Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series - 1170
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library
Williamsburg, Virginia
As you requested over the phone last week, I have had copied, or autostated, and am sending you herewith the three inventories which may have, directly or indirectly, some bearing on the Wetherburn furnishings. Of course I am not including Wetherburn's own inventory of 1760, which may be found in Miss Mary Stephenson's 1965 report on "Mr. Wetherburn's Tavern," pages 113-118. You will note that there are some gaps in this inventory, where dashes appear in the copy, and where the manuscript was either torn or completely illegible. Copies of the three other inventories are attached; and reasons for their possible interest in connection with Mr. Wetherburn's tavern follow in this memorandum:
It is almost certain that Henry Wetherburn took over all of Henry Bowcock's estate, with the exception of a few bequests to a son, Henry, after Wetherburn's marriage to Bowcock's widow, Mary Bowcock, a little over a year after Bowcock's death. Henry Bowcock was keeping an ordinary in Williamsburg by 1716; and by or after 1724, when he purchased lot #53, with buildings, from John Holloway for £70 current money of Virginia, he was apparently operating on that site. (The building in which he kept ordinary after 1724 disappeared in or before 1764, for in that year John and James Carter purchased the eastern portion of the lot, which then adjoined The Raleigh on lot #54, where by 1765 they had erected their brick store and shop; and soon thereafter "The Golden Ball" stood on the western portion of lot #53.) In any event, an inventory of Henry Bowcock's personal estate, listed by rooms, has survived; and as he left most all of his property to his wife, Anne Bowcock (with no strings attached), it would, by Virginia law, pass to her new husband, Henry Wetherburn.
Bowcock died soon after he wrote his will dated December 27, 1729; his will was probated in York county court 2 on February 15, 1725/30. He left a son, Henry Bowcock, his silver watch, a "Gun which was made by John Brush" of Williamsburg, a case of pistols, his "housing and holster Caps," to be delivered when the boy reached the ago of 18 years. He left everything else to his wife Anne, as follows, making her his sole executrix:
"And for the better enabling my wife to pay all my just debts and to bring up and provide for my Sons (only Henry was named in will) I do hereby give and bequeath unto my said wife all my Lands Lots and Tenements Slaves Goods & Chattels and all other my Estate of what kind soever to her heirs and assigns forever."
Anne Bowcock continued her husband's ordinary, to provide for herself and her son or sons, obtaining license in her own name in July, 1730. Before June 21, 1731, she had married Henry Wetherburn (they appeared in court together as husband and wife at that time, in connection with one of Bowcock's debts' and in August, 1731, Henry Wetherburn was granted a license to keep an ordinary "at his house" in Williamsburg. There is no record that he owned any other property in Williamsburg prior to 1738. It is very possible that he used the Bowcock furniture when he became keeper of the Raleigh circa 1742 - but this cannot be definitely established, as at that time the Raleigh was owned by a "company of merchants," who may have also furnished it. Whether or not is was used, by Wetherburn at the Raleigh, it is almost certain that it was used by him in the building across the street from both the Bowcock and the Raleigh lots - Wetherburn having purchased lots #20 and #21, with buildings thereon, from Benjamin Harrison of Surry County for £150 current money of Virginia in 1738. Wetherburn did not move to his property on lots #20 and #21 until ca. 1745 or 1746; and if he did use his "Bowcock" furniture at the Raleigh, he doubtless moved it to that property. Mrs. Mary Bowcock Wetherburn died in 1751, some years after they were established on the property now known as "Wetherburn's." The Hon. John Blair mentioned her death, and Wetherburn's remarriage, within ten or eleven days, in his diary as follows: he noted Mrs. Wetherburn's death on July 1, 1751; on July 3 he wrote - "Very rainy while at Mrs Wetherburn's funerl," adding, "He has found her hoard they say." On July 11, 1751 he wrote: "H. Wetherburn married to Mrs Shields."
3A comparison of the Bowcock inventory of 1729/30 and the Wetherburn inventory of 1760 (the year he died) show articles that could have appeared in both: it would be difficult to determine much about the beds and bedding: both inventories listed leather chairs (some noted as "old" in Wetherburn's), both listed oval walnut tables, pictures, looking glasses and dressing glasses; Bowcock's listed a "Walnut press" valued at £2:l5:-, which did not appear in Wetherburn's: but, as noted above, some of Wetherburn's inventory is illegible. It is probable that during the period between 1731 and 1760 Wetherburn kept some of Bowcock's furniture, and discarded or sold some, possibly adding some of the Marot and Shields furniture to his supply.
