation of basement just east of center line of building. Uncovered 2 walls forming passageway running E & W from East side basement & connecting at right angles with center passageway running N & S previously mentioned. Continued building tool house & wrecking Matty School - Old bricks from School, which perhaps were once used in Palace, for they are the same size as those in Palace foundation walls, are being saved & stacked near site of Palace, for use in restored bldg., if desired -
8 men at House E. of Paradise House, screening excavated material & filling foundation.
Sat. July 26 Continued Stump of 4th locust tree removed today.
Monday July 28, 1930. 21 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Continued excavation in East side of main basement. Uncovered part of rear wall of main portion of building at a corner formed by the intersection of the east wall of the center north & south passageway in basement. Continued wrecking Matty School. The School is ¾ practically [sic] down now, but much debris has to be moved away & bricks stacked.
8 men at House E. of Paradise House screening excavated material & back filling foundation.
34 & 35
Tuesday July 29/30. 46 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Much marble in small pieces has been found in East side of basement[sic] basement in space immediately under the East side of hall. Most of the marble excavated has been found under hall & in vicinity of Hall Chimney. It is possible there was a marble floor in the hall, & a handsome marble mantel in the hall. However, marble has been found in other parts of the basement, today a few pieces were picked up under Library. The hall chimney, judging from smoked bricks, fell south-easterly. Therefore parts of marble mantel etc. would have fallen on East side of hall and in basement below. Much marble was found in basement under hall & most of that on East side.
7 men screening at House E. of Paradise House.
Wed. July 30/30. -
46 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Still pulling down school walls (it is down nearly to ground now) and cleaning & stacking bricks & hauling away debris. Excavating East side basement. Front portion East side of basement is paved with stone slabs, the rear portion with brick, which corresponds with the west side of basement.
7 men screening & filling at House East of Paradise House. Work discontinued today. 7 boxes of remains but foundation not quite filled - short of earth due to hauling away brick bats -
36 & 37
Thursday July 31, 1930 -
46 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Continued Excavation in basement in front of bldg & S W Corner. Basement floor is of brick in center of bldg. from front wall to a line about 7 ft. north of & parallel to the front wall. All the remaining portion of the basement under hall & much of the front half, of basement is paved with stone slabs. Uncovered all of basement floor underneath entrance hall. The rear wall of main portion of bldg. is 3 ft. wide. Foreman Made tool house into office & is building tool house. Matty School walls are pulled down to ground, but walls in ground still have
to be removed.
Debris is being hauled away. All remains from the excavation are stored in School bldg. near site on Palace Green in NW Corner Room, 1st Floor. To date there are 26 Boxes (15" x 28" x 15") filled with remains from the excavation of the Palace. A carved piece of marble, perhaps, a part of the hall mantel was dug up today about 15' N. of Front -9- wall & 15' E. of [center line] of Bldg. Also, a whole bottle, stone crockery ware about the same place. Much marble in small pieces was also dug up near & with the piece mentioned above.
38 - 41
Friday, August 1, 1930 -
46 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Continued Excavation main basement and uncovered the S.W. Corner of main portion of building. As far as Excavation has proceeded the front wall is intact for at least a foot or two above the basement floor. There are 2 or 3 feet of the main west wall at S.W. Corner & a smaller piece several feet north of it, but the remainder has been removed. However with the 2 pieces of it mentioned above the direction & width can [sic] be easily determined as soon as completely uncovered. Small section of interior wall running E & W about 8 or 9 feet north of & parallel to front wall & under parlor at front of bldg. on east side, apparently was struck by hall chimney in falling for wall was badly cracked in several places & about to fall over to the Southward. The chimney evidently fell South easterly, for smoked bricks were also found in this area.
Much marble also excavated from the debris today. The debris consists almost entirely of bricks & mortar, practically no earth excavated today. Two pieces of carved marble were found in E & W passageway about under Library, East side of building. Both pieces look like parts of mantel. One piece has a deer & other carving on it & the second piece branch of tree or shrub.
I think, considering the amount of marble & the size, carving & thickness of pieces found, that there must have been marble mantels in hall & library, and perhaps also in front parlor. The carving on the several pieces found suggests that the local fauna & flora may have been depicted for to me, some of the carving suggests at least, the chinquapin or perhaps a hazel bush or tree, another piece, a poplar bud, another, the trumpet flower (the vine is sometimes called can itch), and there is the deer. Also, what looks like wild grapes & althea. At the bottom of the copper plate on which are shown the elevations of the College, the Capitol & the Governor's Palace, there is space in which is shown the local fauna & flora. Such a design may have been used in the Governor's Palace. A piece of marble about 4" x 6" x 8" fastened with iron to a piece of stone about 6" x 6" x 8" was found in East & west passage way, East side of bldg. under Library today.
Saturday Aug. 2, 1930. 29 men 8 a.m. - 12 noon. Cleaned up job today. Swept walls & floors so that they can more readily be seen & examined & continued excavation of basement in S.E. Corner of main portion of building under front parlor. Continued hauling away debris from Matty School which to date has been razed -10- with the Exception of foundation walls which cannot be removed until debris now covering them is moved away.
43 & 44
Monday Aug 4/30 43 men - 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Continued excavation East side of basement & uncovered part of east main side wall aprox 33" wide, which is the same width as the West side wall. Also, uncovered large chimney on East side of basement about 17 feet north of main front wall of building. The fireplace of the chimney * is 4'-4" wide but apparently was not used in basement for it is plastered. Also found N & S wall at East end of E & W passageway, (previously mentioned) which closes passageway (as I call it in these notes,) leaving only entrance to it at its western end, which connects with main N & S passageway through bldg Therefore, I must have called this wrongly a passageway. The stairs from the first floor to basement may have been here. Mr. Leyton of Richmond under the personal direction of Mr. Duell took a number of photographs of the foundations today while work of excavation was in progress.
Aug 5 1930 - Wallace Etheridge & Robt. Barrett employed today by Todd & Brown & put to work today as assistants to me, to help in measuring walls filing & cataloguing material from the excavations etc. Both of them are College boys Etheridge is today sorting special remains preparatory to tagging & numbering it & Barrett is assisting Perkins with the work in the cemetery -
45 & 46
Aug 5, 1930 - Tuesday 38 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Approximately under Library & on both sides of what I have, in these notes, called E & W passageway are a number of 4" walls running N & S & forming, with larger E & W walls, a number of small box like enclosures. These box like places are about 3¾ ft. x 3 ft. and the brickwork does not seem as old as that in other & larger walls.
The Chimney on the East side of bldg (perhaps it is parlor Chimney) found Aug 4 may have fallen southwardly, for about 10' or 12' South of it many smoked bricks & a broken interior basement wall were found. I have previously recorded in these notes that I thought hall chimney must have fallen south eastwardly where the smoked bricks & broken wall were found, but since finding the chimney on the Last side of bldg. I may be in error as to direction in which hall chimney fell, and -11- that the broken wall was caused by the fall of the East side chimney & that the smoked bricks are from it. All smoked bricks excavated to date were found in the S.E. Corner of the basement under parlor & Last side of hall.
Wed. Aug 6/30 - 37 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Continued excavation of Last Side of basement.
Aug 15 - This Matty School wall built of smoked bricks.
Front wall in S.E. Corner badly smoked. No East main wall found near SE Corner adjacent to front wall, although apparently the front wall itself is still there including the Corner.
Aug 15 - This is not palace wall but wall of Matty School built of smoked bricks.
About 3 feet north of the front wall at the S.E. Corner the East wall was found for a distance of 8 or 10 feet.
