Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series - 1127
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library
Williamsburg, Virginia
Submitted herewith is a drawing showing all foundations found by excavation on Mayo lot located between Bourbon and Christian lots, on North side of Francis Street.
Practically no information has been found by the Research Department, about the old house that formerly stood on this site. Mrs. Marston Christian, who lives on the adjacent lot on the East side of the old foundation, told me that she remembered an old house that stood there, and that it was a story and a half house, very similar to the present Mayo House. It was probably the one shown on the Frenchman's Map of 1786.
From a study of the old walls, I think it probable that two buildings have occupied the site, and that walls 1, 2, 3 and 5 are the remains of the original building. The remaining walls apparently, with the original ones just enumerated, supported the second house. It is possible, that instead of a second house the original building was remolded and enlarged. No. 7 is a chimney foundation, and No. 11, basement steps. No. 14 appears to be a part of a chimney foundation but complete excavation was not made there, as that part of the foundation is on the Christian property, and Mrs. Christian did not want digging done because of risk of damaging or killing a fine wisteria vine. No. 13, apparently, was built as a retaining wall and No. 16 is the middle portion of a brick gutter. No. 17 is the brick foundation of an outbuilding, 2 at the approximate location of one shown on the Frenchman's Map. The basement was probably paved with brick at level of the brick sill in door opening in wall No. 3.
All articles found in the excavation have been turned over to R. Goodwin. Among them was a well preserved old sword.
Yours very truly,
Herbert S. Ragland
In charge of Archaeological Excavations.