John Marot (sometimes written Jean Marott), was a Huguenot emigrant to Virginia ca. 1700. Marot was with William Byrd I at "Westover," until the latter's death in December, 1704, after which he came to Williamsburg,, and obtained license to keep an ordinary there. In 1706 he purchased the property on which "Marot's" has been reconstructed (lot #25) from James Shields (a tailor who was keeper of the Public Gaol from 1720 until his death in 1727). In the same year, 1708, Marot added to his property by purchasing an adjacent strip of lot #26 to the east of #25. His ordinary was frequented by William Byrd II and other members of the Council and General Court, who often dined or supped there. Marot died in November, 1717, survived by his wife Anne and three minor daughters. He owned other property in Williamsburg - lot #56 (on which the present reconstructed "Nicholson, Pasteur-Galt, and Scrivener" buildings stand); and he bequeathed his property - one third to his wife, and two-thirds to his daughters, - his wife, Anne, to "enjoy" all the profits of his property until his daughters came of age or married. His wife enjoyed the profits of his "ordinary" on lot #25, apparently, until her death in 1742; although she married Timothy Sullivant within a few months of her husband's death. Sullivant obtained license to keep the ordinary in March, 1717/18, but evidently gave up keeping the ordinary after a few years - Mrs. Sullivant obtaining license in her own name in 1721. Sullivant died ca. 1730, leaving a very small "personal estate"; he evidently obtained none of Mrs. Suilivant's - probably because Marot's estate had never been settled. In 1738 Mrs. Sullivant gave notice that she was giving up "Publick 4 Business"; and she moved to Amelia county, where her daughter and son-in-law, Edith (Marot) and Samuel Cobbs were living, leasing the ordinary to James Taylor, who may have continued there until her death in 1742. In any event, by 1745, if not earlier, Mrs. Sullivant's daughter Anne (Marot) Ingles Shields and her husband James Shields, were operating the ordinary, then known as "The English Coffee House," purchasing the portion they did not inherit from Edith (Marot) Cobbs and her husband Samuel Cobbs. Much of Marot's furniture may have remained in the ordinary (see the Marot inventory) when the Shields occupied it.
As noted above, James and Anne (Marot) Ingles Shields purchased what they did not inherit of the Marot ordinary property - possibly including furniture - from other heirs in 1745, and James Shields, in accordance with Virginia law, owned his wife's property outright. At the time of his death ca. December, 1750, it was being run as "The English Coffee House," according to a subsequent tenant. With the exception of a few bequests, James Shields left all of his property, both real and personal, to his "beloved wife Anne" for her free use and occupation during her "Natural Life or Widowhood." At her death or if she remarried, the property was to go to their son, James Shields, then a minor. About seven months after her husband's death, Anne (Marot) Ingles Shields married Henry Wetherburn, a neighboring tavernkeeper. Wetherburn's wife, the widow of Henry Bowcock (also a tavernkeeper) had only died about eleven days before Mrs. Shields married Wetherburn. Wetherburn obtained his start in tavernkeeping in Williamsburg. and Henry Bowcock's property, from his marriage to Bowcock's widow Mary Bowcock ca. 1731, shortly after Bowcock's death. Henry Wetherburn soon advertised the tavern lately kept by James Shields for rent. There is no record as to the furniture in the Shields inventory; possibly some of it was claimed by Anne (Marot) Ingles Shields Wetherburn, end some of it purchased by Wetherburn - we do not know. We do know that the ordinary was first rented by Wetherburn to Daniel Fisher, at which time a billiard table belonging to Shields, which