Aug. 15. Only the western half of front wall of Palace was found. What was at first thought original wall on Eastern side was Matty School wall.
This smoked wall apparently is wall of Matty School built on the Palace Wall of chimney bricks. However only about 1 ft. or 1 ½ ft. of the Palace ? ? here.
Aug 15/30. No part of Palace wall found here. It is all part of the Matty School wall.
More complete examination of this wall will be made after dirt is brushed & washed off -
Thursday Aug. 7/30 - 36 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. N.E. corner of basement excavated today & side & rear walls of main portion of bldg. at N.E. corner has been removed. As previously recorded, the NW Corner of the main portion is also gone. However, parts of all four walls of the main portion have been found now so that the Corners can be located- In the East side of front portion of the building the basement is divided into 3 rooms or cellars. The longest dimension of the middle one is east & west & it has been further cut up, apparently after the building was completed somewhat like this:
[11a] -12-50
Friday Aug 8, 1930 -
30 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Practically finished excavation of basement, front portion of Palace, today. Uncovered a second portion of main East wall near the N.E. Corner today. N.E. Corner has been removed -
Sat. Aug. 9, 1930 - 29 men 8 a.m. - 12 Noon
Eastern End of rear wall of main portion of building shows an arch springing from it. The N.E. Corner basement room therefore must have had a brick arched ceiling. The N.W. Cor. basement room & basement room adjoining it on the South at west side of bldg, also had brick arched ceilings, for the wall between them has 2 arches springing from it, as previously mentioned. If the bldg. was symmetrical, then the room adjoining the N.E. basement room on the East side of bldg. also had Brick arched ceiling - See rough sketch on page 49. Cleaned up job today.
52 & 53
Monday Aug 11/30 - 29 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. -
J. E. Fauber Jr reported for work this morning as draftsman and assistant on the archaeological excavation work. Had him make field sketch of walls already uncovered and assist in taking field measurements & making notations an sketch about foundations already uncovered. Began excavating on South Side of rear wall of Matty School (which is built on part of front foundation wall of the Palace) and uncovered several feet underground part of the Palace wall on which the School wall is built. The palace front wall is about 4" wider than the School wall, the offset being on the South Side of the school wall. Also, found what appears to be part of the foundation wall of the main entrance to the Palace.
It was under the school, but apparently was not used for any purpose in the school construction. The wall runs N & S and perhaps was the West wall of the entrance or porch. It was cut to construct the rear wall of the School -
54 & 55
Tuesday Aug 12/30. -
29 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Cutting trench parallel to Matty
School about ? feet East of it searching for walls of Eastern outbuilding. No walls uncovered here today. Measurements being taken today of walls already uncovered & sketch being made. Fauber & W. Etheridge taking the measurements. Began removing the remaining part of the rear or north wall of the Matty School which was built on the front wall of the palace. The eastern portion (half) of the front wall of the palace apparently has been removed for the new wall of the Matty School has been uncovered below the level of the basement floor of the Palace. The western half of the front wall of the Palace has been found at the S.W. cor. of the building & for about half the frontage several feet high -
Wed. Aug 13/30 -
31 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Continued measuring & sketching
foundations already uncovered, and pulling down the remaining walls of the Matty School. When the building was recently wrecked the walls were pulled down to the ground only. Walls below the surface are being removed now. Continued excavations for outbuildings -
56 & 57
Thursday Aug 14/30 38 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. In trench parallel to and 24 feet east of Matty School about 50 feet south of the front wall of the palace, found today fragment of wall which may be part of the eastern building.
Continued wrecking foundation walls of the Matty School and sketching foundation walls of the Palace Bldg -
Found brickwork, apparently brick paving of yard or bldg. about 25 ft. East of S.E. Cor. of the Palace Bldg. Also, found a wall about 25 ft. east of SE Cor of Palace Bldg., about in line with front wall of Palace which may be a part of the wall enclosing Court formed by the main bldg & the 2 outbuildings. Also near this point found part of larger brick wall, which perhaps is part of wall of outbuilding.
Continuing excavations, searching for walls & foundations of ball room & rear end of the Palace bldg, but found no additional brickwork today.
2 men working at House East of Paradise House completing the filling of that foundation of which we were short of dirt when filling was first done. See page 35 of this note book.
Friday Aug. 15th, 1930 -
men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Found part of a brick surface drain or gutter, running east and west, about 20 ft. east of the palace foundation & about 12 ft. north of the front wall of the Palace produced. Continuing excavations on site of rear of the Ball Room portion of the building, but no brick work uncovered here today. Also, continuing to pull down rear wall of Matty School, which rests on part of the front wall of the Palace, so as to leave only the original Palace front wall. Continuing sketching & measuring palace foundations.
Saturday Aug. 16th, 1930.
27 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Worked a part of force all day today and completed the pulling down of the rear wall of the Matty School which was superimposed on a part of the front wall of the Palace, and left in place this palace front wall only. Also, continued pulling down the other foundation walls of the Matty School, and continued excavations looking for walls of the palace outbuildings. Also continued excavations looking for walls and foundations in rear or ball room portion of the palace. Cleaned up basement and swept clean basement floor & all palace walls -
60 - 63
Monday Aug. 18th, 1930 - 24 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The Eastern part of the rear wall of the Matty School, which was removed Saturday, was not superimposed on any part of the Palace Wall, but was built entirely as the School wall and rested on the clay foundation. This wall when first seen looked like a wall of the palace because the face of it was smoked. However, the wall was narrower by about 6" than the palace wall, and was built apparently of old palace bricks, largely of those that evidently came from the chimneys. Not only the face of the wall was smoked, but smoked bricks, very many of them, were found inside the wall, proving conclusively that these bricks were reused and that the wall could not have been a wall of the palace. No smoked bricks would be found inside of one of the original walls of the palace, for certainly no building would have been pulled down and the bricks reused in the palace. The part of the wall referred to and the art superimposed on the palace front wall, and (that part) now removed was certainly the Matty School wall as the width of it was about 6" less than the palace wall below it and the brick bond was modern American bond rather than the old English bond of the Palace wall itself. About half of the original front wall of the palace, the western half of it, was found including the SW Corner of it, and is now entirely exposed to view, the Matty School wall, which was superimposed on it, having been entirely removed.
Continued removing the other three walls of the Matty School foundation, which were built in area South of the Palace foundation. These walls are being removed so that the foundations cannot be confused with the Palace foundations or Palace outbuilding foundations -
Continued excavations for outbuildings and rear portion of the Palace.
63 & 64
Tues. Aug. 19/30 - 25 men. Continued work of removing Matty School walls and Excavations for outbuildings etc -
Wed. Aug 20/30 - 24 men. Completed the removal of walls of Matty School. Found ashes, about on E of rear portion of Palace bldg and about 21 feet north of rear wall of main portion and rear wall of ball room portion of the bldg. With transit reestablished the Corners of main portion of the palace. The inside lines of the outside walls were determined from the fragments uncovered, and these lines were run to intersections, and the inside Corners reestablished and marked with hubs. Very remarkably, the SW Corner & & [sic] the N.W. Corner of the main portion were round to be exact right angles (90°). The SE Corner walls made an angle of 90° 01 ½'. The N.E. Cor. angle was not read.
The two side walls of the main portion agreed exactly in length (48'9 ½") inside measurements. The front wall measured 55'-2". The rear wall measured 55'-2 ½". -15- Also center line, N & S, through the building was established & marked with hubs.
Reference points were also put in to reproduce, if necessary, these points.
