Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series - 1146
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library
Williamsburg, Virginia
Colonial Lot 24 is situated on the south side of Duke of Gloucester Street in Williamsburg near the Capitol.
Apparently, James Shields, tailor, was the first owner. At least, he was in possession in May, 1707 when he conveyed the lot to William Byrd of Charles City County. There were buildings thereon. From subsequent court records, it is known that Byrd had been in possession of three lots on which there was a dwelling house and kitchen, on the middle lot a storehouse and on the other lot a warehouse and stable — all lying contiguous on the south side of the main street in Williamsburg. In 1749/50 James Crosby, merchant, conveyed to Alexander Archibald Buchanan& Company the three lots "formerly belonging to the late Colonell William Bird." In 1753 Dr. Kenneth McKenzie purchased the property [Lot 24] from the Buchanan & Company, merchants. McKenzie lived thereon and probably had his medical shop in the house until his death in 1755. In 1760 Mrs. McKenzie, widow, mortgaged the lot to James Carter, surgeon, but continued to live thereon until her death in 1767. A few days after her decease, the property passed to Alexander Purdie, printer. Purdie's wife, Mary, may have conducted a small millinery business at the house prior to her death in 1772. (Purdie never had his printing office on this lot). Purdie died in 1779 leaving a will in which he asked his administrators to allow his wife, Peachy, and his children (under age) to remain on the property for six months free of rent. Early in 1780 Thomas Cartwright bought Lot 24 from Purdie's executors. By 1783 Cartwright's heirs had conveyed to Sheldon Moss of Elizabeth City County. This deed was not completed, so in 1786 James Davis, tailor, had come into the property. From 1787 to 1803 Davis advertised frequently in the local newspaper that he was anxious to sell the property. During some of this period, he rented it to Judge Cyrus Griffin. In 1803 Philip Moody was the owner along with a ¼ part of Lot 25. Moody held these lots until 1806 when he conveyed to John Coke. When Coke acquired the property, there was no building on the small ¼ lot according to the insurance policy; but in 1809 mention is made of "John Coke's office 18 feet from the east end of the dwellinghouse." Just what use Coke had for the office cannot be determined from existing records. He held no public offices so far as the writer could find, nor could it be established that he was a lawyer. In 1805 he leased the Raleigh Tavern but was there only one year. In 1817 Henry P. Guthrie was the owner until 1827. He was followed by Roscow Cole who conveyed to Moses Sweeney in 1831. By 1835 Richard M. Bucktrout had come into possession via Sweeney's trustees. He held it until 1866; his widow and children held until 1886 when Tyler Davis owned a part and John M. Dawson, owned the other portion. Several changes in ownership followed in the period 1888-1911 when Abram L. Squires conveyed to Mary Galt Macon. The Macons continued in possession to 1927 when through Dr. W. A. R. Goodwin representing Williamsburg Restoration, it was bought by this corporation.
For details of changes indicated in the buildings by repairs, insurance policies &c., and for archaeological findings, see: the house history to follow.
Colonial Lot 24 is situated on the south side of Duke of Gloucester Street in Williamsburg near the Capitol. See: Tyler's adaptation of eighteenth century plat of the city, opposite page.
Apparently, the earliest owner of the property was James Shields,1 tailor, though no court records of a definite deed have been found from the trustees of the city.
In May, 1707 Shields conveyed Lot 24 to William Byrd2 of Charles City County for a consideration named as £120 sterling money of England. Shields conveyance follows:
[May 12, 1707]
[James Shields, tailor, York County,
William Byrd of Charles City County
Consideration: 120£ Sterling Money of England]…HATH given, granted, bargain'd sold assign'd and sett over & by these presents HATH given, granted, bargain'd sold assign'd and sett over unto ye sd Willm Bird one half acre of Land Lying & being in ye Citty of Williamsburgh & design'd in ye Plat of ye said Citty by this figure (24) together wth one good dweling house thereon built wth appurtences TO HAVE AND TO HOLD … to him and his heires & assigns for Ever… that [the said Byrd] hath good Right full power and Lawfull authority to Convey & Sell ye same... IN WITTNESS whereof the said James Shelds hath hereunto Set his hands and Seale the day & yeare first above written.
2 James Shels (S)1Signed Sealed & Delivered
[Recorded York County Court May 29, 1707]
in ye presence of
Hen: Lightfoot
Jos: Davenport
When Byrd acquired the lot from Shields there was a good dwelling house thereon with appurtenances - which meant that Shields had conformed to the Act of 1705 of the Assembly stating that a house or houses must be erected on the lot within twenty four months.2
There is a blank as to how Byrd used this house and lot and how long he was the owner. Subsequent records for 1749/50 indicate that James Crosby, merchant, had decided upon selling what appears to be this lot along with two others. This record gives the information that Byrd had been the owner of three lots. We interpret the three lots to be Lots 22, 23 & 24. Crosby's conveyance follows:
[February 26, 1749/50]
[James Crosby,3 merchant of Glasgow,
Alexander Archibald Buchanan & Company4 of Glasgow, merchants,
Consideration: "a certain Sum of Money"]THIS INDENTURE made the Twenty Sixth Day of February one thousand and Seven Hundred and forty Nine fifty Years BETWEEN James Crosby Merchant in Glasgow in North Britain of the one part and Andrew Archd Buchanan's & Company Merchants of Glasgow of the other part WITNESSETH that the said James Crosby for and in Consideration of a certain Sum of Money, the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged doth give grant enfeoff and confirm unto the said Andrew Archd Buchanan's & Company… forever Three Lots of Land containing half an Acre in each Lot (upon one of which Lots there is built a Dwelling House & Kitchen upon the Middle Lott is a Storehouse and upon 3 the other Lott there is a Warehouse & Stable all lying Contiguous in the City of Williamsburgh on the South side of the Main Street opposite to the Rawley Tavern which said Lots are marked in the Plan of the said City by the Nos [not given] which formerly belonged to the late Colonell William Bird of Charles City County) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD… forever…
James Crosby (L.S.)1Signed Sealed & delivered
[Recorded York County Court June 18, 1750]
in Presence of
William Seller
Hugh Brown
Robt Walkerston
The same day was recorded in York County court a statement that Andrew Archibald Buchanan & Company had appointed "John Hyndman2 Merchant in Williamsburgh in the Colony of Virginia to be our true & Lawful Attorney to sell dispose of three Lots of Land containing half an Acre in each Lot [description identical as between curves in deed above quoted] and lately possessed by James Crosbie Merchant in Williamsburgh."3
It looks as though Crosby had been an occupant, if not owner, of this lot in July, 1745:
July 4, 1745
Just imported in the Ship Restoration, Capt. John Wilcox, from London, by the Subscriber, next Door to Mr. Crosbie's, Merchant, in Williamsburg,
A Choice Parcel of Hairs, and other Materials, for making Wigs, prepar'd by the best Hands in London...
Alexander Finnie.4
It is quite possible that Crosby was owner or occupant of these lots ca 1740. In the Carter Burwell Papers there is an item of this date stating 4 that "Mr Crosby Mert" bought a number of bricks and lumber from James Bray.1
By August, 1753, Crosbie was dead.2 A suit: "William Nimmo's estate plts agst John Hyndman and Hugh Blackburn Admrs. of James Crosbie, decd., defts," was decided on January 21, 1754 thus: that "the plts should pay £109.11. - current money for debts incurred to Nimmo by Crosby; but this judgment to be discharged by payment of thirty four pounds ten shillings half penny with interest computed at five per cent from April 23, 1745." Such amount was "to be levied of the Goods and Chattels of the said James Crosbie dec'd."3
From the above conditions of the judgment against Hyndman and Blackburn, executors, it seems reasonable to believe that as no money consideration was named in the deed (Crosby to Buchanan quoted above in report) that the Scotch merchants had taken a mortgage on his property as security for debts. They held Hyndman and Blackburn as their attorneys.
It is the opinion of the writer that Crosby's estate did not pay out - which meant that the Scotch merchants must have taken over the mortgage. John Hyndman, merchant, was still their attorney:
Williamsburg,July 2, 1752.
To be Let, and entered immediately, The Houses and Lots opposite to the Raleigh Tavern, lately possessed by the subscriber, from whom the Terms may be known.
John Hyndman.4
On July 24, 1752 another notice in the Virginia Gazette gave information about Hyndman's lot in the city:
STRAY'D from the Subscriber, out of Mr. John Hyndman's Lot in 5Williamsburg, on the 16th of June last, Two Horses... Whoever brings them to Mr. John Hyndman, in Williamsburg, or to me, in Newcastle, shall have a pistole Reward for each.
Duncan Graham. 1
In November, 1753, Dr. Kenneth McKenzie2 purchased the property from Andrew Archibald Buchanan & Company through John Hyndman, their attorney.3 The merchant firm agreed to give proper deed to the property valued at £200 but this was not done prior to the death of McKenzie in 1755.4
Dr. McKenzie's will written on February 8, 1755 and recorded March 17, 1755 made provision for his property thus:
I Give and devise to my said Son William my House and Lott where I now live on this Condition that he pay to his Sister Ann One hundred Pounds on his Attaining the Age of twenty one Years but if he fails to pay the same in eighteen Months after he Attains that age then it is my express Will and desire that the said House and Lott be Sold by my Executors and one third part of the produce thereof I give and devise to my said Daughter.
It is my Will and desire that my Wife have the use of my House and Lott during her Widowhood but in case she Married again I desire it may be rented out for the benefit of my Children until my Son comes of Age and if either of my Children shall happen to die under Age and unmarried I give the part of my Estate hereby given to such Child to the survivor.5
Carter and Riddell, executors, advertised the shop &c for sale:
Though the sale was advertised for April 25th, obviously, the shop and medicines were not sold then, for they are listed in the inventory and appraisement.Williamsburg, March 20, 1755.
ON Friday the 25th of April next, will be Sold at public Sale, the Shop, Books, Medicines, Shop Utensils, &c. belonging to the Estate of Dr. Kenneth Mackenzie, deceas'd. Six Months Credit will be allowed, on the Purchasers giving Bond and Security, 6 as usual.
All Persons that have any Demands against the Estate, are desired to bring in their Accounts; and those that are indebted to the said Estate, must be speedy in discharging their respective Ballances, or they may depend on being sued without further Notice.
James Carter Executors
George Riddell1
McKenzie's inventory and appraisement was made August 18, 1755.2 The inventory seems to indicate that part of his personal property was kept in his house and part in his shop. His doctor's shop may have been in his house as there is no indication of a separate office on the property.
Following McKenzie's death, suits to recover debts made by him give pertinent facts about the property, his acquisition of it and its ultimate fate. In summary, the situation was this: Dr. Kenneth McKenzie owed the estate of Thomas Wharton, John Pearson Webb, and John Blair £205.13.- from July 14, 1750.