Wetherburn claimed to be "the best . , . in the Country," remained lay the building. Fisher complained bitterly when, after using the billiard table as a special feature in renting the property to him, Wetherburn sold it, shortly thereafter, 5 to William Byrd, III. Wetherburn was acting, it is supposed, in the interest of the minor son and heir of James Shields, who was to inherit if his mother remarried. It is entirely possible that some or much of the Shields furniture had belonged to Marot; and it is also possible that some of it found its way into Wetherburn's tavern, after his marriage to Shields' widow.
The Marot-Shields situation is given in some detail in my 1951 report on Marot's, or The English Coffee House (about 99 pages). If you want a copy of this report, we will be glad to send it over to your office for reproduction. Let me know if you do.
M. G.
Encl: 3
cc: Mr. Buchanan
March 16, 1729/30
27 lbs. hard pewter @ 12d | £ :7:- |
168½ lbs. pewter @ 8½d | 5:17:2 ¾ |
18½ lbs. old Do [pewter] @ 6d | -: 9:3 |
1 pewter Cistern & 2 Basons | -:12:6 |
2 Iron pots wt. 91 lbs. - 3d | 1: 2:9 |
2 Do broken 76 [lb] Do - 1½ [d] | -: 9:6 |
1 Spice mortar and pestle | -: 7:6 |
1 Dutch oven 12/6 - 1 Do 5/ | -:l7:6 |
1 large brass Kettle wt 61 lbs. - 12d | 3: 1:- |
2 large old brass Do | 1:12:6 |
1 brass boyler - 30½ [lbs] - 12d | 1:10:6 |
1 Copper fish Kettle, 1 Do Cullender & pasty pan wt 31½ - 15d | 1:19:4½ |
1 Iron Dripping pan 15½ [lbs] - 6d | -: 7:9 |
1 Tin Do 5/. 1 plate frame 5/. | -:10:- |
1 old stew pan 6/. 2 old Copper sauce pans 3/6. | -: 9:6 |
2 old husling pans and an old Skillet. | -: 6:- |
2 brass skillets 15/. 1 brass frying pan 7/6. | 1: 2:6 |
1 Iron dust pail 4/. 2 Gridirons 5/. | -: 9:- |
1 Jack 30/. 4 Spitts 20/. | 2:10:- |
1 roasting Skreen | -: 7:6 |
3 pot racks 7/6. 6 pr fire dogs 10/. | -:17:6 |
fire shovel 2/. flesh fork skimr & ladle 4/. | -: 6:- |
2 Chaffing dishes 2/6. 1 Cleaver 2/. | -: 4:6 |
3 Tin dish Covers, Cullender, patty pans &c. | -: 3:- |
pr brass Scales & weights 6/. Stilliards 5/. | -:11:- |
3 Wax Candle Engines | -: 5:- |
1 Tenant Saw 7/6. 1 ax 1/6. | -: 9:- |
1 Copper water pot | -: 7:6 |
2 Crutore | 2 -:- |
2 Walnut Oval Tables | 1:15:- |
1 broken looking glass | -:15:- |
7 leather Chairs | 1: 8:- |
2 | |
7 old pictures | £ -: 3:6 |
pr,. dogs tongs and bellows | -:10:- |
pr money Scales & weights | -: 4:- |
1 Clock | 8: -:- |
3 walnut Oval tables | 3:10:- |
14 leather Chairs | 5: 5:- |
1 Corner Cupboard | -: 6:- |
A parcll of Maps | 1: -:- |
pr fire doggs | -: 5:- |
large looking Glass | 2:10:- |
4 China bowls | 1: 5:- |
6 Glasses 3/6. 1 half pt. 2 qr pint pots | -: 5:6 |
pair of Tables | -:10:- |
2 walnut Oval Tables | 1:10:- |
1 dozn leather Chairs | 3: -:- |
1 large looking glass | 1:10:- |
4 maps and some small pictures | -:10:- |
pr fire doggs & pr bellows | -: 6:- |
2 China Bowls | -: 7:6 |
3 Decanters and sundry other glass wars | 1:18:6 |
29 Delft plates & 2 basons | -: 8:- |
11 Ivory Case knives & 12 forks | -:ll:- |
10 white metal desert knives & 11 forks | -: 7:6 |
3 Stone pots 2 white mugs, and a punch bowl | -: 4:- |
1 bird piece made by Brush* | 2:10:- |
1 dutch piece | 1:l0:- |
A Chagrin Case with 1 down knives & forks the handles filled with Silver | 1:10:- |
101 oz 14 [pwt] plate of new Sterling @ 6/. | 30:10:2¼ |
106 [oz] 14 [pwt] Do old Sterling @ 5/6 | 29: 6:10 |
36 [oz] 16 [pwt] Do Virginia made @ 5/- | 9: 4:- |
1 Walnut press | £ 2:15:- |
1 Desk and book Case | 4: -:- |
3 Leather Chairs | -:l5:- |
A small oval Table 7/6 warming pan 4/2 tea kettles 7/6 1 hand bell 2/. | -: 9:6 [sic] |
1 Copper Chocolate pot & 2 Coffee pots | -:15:- |
1 small looking Glass 2/. 2 Coffee mills 7/6 | -: 9:6 |
11 brass Candlesticks and 3 pr snuffers and stands | -:15:- |
Stone Tea pot and two sugar pots | -: 3:- |
5 Coffee Muggs milk pot pt mugg | -: l:6 |
15 China Cups and 8 Saucers | -:l3:3 |
1 White metal Tea pot | -: 3:6 |