65 - 67
Thursday Aug. 21, 1930. 24 men
Entrance platform of stone on west side at location called for on Jefferson's plan for west side entrance to 1st floor, was uncovered today, and also at foot of it a space paved with square brick paving. Also a drain at west South side of this platform & paving running E & W and connecting with N & S drain on west side of the building was found. This drain is parallel to the basement steps and a foot or two to the north of the north line of them. At top of basement steps, a brick paved walk was found.
Leyton took the following pictures of the Palace foundations & walls today:
On the 19th found remains of two wood posts. One of them was approximately on the E of bldg. & both of them were in the ball room portion of the bldg.
These posts may have been used in the construction of the bldg. supporting beams on which rested the joists.
No. 20 Looking SW at main portion of Palace Foundations from above -
Friday Aug 22nd/30. - 13 men 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Continued excavations for the outbuildings, west side entrance etc. Also, excavated for interior walls in the ball room portion of the palace.
Sat. Aug 23rd/30. - 15 men. Uncovered portion of gutter outside of parallel to rear wall of main portion near N.E. Corner of main portion of the bldg.
Continued excavations mentioned yesterday -
Monday Aug 25th, 1930, 21 men. Continued excavations rear portion of the bldg. & west. side.
Tuesday Aug. 26, 1930 - 20 men. Continued excavations noted above and cut trenches in rear portion of Palace lot. No results here.
Wed. Aug 27/30 - 20 men. Continued excavations rear portion of Palace bldg. & lot. A few wood post remains about center line of bldg. found. Brick paving uncovered west of bldg -
Thurs Aug 28/30. 21 men. Continued excavations mentioned above.
Friday Aug. 29/30 - 20 men. Continued excavations rear of bldg. & rear & sides of lot. -17- Sat. Aug 30/30 - Continued excavations & cleaned up job -
Aug 27. Rosseau assisted me in the transit, to lay off and stake some base lines etc. from which to locate palace & other buildings & the cemetery & graves -
Aug. 28. Measured up cistern & foundation & floors of west part of St. George Tucker House. Also a few days ago measured up brick entrance foundation of Van Garrett House & foundation of Shop east of the Restoration House.
An average of 28 men on Palace job during month of August.
Monday Sept 1 1930 - Labor Day - No work done
Tues Sept 2 1930. - 15 men. Continued excavation with small force rear portion of palace. Found cedar posts. Looked for cross wall & found no evidences of it.
Wed. Sept 3/30 - 17 men. Continued - Same as Tues. Wheeling excavated material to rear of lot
Thurs. Sept 4/30 17 men. Continued rear or ball room portion of the Palace. Excavated filled ground & debris. No walls found. Small force wheeling excavated material to rear of lot.
Fri. Sept 5/30 - No work done
Sat. Sept 6/30 - No work done on Palace. men excavating for additional evidence of entrance at Capitol.
Mon. Sept 8/30 - No work done at Palace.
Sept 6,8 - 4 men excavating for additional evidence of entrance at Capitol.
Tues Sept 9/30 - No work done at Palace Site.
Sept 22 - Excavating - 4 laborers - rear part of palace No new evidence found. 2 laborers screening - Foreman & time keeper also on job. See time for book for exact count of time.
Sept 23 - 3 laborers screening only. No excavations being made.
Sept 24 - 3 laborers screening excavated material. Foreman & time keeper also on job.
75 & 76
Sept 25 Hereafter see time book for number of men working Screening only
Sept 26 Screening & excavating entrance foundation
Sept 27 Same as above
Sept 29 Screening & excavating area formerly covered by Matty School
Sept 30 Same
Oct 1 to Oct 15 - Screening & excavating area formerly covered by Matty School and outbuilding main west outbuilding. Removed 3 Elm trees on East side of Palace St and worked on excavation of west outbuilding in Palace St and also west of Palace St on outbuildings there. In N.E. Corner of western main outbuilding a number of smoked bricks were found, suggesting that a chimney may have been there.
Oct 17/30
Picture | No. 1 | Looking East at Fallen Wall on walk |
* " | No. 2 " | North at W. Entrance Foundation |
" | No. 3 | " East " " " " |
" | No. 4 | " South " " " " & gutter of main bldg. |
" | No. 5 | " East " Fallen Wall N. of W. Entrance |
" | No. 6 | " " at Main Entrance Foundation |
" | No. 7 | " North at " " " |
" | No. 8 | " West " " " " |
" | No. 9 | " East at Paving |
No. 10 | Looking W. at W. Entrance Foundation & into gutter on S. Side of it. | |
No. 11 | Looking W. at Foundation over Drain on W. of Palace St. | |
No. 12 | Looking E. at Foundation over Drain W. of Palace St. | |
No. 13 | Looking N. general view of dump pile & screens work | |
No. 14 | Looking South at pillar in Ball Room | |
No. 15 | Looking East at South End of ball room portion of palace | |
No. 16 | Looking S.E. at front end of ball room portion of Palace |
78 & 79
No. 17 | Looking S.W. at front end of ball room portion of Palace | |
No. 18 | Looking East at N. End of Western outbuilding showing front wall of palace | |
No. 19 | Looking South at E. wall of Western outbuilding etc - | |
No. 20 | Looking South at small drain dropping into large E & W drain in outbuilding west of Palace St. | |
No. 21 | Looking | |
No. 22 | Looking S.E. " above | |
* | No. 23 | " N.E. " " |
No. 24 | Looking west showing south portion of ball room & west wall of ball room - |
Monday - Oct. 20/30 -
Picture No. 25 Looking South along East wall of main portion of Palace building. Camera above foundation
Picture No. 26 Looking North along East wall of main portion of Palace Bldg. Camera above foundation -
Picture No. 27 Looking South at portion of East wall showing footings. Camera in basement for close up view -
Picture No. 28 Looking South along E of main portion of bldg -
Friday Oct 24
Picture No. 1 Looking South at brick paved space & small square foundation between two outbuildings west of Palace St & South of main drain -
Picture No. 2 Looking South at extreme western outbuilding with small circular wall in the center of it.
Picture No. 3 Looking south across foundation of outbuilding over the big drain
Picture No. 4 Looking East over all western outbuildings west of Palace St and South of big drain
81 & 82
Oct 24 Continued
Pic. No. 5 Looking North over extreme western outbuilding & paved space & small brick foundation East of extreme western outbuilding
Picture No. 6 Looking west over western outbuildings, South of big drain
Monday Nov 10 -
Picture No. 1 Looking north, camera at SW Cor. main western outbuilding & looking at drain outside of and parallel to W. wall of west outbldg
Picture No. 2 Detail of above drain opposite middle of W. wall of W. outbldg.
Picture No. 3 Looking North at junction of drain.
Picture No. 4 Looking West at bottom of junction of main drains
Picture No. 5 Looking South at junction of drains & western main outbldg.
Picture No. 6 Looking East at drain running E & W at North End of western outbuilding Picture No. 7 and including junction of drains
82 & 83
Picture No. 7 Looking South at western main outbuilding
Picture No. 8 Looking S.E. at drain from well and main drain
Picture No. 9 Looking East at paving & small remnants of foundations west of South end of main western
outbuilding - area west of Palace St, near Scotland St.
Picture No. 10 Looking at paving west of main western outbuilding between Scotland St & well, taken
for detail of paving.