"Sometime short before his [Dr. McKenzie's] death having purchased the House & Lott in Williamsburg of Hugh Blackburn and John Hyndman Attornies in Fact for Andrew Archibald Buchanan and Company Merchants in Glasgow for the Consideration of [unnamed] did together with one [blank] his security enter into a Bond for the payment of the said sum of Money and did at the same time secure of the said Hugh Blackburn and John Hyndman certain writing Obligatory with Condition thereunder written that they should when required execute such Deed or Deeds as should be thought sufficient to give the said Kenneth McKenzie a good title to the said Lot and House But the said Kenneth McKenzie departed this Life before the said Deeds were executed... [plaintiffs ask that McKenzie's executors may be forced to sell the house and lot and give account of settlement of the estate to the court.]"3
Joanna McKenzie, widow, at a court on the 15th of August 1757 declared: 7
[Abstract] That the said Kenneth a considerable time before his death purchased the Lot in the Bill mentioned and made considerable improvements thereon and lived on the same at his death... that Hugh Blackburn and John Hyndman of whom the lot was purchased had agreed to convey the legal estate of the said lot to the said Kenneth McKenzie and his heirs on or before the April Court next following the said purchase and this deft conceives and is advised that she is entitled to her dower in the same.1
York County court on January 16, 1758 ordered the sheriff to advertise the property in the Virginia Gazette for three successive weeks, to make the purchaser give security, and to report the results of the sale to the Court.2 On May 15, 1758 the sheriff reported that the lot had been sold to the highest bidder, Joanna McKenzie, for £260 current money of Virginia.3
In order to pay for the property, it seems that Joanna McKenzie was forced to give a mortgage. James Carter went security for her to secure George Washington for £216:
[June 1760]
[McKenzie, Joanna, widow,
... All that Lott or half Acre of Land lying and being in the City of Williamsburg on the South Side of Duke of Gloucester Street bounded on the North by the said Street on the West by the Lott of Mr John Carter on the South by Francis Street and on the East by a Lott of Mr James Sheilds and all houses Buildings Yards Gardens Privileges Profits Commodities Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever... To HAVE AND TO HOLD...
Carter, James, surgeon,
Consideration: to secure George Washington still unpaid—£216]
Joanna McKenzie. 4 [Recorded York County court July 21, 1760]
Mrs. McKenzie lived at this property until her death in 1767. Her 8 will devises what real and personal property she seemed to have had. James Carter was her administrator:
[Will of Joanna McKenzie]
...It is my will and desire that my whole estate both real and personal be sold as soon after my death as conveniently may be for the payment of my just debts excepting six silver table spoons ten silver tea spoons and all my ribbon and cap wire and the other things belonging to my milenary [torn] which things above excepted I do give and bequeath to my daughter Ann All the residue of my estate both real and personal [torn] equal [torn] year of our Lord 1766.
Joanna McKenzie 1 [Recorded York County Court January 19, 1767]
Could reference to "milenary" mean that Mrs. McKenzie had a millinery shop? Oxford English Dictionary gives: "millinery - The articles made or sold by milliner."
Mrs. McKenzie's inventory and appraisement was short and of little value: £98.14.-2.
Dr. Carter promptly advertised in the Virginia Gazette for all persons indebted to the estate to make immediate payment or present their bills against the estate:
[February 16, 1767]
All persons indebted to the estate of Mrs. JOANNA McKENZIE, deceased, are desired to make immediate payment; and those that have any demands against the said estate will be pleased to make them known to
JAMES CARTER, Executor.3
A few days later, the property passed to Alexander Purdie,4 printer:
Here let us notice that the lot is numbered, 24.[February 20, 1767]
9[Carter, James, executor Joanna McKenzie, widow, decd.
ALL that Messuage Tenement and Lot of Ground herein before mentioned lying and being in the City of Williamsburg on the South side of the Duke of Gloucester Street and Numbered 24. And all Houses Buildings Yards... [being the same land which was purchased by the said Joanna McKenzie under a decree in a suit brought by the creditors of her late husband Kenneth McKenzie deceased, and by her last will and testament ordered to be sold at public auction...]
Purdie, Alexander, printer
Consideration: 300 pounds current money of Virginia]
James Carter Executor. 1
Purdie and Mary, his wife, gave a mortgage deed of trust to James Miller as their power of attorney:
[July 20, 1767]
[Purdie, Alexander
...One lot of ground with the appurts. situate on the Main Street of Williamsburg whereon the said Alexander now lives and purchased of Dr. James Carter, executor pursuant to the last will and testament of Joanna McKenzie, deceased...2
Purdie, Mary, his wife,
Miller, James
Consideration: 5 shillings]
Bruton Paris records indicate that in 1765, Jennet, child of Alexander and Mary Purdie, was baptized into the Episcopal faith. In 1767 another child was born to Alexander & Mary Purdie.3 Mary Purdie died sometime prior to December, 1772 as Purdie married Peachy Devenport at that date.4
Mary Purdie may have had a millinery business. This supposition is 10 based upon the following notice of Alexander Purdie in July, 1772:
[July 9, 1772]
Now selling off, at little more than prime Cost, for ready Money only, by Mr. John Ferguson, at my House, a choice and well assorted Cargo of MILLINERY and other GOODS, lately imported from London.
And, again in August, 1772 Purdie put in this notice:
[August 13, 1772]
I HAVE remaining on Hand, at My House, for Sale, the following Articles, which will be sold very Cheap, for Cash; and if any One should incline to purchase the Whole, they may have a Bargain of them, and reasonable Credit. Plain and flowered white Satins. Black Padusoy. White, Pink, Lemon and Changeable Lustrings, White, Blue, and Green Persians. White Silk Cardinals, and Hats. White Silk Shades and trimmed Bonnets. White, Black, and Gray Silk and Satin Cardinals, with Bonnets, Scarlet Cardinals, trimmed with Ermine and otherwise. Riband Stomachers, Plain Satin and Black Silk trimmed Bonnets, Black Silk Hats. Blond Lace, of various Prices. Black Hood Lace, Do. Chip Hats, Do. Parisnet. Cyprus Gauze. Black and White Shail. Floss, and other Trimmings. Double White Handkerchiefs. Coloured Picket Do. Black Love Do. Black and Coloured Balladine Black, White and Coloured Threads. Calicoes. Fans and Cases. Fashionable Caps, French Wax Necklaces. Paste Do. and Earrings, Paste Combe, and Hair Pins. Black Silk Breeches Patterns, Mens fine White, and Black, Worsted Stockings. Thread and Cotton do. Boys black Satin Caps and Feathers, &c &c.
Wares for sale in both of these notices seem to belong in a millinery establishment. Purdie seemed to be very anxious to get rid of the stock. Could it be that Mary Purdie was a milliner and her husband was advertising her millinery wares for sale following her death?
Purdie was a printer. So far as research could discover, he had no mercantile business other than his printing shop.
In December, 1772 Alexander Purdie was married to Miss Peachy Davenport:3 11
WILLIAMSBURG, December 31, 1772
This evening was married Mr. ALEXANDER PURDIE, of this City, printer, to Miss PEACHY DAVENPORT; A LADY amiable in her person, and an accomplished understanding.1
It is presumed that Purdie took his new wife to his dwelling house on Lot 24 to live.
From April, 1777 until January, 1779, Purdie had repairs made to his dwelling, kitchen, laundry and office. We learn that, apparently, the house had eight rooms, two passages and a closet. There was a dairy and a necessary house on the property.2
Purdie's will was recorded on April 12, 1779:
[April 12, 1779]
[Will of Alexander Purdie, printer, Williamsburg]
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Alexander Purdie do make and Ordian this to be my last Will and Testament in Manner and Form following, to wit,
I Give and devise to my Nephew John Clarkson one Mourning Ring of the value of fifteen pounds sterling-
I give and bequeath to my Wife Peachy the following Negro Slaves to her and her Heirs, to wit, Jack Booker, Betty, Alice and her Child Billy
I give and devise to my Executors herein after named all the rest and residue of my Estate both real & personal to be sold by them or the Survivor of them for the purposes herein after mentioned either for ready Money or on Credit as they shall think fit and do hereby authorise my said Executors or the Survivor of them to convey the same to the Purchasers thereof and their Heirs-
I give and bequeath to my said Wife Peachey and to her Heirs one fourth part of all the Money which may arise from the sales of my Estate aforesaid except that part of the same which shall arise from the Sales of the Slaves-
I do hereby appoint my Friends John Minson Galt and Robert Anderson Executors of this my Will and also Guardians to my Children, James, Hugh and Alexander and to each of my said Executors I give and bequeath one Mourning Ring of the value of fifteen Pounds Sterling each-
12 I give and bequeath to my said Sons, James, Hugh and Alexander all the rest and Residue of the Money arising by the Sales of my Estate to be equally divided between them and their respective Parts to be paid them when they shall arrive at the Age of twenty one Years And in Case any of them shall die before they Arrive at that Age then his or their Part to go to the Survivor or the Survivors jointly-
It is my desire that my Wife and Children remain in my dwelling House during the Term of six Months at the expense of my Estate and that the Servants or a sufficient number of them be kept there during that Term to attend my said Children But in case my said Executors shall think proper to dispose of my said Children otherwise during that Term they are to have power to do And in that case they may proceed to the Sale of the Slaves as is before directed, but my said Wife shall have the use of the dwelling, outhouses and Lotts during the said Term clear of any Rent-
I direct that all my sons be bound out to Trades at the Discretion of their said Guardians, the said James immediately and the others whenever they shall be of proper Age and duly qualified and in the mean time I direct that they shall be educated and maintained at the expence of my Estate and also that my said Executors give with every of them whatever Apprentice Fee they shall think proper.
I further direct that after discharging my Debts and the legacies to my said Wife, Nephew and Executors all the rest of the Money arising by the Sales of my said Estate be put to Interest for the use of my said Sons to be paid them in Manner before mentioned-
It is my Will that the legacies and Devises to my said Wife herein before mentioned shall go in Lieu of her Dower-
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and affixed my Seal this twelfth Day of April One thousand, seven hundred and seventy nine.
A. Purdie. (L.S.)Signed, Sealed published and
Declared by the Testator as and for
his last Will and Testament
In Presence of us...
Thomas Russell
Joseph Hay
John May
The will had one codicil:
April the twelfth 1779 It is my further Will and desire that all my ready Money and outstanding Debts be divided in the same Manner and the rest of my personal Estate that is to say one fourth Part thereof to be allotted to my said Wife and one fourth Part to my said Children under the same Limitations as before is Mentioned...2Purdie's dwelling house is mentioned in the above will. The use to which the 13 house was to be put is not noted except that the widow and children would be allowed six months to live thereon free of rent. (All evidence seems to point to Tarpley's store (Lot 20) as Purdie's printing office from December, 1774).1 Not only were household goods appraised but also the equipment of his printing office.2
Thomas Cartwright3 was the purchaser. We do not know if he ever lived in Williamsburg though he bought the property in February, 1780:
[February 21, 1780]
[John Minson Galt
...All that Lot or parcel of Ground in the City of Williamsburgh on the South side of the Duke of Gloucester Street whereon the said Alexander Purdie in his lifetime resided and bounded on the East by the lot of William Goodson on the North by the Duke of Gloucester Street on the West by the Lot of Jane Vobe and on the South by Francis Street and Denoted in the Plan of the said City by the number (24) and all Houses Buildings... to the same belonging... forever...4 [Recorded June 19, 1780; York County Court]
Robert Anderson Executors of Alexander Purdie, decd.
Thomas Cartwright of Williamsburg
Consideration: 5225 pounds current money]
On April 1, 1780 Cartwright advertised from Williamsburg that he had for sale "a good WAGON and 3 HORSES, with HARNESS." 5
14The Frenchman's Map of Williamsburg shows on what appears to be this lot a large house on northern part, with five outhouses. (See Illustration #1 for architect's drawing.)
Prior to 1782 Cartwright had died. Williamsburg Land Tax records for 1782 list his property thus: "1782 — 1 lot tax value £5 Thomas Cartwright Estate."1 Cartwright's estate held the property until 1786. (to follow in report.)