pr fire doggs and Shovel | -: 6:- |
parcel of knives and forks | -: 5:- |
1 feather bed, Quilt, bedstead and old blue Curtains | 4:l0:- |
1 feather bed bolster 2 pillows quilt 1 pr of blankets, green China Curtains & Tester bedstead Cord and hide & old blanket | 8: -:- |
1 Walnut Table and dressing glass | 1: 5:- |
1 Dutch Table 7/6. 9 leather Chairs 54/ | 3: l:6 |
pr fire doggs | -: 2:6 |
1 feather bed bolster 2 pillows 3 blankets bedstead, Cord, Matt & old Curtains £ 3:l0:-. 3 leather Chairs, small table & pr doggs £ 1: 3:6 | 4:13:6 |
1 feather bed,2 pillows,3 blankets, Quilt old blue Curtains a Tester Bedstead and Matt | 5:10:- |
4 Cane Chairs & old Table | -:17:6 |
1 feather bed bolster 2 pillows 3 blankets, Quilt bedstead and blue Curtains | 4:10:- |
6 leather Chairs small old table £ 2: -:- small looking glass & fire dogs 2/6 | 2: 2:6 |
1 feather bed bolster 2 pillows 3 blankets Quilt bedstead old blue Curtains laced with yellow | 6:10:- |
Another feather bed with the same furniture | 7: -:- |
5 leather Chairs small table and one fire dogg | 1: 5:- |
1 Close Stool & 2 pewter pans | 1: -:- |
parcell of old painted pictures | 1: -:- |
4 new Damask Table Cloths | £ 1:16:- |
5 Do [table cloths] not new | l:15s- |
12 Huckaback Do. [table cloths] | 3:18:- |
6 older do [table cloths] | 1:10:- |
7 Coarse diaper do [table cloths] | 1: 1:- |
2 old Damask do [table cloths] | -: 8:- |
11 old do [table cloths] of different sorts | 3: -:6 |
2 large damask do [table cloths] | 1: -:- |
24 napkins 24/. 6 more 6/. 10 coarser 7/6 | 1:17:6 |
12 huckaback Towels 12/. 4 oznabrig do [towels] 2/6 | -:14:6 |
1 dozn pillowbers 10/. - 6 pr holland sheets £6 | 6:10:- |
9 pr older holland sheets | 5:12:6 |
27 yards of new Huckaback Tabling | 5: 8:- |
One Silver Watch made by Kyeling [?] | 6: -:- |
1 old Tumbler and Wheels | 1:10:- |
1 small do with strach'd Wheels | 3: -:- |
1 old Waggon | 7: -:- |
old harness for five horses | 2:10:- |
new harness for five horses | 10: -:- |
old Coach harness for 4 horses | l: -:- |
5 old Cart horses | 10: -:- |
4 Saddle horses | 20: -:- |
4 Cows | 5: -:- |
22 Sheep | 7: 3:- |
3 horse Cloggs and Locks | -: 7:6 |
5 pitch forks 1 Garden Sheers Spade & Rake | -:10:- |
2 old Saddles and Curb bridle | 1:10:- |
9 halters 4/6 3 Scythes 7/6 | -:12:- |
2 pails & 2 Tubs | -: 8:- |
Stone and Earthen pots and Juggs | -:12:6 |
2 Chamber pots | -: 2:- |
Case of pistols | 2: 5:- |
Bolsters and Caps & housing embroider'd | 2: -:- |
A suit of new duroy Cloaths | 2:10:- |
pr boots and Silver spurs | 1:10:- |
1 Servants bed & furniture | 1:10:- |
10 dozn bottles Claret | £ 7:10:- |
46 bottles red Wine | 1:18:4 |
70 qt bottles Renish | 7: -:- |
57 pints do | 2:17:- |
42 qt bottles old Hock | 4: 4:- |
10 qt bottles French White wine | -:12:6 |
1 pipe Madeira Wine | 20: -:- |
71 qt bottles Welch ale | 2:19:2 |
32 bottles Bristol Beer | 1: 1:4 |
79 bottles of Cask Beer | 1: 6:4 |
17 pts Shrubb | 2: 2:6 |
2½ Gallons Arrack | 2:10:- |
12 Gallons Brandy | 3:12:- |
4 Galls Cherry & Raspberry Do | 1: 8:- |
4 Gallons Citron water | 7: -:- |
15 Galls Rum | 1:17:6 |
2½ Galls Cherry Rum | -: 7:6 |
A large quanty of damaged Liquors of sevl. sorts in bottles | 4: -:- |
6 Carboys | 1: 4:- |
3½ gross bottles | 4: 7:6 |
5 brass Cocks & a pr Terriers | -:11:- |
2 Bottles Florence oil | -: 5:- |
23 Candlemoulds | -: 3:- |
Hector Derry 2 years to serve [indentured servant] | 4: -:- |
[Negroes: Caesar, Will, Nan, Cheshire, Lincoln - val. at from £30 to £22 ea] | |
The above estate valued at | £535: 5:9 |
[Recorded in York County Court March 16, 1729/30]
Recorded York County Court, March 17,1717/18.
To 1 bed and furniture - - - - - - - | £ 6. -. - |
1 Do - - - - - - - | 6. -. - |
7 Cane Chairs - - - - - - - | 1. 3. - |
1 Chest a Table & Some Duck - - - - - - | 1. -. - |
1 pr hand Irons - - - - - - | -. 5. - |
2 Cottail beds & 1 feather Do - - - - - | 5.10. - |