Palace Brick Sizes | Bond | Mortar | Color | No. of Courses per ft. | |
Main Bldg. | 9 ¼" x 4 ½" x 2 5/8" | Eng. | shell | Reddish Brown | 4-13" |
Ball Rm Side Walls | 9 ¼" x 4 ¼" x 2 5/8 | ||||
Ball Rm | Rear 9 ¼" | ||||
Entrance | 9" x 4 ¼ x 2 5/8 | ||||
Ball Rm Wall at Rear | 8 ½ x 9 ¼ x 4 x 2 ½ | ||||
Foun. 10' N. of Ball Rm Entrance | 8 ½ x 8 5/8 x 4 x 2 ¾ | ||||
Front Entrance | Same as Main Bldg. | Eng. | shell | " | |
Cheek walls W. Entrance | " " " " | Eng. | " | " | |
W. Entrance Steps | 8 ¼" 8 ½" x 4 x 2 5/8 (2 ¾) | " | Purple | ||
W. Entrance Paving Patch | " " " | " | |||
W . Entrance Paving original | 9 ¼ x 9 ¼ x 2 ¾ | Reddish Brown | |||
Wall Main Bldg to Kit. | Same as Main Bldg. | English | " | ||
Kitchen | " " " " | Eng. | " | ||
" S. End | 8 ½ x 4 x 2 ½ | Reddish Cinders in brick No glazed headers | |||
Drain W. Side of Kitchen | 9 ½ x 4 ½ x 2 ½ | Red Brown | Various sizes | ||
Drain W. Side of Kitchen | 8 ¼ x 4 x 2 ½ | " | Bricks & Bats | ||
Palace-W. Side E & W wall near steps (1) | 8 ½ x 4 x 2 5/8 | Mixed Flemish in main | shell | Red Brown | Bats |
Hall Chimney & Piers | Same as main walls | ||||
E. Side main bldg (2) | Bats | Eng | |||
-22- | |||||
Palace-E. Side E & W wall (3) | Same as one | Flem. mixed | |||
(4) Entrance Bin Cellar in | 9 ¼ x 4 3/8 x 2 ¾ | ||||
doorway | 8 ¾ x 4 1/8 x 2 ½ | shell | Red | ||
Bin. Cellar | 8 3/8 x 3 ¾ x 2 ¾ | Red | |||
near Entrance | shell | Buff | |||
Bin Cellar- East | shell | Purple | Same as cellar step. | ||
(6 )W. Side Rear Entrance Patches | 8 ½ x 4 x 2 ½- | Red | |||
(7)E. Side Rear Entrance Patches | Bats | ||||
W. Side rear paving | 9 ½ x 4 ½ middle | ||||
W. Side rear | 9 | ||||
paving | 8 ½ x 4 ¼ sides | ||||
E. Side rear Paving | 9 ½ x 4 ½ | ||||
Bin Cellar Paving | 9 ½ x 4 ½ | ||||
E. Ball Rm | 9 x 4 ¼ | Eng.-Top | Flem Bond 16" | ||
Side Wall | 9 ¼ x 4 3/8 x 2 5/8 | Course Flem | above bottom | ||
W. Ball Rm | 9 x 4 ¼ | Eng. -Top | Flem Bond 16" | ||
Side wall | 9 ¼ x 1-4 3/8 x 2 5/8 | Course Flem | Above bottom | ||
Ball Rm. Top | |||||
79.60 Bat | 4 3/8 | ||||
78.82 Rear Ent. | Eng. bond -3 courses Flem. 9 1/8 9 ½ | Darker bricks than main bldg. | |||
Ball Rm Rear | 4 | ||||
Walls | 8 ¼ x 4 ¼ x 2 5/8 | Eng. bond | Dark like Side cellar steps | ||
Ball Rm Rear Walls-mixed | 8 ½ 4 | ||||
bricks " | 9 x 4 ¼ x 2 ¾ | " | Dark like Side cellar steps | ||
-23- | |||||
Bottom 78.80 | |||||
Top 79.07 | 2 ¾ | ||||
10' North | 8 ½ x 4 1/8 x 2 ¾ x 2 ½ | Headers & soldier course in top only 2 courses | Lighter red bricks | ||
of Ball Rm | |||||
Drain W. of Pal. from side Entrance step | 8 ¼ x 4 x 2 ¾ | ||||
4 5/8 | |||||
E. junction | 9 ½ x 4 ½ x 2 ¾ | ||||
W. junction | 9 ½ x 4 ½ x 2 ¾ | ||||
4 ¾ | |||||
Well Box & Drain | 9 ¼ x 4 ½ x 2 5/8 | ||||
9 ¼ x 4 ½ x 2 5/8 | |||||
Main Drain | 9 ½ x 4 ½ x 2 5/8 | ||||
Laundry | Palace Size | Eng. bond | Pal. color | ||
* E Dairy | 8 ½ x 4 x 2 ¾ | Eng. bond | Darker than Pal. | ||
Bet Dairy & | |||||
SmokeH. | 7 ½ x 7 ¼ paving bricks | ||||
Smoke House | 8 ½ x 4 ¼ | ||||
8 ¾ x 4 3/8 x 2 5/8 | Eng. bond | Pal. color | |||
*F 4 x 4 Foun. | 8 5/8 x 4 ¼ 1/8 x 2 ½ | shell mortar | Red bricks | ||
Servants Quarters | 8 ½ x 4 x 2 5/8 N. end | Eng. bond | Red bricks Pal. color | ||
W. Wall near Scotland St. | 8 ½ x 4 x 2 ½ | Soldier on ground | 1 stretcher course | ||
Mid. wall near Scotland St. | 9 ¼ x 4 ½ x 2 5/8 | Pal. size & color | |||
E. wall near Scotland St. | 8 ½ x 4 x 2 ¾ | Bot-1 feeder C. Top-1 stretcher C. | Dark bricks like cellar steps | ||
-24- | |||||
Servants Q. | 8 ½ x 4 x 2 5/8 | S. End | Like Binn. Cellar | Eng. bond | |
Siwall | Dairy & Smoke House | Bats large & small bricks. Pal. size & Dairy Size. Probably supporting wall for Paving-Old bricks with mortar on them in paving | |||
Foun H | Palace Size | Eng. Bond | Oyster shell mortar | Old Foundations | |
K | No mortar - bats - modern | ||||
[25] | |||||
* E | Av. Brick Size | 8 3/8 x 4x 2 ¾ | |||
* F | " " " | 8 ½ x 4 ½ x 2 ½ | |||
* G | " " " | 8 ¾ x 4 ¼ x 2 ½ | |||
* H | " " " | 8 7/8 | |||
9 ¾ x 4 1/8 x 2 5/8 | |||||
9 5/8 x 4 ½ 4 ¾ x 2 ¾ | |||||
9 1/6 | |||||
J | 8 ½ x 4 1/8 x 2 ½ | ||||
2 5/8 | |||||
L | 8 x 4 x 2 ½ darker | ||||
M | Oyster shell mortar | 8 ¾ x 4 ¼ x 2 ½ Pink | |||
2 5/8 |
Note: All fractions are transcribed as closely as possible with original book; they may appear incorrect.
[26]That the said house be built
54 ft. in length
48 ft. in breadth from inside
to inside 2 stories high
with convenient cellars underneath, and one vault, sash windows of sash, glass and a covering of stone slats
A Kitchen & stable
Authority to get from England iron work glass lead stone slate or any other necessarys to be made use of in or about the said buildings and that the same be imported at the risk of the public.
1705-3000 lbs [sic] appropriated for the Palace Kitchen & Stable
Henry Cary overseer supervisor
Henry Cary made the bricks near the spot.
Incomplete in 1710 when Spottswood arrived
1710- 1560 lbs [sic] appropriated for the Palace and
635 lbs. [sic] to provide poultry house, cattle house
Court yard Flower garden orchard & Kitchen
1712- 900 lbs. [sic) appropriated
Courtyard brickyard 4' high -
with ballustrades of wood thereon
Garden 254 ft long. 144 ft. wide,
enclosed with a brick wall 4 ft. high with ballustrades of wood upon said wall
Estimated changes to complete
white washing passage the building[of] private stairs & mending the plastering in the billiard room
Paving 1 vault with brick
Trimming 4 arches over the vault doors. Partition in the cellar. Altering balcony door to hang on the outside.