However, in 1783 Allen Jones, [attorney for a Thomas Cartwright of Nova Scotia] advertised the property for sale:
[October 18, 1783]
BETWEEN the hours of two and three o'clock in the afternoon, on the second Monday in January next, before the Raleigh-Tavern door (if not before that time disposed of at private sale) by virtue of a power of attorney from Thomas Cartwright to the subscriber, the said Cartwright's LOT and HOUSES in Williamsburg, viz. a large commodious dwelling-house, with four rooms on a floor, a kitchen, stable, and other convenient outhouses, situate on the main street, between Mrs. Vobe's and the capitol. One half the purchase money to be paid at the sale, when a title will be made; the other half at the end of six months, on giving bond with approved security to
As Cartwright was dead in 1782, the Thomas Cartwright, then owner, must have been a son of the deceased.
The purchaser seems to have been Sheldon Moss:
The property is again numbered, "24."[December 1, 1783]
[Thomas Cartwright, Colony of
Whereas Allen Jones of the County of Warwick pursuant to a 15 letter of attorney from Thomas Cartwright in the County of York the day of October 1783 hath publickly advertised and Sold the Houses and Tenements belonging to the said Cartwright... in the City of Williamsburg denoted in the Plan of the said City by the Figures 24 and bounded as follows lying on the Southside of Duke of Gloucester street on the east by the Lot of William Goodson decd. and on the North by the Duke of Gloucester street on the west by the Lott of Jane Vobe and on the south by Francis street which said Houses and Lotts were sold and conveyed unto the said Thomas Cartwright by the Executors of Alexander Purdie dec'd, as will fully appear by a deed proved and recorded in York County Court to the aforesaid Sheldon Moss for the sum of £400 Current Money of Virginia… to have & to hold… forever...1
Nova Scotia
Sheldon Moss of Elizabeth City County
Consideration: 400 pounds]
[Recorded Feb. 19, 1787; ordered to be recorded on April 10, 1784.]
Moss never completed payments for the property, evidently, for both Jones & wife and Moss and wife gave deed to James Davis,2 tailor, in February, 1786:
16[February 17, 1786]
[Allen Jones3 and Lucy, his wife.
...All that piece parcel or Lott of Ground situate lying and being in the City of Williamsburg on the south side of Duke of Gloucester Street and bounded as follows, on the East by the Lott belonging to the Estate of William Goodson, deceased, On the North by the Duke of Gloucester Street on the West by the Lotts of Jane Vobe, and on the South by Francis Street, which said Piece, Parcel or Lott of Ground was sold and conveyed by the said Allen Jones to the said Sheldon Moss by Deed proved and recorded in the worshipful court, pursuant to a power of Attorney, given and granted to the said Allen Jones by Thomas Cartwright... And all houses...4 [Recorded 1786, Feb. 20th York County]
Sheldon Moss and Mary, his wife
James Davis of Williamsburg
Consideration: 400 pounds current money of Virginia]
In 1786 Williamsburg Land Tax records indicate that James Davis was owner of 1 lot valued for tax purposes at £22.101 Personal Property listed from 1783-1798 was 2 slaves.
Davis may have been renting the property from the Cartwright heirs prior to the sale.2 In June, 1785 he advertised in the newspaper thus:
3[June 4, 1785]
The Subscriber Begs leave to inform the Public in General, and his Customers in particular, that he has just received from LONDON, by the VIRGINIA HERO,
A general Assortment of Superfine and Second CLOTHS, and other MERCHANDISE, Which he will sell reasonably for Cash or Tobacco: They consist of the following articles, viz. SUPERFINE blue, brown, light, drab, skyblue, Boutilles, and white Broad-cloth, Second ditto, Superfine white and buff Cashmeres, Nankeens, Silks and Twists of all sorts, White, and brown Buckrams, Superfine blue, white, and buff Shalloons, A large assortment of the most elegant and fashionable Buttons, Cambricks, white persians, White and brown thread Stockings, Silk ditto, Coarse and fine Irish Linens, Muslin, Demity, Light and brown Handkerchiefs, Copperplate ditto, Jeans and Fustians, Printed Linens, Chintzes and Calicoes, 5 quarter Balloon Chintz.
He proposes carrying on his Business as usual; and will give good encouragement to two JOURNEY TAILORS, who understand their business. Gentlemen who purchases a plain suit of clothes out of his shop, may have them made for Four Dollars, and may rely on having their work done in the neatest manner, and as expeditiously as possible. LADIES RIDING HABITS made in the newest Taste.
From September 1785 to 1794 James Davis had repairs of various kinds made to his property by Humphrey Harwood, Williamsburg carpenter and brick mason. Such changes as whitewashing, brickworking hearths, plastering, repairing celler steps, underpinning sheds and stables &c., were noted by Harwood's accounts.4 In these accounts mention was made of closets, rooms in house, lodging room, 17 shop, celler, well, shed, stable and brick wall to yard.
Davis continued to advertise the property for sale:
[February 22, 1787]
In the City of Williamsburg, Formerly the property of
Mr. THOMAS CARTWRIGHT.The dwelling house is a commodious building, having six rooms below stairs, with fire places also, good dry cellars, and all convenient out houses, with a stable and carriage house, all in good repair, a large garden, newly inclosed, and a well of excellent water in the yard. Any person purchasing the house, may if agreeable, have the furniture at a reasonable rate,
A neat single CHAIR & HARNESS, and a NEGRO FELLOW,
Who is a very good tailor, For terms apply to
J.D.All persons indebted to me, by bond or open account, are requested to make immediate payment, no longer indulgence can be given; and those who have demands against me, are desired to make them known, that provision may be made for discharging them.
From the above notice by Davis, we note that the dwelling was "commodious" with six rooms below stairs and three above, closets, cellars, outhouses, stable, carriage house, garden and well.
The property was not sold. On November 25, 1789 Davis advertised the place for sale:
[November 25, 1789]
It is a commodious house, in good repair, has six rooms below stairs, and three above, with five fire-places, and all convenient outhouses, such as kitchen, laundry, dairy, smoke-house, carriage house, fine dry cellars; an excellent well of water in 18 the yard, and a large garden enclosed; also some good HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, which I would sell with the house. Any person inclinable to purchase, may know the terms by applying to the subscriber in Williamsburg. If not sold, would rent it, and give possession at Christmas.
In the city of Williamsburg, on the main street.
JAMES DAVIS. [UNK] I have about £300 sterling worth of GOODS, which I will sell at a low advance for CASH or TOBACCO.1
In 1794 James Davis advertised sale of his property again:
[April 23, 1794]
THE DWELLING-HOUSE is commodious, having six rooms below, with fire-places and good grates in each, and three rooms above stairs, with fire-places. There are all convenient out-houses, consisting of Kitchen, Launtry [sic], Dairy, Smokehouse, Granary, Stable and Chariot-House; an excellent Well of Water in the yard; a large Garden well enclosed; all in good repair, and fit for the reception of a genteel family. Possession may be had next November. A great bargain may be had for cash, tobacco, or good bonds; or I would sell on credit, or exchange it for a small tenement conveniently situated in the city of Richmond.
now occupied by THE HON. CYRUS GRIFFIN, Esquire.
Davis's renter, Judge Cyrus Griffin, was born in Richmond County in 1748, entered the Middle Temple in 1771, and soon after married Lady Christiana Stuart, daughter of the 6th Earl of Traquair. In 1778-1781 and 1787-88 he was a member of the Continental Congress and was the last President of that body. He was President of the United States Supreme Court of Admiralty and a United States District Judge from 1789 to his death in 1810. He lived in Yorktown most of his life but removed to Williamsburg around 1790. His wife died October 8, 1807 in Williamsburg and was interred in the cemetary of Bruton Parish Church. Judge Griffin died in Yorktown on December 10, 1810.3
19Personal Property tax records for Williamsburg charge Cyrus Griffin from 1791 to 1803 tax on 3 or 4 slaves and a post chaise.1With 2 exceptions his name appears in the taxes 1791-1812. There is no list for 1808 and no reference to him on the 1814 list. The lists for 1811 and 1812 list one [illegible] over 16 charged to his estate. P. Gibbs 2-18-70
In 1796 James Davis insured his property with the Mutual Assurance Society. He stated that the buildings were on the main street in Williamsburg occupied by Cyrus Griffin and situated between Philip Moody and Samuel Goodson. The dwelling was insured at $850 with kitchen $150 and stable $100. The dwelling was 58 by 26 feet; kitchen 34 by 16 feet and stable 24 by 20 feet.2
From 1790 to 1794 Humphrey Harwood, carpenter, made minor repairs for Judge Griffin such as mending grates and whitewashing rooms and passages.3
Cyrus Griffin's medical account rendered by Drs. Galt and Barraud indicates that he was administered to personally in 1790-1805 in Williamsburg.4
Williamsburg Land Tax records show that Philip Moody came into 1¼ lots via Davis in 1803.5 This is interpreted to mean that Moody gained the ¼ part from Mrs. Mary Goodson, owner of Lot 25. (An insurance policy to follow in 1809 seems to locate John Coke's office, apparently, was on this ¼ lot).
Moody continued to hold the property until 1806 when it was conveyed to John Coke.6
No deed of conveyance was found. Unfortunately, no deeds to this property were located from 1806-18.
In 1806 Coke insured his newly acquired property. His location is described thus: "my three Buildings on the south side of the Main Street at Williamsburg now occupied by myself situated between the lott of Philip Moody 20 West and the Lott of Peter Powell Ea st..."1
In 1809 Coke insured the building again thus: "buildings now occupied by Samuel Sheild Jr, that they are situated south of the main street East of Moodys lot-west of Powells lot and north of Francis street...Dwelling 64 by 26 feet-Kitchen 34 by 16 feet - smoke house-outhouse, stable 15 by 16 feet-John Coke's office 18 feet from the east end of the dwellinghouse."2 Just what use Coke put the little office to, cannot be determined. He held no public offices so far as the writer could find. Careful research has been made to find out if the assumed idea that John Coke was lawyer, be true. Nothing whatever to bear out this idea was found. At his death, an obituary notice in American Beacon, Norfolk, April 22, 1822, made no mention of his being a lawyer.3
The "office," probably was built by Coke after he acquired the property. It was not noted in insurance policy of 1806 but was noted in insurance policy 1809.
John Coke had leased the Raleigh Tavern according to a letter written by Robert Anderson in 1805.4 He was there only one year.
Coke continued as owner of the property [lot 24] until 1811 when Philip Moody's estate became owner.5
In 1817 Henry P. Guthrie is charged in the Land Tax records with "2 lots Via Thomas Sands, lot bounded on the north by the Duke of Glouster [sic] 21 street, on the east by Peter Powell & Also the small house and lot 16 feet front, purchased by John Coke of Philip Moody adjoining thereto."1
Guthrie held the property until 1827 when Roscow Cole became the owner "via Leond Henley trustee for H. P. Guthrie. The tax valuation was $800 for buildings and $900 for lot with buildings."2 Cole, a prosperous merchant of the city, lived on the James City Court House site, Francis Street, from 1820 to 1835.3
Research has not determined to what use Cole put the property acquired from Guthrie. He, probably, rented it. He did not operate his store on this site, for in January, 1819 he announced in the newspaper that the firm of "Cole & Sheldon" were open as a general mercantile store "at the STORE lately occupied by Mr. Roscow Cole adjoining the Court-house square."4
In 1831 Williamsburg Land Tax lists indicate that Moses Sweeney had acquired "1 lot via Roscow Cole - lot and buildings valued at $900."5
In 1835 Richard M. Bucktrout came into possession "via George and Joseph Gresham who purchased of Moses Sweeney's trustees. Reassessed by commissioner of revenue."6 Valuation of lot given at $430 for lot with buildings.