2 feather beds & furniture - - - - - | 13. -. - |
1 Table Chairs & broom - - - - - | -. 8. - |
To Sundry goods in the Cuddy - - - - - | 5.10. - |
1 feather bed & furniture - - - - - - | 7. -. - |
8 pr Winder Curtains - - - - - - - | 2. -. - |
1 Trussel bed & furniture - - - - - - | 3. -. - |
16½ Ells holland - - - - - - - | 4. -. - |
1 bed Cord - - - - - - - - | -. 1. 6 |
1 bread basket - - - - - - - | -. 1. 6 |
16½ 1 Worsted - - - - - - - | 1.10. - |
2 Chests - - - - - | -.12. 6 |
5 leather Chairs - - - - - - | -.12. 6 |
3½ Ells of Sheeting Canvas - - - - - | -. 7. 6 |
1 Looking Glass - - - - - - | 2. -. - |
2 Tables - - - - - - - - | -.17. 6 |
1 press & Severall things in it - - - - - | 4.15. - |
18 l of double-Refined Sugar - - - - - | 1. 7. - |
51 l of white powder Do - - - - - - - | 2. -. - |
3 pictures - - - - - - - - | -. 5. - |
1 bell - - - - - - - | -. 3. 6 |
2 Sugar Potts - - - - - - | -. 2. 6 |
1 box Iron & heaters - - - - - - | -. 3. - |
1 Table & Chest - - - - - - | 1. 2. 6 |
4 Tables - - - - - - - | 5.10. - |
1 Napkin press - - - - - - | 1. 5. - |
14 leather Chairs - - - - - - | 3.10. - |
1 large looking Glass - - - - - - | 2.10. - |
A parcell of Earthen Ware - - - - - - | -.12. - |
1 pr hand Irons - - - - - - - | -.16. 8 |
1 fire Shovell & Tongs - - - - - - | -. 2. - |
1 Mugg & Pictures - - - - - | -. 7. - |
1 bed & furniture - - - - - - | 3.10. - |
2 Gunns - - - - - - - - | -.15. - |
2 | |
1 Spinning Wheel - - - - - - - | [£]-.10. - |
1 Table - - - - - - - | -. 8. - |
1 Sertorn [?] - - - - - - - | -.15. - |
1 Table & wood horse - - - - - - | -. 3. - |
4 Chairs - - - - - - - | 1. 4. - |
2 beds furniture & Trussel - - - - - | 4.10. - |
a parcell of Cotton - - - - - - | -. 6. - |
1 Sett Curtains & Vallens & box - - - - - | 3. -. - |
1 old Duro & box - - - - - - | 1.11. - |
1 Dagger - - - - - - - | -. 5. - |
To Sundry things in a Duro - - - - - - | 1.10. - |
1 Watch - - - - - - | 4. -. - |
1 Jappanned Chest of Drawers Table bed looking Glass & Chairs | 25. -. - |
1 bed & furniture - - - - - | 8. -. - |
1 Trussell - - - - - - - | -. 7. 6 |
2 Tables - - - - - - - | 2. -. - |
1 pr hand Irons Shovel & Tongs - - - - - | -.15. - |
A parcell of Earthen Ware - - - - - | -.14. - |
Glasses & China Cupps - - - - - - | -. 7. 6 |
40 Ells of Virga Cotton - - - - - - | 3. -. - |
2 ps of Cherry Derrys - - - - - - | 2.10. - |
3 ps of Callico - - - - - - - | 2.12. 6 |
1 press bed - - - - - - | 1.10. - |
1 dozn of new Cane Stools - - - - - | 1.10. - |
2 old Chairs - - - - - - | -. 1. 3 |
1 bed & furniture - - - - - - | 7. -. - |
4 Chairs - - - - - - | -.16. - |
2 Mopps - - - - - - - | -. 3. - |
1 Table - - - - - - - - | -. 5. - |
1 brush - - - - - - | -. 1. 6 |
1 black Walnut Table - - - - - - | -.18. - |
1 Couch bed - - - - - - - | 1. 2. - |
1 bed - - - - - - - | 1. 5. - |
2 pr blanketts - - - - - - | 2. 4. - |
1 bed - - - - - - - | 4. -. - |
1 bed & bed stead - - - - - - | 4.10. - |
1 bed & furniture - - - - - - | 6. -. - |
1 Chest of Draws - - - - - - | 4. -. - |
1 dressing Glass - - - - - - | -. 7. 6 |
2 Tables - - - - - - - | 2.10. - |
1 Carpet - - - - - - - | 1. -. - |
6 Cane Chairs - - - - - | 1.10. - |
1 Couch and Squob [?] - - - - - - - | 1. 5. - |
1 Tea Table & furniture - - - - - | 1.15. - |
1 pr Money Scales - - - - - - - | -.17. 6 |
1 Trunk - - - - - - - | -. 2. - |
1 pr Doggs fire Shovell & tongs - - - - - | -.15. - |
To Sundry Goods in the Closet - - - - - | 11. 4. - |
1 Desk and Severall things in it - - - - | 2.10. - |
To Do - - - - - - - - | -. 9. - |
3 | |
To Do - - - - - - - - | [£]-. 3. - |
1 bed & furniture - - - - - - | 9. -. - |
3 Trunks - - - - - - - | 1.10. - |
1 Chest of Draws - - - - - - | 1. -. - |
7 pr Ozn Sheets - - - - - | 2. 3. 9 |
2 Chests & Boxes - - - - - - | -.15. - |
4 Chairs - - - - - - - | -. 7. - |
1 Cotton hammock - - - - - - | -.17. 6 |
a parcell of new Goods - - - - - | 3. 5. 6 |
53 pillowbers - - - - - | 1.13. 1½ |