Covering the flat roof in the pitch pitch [sic] sand and lime and plank floor over it.
Finishing [?] Bath House
Changing ladders to secure it against fire
1727 - great dining room & parlor thereto adjoining be newly painted
Palace first | 54 x 48 |
Later | 74 x 68 - |
Scirbiners(?) 1876 says Palace was 74 ft. front
68 ft depth - 360 acres -
Handsome gates to the said Court yard & garden - Kitchen enclosed with pailes, orchard & pasture land enclosed with a good ditch & fence, house of wood for cattle, house of wood for poultry with a yard thereto enclosed on the said land, Brick wall 4' high with ballustrade on top around Courtyard & flower garden
60 acres of land enclosed with a ditch and fence Sanisbury (?) Transcripts Va State Library. 150 lbs [sic] rent allowed before building of Governor's House stopped 1707. Asked to be renewed then
1719 Byrd in London claimed 5195 pounds had been spent on the Palace & appropriation of 900 lbs [sic] sterling
claim of Spottswood 200 lbs [sic] instead of 900 lbs [sic]
Passage upstairs
Room over his Lordships Chamber
Wine Store
Library 300 books
Gov. Harrison's letterbook
1781 - Palace burnt.
Stout square mass
main stair case
small private stair case
Oct of 1705 - states 54 st. in length & 48 ft. in breadth from inside to inside -
Jefferson's plan 54' & 48' -4"
From Botetourts Inventory
In Dining Room
Chamber over Dining Room
In the Middle Room
Front Parlor
Hall & Passage
Ball Room
Dining Room
Supper Room
Powder Room
Little middle Room
Passage upstairs
Chamber over front parlor
" " Dining Room
Middle Room
His Lordships Chamber
2nd Store Room
54 length
48 breadth
Howe says in 1856
Front 74
Depth 68
Possible rebuilding 1749-1753.
Possibly the great rear wing & offices
Offices - 2 rooms below & 2 above
with donney(?) windows
up to Apr 23 - 1737 Spottswood says 6600 lbs [sic] spent on Palace
All words and numbers crossed out appear so in original Transit Book.
Blank spaces ( feet) appear as they do in the original Transit Book.
(?) indicates that original Transit Book is not clearly readable on a certain word.
Remains found in Excavations of Palace Site, site across Palace St. west of the Palace Site which is area bounded by Scotland St., Palace (or Tyler St.) Ravine on the west and Williamsburg Laundry on the north;
[Vol. II]
Perry, Shaw & Hepburn, Arch'ts
Williamsburg, Va.
H.S. Ragland
No. | Date | Article | Description | Location Where Found | |
1 | July 1, 1930 | Old key | 5-½" -looks like door key | Palace Site-about 8' N. & 15' E of NW cor. of Matty School. | |
2 | " 3 | Spoon | Teaspoon | Palace Site-in trench 128' N. of Matty School | |
3 | " 7 | Key | Looks like old bureau key | Palace Site-in trench 12' N. of Matty School. | |
4 | " 7 | Hatchet | 4-½" X 2" | Palace Site-in trench 12' N. of Matty School. | |
5 | " 8 | Hatchet | 4-½" X 2-¾" | West of Palace St. about due west of Matty School | |
6 | " 1 | Spoon | Teaspoon-looks modern | Palace Site about 40' N . of NW cor. of Matty School. | |
7 | " 8 | Spoon | Teaspoon | West of Palace St. opposite Matty School. | |
8 | (Discard) | ||||
9 | " 8 | Spoon | Teaspoon | West of Palace St. opposite Matty School. | |
10 | " 7 | Lock | Lock 4-½" X 6-½" for door | West of Palace St. opposite Matty School. | |
11 | " 8 | Nails | Handmade | Palace Site about 40' N. of Matty School. | |
12 | " 9 | Hinge | H hinge | Palace Site about 40' N. of Matty School. | |
13 | " 9 | Iron hook | Looks like shutter box | Palace Site about 40' N. of Matty School. | |
14 | " 8 | Part of hinge | Apparently half of old H hinge | West side of Palace St. opp. Matty School. | |
15 | " 9 | Large Nail | Palace Site about 30' N. of Matty School. | ||
16 | " 9 | Pc. of small china bowl | Bottom & part of side -Blue & white | West of Palace St, opp. Matty School. | |
[31] | |||||
17 | July 9, 1930 | Part of china plate | Blue & white | West of Palace St, opp. Matty School. | |
18 | " 9 | Glass goblet | Stem broken off | West of Palace St, opp. Matty School. | |
19 | " 8 | Pcs. glass bowl | Perhaps salad bowl | West side of Palace St. opposite Matty School. | |
20 | " 9 | Part of glass lamp | West side of Palace St. opposite Matty School. | ||
21 | (Discard) | ||||
22 | " 9 | Part of goblet | Stem & part of glass goblet | Found in trench alongside of wall 15' w. of center of w. wall of school. | |
23 | " 7 | Pc. China | With coat of arms | Palace Site near center of main foundation. | |
24 | " 9 | Part of hinge | Looks like bottom of gate hinge | Found alongside wall 15' west of center of w. wall of school. | |
25 | " 9 | Top of jar | Pc. of crockery Blue and gray | Palace Site-found on flag stone floor in basement. | |
26 | " 10 | Nails | 2 handmade nails | Palace Site near Hall chimney | |
27 | " 10 | Pc. of iron | Maybe part of hinge | West of Palace St, opp. school. | |
28 | " 10 | Pc. of iron | T-shaped | Near Palace Site NW cor. of school. | |
29 | " 10 | Pc. of china dish | Blue & white showing pastoral scene-cows & bridge | Palace Site near NW cor. of school. | |
30 | " 10 | Pc. of stone jar | Near NW cor. of school. | ||
31 | (Discard) | ||||
32 | (Discard) | ||||
33 | " 10 | Old hoe | 8" wide X 5-½" deep | Palace Site-near NW cor. of school. | |
34 | " 10 | Old jar top | Cooking ware gray | Near NW cor. of school. | |
[32] | |||||
35 | July 9, 1930 | Pc. of stone | 16" wide 2-½' long X 3-½' thick molded on both edges | Palace Site about 12'north of school, 6' deep & near west side of building. | |
36 | " 10 | Whole bottle | Found W. of Palace St. | ||
37 | " 10 | Part of hinge | 6" lg. X ¾" wide | Palace Site-near NW cor. of school. | |
38 | " 10 | Pc. china | Perhaps cup Blue & white | Palace Site near NW cor. of school. | |
39 | " 10 | Pcs. china | Blue & white | Palace Site near NW cor. of school. | |
40 | " 9 | China cup | Found west of Palace St | ||
*41 | " 10 | PC. marble | Palace Site-found near NW cor. of school. | ||
42 | " 10 | Bowl of pipe | Palace Site-found near NW cor. of school. | ||
43 | " 10 | Small bottle, perhaps ink well | Palace Site-found near hall chimney. | ||
44 | " 10 | Pc. blue & white china | Palace Site-found near NW cor. of school. | ||
45 | " 10 | Pc. blue & brown & green china | Palace Site-found near hall chimney. | ||
46 | " 10 | Pc. of glass | Partly fused May have been eye glass | Palace Site-found near hall chimney. | |
47 | " 10 | Pc. of china | Blue & white | Palace Site-found near hall chimney. | |
48 | " 10 | Pc. of glazed brick | Palace Site-found near hall chimney. | ||
*49 | " 10 | Pc. of marble | Slab 17" X 8" x 1" | Palace Site-found near hall chimney. | |