Richard M. Bucktrout held the property until his death in 1866. Bucktrout died intestate.7 The estate was appraised. He left a widow and three children. The wife's dower was the western half of house and son and 2 daughters 22 the eastern half.
In 1867 Bucktrout's widow, Celestia, married Bernard Morris. Both parties relinquished all rights in the other's property by a marriage agreement.
In 1886 Celestia Morris and Horatio N. Bucktrout conveyed to L. Tyler Davis, property known as "the Bucktrout house bounded north by Main or Gloucester Street, east by old Sweeney lot, south by Francis Street and west the Henley lot, the interest hereby conveyed being the share of the said Horatio N. Bucktrout assigned him in the real estate of his father the late R. M. Bucktrout, and the dower rights of the widow Celestia Bucktrout now Celestia Morris."1
In 1888 the southern part of the lot was conveyed by Davis to John M. Dawson. It measured 51' on Back Street running north 91'7". On the west was lot of R. B. Servant.2
From 1888 to 1911 several owners held for short periods. In January, 1911 the latest owner, Abram L. Squires and wife, conveyed to Mary Galt Macon, wife of W. H. Macon.3 The Macons' held the property until it came to Randolph H. Macon in 1916.4 Macon sold to Dr. W. A. R. Goodwin, representing the Williamsburg Restoration in 1927.5 For further details, see chain to title, Accounting Department.
In 1951 archaeological excavation of the Lot 25 and adjoining property to the east showed a small house facing upon Duke of Gloucester Street on the eastern boundary of Lot 25. The existing Tilledge House was on the western boundary line between Lot 25 and Lot 24. See: Architect's drawing, Illustration 23 #2 to the report.
Mr. John S. Charles, an old citizen of Williamsburg, writing in 1927 of his remembrance of the city during the Civil War period said:
The big dwelling known then as the Bucktrout house, now called the Macon house, was just as it is on the exterior today, but the front porch was a little diferently constructed.1
Miss Estell Smith who lived in the Brush-Everard House for many years, said the Bucktrout house had a brick cellar entirely above the street and this cellar was sometimes used as a store.2
1782 | Thomas Cartwright Est | 1 lot | £5 |
1783 | Thomas Cartwright Est | 1 | 5 |
1784 | Thomas Cartwright Est | 1 | 5 |
1785 | Allen Jones for | ||
Thomas Cartwright | 1 | 5 | |
1786 | James Davis | 1 | $22.10.- |
1789 | James Davis | 1 | 15 |
1790 | James Davis | 1 | 30 |
1797 | James Davis | 1 | 30 |
1801 | James Davis | 1 | $100 |
1803 | Philip Moody | 1 ¼ | 70 via Davis* |
1806 | John Coke | 1 ¼ | 70 via Moody |
1807 | John Coke | 1 ¼ | 80 |
1810 | John Coke | 1 ¼ | 100 |
1811 | Philip Moody Est | 1 ¼ | 60 |
1817 | Henry P. Guthrie | 2 | 80 Via Thomas Sands, lot bounded on the north by the Duke of Glouster [sic] street, on the east by Peter Powell & Also the small house and lot 16 feet front, purchased by John Coke of Philip Moody adjoining thereto. |
1818 | Henry P. Guthrie | 2 | 83 |
1820 | Henry P. Guthrie | 1 lot $900; | $800 buildings |
1828 | Roscow Cole | 1 --900; | 800 via Leond Henley trustee for H.P. Guthrie |
1831 | Moses Sweeney | 1 --900; | |
800 via Roscow Cole | |||
1835 | Richard M. Bucktrout | 1 --430; | 400 via Geo. & Joseph Gresham who purchased of Moses Sweeney trustees Reassessed by comm. of revenue. |
"William Byrd of Westover in Charles City County was the son of William Byrd of Henrico County and Westover. The first William Byrd was prominent in Virginia affairs as burgess, councillor, auditor-general, receiver-general, merchant, Indian trader, and planter. The second William Byrd was born on March 28, 1674. In early youth he received in England a classical education, training in business, and-after studying in the Middle Temple—was admitted to the bar. He also traveled on the Continent. He continued and extended his father's activities as explorer, Indian trader, merchant, landowner, and politician. He acquired in the course of his life the offices of burgess, agent of the Colony in England, receiver-general, auditor-general, councillor, and, eventually, president of the Council. He was a commissioner in drawing both the Virginia-Carolina boundary line and the Fairfax line. At the time of his death Byrd owned 179,000 acres of land in Virginia.
...His History of the Dividing Line, Journey to the Land of Eden, and Progress to the Mines - all written in the last thirty years of his life and not intended for publication-place him among the most sprightly writers of America in the Colonial Period. William Byrd died on August 26, 1744, and was buried in the center of his garden at Westover...."
(Hugh Jones: The Present State of Virginia, Richard L. Morton, ed., pp 237).
For further biographical material see:
John Coke, subject of this sketch, was the son of Samuel Coke and Judith Brown Coke, and a grandson of John Coke, the immigrant and goldsmith who owned the house now known as "Coke-Garrett House."
John Coke [II], born 1762, married Rebecca Shields, widow of James Shields in 1797. Their children were: John Coke [III] born 1798, died 1865; Harriet who married Leonard Henley; Susan who married Addison L. Byrd; and Richard who married Mary Willing Byrd. In 1812 John Coke was an Alderman and Magistrate of Williamsburg. (Robinson-Upshur Papers: Russell's Estate to George Lang. Coke a witness to account.)
In 1805 John Coke [II] was operating the Raleigh Tavern. An account of George Blow's dr to Coke 1805-1806 was for lodging, gin, suppers, "segars" &c — which shows that Coke was a tavern keeper at the same time that he was owner of Lot 24 on which his wife's brother, Samuel Shields Jr was living. Personal Property Taxes for Williamsburg for 1806 indicate that John Coke paid tavern license of $12.50 that year. Coke owned property in James City County. Personal Property tax for that county from 1797 to 1822, date of his death, list him as owner of slaves and horses. In 1797 (year of his marriage) Coke had 12 slaves and 3 horses in James City County; and in Williamsburg he had 5 slaves and 3 horses. Following his sale of Lot 24, obviously, he removed his slaves and horses in the city to his farm in James City County as he is listed in 1813 with 20 slaves and 7 horses in James City. He owned lots in Williamsburg from 1785 to 1811 according to the Land Tax records.
Coke died in April 1, 1822. An obituary notice appeared in the Norfolk newspaper, American Beacon, Shields & Ashburn & Co, Pub., Norfolk, 1822, Apr. 19th "DIED - on the 1st inst. at his residence in the City of Williamsburg, after a protracted and painful indisposition of five months, (which he bore with unusual fortitude) JOHN COKE Esq. an old and highly respectable citizen.
When a vacuum is produced in society, by the loss of one of its most worthy and valuable citizens, it is no easy task to suppress the poignant feelings thus created. - But when the will of Providence leaves the amiable wife and tender offspring, widow and orphans, then are the sympathies of our nature enlisted within affection to ameliorate their sorrow. Viewing Mr. Coke in all the relations of social and moral life in which he stood eminently, respected, as an affectionate and tender husband, an indulgent parent, a kind neighbour and humane master, it may truly be said that his family and society generally have sustained an irreparable loss; and their greatest consolation will be, I trust, in Him, who it has in his wisdom pleased to inflict the wound."
Every effort has been made to search into all manuscript sources available in the archives of Colonial Williamsburg, its Library and the College (through consultation with Mr. Ganter) to substantiate the assumption that, perhaps, John Coke was a lawyer and had his law office on Lot 24. Nothing whatever was found to confirm this idea that the little "office" building noted on insurance policy of 1809 was Coke law office. In Virginia it was the custom, often, to refer to a small building in the yard as an "office." It had its purposes but not necessarily was a law office.
For further genealogical information concerning the Coke family in America and England, see: biographical folder, Research Department.
Little is known about Davis in a biographical way. Aside from being on Lot 24 (1783-1796), he lived at Lot 53 (1796-1830).
In the Burwell Papers, Ledger, are accounts and also in the Tucker-Coleman Uncatalogued Accounts (1792-1794).
Excellent biographical notes on Griffin can be found in:
Dr. McKenzie was living in Charles City county at the time that he married Joanna Tyler, eldest daughter of John Tyler, late of James City county, in February 1737/38.
In 1745 Dr. McKenzie was living at the lot of Joanna Archer, on Duke of Gloucester Street, Williamsburg. (Lots 16 & 17). The Virginia Gazette states that Mrs. Archer was deceased and "Doctor Kenneth MacKenzie [was] now living [thereon]."
In 1746 McKenzie advertised the shop utensils belonging to Dr. Thomas Wharton, deceased, for sale.
In 1747 Robert Cary, merchant of London, conveyed Lots 333, 334, 335, 336, on Palace street, Williamsburg, to Dr. Kenneth McKenzie, doctor of Physics. He, apparently lived here from October, 1747 to December, 1751 when the property was leased or sold to Philip Grymes, Receiver General of Virginia, for the use of the Governor while the Palace was being conditioned for his occupancy.
Dr. McKenzie had a cousin, Dr. Kenneth McKenzie of Surry County, who owned vast tracts in Surry and in Brunswick county. He died in Surry county in 1767. This cousin was one of the executors of Dr. McKenzie of Williamsburg whose death occurred in 1755. His will is recorded in York County with long inventory of his medical shop appliances and library.
Dr. McKenzie had a daughter, Ann (Nancy) who married Dr. William Black of Petersburg, an eminent physician of this period. His son, William McKenzie studied medicine under Dr. Black in Petersburg.
York County Records
Book 20 - Wills, Inventories[McKenzie, Kenneth - Will Williamsburgh (Surgeon)]
[February 8, 1755.]
In the first place it is my will and desire that my whole personal estate be sold as soon as conveniently may be after my death except such part thereof as I shall hereafter particularly mention.I Give and devise to my Wife my Negro Wench Betty during her natural Life, and to my Son William my Negro boy Silver, and to my Daughter Ann my Negro child named Sally also my Negro child Betty.
I Give and devise to my said Son William my House and Lott where I now live on this Condition that he pay to his Sister Ann One hundred Pounds on his Attaining the Age of twenty one Years but if he fails to pay the same in eighteen Months after he Attains that age then it is my express Will and desire that the said House and Lott be Sold by my Executors and one third part of the produce thereof I give and devise to my said Daughter.
I give my Negro Wench Betty and her future Increase to my Son William and my Daughter Ann after my Wife's death ...
It is my Will and Desire that my Son be kept at the College and I hope my friends will use their utmost endeavours to get him upon the foundation and I would have him kept there til he is quallified for being put to some genteel business such as his Genius leads him to.
The future welfare of my daughter being what I have very much at heart I make it my humble request to Mrs Dinwiddie Mrs Attorney Mrs Chiswell or one of them to take her under their care for a Year or two in order to her further improvement I would have her clothed as Genteely as my Estate will afford.
My good friend Doctor James Carter having behaved in a very kind manner to me in my Sickness I give and desire he will accept of my Skeleton and injected Child as an Acknowledgment of the Esteem and regard I have for him.
It is my Will and desire that my Wife have the use of my House and Lott during her Widowhood but in case she Marries again I desire it may be rented out for the benefit of my Children until my Son comes of Age and if either of my Children shall happen to die under Age and unmarried I give the part of my Estate hereby given to such Child to the survivor.