Towells - - - - - - - | 1. 2. - |
To Do - - - - - - - | -.11. 3 |
Table Cloths & Napkins - - - - - - | 37. 3. 6 |
Sheets - - - - - - - | 23. 3. - |
1 pr Tongs & bellows - - - - - - - | -. 3. 6 |
256 Ounces of Plate 5/6 - - - - - | 70. 8. - |
1 fire Shovell & Tongs - - - - - | -. 4. - |
1 looking Glass & basket - - - - | -.11. 6 |
4 Oz burnt Silver - - - - - | -.16. - |
1 pipe of Sower Wine - - - - - - | 5. -. - |
52 Gallons of Madera Wine - - - - | 7. -. - |
22 bottles of Canary - - - - - | 3. 2. - |
3 hhds of Cyder - - - - - | 3. -. - |
4½ doz of Red Port - - - - | 4.10. - |
3 doz & 10 bottles of Sower Wine - - - - - | 1. -. - |
13 qts of Rennish - - - - - - | 1.19. - |
2½ Doz & 1 pt Do [Rennish] - - - - - | 4.16. 6 |
6 doz & 4 bottles Rennish - - - - - - | 5.14. - |
3 doz & 9 bottles of Red Port - - - - - | 3.15. - |
1 doz & 8 Do - - - - - - - | 1.13. 4 |
4 doz & 2 Do - - - - - - - | 4. 3. 4 |
4 doz & 4 Do - - - - - - | 4. 6. 8 |
3 doz & 2 bottles of White Lisbon - - - - - - - | 3. 2. 4 |
8 doz of Red Port - - - - - | 8. -. - |
4 doz & 2 bottles of brandy - - - - - - | 1.17. 6 |
12 Pottle Bottles of french Do - - - - - - | 3. -. - |
To Capt Posfords* Accot - - - - - - | 11. 8. 4 |
6½ Doz Madera Wine - - - - - - | 4. -. - |
3 Doz of White Lisbon - - - - - - | 3. -. - |
25 Gallons of French Brandy - - - - - | 10. -. - |
6 Doz & 3 bottles of English beer - - - - - | 2.15. - |
4 Doz of Bristoll Beer - - - - - | -.12. - |
3 Gallons of Anniseed Water - - - - - | 1. -. - |
To Sundry Liquors & bottles - - - - - | -.19. - |
1 box & 2 funnells - - - - - - | -. 3. 6 |
Casks & Molasses - - - - - - | 2.18. - |
Sugar & pipes - - - - - - - | 3. 5. - |
1 pott of Tammarins & 1 hammer - - - - - | -. 2. 6 |
2 Casks - - - - - - | -. 4. - |
Pipes - - - - - - - | -. 5. - |
8 doz of Wine - - - - - | 3. -. - |
3 Cart hoops - - - - - - | -. 6. - |
3 Skins - - - - - - - | -. 9. - |
4 | |
1 Spade - - - - - - - [£] | -. 2. 6 |
Currants Reasons & Lumber - - - - - | 5. -. - |
1 Mapp - - - - - - | -. 1. 6 |
1 pd of Iron - - - - - - - | -. 1. - |
3 Casks - - - - - - - | -.15. - |
To Sundry Goods - - - - - - | 2. -. - |
Bottles - - - - - - - | -. 5. 6 |
A runlot of honey - - - - - | -.10. - |
A Basket of Pipes - - - - - | -. 5. - |
1 Case - - - - - - - | -. 5. - |
1 Do - - - - - - - | -. 2. - |
3 Runlotts - - - - - - | -. 4. - |
3 Gross Pipes - - - - - - | -. 6. 3 |
5 Gallons Pickel - - - - - - | -. 5. - |
1 Box of Pickles - - - - - - | -.18. - |
15 Pickle Bottles - - - - - - | -. 6. 3 |
1 Raskin Do - - - - - - | -. 4. - |
3 Juggs of Oyle - - - - - | -.10. - |
4 Stone Juggs - - - - - - | -.12. - |
2 pr Tarriers & 1 bottle Crane - - - - | -. 4. - |
2 Iron Potts - - - - - | -.17. 6 |
4 Narrow hoes - - - - - - | -. 5. - |
1 Sett of Iron Wedges - - - - - | -. 5. - |
2 beds - - - - - - - - | -.15. - |
1 pail - - - - - - | -. 8. - |
Ole Iron - - - - - - | -. 1. - |
1 Negro Man named Toney - - - - - | 40. -. - |
1 Mare & Colt - - - - - - | 2. -. - |
1 Grindstone - - - - - - - | -. 1. 6 |
8 head of Cattle - - - - - - | 11. 5. - |
hoggs at the Quarter - - - - - - | 1. 2. - |
1 Close stool 1 bed pan & 4 pales - - - - - | -.15. - |
2 Oz of Plate - - - - - - | -. 9. - |
Bottles - - - - - - - | £ 8.10. - |
1 Copper - - - - - - | 6. 8. 3 |
3 doz of drinking Glasses - - - - - | -.15. - |
1 Cart 4 horses & harness - - - - | 17. -. - |
1 Grey Colt - - - - - - | 2. -. - |
1 Small Grey horse - - - - - | 3.10. - |
2 Coach horses - - - - - - | 12. -. - |
Mrs. Marrotts Riding horse - - - - | 6. -. - |
1 Grey Mare & Colt - - - - - | 1.10. - |
1 Young black horse - - - - - | 1.10. - |
1 Young Mare & Colt -- - - - - | 3.10. - |
1 Saddle - - - - - - - | -.10. - |
Coach Harness - - - - - - | 4. -. - |
10 Sheep -- - - - - | 3. -. - |
5 | |
1 Coach - - - - - - [£] | 14. -. - |
1 New Saddle & bridle - - - - - - | 2.10. - |
1 Saddle Pistoll & Sword - - - - - - | 1. 5. - |
1 Warming pan - - - - - - | -.10. - |