*50 | " 10 | Pc. marble | 12" X 12" x 1" | Palace Site-found near hall chimney. | |
[33] | |||||
*51 | July 11, 1930 | Pc. marble | 12" X 9" X 1" | Palace Site-found near hall chimney. | |
*52 | " 11 | Pc. marble | 16" X 10" X 1" | Palace Site-found near hall chimney. | |
53 | " 11 | Old bayonet | 12" long | Palace-found near SW cor. of ball room. | |
54 | " 11 | Old iron hook | 4" long | Palace Site-found near SW cor. of ball room. | |
55 | " 11 | Pc. burnt wood | Palace Site-found near SW cor. of ball room. | ||
56 | " 11 | Pc. glass | Palace Site-found near SW cor. of ball room. | ||
57 | " 11 | Horseshoe | Palace Site- found near wall with 2 arches. | ||
58 | " 11 | Pc. stone | Looks like base of old mortar | Palace Site-found near hall chimney | |
59 | " 11 | Pc. iron or steel | Looks like knife blade 2-½" long | Palace Site-SW cor. of main bldg. | |
60 | " 11 | Pc. china | Blue & white with pictures on it | Palace Site-SW cor. of main bldg. | |
61 | " 11 | Pc. iron | 3" long | Palace Site-SW cor. of main bldg. | |
62 | " 11 | Pc. china | Purple & white with flower painted on it | Palace Site near hall chimney. | |
63 | " 11 | Pc. china | Blue & white picture of boat on it | Palace Site near hall chimney. | |
64 | " 11 | Pc. stone crock with what looks like part of handle | Palace Site near hall chimney. | ||
65 | " 11 | Iron ring | Diameter 2" | Palace Site near Hall chimney. | |
*66 | " 11 | Marble slab | 13" X 10" X 1" | Palace Site near hall chimney. | |
[34] | |||||
67 | July 11, 1930 | Pc. china | Pink, green & white, looks like cup handle | Palace Site near wall with 2 arches. | |
*68 | " 12 | Marble slab | 13" X 8" X 1" | Palace Site near hall chimney. | |
*69 | " 12 | Marble slab | 11" X 7" X 1" | Palace Site near hall chimney. | |
*70 | " 12 | Marble slab | 13" X 8" X 1" | Palace Site near hall chimney. | |
*71 | " 12 | Stone step mldg. [molding] | 7" X 4" x 2-½" | Palace Site near hall chimney. | |
*72 | " 12 | Marble mldg. | 6" X 4" X 1-½ | Palace Site-SW cor. of bldg. | |
*73 | " 12 | Marble mldg. | 4 X 4 X 3 | Palace Site-SW cor. of bldg. | |
*74 | " 12 | Marble mldg. | 3 X 2 X 3 | Palace Site SW cor. of bldg. | |
*75 | " 12 | Marble mldg. | 3 X 2 X 3 | Palace Site SW cor. of bldg. | |
76 | " 12 | 1 handmade spike | Palace basement near ball room wall. | ||
77 | " 15 | Key | Palace basement near hall chimney. | ||
78 | " 15 | Pc. china Blue & white | Palace basement near hall chimney. | ||
79 | " 15 | Pc. china | Pine | Palace basement near hall chimney. | |
80 | " 15 | Pc. china | Brown, black & white | Palace basement near hall chimney. | |
81 | " 15 | Pc. iron | Looks like hook | Palace basement near hall chimney. | |
82 | " 15 | Pc. iron | Looks like ½ hinge | Palace basement near SW cor. of bldg. | |
83 | " 15 | Pc. iron | Looks like staple | Palace basement near SW cor. of bldg. | |
84 | " 15 | L hinge | Palace basement near SW cor. of bldg. | ||
[35] | |||||
85 | July 3, 1930 | Pipe | Maris pipe | Found in underground chamber near C & O Ry. | |
86 | " 16 | Key hole escutcheon | Brass oval about 2" x 2" | Found W. side of Palace St. near E & W drain. | |
87 | " 16 | Clay pipe bowl | Small | Found W. side of Palace St. near E & W drain. | |
88 | " 18 | Old bayonet | 17" long | Palace Site-found W. basement 15' N . of Front wall. | |
89 | " 18 | Glass goblet | Stem broken off | W. Palace St. near E & W drain. | |
90 | " 18 | Pc. white china with coat of arms | W. Palace St. near E & W drain. | ||
91 | " 18 | Pc. china plate | Blue & white | W . Palace St. near E & W drain. | |
*92 | " 18 | Pc. marble slab | Palace Site-W. basement 15' N. of front wall. | ||
93 | " 23 | Part of old lock | 12" X 5-½" | Palace Site 10' NE of hall chimney. | |
94 | "23 | Bayonet | Found W. of Palace St. on slope of ravine. | ||
95 | "23 | PC. china | Blue & white | Palace Site near SW cor. of bldg. | |
96 | " 23 | Padlock | Palace Site near SE cor. of bldg. | ||
97 | " 23 | Old hoe | Palace Site near hall chimney. | ||
98 | " 23 | Pc. marble | Carved | Palace Site near SW cor. | |
*99 | " 23 | Pc. china | Looks like bottom of bowl Blue & white with maker's mark on it | House E. of Paradise House | |
*100 | " 25 | White clay pipe | British coat of arms | House E. of Paradise House | |
*101 | " 7 | Pc. china | Yellow & black with one word "God" on it & part of human figure | House E. of Paradise House | |
[36] | |||||
*102 | July 26, 1930 | 3 coins: small silver coin | (apparently British, about size of old U.S. 3 cent piece) | ||
1831 copper 1 cent piece | (U.S.) | ||||
1869 nickel | (U.S.) | ||||
1 button | Military with initials N H D V S which Paul Mitchell, formerly of the U.S. army identified for us as "National Home Disabled Volunteer Soldiers" | ||||
3 coins and button found in screening excavated earth and debris from the foundation of House E. of Paradise House. | |||||
*103 | " 26 | Pc. china | Brown & white with the following on it "E. Junr." | House E. of Paradise House | |
*104 | " 26 | Pc. china with maker's mark | Powell & Bishop Ironstone china England | House E. of Paradise House | |
*105 | " 26 | Part of watch case | Looks like brass | House E. of Paradise House | |
*106 | " 26 | Key | Looks like bureau key | House E. of Paradise House | |
*107 | " 26 | Pitcher & cup of doll's teaset | House E. of Paradise House | ||
*108 | " 26 | Parts of flat pc. of white china | ¼" scale on it | House E. of Paradise House | |
109 | " 28 | Pc. china | Blue & white with a crown on it & underneath the crown the initials GR | Palace excavation in basement under front hall | |
*110 | " 28 | Pc. marble | Flowers cut on it; might be part of corbel of mantel, perhaps from the front hall. Chimney fell south-easterly and this pc. was found in basement of the Palace underneath E. side of front hall. | ||
[37] | |||||
111 | July 30, 1930 | Pc. plaster | Seems to be made of oystershell lime mortar | Pulled off wall in E. side of basement of Palace. Much remains on wall. | |
112 | " 30 | Staple & hook | Palace excavation | ||
*113 | " 30 | Pc. marble with carving | Perhaps part of mantel | Palace excavation 15' N. of front wall & 10' E of | |
*114 | " 30 | Pc. marble with carving | Perhaps part of mantel | Palace excavation 15' N. of front wall & 10' E of | |
*115 | " 31 | Pc. marble with carving | 7" X 7"; perhaps part of mantel | Palace excavation 15' N. of front wall & 15' E. of | |
*116 | Aug. 1, 1930 | Pc. marble with carving | Showing deer, etc. | Palace excavation under library in passage | |