And I do hereby Constitute and Appoint my good friends Mr Thomas Everard Doctr James Carter Doctr George Riddell and my Cousin Doctr Kenneth Mackenzie Executors of this my last Will and Testament and do desire and Order that they may be allowed all necessary and reasonable expences they may be put to in discharge of this trust and I desire that five Mourning Rings of a guinea and a half price may be procured by my Executors out of my Estate to be distributed to each of them and the other to my friend Mr John Palmer... I have hereunto set my hand the eighth day of February .... [1755]
pg. 7...
At a Court held for York County the 17th day of March 1755 This will was proved by the Oaths of John Palmer & Thos Palmer Witnesses thereto... and ordered to be recorded...Thomas Everard one of the Executors... appeared in Court and absolutely refused to take upon himself the burthen of the Executors thereof...
York County Records
Book 20 - Wills, Inventories. pp. 364-366An Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Doctor Kenneth McKenzie decd 1755.
[August 18, 1755]
To 1 small feather Bed Bolster 2 Blankets, 1 pr Sheets & Bedstead £ 3.10.- 2 Leather Chairs 8/ 1 back Gammon Table Complete 1. 3.- 1 small Walnut Table -.15.- 1 Oak Marlborough Bedstead a Bed & Mattress 1 blanket 1 Counterpane 1 Set Callico Curtains & Pillows & Bolster 8. -.- 1 Oak Marlborough Bedstead Bed Bolster Blanket Counterpane & Set of Curtains 6. -.- 1 Field Bedstead Curtains 2.10.- 2 Potracks 7/6 1 pr Kitchen Hand Irons and racks 30/ 1.17.6 1 Jack Jack Pulley & Weight 30/ 1 small Iron Grate & hand Irons 2.10.- 6 Galls Linseed Oyl 36/ 50 lbs. White Lead Ground in Oyl 25/ 3. 1.- 30 lbs. Spanish brown 7/6 1 Chair & Harness £10 10. 7.6 1 Coffee Mill 4/ 1 Corn Binn 10/ large brass Kettle 40/ 2.14.- 1 Fish Kettle Copper Pot Stew Pan & Plaister Pan 2. 4.- 1 Iron Pot & Iron Kettle 15/ 1 Dutch Oven 7/6 1. 2.6 1 pr flat Irons 2/ 2 spits & 1 frying Pan 12/ -.14.- 1 Meat hook 2/6 1 Garden Pot 3/ -. 5.6 1 Bell Metal Skillet & Tea Kettle 15/ 1 Dripping Pan 13/ 1. 8.- 2 Butter Pots & 1 Pickle Pot 7/6 1 Case & 6 Bottles 6/ -.13.6 5 Brass Candlesticks 12/6 1 small Spice Mortar 5/ -.17.6 1 two Quart Pewter Pot Funnel & Turene -.10.- 1 Copper Coffee Pot Chocolate Pot & Tin Coffee Pot -. 7.6 1 Garden Rake & Hoe 3/9 2 doz. new Plates 30/ 1.13.9 16 old Plates 8/ new Dishes 25/ 7 old Dishes 15/ 2. 8.- 1 Kitchen Table 7/6 1 Writing Desk 7/6 -.15.- [6 Servants or Slaves] The Shop. 40. -.- 1 Injecting Syringe Pipes &c 2.10.- 1 Sett of Amputating Instruments, 1 Sett of Trepaning Instruments & 1 Sett of Instruments for Lythotomy 8. -.- Coopers Anatomy £4 Baileys Dictionary 15/ 4.15.- Hoadley on Respiration 3/ Ranby on Gun Shot Wounds 2/ -. 5.- Medicina Statica 2/6, London Dispensatory 4/ -. 6.6 Jewish Spy 5 Vols. 15/ Keils Anatomy 1/3 -.16.3 Robinson on Diseases 2/6, Hippocrates Aphorisms 2/ -. 4.6 Prasaguim Medicum 1/ Biographia Brittanica 10/ -.11.- Virginia Laws 26/ Anatomical figures No 11 with the Explanations 40/ £ 3. 6.- A Survey of the Microcosm 5/9 Douglas's Midwifry 1/6 -. 7.3 Boerhaves Chymistry 26/ Winslows Anatomy 15/ 2. 1.- Hiesters Surgery 15/ Douglas Lythotomy 2/ -.17.- Hiesters Compendium 5/ Astruc on Women &c Vol. 5 18/ 1. 3.- James's Shaws Dispensatorys each 2/ Friends History on Physic 5/9 -. 9.9 Gordon's Grammar 4/ Garengeols Surgery 2/ -. 6.- Meads Precepts 5/ Chapmans Midwifery 9d -. 5.9 Harvey D Motri Cordis 2/6 Present State of England 3/9 -. 6.3 Bradley on Gardening 4/ Gays Tables 2 vols. 5/ -. 9.- Chyne on Health 2/ Do on Gout 1/6 -. 3.6 Pryors Poems 2/6 Gays Poems 2 vols. 4/ -. 6.6 Cheseldon on the Stone 2/ Do on Anatomy 5/ -. 7.- pg. 9 Wilson Chymistry 2/6 Praxis Medica 2/ -. 4.6 Gazetteer 2/ Nudibrass 3/ Monroe's Anatomy 1/6 -. 6.6 Mead on Poisons 5/ State of Midwifery 1/6 -. 6.6 Ledrams Operations 2 Vols 10/ Saviards Observations 5/ -.15.- Sharps Critical Enquiry 3/, St Ives on the Eyes 5/ -. 8.- Sharps Surgery 5/ Medical Essays 10/10 -.15.10 Medical Essays Edenb'g 10/10, Thompson on Desecting 3/ -.13.10 Sturlock on Dentition 4/ Petit on the Bones 4/ -. 8.- Mauricca's Midwifery 5/ Daventrys Do 4/ Vansweeten 8 Vols 40/ 2. 9.- Hillery on the Small Pox and Robinson on Decays -. 7.6 Sydenhams Works 4/ Bagtivi & Pitcarn 9/ -.13.- Bellini 4/ Lomius on Fevers 5/ Mead on Smallpox 2/6 -.11.6 Modern Practice of Physic 2 Vols. 8/ Wainwright on Non Naturals 4/ -.12.- Friend on Fevers 5/ Friends Emanalogia 3/ -. 8.- Shaws Practice of Physics 2 Vols 7/6 Arbuthnot on Air 3/ -.10.6 Turner 4/, Vol 2 15/ Sundry Books 5/6 Sandy's Ovid 5/9 1. 6.3 1 Mahogany Desk & Book Case £10, 1 large Looking Glass £3-10 13.10.- 1 Corner Cupboard 21/6, 1 Round Mahogany Table 26/ 2. 7.6 1 Oval Walnut Table 20/ 1 Square Walnut Table 21/6 2. 1.6 2 Carved Mahogany Chairs 40/ 6 Mahogany Chairs £3-12/ 5.12.- 6 Walnut Chairs £3, 2 Elbow Walnut Chairs 30/ 4.10.- 1 Lolling Mahogany Chair £3-10, 1 two Arm black leather Chair 7.10.- 1 Wash Bason & Mahogany Stand 15/ 1 Silver Punch Ladle 21/6 1.16.6 2 Hand Irons Fire Shovel & Tongs -.15.- 35 Ozs Silver at 7/6 13. 2.6 2 doz China Plates 50/ 3 China Bowls 7/6 2.17.6 2 China Butter Boats 7/6 Old Crockery Ware 7/6 -.15.- 8 oz. G: Vila - Vinegar Crewit with Glasses -. 4.- 1 Tea Table with white China Cups & Saucers &c 2. -.- Anatomical Pictures 21/6, blue Painted Buffett £4 5. 1.6 1 Fiddle Fiddle Bow & Strings 21/6 1 Looking Glass 40/ 3. 1.6 1 pr Hand Bellows, 2/6 3 large Maps 10/ -.12.6 1 pr Squeesers 1/3 5 small Maps 20/ 1. 1.3 1 Painted floor Cloth 20/ 1 Chimney Glass £5 6. -.- 12 Fruit Pieces £5 1 Walnut Dressing Table 20/ 6. -.- 1 small Dressing Glass 1. -.- 1 Mahogany Close Stool Chair & Pan 2. 3.- 12 old Pictures 12/ 1 large Hair Trunk 26/ 1.18.- £333. 3. 8 To the Medicines & Shop Utensils 105. 9.11 £438.13. 7 The above was appraised by us
duly sworn. Alexr Jameson
Thos Hornsby
Hugh Orr.Returned into York County Court the 18th day of August 1755 and Ordered to be Recorded.
York County Records
Book 21 - Wills, InventoriesInventory and appraisement of estate of Joanna McKenzie [January 28th 1767]
8 blue and white china plates £ -.10.- 12 tea-cups and 5 saucers -. 5.- 6 tart pans 3/9 1 sugar dish 1/3 2 bowls 7/ -.12.- A parcel of earthern and glass were -.15.- 1 stone jugg 1/3 12 stone potts 15/ -.16.3 1 brown stone bottle jugg 2/6 1 chocolate & coffee pott 3/9 -. 6.3 1 bed boulster and 2 pillows 3.10.- 1 rug 12/6 1 pair blankets 6/ 1 bed-stead 10/ 1. 8.6 1 white bed-quilt 5/ 1 counter paine 15/ 1. -.- 1 coloured bed-quilt 20/ 1. -.- 1 bed boulster and pillow 2.10.- 1 bed-stead 10/ -.10.- 4 pair sheets 50/ 2 table cloths 30/ 4. -.- 3 breakft cloths 10/ 10 towels 6/3 -.16.3 4 pillow cases -. 5.- 1 large looking glass 90/ 1 dressg glass 15/ 5. 5.- 1 desk 50/ 1 easy chair 50/ 5. -.- 8 chairs 80/ 2 low chairs 5/ 4. 5.- 1 small table 12/6 1 round tea-table 15/ 1. 7.6 1 oval table 26/ 1 table with a draw 12/6 1.18.6 1 chest of drawers 15/ 1 corner cupboard 10/ 1. 5.- 1 tea board and waite[——torn] 2/ -. 9.6 1 old trunk 7/6——[torn] -.10.- 9 tin cannisters——[torn] -. 6.3 1 old brass kettle——[torn] 2.15.- Pr kitchen dogs——[torn] 5/ 1. 5.- 1 Shovel to——[torn] -. 7.- 1 Dutch [——torn] 2. 5.- 1 frying pan grid-iron spitt and trivet -.10.- 1 tea kettle 10/ 1 trivit for do 2/6 -.12.6 2 flat irons 3/9 1 old lanthorn 1/3 -. 5.- 2 candlesticks 5/ old knives and forks 2/6 -. 7.6 1 pair old scales 5/ 1 old skillet 5/ -.10.- 1 bell 2/6 1 brush and ax 5/ -. 7.6 1 tubb 2 pails and tray 2/6 -. 2.6 3 doz. wine @ 15/ 2. 5.- £52. 3.- [carried over £52. 3.-] A negro Woman 45. 3.- 31 lb old feathers in a bag 1.11.- £98.14.- In obedience to an order of the County Court of York bearing date the 19th day of January 1767 we the subscribers — did meet and appraise the personal estate of Joanna McKenzie deceased in current money as above - John Carter Blovet Pasteur Alexr Craig
Returned into York County Court the 18th day of May 1767 and ordered to be recorded.