1 Table - - - - - - - | -. 7. 6 |
2 Stills - - - - - - - - | 21.11. - |
1 Trevett - - - - - - - | -.10. - |
Lumber - - - - - - - | -. 5. - |
1 Iron Pott - - - - - - - | -.13. 4 |
13 Bushells of Salt 20d - - - - - | 1. 1. 8 |
2 Brass Kettles - - - - - - - | 2.10. - |
To Sundrys in the Milk House - - - - - | 3. 9. - |
Lumber in the yard - - - - - | -.10. - |
To Sundry Goods in the Billiard Room - - - - | 3. -. - |
1 New brass Kettle - - - - - - | 5.11. 8 |
100 l of old Pewter 8d - - - - - | 3. 6. 8 |
8 doz of Plates 12/ - - - - - - | 4.16. - |
192 l of new Pewter 10d - - - - - - | 8. -. - |
1 Jack - - - - - - - - | 1. -. - |
3 Skillets qty 34 1 - - - - - - - | 2. 2. 6 |
3 Do brass - - - - - - - | 1. 5. - |
3 Copper potts - - - - - - | -.10. - |
1 brass Sauce pan - - - - - - - | -. 4. - |
109 l of new brass - - - - - | 5. 9. - |
41 of old Do - - - - - - | 1. -. 6 |
1 Tea Kettle & Trevett - - - - - - | -.12. 6 |
1 pestle mortar & Chafing dish - - - - - - | 1. -. - |
8 l Brass - - - - - - - | -. 8. - |
1 marble Mortar - - - - - - - | 1. -. - |
2 Grid Irons & other Irons - - - - - - - | -. 8. - |
3 pr Candlesticks & Snuffers - - - - - - | 1. 2. 6 |
4 pr old Candlesticks - - - - - - | -.10. - |
2 Doz knives & forks - - - - - - - | 1.10. - |
1 doz Small patty pans - - - - - - | -. 3. - |
3 brass Candlesticks - - - - - - - - | -. 2. 6 |
5 Spitts - - - - - - - - | -.17. - |
The Iron-work in the Kitchen Chimney - - - - | 3. -. - |
2 pr pott hooks - - - - - - - | -. 4. - |
2 Iron Potts with C C 1½ - - - - - - - | -. 8. 3 |
3 Ladles & Scewers - - - - - - | -. 8. - |
1 Iron Kettle 21 l - - - - - - | -. 7. - |
1 Turn Dish & Turn Plate - - - - - - | -. 7. 6 |
1 Choppin knife - - - - - - | -. 4. - |
3 frying pans - - - - - - - | -. 3. - |
To Sundry Goods Kitchen Shed - - - - - - - | 1. 8. - |
To Do - - - - - - - - - | 1. 7. 6 |
Knives & forks Old - - - - - - - | -. 3. - |
Su & her four Children - - - - - - - | 85. -. - |
Mary - - - - - - - | 25. -. - |
Jenny - - - - - - - - - | 35. -. - |
Billy - - - - - - - - | 15. -. - |
Nan - - - - - - - | 5. -. - |
Tom Brumfield - - - - - - | 6. -. - |
Joseph Wattle - - - - - - | 3. -. - |
total | £ 903. 6. 1 |
3 Hoggs in Town - - - - - - | 1. 5. - |
£ 904.11. 1 |
[John (or Jean) Marot operated an ordinary on the above site from ca. 1708 until his death in 1717. His property was left to his widow, Anne, and his daughters--his widow to enjoy it entire until his daughters came of age or married. Anne Marot continued the business,(she soon remarried to a Timothy Sullivant, who helped her with it for a time, and died ca.1730), until 1738, when she "retired" to the country, and leased it to another ordinary-keeper. She died in 1742; and her daughter, Anne (Marot) Ingles Shields and husband James Shields, purchased of another daughter, Edith (Marot) Cobbs and her husband, what they didn't inherit of the ordinary property. How much, if any, of Marot's furniture was included in the purchase may be determined,possibly, by comparing the two inventories. In any event, James Shields owned the property at the time of his death in 1750, when it was known as "The English Coffee House." He willed it to his wife, Anne (Marot) Ingles Shields during her "Natural Life or Widowhood"--if she remarried, it was to go to their minor son, James Shields. She remarried, within six or seven months, a neighboring tavern-keeper, Henry Wetherburn, who was soon advertising the Shields property for rent. Whether the furniture was sold, whether the Wetherburns used or purchased some of it, or whether the property was rented with furniture, we do not know. We do know that a billiard table, described by Wetherburn to the first renter as "the best... in the Country," was leased to Daniel Fisher with the property, only to be sold shortly thereafter by Wetherburn (it is to be assumed in the interest of the minor son of James Shields) to William Byrd II of "Westover."]