*117 | " 1 | Pc. marble with carving | Shrub or branch of tree | Palace excavation under library in passage | |
118 | July 31 | Tooth | Looks like horse tooth | Palace-SW cor, of bldg. | |
*119 | Aug. 1 | 1 Pc. marble & 1 pc. stone | Fastened together with iron dowel. | Palace basement-found in E & W passageway under library | |
120 | " 2 | Earthenware bottle | Brown & cream Apparently 1 pint bottle; may have been gin bottle | Palace basement under library. | |
121 | " 4 | Small vase | Top broken off Looks like Japanese ware. | Bird and pink blossoms on it Palace basement under library. | |
122 | " 4 | Large key | 6-¾" long | Found W. of Palace St. about 50' S. of Wmsburg Laundry Bldg. & at edge of ravine. | |
123 | " 2 | Iron grill | About 6" X 6" | Found W. of Palace St. | |
*124 | " 2 | Iron pot | Diam: 14" | Palace basement-E & W passageway under library. | |
[38] | |||||
*125 | Aug. 4, 1930 | Pc. marble | 5-¼" X 5" with molding | Palace basement-E & W passageway under library. | |
126 | " 4 | Pc. iron | About 12" long Looks like part of scythe | Palace basement SE cor. | |
127 | " 4 | Pc. china | 3-½" X 2-¼" | Blue & White | Palace basement-E & W passageway under library. |
128 | " 4 | Pc. material | perhaps marble triangular-shaped 1-½" x 1" x 1" Brown & white | Palace basement-E & W passageway under library. | |
129 | " 4 | 2 pcs. of top of china bowl | Diam about 2" | Palace basement-E & W passageway under library. | |
130 | " 5 | Part of top of china bowl | Diam about 1" Blue & white | SE cor. under parlor. | |
131 | " 5 | 2 pc. of material | Perhaps marble irregular shaped about 3-½" x 2-½" x ¼" & 2-½" x 2" x¼" Brown & white | NE cor. of Palace basement under library. | |
*132 | " 5 | 1 pc. stone | Looks like pc. of stone steps, irregular shaped with molding about 4-½" x 4-½" x 3-½" | SE cor. of Palace basement under parlor. | |
133 | " 5 | 1 small pc. marble | About 1-½" X 1" x ¾" | NE cor. of basement under library. | |
*134 | " 5 | Part of stone step | 16" X 9" X 6" (Rise 6", tread 14" with nosing) | Found in E. side of basement close to E. main wall, 20" N. of front wall | |
*135 | "5 | Part of stone step | Looks like part of step from same flight as above piece 8" X 6" X 5-½" (6" rise with nosing) Looks like part of swirl of steps | Found in basement close to E. main wall, 20' N. of front wall. | |
[39] | |||||
136 | Aug. 5, 1930 | 2 coins | Copper 1 cent piece U.S. 1890; copper piece with "Liberty" on it. U.S. Appears to be ½ cent piece perhaps 1793 | From excavation for out-buildings in rear of Raleigh tavern. | |
137 | " 5 | 2 coins | Copper 1 cent piece U.S. 1887; copper piece size of penny which looks like British penny of colonial times | From the excavations of the foundation E. of the paradise house. | |
138 | " 5 | 2 coins; also 1 lead piece about the size of a quarter | Copper piece with "George III Rex" on it; perhaps a penny or ½ penny The other piece was perhaps a penny. | From the excavation of the Palace foundation, found rear SE cor. of the building under parlor. | |
*139 | " 6 | 1 pc. marble & 1 pc. stone | Fastened together with iron dowel | Palace basement-found 5' S. of E & W passageway under parlor. | |
140 | (Discard) | ||||
141 | " 7 | Pc. of glass | Shaped like top of large jar, but neck of jar is closed, apparently from intense heat. About 7 X 6 X ½ with neck 3' in diam. | Found W. of Palace Site in ravine on terraces. | |
*142 | July 10 | Part of stone step | 12' X 10' X 6 (6" rise with nosing) Looks like part of swirl of steps | Found in basement 30' N. of front wall close to W. main wall. | |
*143 | " 10 | Pc. of marble Rectangular- shaped; 23" x 6-½" x 1' | Found in E. side of Basement near front of bldg. under parlor. | ||
144 | Aug. 7 | 4 hinges | Found SE cor. of basement of palace under parlor. | ||
*145 | " 8 | 1 pc. marble & 1 pc. stone | Fastened together with iron dowel | Palace basement-found in NE cor. near E & W passageway | |
[40] | |||||
*146 | Aug 8, 1930 | 1 Pc. marble | With molding 4" x 3" | Found NE cor. of basement under library. | |
*147 | " 8 | 1 Pc. marble | With small moldings; 3" x 2" | Found NE cor. of basement under library. | |
*148 | " 8 | 1 Pc. marble | With molding 4" x 2-½" | Found SE cor. of Palace basement under parlor. | |
*149 | " 10 | 1 Pc. metal | Looks like part of hinge found in Matty School yard 12" x 1-¾" | Picked up in St. George Tucker (Coleman) lot; perhaps it came from house. | |
*150 | " 10 | 1 Pc. stone | 12" X 4-½" Looks like part of hearth | Came from house. | |
*151 | " 11 | 1 pc. stone | 13" X 8" X 6" Looks like part of stone steps; 6" rising with nosing | Found NW cor. Matty School near S. wall of Palace. | |
152 | " 11 | White clay pipe bowl | T.D. on it | Found N. end of Raleigh Tavern lot about 50' W. of NE cor. | |
153 | " 12 | Iron ring with part of staple | 2' diameter | Found NW cor. of Matty School near S. wall of Palace. | |
154 | " 12 | Medium size key | About 4" long | Found in St. George Tucker lot, in vicinity of First Theater excavations, while back filling was being done. | |
155 | July 17 | Small cannon ball | 1-½" in diam. | Found Palace Site S. end of ball room. | |
156 | " 18 | Small cannon ball | 2-½" in diam. | Found on Capitol Site. | |
157 | Aug. 12 | Part of a tooth | Looks like an animal's tooth About 1-¼" long | Palace Site-found S. wall of Matty School. | |
158 | " 14 | 2 Pcs. of saw blade | 10" X 2" 3-½" x 2" | Found while excavating 24' E. of Palace wall | |
159 | " 14 | 1 key | 4" long | Found while excavating 24' E. of Palace wall & 25' S. | |
[41] | |||||
160 | Aug. 14, 1930 | Teeth | Look like horse teeth | Found while excavating 24' E. of Palace wall & 25' S. | |
161 | " 14 | Pc. ivory | Looks like tusk of some animal | Found S. approximately middle of S. wall of Palace close to wall. | |
162 | " 14 | 1 H hinge | 6-½" long | Found S. approximately middle of S. wall of Palace close to wall. | |
163 | " 14 | Part of jew's harp | Found while back filling on Site of theater. | ||
164 | " 16 | Hog's tusk | Picked up in debris around Palace Site. | ||
165 | " 18 | Ink well | Found in SE cor. of ball room foundations. | ||
166 | " 18 | Pc. glass of spectacles | Found 16' N. of the real wall of main part of Palace & 5' E. to the W wall of ball room of Palace. | ||
167 | " 19 | Pc. of china | Maker's mark on back | Front portion of ball room wing of Palace. | |
168 | " 19 | Key | 5-½" long Part of end broken off | Found in excavating around little stove built on old foundation walls ,just E. of Restoration house. | |
169 | " 19 | Coin | Copper piece with "George Rex" on it. Perhaps a penny or ½ penny | Found 20' E. of Spottswood St. | |