Alexander Purdie was born in Scotland, and "there brought up to printing."1 We do not know exactly when he came to Virginia, but he was employed by Joseph Royle at the Printing Office on Lot #48 in Williamsburg in 1764, and possibly earlier. In May, 1764 he purchased "16 Sayer's Prints in frames gilt" and 2 small "Ditto" from the Printing Office for £8.7.6. In December, 1765, Royle paid him £100 "for his Salary"; and he was credited with £7.17.6 for "1½ years interest of his bond" of £105 "due the 20th Instant."2 Purdie was living with Joseph Royle when the latter wrote his will in January, 1766.
In his will,3 Royle requested that Alexander Purdie carry on the printing business on Lot #48 for the "equal Benefit and Profit of the said Alexander Purdie, and my Son William Royle during his Minority" and young William Hunter, articles of agreement being entered into "by both Parties in the same manner as the Partnership between the Executors of the late William Hunter Esqr deceased in behalf of his Son William and myself." If the partnership should take place, Royle bequeathed "to the said Alexander Purdie my half of all the Stock I have in Partnership with William Hunter at the Printing Office, comprehending in our Books of Accounts, under the Titles of General Account of Office, Stationary, and Books, to the Amount of the Sum of Five hundred pounds Virginia Currency (agreeable to the rates and prices mentioned in our Inventory taken December the 31th 1762, and the Invoice Book for what Goods or Materials have been imported since taking the said Inventory) as a Compensation to the said Alexander Purdie for his Personal Management and Care of the said Business during the Minority of my said Son William Royle and in Case of his Death under Age for and during the aforesaid Term of Ten Years from the Time of my Death." Royle died by January 27, 1766,4 and Alexander Purdie continued the business as requested in Royle's will.
The Virginia Gazette must have been discontinued for a few months prior to Royle's death, for the Lieutenant Governor, Francis Fauquier, wrote the Board of Trade from Williamsburg on April 7, 1766, "From the 1st of November we have been without any newspaper, till very lately."5 Purdie re-established the paper - the first extant issue of Purdie's gazette (probably his first issue) dated March 7, 1766, had the colophon:
WILLIAMSBURG. Printed by ALEX. PURDIE, and COMPANY, at the POST-OFFICE; by whom Persons may be supplied with this PAPER.
This issue also contained the following statement by Purdie: pg. 12
TIRED with an involuntary recess from business for these four months past, the advantage which a news paper is generally looked upon to be of by the community, and the encouragement I have already met with from a number of the late customers to the VIRGINIA GAZETTE, have determined me to resume its publication, at the usual price of 15 s. a year, and to insert ADVERTISEMENTS as formerly. I intend sending the Gazette to all the old customers...and should any choose to decline, they will please acquaint me...The press shall likewise be as free as any Gentleman can wish, or desire; and I crave the countenance and favour of the publick no longer than my conduct may appear to merit their approbation...1
As noted in the sketch of Joseph Royle,2 there had been some criticism of the press, and Governor Fauquier wrote the Board of Trade on April 7, 1766 (see note 4 preceding page): "The late printer to the Colony is dead, and as the press was then thought to be too complaisant to me, some of the hot Burgesses invited a printer from Maryland. Upon which the foreman [Purdie] to the late printer, who is also a candidate for the place, has taken up the newspaper again in order to make interest with Burgesses." Purdie stressed the freedom of his press in the notice quoted above, and again on March 28, 1766:
AS I understand it is thought by some that I have neglected, or refused, to publish the account of a late transaction at Hobb's Hole, this is to assure the publick...that I never saw the same, nor was it ever offered to me to publish, otherwise it would have seen the light before this time: For I do now, as I have heretofore declared, that my press shall be as free as any Gentleman can wish or desire; that is, as free as any publick press upon the continent.3
William Rind, printer from Maryland mentioned by Fauquier, came to Williamsburg; and on May 9, 1766, Purdie's Gazette carried Rind's announcement that he had "now settled in Williamsburg," and had "furnished himself with all the materials necessary for carrying on the PRINTING BUSINESS," and proposed "to begin the publication of a NEWS PAPER on Friday next, which will be regularly continued, if pg. 13 he meets with a sufficient number of subscribers..."1
In March, 1766, John Dixon, who subsequently married Joseph Royle's widow, Rosanna Hunter Royle,2 was deputy postmaster; and was also "at the Printing Office," (on Lot #48) being "Properly the executors of William Hunter and Joseph Royle, deceased," to collect the balances due by "ALL PERSONS indebted to JOSEPH ROYLE and company."3 On June 20, 1766, Purdie made the following announcement:
I BEG leave to acquaint my friends and customers that I have just entered into partnership with Mr. John Dixon, in conjunction with whom I have purchased all the materials, stock in trade, &c. belonging to the estates of the late Mr. William Hunter and Mr. Joseph Royle. The acquaintance which Mr. Dixon has had in the business, and the satisfaction that I believe he has hitherto given in his department, encourages me to hope that we shall have the countenance and favour of all former customers to this OFFICE, as well as of the publick in general, we being determined to make it our constant study to merit approbation.4
With the above issue, Purdie's colophon changed from "WILLIAMSBURG: Printed by ALEX. PURDIE, and COMPANY, at the POST-OFFICE..." to "WILLIAMSBURG: Printed by ALEX. PURDIE, and JOHN DIXON, at the POST-OFFICE..." It is not clear what "acquaintance" Mr. Dixon had "had in the business" prior to Purdie's announcement quoted above. He may have taken charge of the business side of the partnership, and left the printing to Purdie. After marrying Rosanna Hunter Royle, he became, as Royle had been, uncle-in-law to young William Hunter, who had inherited Lot #48 from his father, and half-interest in the business.
Purdie and Dixon advertised for "An Apprentice to the PRINTING BUSINESS" in July, 1766; and for "a Journeyman Printer, to whom good wages will be given" in September of that year.5
Source: The Printing Office report by Mary Goodwin, appendix XLIV-VI; Research Dept.
Purdie's appraisment includes not only his household goods but also the equipment of his printing office:
[List of stock | |
List of farming implements.] | |
86 Ounces of plate | 261/10/0 |
2 Soup Ladles £20, 15 Tea spoons £15 | 35/ 0/0 |
1 doz. silver tablespoons | 80/ 0/0 |
2 punch Ladles £12 1 milk bucket £20 | 32/ 0/0 |
4 open work Salts £50, 1 pr. Tongs £7 | 57/ 0/0 |
3 China bowls | 40/ 0/0 |
6 Fruit bowls with Saucers | 20/ 0/0 |
4 China Dishes | 7/ 0/0 |
4 China Mugs | 8/ 0/0 |
2 China butter Boats | 6/ 0/0 |
5 China Tart moulds & 4 plates | 7/ 0/0 |
9 Cups and Saucers, 6 custard Cups | 11/16/0 |
4 plates, 2 mugs, a tea pot | 6/ 8/0 |
1 Lot of Queens china | 17/ 4/0 |
1 Lot of Earthern Ware | 11/ 2/0 |
15 Cloak pins | 3/ 0/0 |
1 Lot of Glass Ware | 25/16/0 |
2 pint porter Glasses, 6 square Bottles | 13/12/0 |
1 plate warmer £4, 1 large tin Cannister 40/ | 6/ 0/0 |
4 sugar Cannisters 80/, 3 small Jugs 20/, | 5/ 0/0 |
2 water Jugs 30/, 1 Bread Grater 12/ | 2/ 2/0 |
1 Key swivel and 1 nut Cracker | 0/12/0 |
6 pr. Candle sticks £35, 6 pr. snuffers 56/ | 37/16/0 |
1 Mahogany Voider 50/, 1 Japan Tea Board 120/ | 8/10/0 |
1 Japan Waiter 30/, 1 Tea Chest £6 | 7/10/0 |
1 large elegant pier glass | 100/ 0/0 |
1 screen £10, 6 Hearth brooms £3 | 13/ 0/0 |
1 pr. Tongs. shovel, poker and Fender | 6/ 0/0 |
11 prints £11-2, 1 Oval Table £20, | 31/ 2/0 |
1 small Mahogany Table | 6/ 0/0 |
1 square, and 1 Pembroke Table | 12/ 0/0 |
1 Child's Mahogany Chair | 3/ 0/0 |
1 Mahogany Desk and book Case | 100/ 0/0 |
12 Mahogany Chairs £50, 1 Clothes press £40, | 90/ 0/0 |
1 Mahogany Chest of Drawers | 30/ 0/0 |
1 dressing Glass £12, 4 Brushes 72/ | 15/12/0 |
2 table bells 36/, & curry Comb & Brush 60/ | 4/16/0 |
1 sun dial £3, 2 Girths & 3 Combes 30/ | 4/10/0 |
1 doz. Draw rings, screw driver, & Gimlet | 1/ 4/0 |
8½ yds. Duck £8-10, 1 easy Chair and pan £6 | 14/10/0 |
1 doz. Walnut Chairs £30, 1 easy Armed Chair £20 | 50/ 0/0 |
1 Mahogany Rum Case with 2 doz. double flint bottles | 60/ 0/0 |
4 pr. Tongs, 4 pokers, 3 Fenders and 1 blower | 9/ 0/0 |
1 small looking Glass and 1 print | 2/ 0/0 |
1 Mahogany Desk £20, 1 Candle stand 40/ | 22/ 0/0 |
1 Windsor Chair 20/, 1 Wilton Carpet £10 | 11/ 0/0 |
pg. 15 | |
1 Mahogany bedstead with sacking bottom | 6/ 0/0 |
1 passage Oil Cloth 40/, 1 Mahogany Desk £10 | 12/ 0/0 |
1 pine Table 15/, 1 Walnut chair 20/ | 1/15/0 |
12 table Matts 24/, 1 Footman, 1 bread basket, | 2/16/0 |
1 Mahogany Tea board 40/, 2 Waiters, 2 Sliders | 3/12/0 |
1 Large Looking Glass | 30/ 0/0 |
1 Mahogany corner Cupboard | 12/ 0/0 |
1 Mahogany side board £3, 1 Mahogany table £12 | 15/ 0/0 |
1 square Walnut Table £3, 1 doz. Walnut Chairs £30 | 33/ 0/0 |
1 pr. Tongs, 1 shovel, 2 Fenders, 1 Poker, 1 blower | 5/ 0/0 |
9 China figures £4-10, 1 Floor Cloth £10 | 14/10/0 |
1 Cruet stand, silver mounted | 6/ 0/0 |
3 Glass Salts and 4 Tea cups | 1/10/0 |
1 Aeolian Harp 20/, 1 Clothes Binn £6 | 7/ 0/0 |
1 Scotch carpet £10, 1 square Walnut Table £3 | 13/ 0/0 |
2 bedsteads £3, 1 hair Mattrass £12 | 15/ 0/0 |
4 beds, 6 bolsters, 5 pillows | 150/ 0/0 |
11 blankets £30, 1 pine table 20/ | 31/ 0/0 |
1 quilting Frame 20/, 2 Window blinds 24/ | 2/ 4/0 |
1 suit of blue and White bed Curtains | 50/ 0/0 |
14 Counterpanes and bed quilts | 187/ 0/0 |
25 pr. sheets | 405/ 0/0 |
15 pillow cases £30, 8 pr. do. Coarse £5 | 35/ 0/0 |
23 Table Cloths | 149/ 0/0 |
52 Napkins and Towels | 59/ 0/0 |
1 Bedstead 30/, 1 pr. blankets £6, 1 Mattrass £12 | 19/10/0 |