[See report on "Marot's, or The English Coffee House," by Mary R. M. Goodwin,1951.]2 Oval Tables 1 Square Do 8 Leather Chairs 1 Chest of Draws |
1 Looking Glass 1 Corner Cupboard & 5 old Pictures |
2 Looking Glasses 20 Pictures 1 Corner Cupboard 4 China Chocolate Cups |
6 earthen Tea Cups 1 Glass Bowl 3 China Do 1 Pottle Decanter |
1 Desk and Book Case 15 Leather Chairs 3 Oval Tables 2 Square Do |
2 Backgammon Tables 1 Tea Chest 1 Dozen Silver handle Knives &c |
9 Silver Table Spoons & Case 11 Silver handle Knives & 12 forks |
1 Case for Do 1 dozen Ivory handle Knives & 3½ dozen China Plates |
1 Basket for Do 2 French Servers 1 clock 3 Pint Silver Cans |
1 Pottle Silver Tankard 4 Silver Salts 2 Silver Butter Boats 1 Silver Soop Spoon 1 Silver Punch Ladle 1 French Sugar Castor 4 Brass Candle sticks 3 Waiters 2 Chaffing Dishes 1 Pottle Stone Mugg |
28 Wine Glasses 1 Plate Basket 22 Books 8 pair Scissors 1 Load Stone |
1 Flesh Brush 1 pair Money Scales &c 1 pair Dogs 1 pair Tongs and Shovel |
1 Plate Warmer 1 Pewter Cistern 1 Case of Surveyors Instruments |
1 Mans Saddle &c 1 Iron Mill A parcel oid Iron |
14 New leather Chairs 4 Sickles 2 Setts Chair Harness 1 Bucket |
1 Cloaths Brush |
1 Looking Glass 2 Beds and furniture |
2 Pictures 2 small Tables 5 Chairs |
1 old Iron Dog and 2 Stone Chamber Pots |
1 Looking Glass 2 Beds and furniture |
2 Chamber Potts 1 small Table 1 Cane Chair |
1 Chest 6 Brass Candlesticks 3 Iron Do |
1 pair Stilyards 2 pr flatt Irons 1 pair Iron Dogs |
1 Corner Cupboard 12 China Saucers 6 Cups & 9 Books |
4 Empty Carboys 1 Case and Bottles 1 Square Table |
1 old Fiddle 1 old Hautboy 1 Tin funnel 1 old Gun Lock 1 old Quart Pot |
1 Copper Cann 2 large Butter pots 1 Bird Cage 1 pair largo Money Scales |
1 large Looking Glass 2 old Pictures 8 Rush Chairs 1 large Table |
2 Beds and furniture 3 pair Window Curtains 1 pair Iron Dogs |
2 Beds and furniture 2 Tables 1 Brass Candlestick 1 old Trunk |
1 pair Dogs 2 Quart Decanters 7 pair Snuffers 5 Glass Salts 1 Wine Glass |
1 pair old Money Scales 1 pair large brass Scales One Chafing Dish 4 Chairs |
3 Earthen Bowles 2 Coffee Pots 1 Chocolate Pot 1 Pewter Bason 1 Turene |
1 Tin dish Cover 24 Pewter Dishes 1 dozen Deep Plates 4½ dozen flatt Do |
3 Earthen Dishes 1 Tea Kettle 1 Trivet 2 Box Irons &c 1 Grater |
1 Silver Punch Strainer 1 Silver Punch Spoon 2 Sugar Boxes 1 Tea Board |
a Parcel China 5 Silver tea Spoons |
1 Marble Morter & 1 Bell Metal Mortar & Dutch Oven |
2 Dozen Candle Moulds 2 Stewpans and Stoppers 3 Iron Pots |
1 Doll Metal Skillet 1 large Copper - 1 Brass Kettle |
1 Jack 1 Coffee Bill 1 Silver Watch 2 Iron Spits l pair Dogs |
4 Pails 4 Tubs 2 large Butter Pots 2 frying Pans 1 fish Kettle |
3 Potracks 1 Grid Iron 1 Dripping Pan 2 old Pewter Dishes |
7 old Ivory handle Knives &c 1 Warming Pan 2 old Square Tables |
3 Butter pots |
6 Beds and furniture 1 Square Table 1 Looking Glass |
1 Chair 2 Rush Chairs 1 Elbow Chair 2 Trunks and 1 Screen |
1 old Cupboard 1 large Jugg 1 pair Lime Squeezers |
1 pint 1 ½-pint and 1 Gill Pot |
1 Gallon Pot 2 pair New Shoes 1 Chair 8 Potting Pots 1 Beer Cask |
1 Brass Cock |
41 Rennish 6 Brass Cocks 1 Powdering Tub 2 old Pewter Dishes |
11 Table Cloths 32 Napkins 2 dozen Towels 11 pair Sheets 12 Pillowbeers |
3 pr Window Curtains |
4 Mi1k Pans |
1 Billiard Table and Balls 1 New Cloth for Dg |
3 |
3 half pint Decanters & 1 pint Do |
69 wine Glasses 82 Jelly Do 6 Sweet Meat Do 29 Sullibub Do |
17 Earthen Dishes 3 China Do 3 China Butter Plates 22 Pye Moulds |
1 Wood Tea Board 11 Quires Paper |
Parcel old Brass 1 Box Pipes 6 Glass Servers |
2 new Narrow Hoes 1 New Spade |
10 Gross Quart Bottles 3 Jars 1 waggon 1 cart 2 Chairs 1 Wheel Barrow and 8 Horses |
45 head of old Cattle 13 Yearlings and 5 Calves |
10 Head of Hogs |
A Parcel of Carpenters tools |
1 Bed & furniture 6 Dishes 1 Iron Pot |
2 Mares and 2 Colts 1 Whip Saw 1 Cross cut Do 1 Gun 1 Wheat Sifter |
5 Milk Pans 1 Grindstone a Parcel of Coopers Tools |
1 Case & 11 Bottles for Do |
25 Negroes |
A Parcel of Corn Tobacco and Pease |
Returned into York County Court the 21st day of January 1750[/51] and ordered to be recorded.1