170 | " 19 | Head of hatchet | 5-½" X 2-¼" | Palace Site-found 20' N. of rear wall of Palace into ball room and in about the middle. | |
171 | " 19 | Pc. of metal | 4"; looks like handle to old Secretary | Palace Site-found 20' N of rear wall of Palace into ball room and about in the middle. | |
172 | " 20 | White clay pipe bowl & part of stem | With initials T.D. on it | Found in extreme NW cor of Raleigh Tavern lot about 20' to 30' E. of property line & 40' to 60' S. | |
[42] | |||||
173 | Aug. 20, 1930 | Pc. metal | 4" X 2" | Found about middle, near E. wall of foundation of outbuilding "A" in excavations for outbuilding of the Raleigh Tavern. | |
174 | " 20 | White clay pipe bowl | Initials W.M. on it | Found W. of the wing of Raleigh in outbuilding "D" while excavating for outbuilding | |
175 | " 20 | Pc. china | White, with maker's mark "Burgess & Goddard" | Found W. of the wing of Raleigh in outbuilding "D" while excavating for outbuilding on Raleigh lot. | |
*176 | " 20 | Pc. stone | 8-½" X 5-½" With a pc. of flat lead grooves in the stone | Palace Site found 24' N. on W. wall & 8' W. of W. wall. | |
177 | " 21 | Key | 5-½" long | Found while excavating of Palace Site. | |
178 | " 20 | Brass powder pouch | With bullet holes in it | Found E. of Palace Site | |
179 | " 20 | 2 small two-pronged forks | Found E. of Palace Site | ||
180 | " 20 | Pc. crockery | with part figure of girl on it, brown | Found e. of Palace Site | |
181 | " 21 | White clay pipe | with part of bowl and stem gone | Palace Site-found in SE cor. of ball room of Palace. | |
182 | " 21 | 1 buckle | Found on W. side of Palace at top of steps leading to basement | ||
183 | " 21 | 1 buckle | Found on SE cor. of ball room of Palace. | ||
184 | " 21 | 1 metal ring | ½" diam | Found in SE cor. of ball room of Palace. | |
185 | " 22 | Fork with two prongs and part of another, rusted together with a blade of a knife. | Found 25' N . on W. wall & 5' W.-Palace Site. | ||
[43] | |||||
186 | Aug. 20, 1930 | Pc. of brass ornament | Perhaps furniture hardware | Found SW cor. of cemetery fence where small foundation was uncovered at edge of ravine. W. of Palace St. | |
187 | " 20 | Plaster fragments | Palace Site-found E. of Spottswood St. about 3' to S. of front wall of Matty School projected. | ||
188 | " 21 | Key escutcheon | Brass oval 2" x 1-½" | Found W. Side of Palace. 10' N & 5' W of steps leading into basement. | |
189 | " 21 | 1 buckle | Found W, side of Palace 10' N & 5' W of steps leading into basement. | ||
190 | " 21 | Metal disc | 2-½" diam. With American eagle In one talon he hold arrows, in the other an olive branch | Found S. of cemetery in a line with E & W drain by small foundation, 15' to 20' E. of ravine West of Palace St. | |
191 | " 21 | 1 coin | US nickel 1896 | Found SW of cemetery near small foundation at edge of ravine. W. of Palace St. | |
192 | " 22 | Pc. metal | Looks like a lady's shoe buckle | Found 10' N. of Palace basement steps & 5' W. Palace Site. | |
193 | " 23 | Picture hanger | Found SE cor. of lot E. of Palace Site. | ||
*194 | " 25 | 1 semi-circular paving brick | Found in lot E. of Palace Site, last trench E. and 10' to the next to last trench N. | ||
195 | " 25 | 1 metal button | ¾" diam. | Found 15' N. of Palace basement steps & 10' W. | |
196 | " 25 | Pc. of pipe bowl | Found in E & W drain W. of Palace St., 10' W. of road. | ||
197 | " 25 | Glass handle | to goblet with 2 circular pcs. of glass running lengthwise up the middle | Found laundry excavation W. of Palace St. | |
[44] | |||||
198 | Aug. 26, 1930 | Fragment of ornamental glass ware | Head of owl on it | W. of Palace St. 20' from road in E & W drain | |
199 | " 26 | A coin | Probably copper Looks like part of crown on it | Found while back filling in cemetery. | |
200 | " 27 | Fragments & layers of small pieces of wall paper | W. of Palace St. in E & W drain 20' W. of road. | ||
201 | " 27 | A canteen | Found W. of Palace St. in E & W drain 20' W. of road. | ||
202 | " 27 | 2 spoons | Found W. of Palace St. in E & W drain 20' W. of road. | ||
203 | " 27 | 1 bottle | Established 1825 original maker's of ginger ale on it | Found W. of Palace Site 25' W. of road in E & W drain. | |
204 | " 25 | 5 bottles | Brown & cream Might have been pt. gin bottle | Found in well 25' to 30 W. of Raleigh Tavern wing at a depth of 16 to 19-½ from present ground level. | |
205 | " 30 | Looks like handle of pr. of scissors | Brass | Found SE cor. of ball room-Palace Site. | |
206 | " 30 | Key hole escutcheon | Brass, 2-¾" X 1-¼" | E & W drain, W. of Palace Site. | |
207 | " 30 | Part of bowl of white clay pipe | Found W. of Palace about half-way down terrace and at about in line with front wall of Palace projected. | ||
208 | " 30 | 2 pcs. china | Blue & white | Found W. of Palace about half-way down terrace and at about in line with front wall of Palace projected. | |
[45] | |||||
209 | Aug. 27, 1930 | White china cup | Without handle | Found in well 25' to W. of Raleigh Tavern wing at a depth of 16 to 19-½' from present ground level. | |
210 | Sept. 3 | Military buttons | Found SW cor. of ball room-Palace Site. | ||
211 | (Discard) | ||||
212 | " 4 | Coin | U. S. penny 1822 | Found 10' W. of Palace St. and 20' N. of S. wall of Palace projected. | |
213 | " 5 | Military button | With word "Excelsior" on front | Found by S. wall. of Palace Site. | |
214 | Oct. 17 | Clay pipe | Found in center of foundation N. of Palace St. in small drain which drops into large drain | ||
215 | " 17 | Ink bottle | found in center of foundation N . of Palace St. in small drain which drops into large drain | ||
216 | " 24 | Vinegar bottle | White china | N. of Palace St. over large drain. | |
217 | " 28 | 13 fragments of Gov. plate | Tyler St. drain W. end of main W. outbuilding | ||
218 | " 28 | 5 fragments of small plate | Tyler St. drain W. end of main W. outbuilding | ||
219 | " 28 | 2 fragments of pottery plate | Tyler St. drain W. end of main W. outbuilding | ||
220 | " 28 | Mug botton | Tyler St. drain W. end of main W. outbuilding | ||
221 | " 28 | Blue china dish | Small | Tyler St. drain W. end of main W. outbuilding | |
222 | " 28 | China with etched bird | Tyler St. drain W. end of main W. outbuilding | ||
[46] | |||||
223 | Oct. 28 1930 | Basket weave china | Tyler St. drain W. end of main W. outbuilding | ||
224 | 28 | Plain metal button | Tyler St. drain W. end of main W. outbuilding |
Underlined numbers are those ANH located.
Articles mentioned in book and not listed.