3 Beds, 3 Bolsters, 1 Pillow and 2 blankets | 53/ 0/0 |
2 quilts & 2 blankets £8, 6 stone Jugs £4 | 12/ 0/0 |
13 butter pots £9, 2 stone Jars £4 | 13/ 0/0 |
1 stone Water Jugg 18/, 17 doz. bottles £17 | 17/18/0 |
1 Iron bound hogshead £3, 2 Casks 30/ | 4/10/0 |
18 Candle Moulds & stand | 12/ 0/0 |
1 brass Cock & 2 Gimlets 40/, 1 safe 60/ | 5/ 0/0 |
1 Grind stone £5, 1 stone Trough £8 | 13/ 0/0 |
3 bell mettle Skillets | 10/ 0/0 |
13 pewter basons | 15/ 0/0 |
6 oval hard metal dishes | 9/ 0/0 |
2 odd do. 40/, 4½ doz. pewter plates £30 | 32/ 0/0 |
9 deep pewter plates £4-10, 1 Tureen £3 | 7/10/0 |
1 Fish strainer and skimmer | 2/ 0/0 |
5 deep pewter dishes, 1 large Oval dish | 4/10/0 |
9 do. £15, 2 brass Chaffing dishes 24/ | 16/ 4/0 |
1 Lanthorn 10/, 1 Fish Kettle £10 | 10/10/0 |
1 Tea Kettle £3, 1 spice Mortar 40/ | 5/ 0/0 |
8 patty pans, 1 pr. Scales and Weights (Lead) | 2/ 0/0 |
1 plate basket, 1 Churn, 3 Funnels | 2/ 0/0 |
1 spinning Wheel and 2 pr. Cards | 3/12/0 |
2 baskets, 1 wooden Mortar and Ladle | 1/10/0 |
2 Walnut knife boxes 40/, Carving knife etc. 60/ | 5/ 0/0 |
5 doz. knives and forks £32, 1 search 12/ | 32/12/0 |
8 Trays, 2 Wheelbarrows and 3 Riddles | 6/10/0 |
1 pr. Garden Shears | 2/ 0/0 |
2 Hatchets, 2 Axes, 2 Grubbing Hoes | 3/ 0/0 |
2 Measures, 1 tea chest 20/, 3 bags 40/ | 3/12/0 |
1 copper Coal skuttle | 3/ 0/0 |
1 Copper kettle £15 | 15/ 0/0 |
pg. 16 | |
1 Jack and Furniture | 20/ 0/0 |
4 frying pans £12, 3 Grid Irons 72/ | 15/12/0 |
2 Tormenters, 1 Ladle and 1 skimmer | 3/ 0/0 |
1 Chaffing dish, 1 iron spoon | 2/ 0/0 |
2 chopping knives 20/, 8 Iron pots £40 | 41/ 0/0 |
1 Copper Tea kettle 30/, 1 pr. Tongs and 1 pr. Dogs | 4/10/0 |
1 pr. spit racks 60/, 3 pr. pot racks 60/ | 6/ 0/0 |
2 Trivets 20/, 1 Iron Dutch oven £6 | 7/ 0/0 |
1 Griddle 30/, 5 tubs, 8 pails, 1 bucket 90/ | 6/ 0/0 |
1 kitchen press, 1 pine table | 3/ 0/0 |
1 drudging box etc. 10/, 1 bread Toaster 12/ | 1/ 2/0 |
1 Coffee Mill 60/, 2 Horses for Clothes £4 | 7/ 0/0 |
3 pr. smoothing Irons | 6/ 0/0 |
1 Double Writing Desk | 20/ 0/0 |
1 Grate, Fender, blower and Table | 6/ 0/0 |
22 sheets parchment £13-4, 1 Table 40/ | 15/ 4/0 |
1 odd Windsor chair, 1 wash bench | 1/ 4/0 |
1 Midnight Modern Conversation | 0/ 6/0 |
1 pine Table, 1 stool, 1 pr. steps | 2/ 0/0 |
1 Lot Books £15, 1 Do. £2-18 | 18/13/0 |
1 Lot of books £4-10, Woods Institutes £5 | 9/10/0 |
4 large Church Prayer Books | 12/ 0/0 |
10 years Gazzetes | 10/ 0/0 |
A Lot of Music £5, pr. Scales and Weights £4-10 | 9/10/0 |
2 ink stands and box | 1/10/0 |
1 Mattrass and Bedstead | 10/ 0/0 |
40 lbs. Lamp black £80, 2 Trunks 40/ | 82/ 0/0 |
2 press stones £10, 4 stools 24/ | 11/ 4/0 |
2 presses compleat £150, 500 lbs. [?] Types £12-10 | 162/10/0 |
8 Walnut Cases and 4 frames | 20/ 0/0 |
6 Cases & 4 composing sticks | 18/ 0/0 |
1 pr. bellows, 1 pr. shears, 1 doz. Gallies | 7/ 4/0 |
1 Imposing stone and Frame | 7/10/0 |
1 pr. Dogs, 1 pr. Tongs, 1 Axe, 1 Trunk | 4/12/0 |
2 Water Jugs, 2 ink pots | 1/10/0 |
1 screw press compleat | 12/ 0/0 |
2 Casks with Linseed Oil | 24/ 0/0 |
1 pine Table | 1/10/0 |
1 Lye Trough and Water box | 3/ 0/0 |
1 Iron stab and 1 pine Table | 3/10/0 |
3 blankets, 1 Counterpane | 15/ 0/0 |
1 Bolster, 1 pillow, 1 bed quilt | 6/ 0/0 |
2 Whips 40/, 2 stools 40/. | 4/ 0/0 |
2 Coffee pots, 1 Chocolate pot | 9/ 0/0 |
[List of negroes - 13] | |
£ 11,705.14.- |
Rec: 1779, June 21st
[York County Records - Wills, Inventories - Book XXII, p. 437][In Bruton church yard,...]
"Here Lyes Interred The Remains of Mary Purdie Wife of Alexr Purdie Printer who departed This Life On Saturday ye28, of March 1772 in the 27 year of her age. She left Behind her four sons Jas Hugh Alexr and William and by her side lie Jane a dear little Daughter who did not quite attain her second year...
James Shields (sometimes spelled Shels, Sheils), a tailor, was living in the York County portion of Williamsburg in February, 1707, when he petitioned the York County Court for a "Lycence to keep Ordinary at his Dwelling house in ye City of Wmsburgh in this County for ye Ensueing Year."1 He owned two adjoining lots on the South side of Duke of Gloucester Street at that time; for in May, 1707, he and his wife Hannah sold lot #24 "together with one good dwelling house thereon built" to William Byrd of Charles City County for £121.2 He was described in the deed of sale as being "of ye County of York in Virga Taylor." He must have moved into the James City County portion of Williamsburg shortly thereafter, for in January, 1708, when he sold the adjoining lot, #25, with "all Houses, Edifices," to John Marot for £50, he was described in the deed as being "of the County of James City Taylor."3 As we have found no further petitions from James Shields for ordinary licences in the York County Records (and such licences had to be renewed yearly), it is probable that after 1707, and as for long as he kept an ordinary, he applied to the James City County Court for his licences. Unfortunately, these court records have been destroyed.
In 1714, James Shields presented a claim to the York County Court of Public Claims for "accomodateing diverse Indians & other persons five hundred Seventy two days" by order from the Governor. This claim was certified to the Assembly for allowance.4 In 1715 his claim "for dieting and Accomodating the Three Interpreters who Attended the Indians upon the Publick Service" was considered by the Council and the House of Burgesses, and it was ordered that the charge be defrayed out of the salaries paid the interpreters.5
In August, 1715, "A Commission from the Governor [Spotswood] to MrJames Shields to be Messenger to the House was Read" in the House of Burgesses.6
Shields succeeded John Broadnax, deceased, in the fall of 1720 as keeper of the Public Goal.7 In November, 1720, he petitioned the Assembly to make the goal more commodious and to build a house "adjoyning to the Same for the Keeper thereof."8 His petition was rejected at that time; but in 1722 a bill was passed "for making the Public prisons more convenient and for pg. 20 building a house for the Keeper thereof."1 Shields continued as keeper until 1727, when his death was recorded in the Bruton Parish records.2
James Shields' will, written on July 2 and recorded in York County Court (for he was again in York County when he lived in the keeper's house at the Gaol), on July 17, 1727, mentioned his "loving wife Hannah," his three sons, James, Mathew, and William, and two daughters, Elizabeth Vaughan and Mary Cobbs.3 He left his wife the free use and occupation of all his lands, tenements, and slaves during her natural life, provided she remained a widow. He left James his plantation purchased of Captain William Timson, with the lands adjoining it "recently purchased" from John and James Taylor, in Bruton Parish, York County. To his son Mathew, he left his dwelling house in Williamsburg with the lot on which it stood "on the North side of the street where my lots lye." William was left two lots "with the houses thereon lying on the South side of the said street." He left his two daughters five pounds each "in money or goods at the discretion of my said wife."
The inventory of Shields' personal estate was filed by his wife Hannah on August 21, 1727 - listing his negroes, cattle, and household goods.4 His possessions included 5 feather beds and furniture, 14 pair of sheets, 16 table cloths and 2 dozen and 3 napkins, 2 dozen and 2 towels, 4 breakfast cloths, 2 chests of drawers, 1 desk, 5 chests, 3 corner cupboards, 3 looking glasses, 18 chairs, 1 ½ dozen silver spoons, silver soup ladle, knives and forks, some books, "3 delph punch bowls," china dishes, plates, etc., pewter dishes etc., kitchen and pantry equipment, beer and cyder casks, tools, 1 pair of pistols, a sword, 3 men's saddles and 4 sets of horse harness, "1 Tumbrill and Wheels," 1 pair tailor's shears, a pressing iron, and many other items.
His son James,5 by a second marriage to Anne Marot Ingles, daughter of John Marot and widow of James Ingles, came into possession of the house and lot (#25) which James and Hannah Shields sold to John Marot in January, 1708 - which property is the subject of this report.
Source: House History of "Marot's or The English Coffee House", Research Department, Appendix p XIII-XIV prepared by Mary Goodwin, 1951.
I the underwritten JAMES DAVIS residing at Williamsburg in the county of York do hereby declare for Assurance in the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on Buildings...
My wooden Buildings on the main street at Williamsburg now occupied by Cyrus Griffin situated between Phil Moody's Lot and that of Samuel Goodson in the county of York...
The dwelling house | marked A | at $850 |
The Kitchen | marked B | at 150 |
The Stable | marked C | at 100 |
$1100 |
WE the underwritten, being each of us House-Owners, declare and affirm that we have examined the above mentioned Property of James Davis and that we are of opinion that it would cost in cash two thousand two hundred Dollars to build the same, and is now actually worth eleven hundred Dollars in ready money, and will command the s me as above specified to the best of our knowledge and belief
James Ratcliffe
W m Pigget
Wm Bryan
Residing in Wmsburg
I the underwritten JOHN COKE residing at Wmsburg in the county of York do hereby declare for Assurance in the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on Buildings… my three Buildings on the south side of the Main Street at Williamsburg now occupied by myself situated between the lott of Philip Moody West and the Lott of Peter Powell East in the county of James City & York…
The Dwelling House | marked A | at $2600 |
The Kitchen | B | at 300 |
The Stable | C | at 130 |
$ 3030 |
We the underwritten Robert Anderson special agent and appraisers do hereby certify that we have viewed and revalued the buildings heretofore declared for assurance by James Davis then residing at Williamsburg in the county of York... we also certify that the said buildings are now owned by JOHN COKE that they are now occupied by Samuel Shield jr and that they are situated south of the main street East of Moodys lot-west of Powells lot and north of Francis street...
The dwelling Marked | A | at $1666 2/3 |
The Kitchen | B | at 300 |
The Stable | C | at 133 1/3 |
$2100 |
Saml Sheild Jun
Hunter Royle
in several feet of Moodys dwelling
on loan to Colonial Williamsburg by Mrs. E. Lee Kirby[Accounts with Cyrus Griffin in Williamsburg]
1795-1798 Honble Cyrus Griffin £3.15.- 1805-1809 Judge Cyrus Griffin 6.3.2 1808-1809 Judge Griffin 2.7.0
William and Mary CollegeLetter from Mrs. Lucy Tucker to her daughter, Mrs. Coalter, Elm Grove, 1805 [no month]
"…Mr. Patton of Fredericksburg accompanied Mr. Mercer from Thence, and staid at Judge Griffins ten or fifteen days…
Ibid1809 [no month or day]
Letter of Mrs. Lucy Tucker, Williamsburg, to her daughter, Mrs. Coalter …Judge Griffin came in…just setting out to visit Louisa & her Son…1
MS Humphrey Harwood CWI
Ledger B, p. 8
Mr ALEXANDER PURDIE Printer Dr 1777 th April 24 To takeing Down kitching Chimney & Cleaning Bricks 26/ £ 1. 6.- To 80 bushells of lime @ 9s 2000 bricks @ 27/6, & Cartg of Sand 12/ 6. 7.- 28 To 1750 bricks @ 27/6 20 bushls of lime @ 9d & 13 days labr @ 12/ 4. 9.12 30 To 1250 Do @ 27/6 20 Do lime 15/ 13 days labour @ 2/ & 2 Loads Sand 4/ 4. 0. 4½ To building Kitching Chimney 75/ 3.15.- May 3 To 750 bricks 20/7, 20 bushls of lime 15/ 15 days labr 30/ & 2 loads Sand 4/ 3. 9. 7½ To building Oven 15/. & laying kitching floor 30/ 2.15.- 14 To 64 bushl of lime @ 9d. 600 larths 7/6. 6 days labr @ 2/ & 2 do Sand 4/ 3.11. 6 To larthing & plasterg in kitching 40/ & 2 bushels of hair 10/ 2. 4.- To 45 bricks 1/3. ½ bushel Witewash 9d, & Seting up Office Grates 15/ -.17.- th To Mending plasterg 3/9 & Whitewashing 2 Rooms in Office 8/ 11.9 June 16 To 50 bushels of lime 37/6, 1200 larths 15/ & mendg larthg & plastg in dary 7/6 3. 0.- To larthing & plastering up kitchen Stares & mendg well 32/6 1.12. 6 th To 8 days labour ? 2/ 16.- October 9 To mortar and Mending plastering 2/5, & Whitewashg 8 Rooms 2 passages @ 5/ 2.12. 6 To Whitewashing kitching & landary 10/. & Do Closet & Necessary House 5/ 15.- 41.15.0½ 1778 th March 20 To Mending Office Steps, & Chimneys back 7/6 & labrs work 2/ (A. Purdie Continued) 9.6 1779 Jany 2 To Whitewashing a Room 15/ 4/6 15.- 11 To 2 bushs of lime 9/ & Repairing Grate &c 12/ 1. 1.- To 50 Bricks 8/4 & ½ A Days labour 6/ 14.4
PER CONTRA CR 1777 th April 30 By 4 bushels of Mortar 3/ £ -. 3. - Decr 31 By Sundaryes in office & a years Gazette 0. 6. 8 By Cash in full pr Account 39. 5.42 £41.15.0
MS Ledger B of Humphrey Harwood
p. 87
Mr. JAMES DAVIS (Taylor) Dr 1785 th Septemr 19 To 3 bushels of lime 3/ Reparing 2 Chimneys 7/6 £ -.10.6 To Labour's Work 2/6 2.6 Novemr 12 To 8 bushels lime @ ½ & 100 bricks 3/ & laying a harth 2/6 13.6 To Contracting a Chimney 5/ & Repairing plastering 3/6 8.6 d To pointing Chimneys & Clossets 2/6 & labrs work 3/9 6.3 Decemr 22 To Wht Washing 1 Room & 2 Passages @ 4/6 & wht wash 1/6 15.- 1786 Janry 23 To 7 bushels of lime 7/ 7.- To repairing larthing & plastering to Door & Chimney & Dairy 10/ hair 1/ & labourers work 3/9 14.9 26 To whitewashing a Room 5/ 5.- April 13 To 10 bushels of Mortar @ 1/ & 220 larthes @ 1/6 pr C 13.3½ To Larthing & plastering in Shop 12/6 12.6 To labourers work 3/0 3.0 22 To 300 larthes @ 1/6 & 12 bushels of lime 12/ 12.6 To hair 2/ & larthes & plastering lodging Room 18/ 1.—.- To 1½ days labour ? 2/6 3.9 To Whitewashing Shop 4/6 4.6 May 3 To ¾ of a Bushel of White-wash 1/6 1.6 To white-washing 2 Rooms @ 4/6 9.- August 7 To 6 bushels of lime 6/ 200 bricks 6/ & Repairg Celler Steps 7/6 19.6 1787 To Repairg plastering 2/ & labours work 2/6 4.6 July 21 To 1½ bushels of lime @ 1/ & repairing plastering & grate 3/ & labours work 9d 5.3 £ 9.16.3½
MS Ledger C Mr. JAMES DAVIS Dr p. 22 1789 th Sept 30 To bal due inc on old acct £ 1.16.10½ To 2 bushels of Whitewash 2/ & whitewashg 2 Rooms @ 3/9 8. 3 Decr 12 To an order in ye favour on St George Tucker Esqr 7.—.- 1790 April 20 To 4 bushels of lime @ 9d & 248 Bricks 6/8 9. 8 To mending the Well & underpinning the Shead &c 8/ 8. 29 To 18 bush: of lime @ 9 13. 6 To 144 Bricks & carging 2 loads of ye own 5. 5 To underpinning the Stable 10/ 10.- Decr 15 To John Carter order on you, accepted 19. 6 1791 th Octo: 5, To lime 1/6 & setting up grate & mending plaistering 7/6 9. - Decr 27 To Cash pd in part 21.-. - Carried to folo 64 £ 33.10.2½
MS Ledger C of Humphrey Harwood
p. 64
Mr JAMES DAVIS Dr 1792 March 1 To amt brought from folo 22 £ 33.10. 2½ To 8 Days work of Nat @ 4/ white washg & mending plaistering, grate &c 1.12. - To 6 bushls of lime @ 9d 4. 6 To ½ bush of Whitewash 1/ at Mr Griffen's 1. - July 16 To 3 do of lime @ 9d & bricking up the wall at Mr. Griffen's gate 4/ 6. 3 Octr 26 To my order on St Geo: Tucker Esqr 30. 28 To final settlement to this day by H. Harwood 8.17. 3½ £ 74.11. 3
Ibid Ledger D, p. 17 d
Mr. JAMES DAVIS Dr 1794 23 To 1 Cieling & 3 Packs Lime @ 9d £ -. 2.¾ To 1 Peck Whitewash 6 27 To Whitewashing 1 Ceiling 1/6 & Peck Whitewash -. 2.—
Mr. John Coke 1783 5 visits in Rept. 1808-1809 £18.16.0 1814-1817 £ -. -.- 1821-1822 Mch 30th £40.18.6 1822 Apl - June The Estate 3. 0.-
Burwell Papers (1736-1746)
Microfilm, Research Dept., p. 13
Mr Crosby Merct Dr 1740 To Bricks 300 @ 2/ pr Ct £ -. 6.- To 850 Do 17.- May 20 1741 To 6 Cuts of sideing 32 inces Long 12. To 3 Cuts Heading 42 Do 6.9 To felling, Sawing & Malling 7.6 To Carting it home 7.6
[Scott et al vs McKenzie]
[June 20, 1757]
To the Worship full Justice of York County sitting in Chancery. Humbly complaining—shew unto your Worships your Orator Peter Scott Thoms Dawson Clerk Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Wharton decd and John Pearson Webb that one Kenneth McKenzie formerly of the City of Williamsburg Surgeon being indebted to your Orator Peter Scott by specialty in the sum of one hundred and five pounds thirteen shilling current money of Virginia besides Interest and being also indebted to the said Thomas Wharton by Specialty in the sum of one hundred pounds of Like Money exclusive of Interest and being also Jointly and Severally Bound with your Orator John Pearson Webb as Securities for one Andrew Anderson late of the City of Williamsburg deceased unto John Blair Junr Gent in a Bond dated the third day of July 1750 for the payment of £56.5s with Lawfull Interest thereon from the said July 3rd 'til payment unto the said John Blair [Kenneth McKenzie] departed this life having first made his Last Will and Testament in writing whereby amongst other things he did will and desire that his whole personal Estate should be sold so soon as conveniently it might be after his death except such part thereof as he should particularly mention, … he also gave as Devised to his Son William his house and Lot where he then Lived on this Condition that he should pay to his Sister Ann £100 on his attaining the age of 21 years but if he failed to pay the same in eighteen months after he attained to that age then it was his express will & desire that the said House and Lott should be sold by his executors … and of his said will he did appoint Thomas Everard James Carter George Riddell and his Cousin Kenneth McKenzie Executors of whom James Carter and George Riddell only proved the said will and took upon themselves the Execution thereof… Your Orators further show unto your Worships that the said Kenneth McKenzie some short time before his death having purchased the House & Lott in his Will mentioned of Hugh Blackburn and John Hyndman Attornies in Fact for Andrew, Archibald Buchanan and Company Merchants in Glasgow for the Consideration of—did together with one—his security enter into a Bond for the payment of the said Sum of money and did at the same time receive of the said Hugh Blackburn and John Hyndman a certain writing Obligatory with a Condition thereunder written that they should when required execute such Deed or Deeds as should be thought sufficient to give the said Kenneth McKenzie a good title to the said Lot and House. But the said Kenneth departed this life before the said Deeds were executed Your Orators Peter and Thomas further shew unto your Worships that they have applied to the Executors of the said K. M.1 and desired them to discharge the Judgments above mentioned and your Orator John Pearson Webb sheweth that he hath also applied to the said Executor and desired them to repay him a moiety of the moneys by him paid to the said John Blair in discharge of the Bond aforesaid in answer to which they have assured your Orators that the whole personal Estate of the said1 hath been exhausted in paying as Well the Consideration of the said Lot and House as other Bond Debts so that your Orators have no prospect of receiving their Money unless by the sale of the said House and Lott which they are advised is reasonable more expecially as great part of the personal Estate was applied towards paying for the same. Your Orators further shew unto your Worships that they have frequently applied to the said Executors Joanna McKenzie widow of the said Testator Kenneth and to the said Hugh Blackburn and John Hyndman who as Attornies for the said Andrew Archibald Buchanan and Company Merchants in Glasgow have always declared themselves willing and ready to execute Deeds for the said Lott and Houses & have desired them to fall upon some method for selling the said Lott and houses towards satisfying your Orators demand which they have declined doing giving for reason that the said William and Ann McKenzie who are interested being Infants of tender Years cannot legally do any Act which will be obligatory upon them … Your Orators demand that the said James Carter and George Riddell may set up and expose to publick sale the said House and Lot and that the Money arising from such Sale may be applied to the remainder of your Orators demand unsatisfied & that the said Hugh Blackburn & John Hyndman may be compelled to make a good & sufficient Deeds for conveying the said House & Lots to such Person or persons as shall purchase the same …