Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series - 1243
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library
Williamsburg, Virginia
LOCATION: | South side of Duke of Gloucester Street adjoining Market Square |
HISTORY: | Chronological history from 1740 to 1948 - pp. 1-9 |
SUMMARY: | Concise account of house and lot based on sources - pp. 10-11 |
APPENDIX: | Illustration #1 - Maps |
Illustration #2 - Williamsburg Land Tax and Personal Property Tax | |
Illustration #3 - Genealogical Material on Lightfoot family |
Colonial Lots 13 and 14 lie on the south side of Duke of Gloucester Street adjoining the Market Square. These lots extended through to Francis Street and included the lot on which the Masonic Lodge now stands.
It is known that the Lightfoot family were owners of property in Williamsburg from ca 1740 to 1838. Evidence that Lightfoot (Colonel Philip)1 maintained a residence in Williamsburg in 1740 is seen in the Diary of William Byrd of date, June 13, 1740:
" I rose about 5… I visited Charles Carter and then Colonel Grymes, then went to the capitol and sat till 2 and then dined with Wetherburn and ate Scotch collops ....After dinner I walked to Colonel Lightfoot's where several ladies came. About 8 walked home, wrote a letter, and prayed." (The Secret Diary of William Byrd of Westover 1739-1741, pp. 75-76 )At this time the House of Burgesses was in session. Both Byrd and Philip Lightfoot were Councillors, the latter having been in office since 1733. It was customary among the wealthy Virginians chosen to represent their constituents in the Assembly, to build in Williamsburg a "town house" for their use during attendance at the Council, General Court, or other "public times". Lightfoot, undoubtedly, had his "town house" as Byrd noted. It cannot be stated, positively, that Lightfoot's house - visited by Byrd in 1740 - was located on lots 13 and 14, but there is strong evidence to believe that it was.2 Such evidence will be given in this report. -3-
At some time during John Lightfoot's ownership of the lots the property was rented to Dr. Peter Hay, an apothecary.1 It is entirely probably that Dr. Hay had rented from Philip Lightfoot before John Lightfoot came into the property. Two notices appearing in the Virginia Gazette seem to bear out this statement:
July 31, 1746
" Just imported in the Elizabeth, Capt. Judson Coolidge, from London, and to be Sold reasonable by the Subscriber at his Shop, adjoining the Market-Place, in Williamsburg, A Large and Choice Sortment of Drugs and Medicines…" (Virginia Gazette, Parks, Ed.)
A few years prior to this last quoted advertisement, John Lightfoot's will. (dated April 20, 1751; proved November 6, 1751) identifies himself with Williamsburg when he devises unto his wife, Molly, "his lots in the City of Williams[burg] where Dr. Hay then dwelt". (Virginia Historical Magazine, VII, p 398)Novm 14, 1755
" Just Imported, by the Subscriber, in the MONTGOMERY Capt. PATTERSON, and to be Sold at his Shop, near the Market-Place, WILLIAMSBURG, A CHOICE and Large Parcel of Drugs and Medicines…
Peter Hay" (Virginia Gazette, Hunter, ed.)
As no Lightfoot appears in the personal property lists for Williamsburg in 1783, and no Lightfoot is listed as head of a family in Williamsburg - according to the First Census of the United States taken in 1790 -, it seems reasonable to assume that the property was rented out in the latter part of the eighteenth century.
However, the lots were still held by the Lightfoot family. In 1782, Williamsburg Land Tax Records indicate that "Lightfoot's Estate" held "6 lots valued at £10." (original records, Virginia State Library, copy, Research Department). As the land tax records are vague in description of lots, it is impossible to positively identify lots 13 and 14 as Lightfoot lots from the land taxes. However, it is -4- well to realize that these records show that in 1798 William Lightfoot paid tax on lots in Williamsburg; and from that date to 1839 William Lightfoot held lots in the city which can be identified as lots 13 and 14. (Illustration #2)1
In 1782 the Frenchman's Map of Williamsburg shows a building (corresponding in size and location to the present Lightfoot house) standing at that time on the property. A second house is on the easternmost part of the lots near the main street with gable end to the street, and a small dependence is at the right rear. (See: Frenchman's Map, copy, Research Department)
In 1786 the Treasurer's Book of the Botetourt Masonic Lodge of Williamsburg in the contra account for May 29th shows that "Mr Lightfoot" had rented some property to the Lodge: "By 57 2/3 Dolls Just pd Bror John M. Galt, for Mr Lightfoot for Rent". (Page 135, photostat, Research Department) As lots 13 and 14 owned by Lightfoot and so marked on the College Map (ca 1791) run through from Duke of Gloucester Street to Francis Street -, it is more than probable that Lightfoot held some claim upon the Masonic Lodge (located on the southern part of lot 13). Possibly Lightfoot held a long time mortgage on the Lodge lot.1
The College Map indicates "Lightfoot" on lots 13 and 14. (See: Tyler's adaptation, Illustration #1, Appendix)
In 1796 the Lightfoot property is noted as a boundary line for the property of Gabriel Maupin. (Mutual Insurance Policy #109, copy, Research Department) "My two buildings on the Main Street at Williamsburg now occupied by James Moore situated between the Cross Street and that of Wm Lightfoot in the county of James City". 2
-5-The Bucktrout Map dated 1803 show lots 13 and 14 in possession of a person or persons by the name of "Lightfoot". The Frenchman's Map (1782), the College Map (1791 ?) and the Bucktrout Map (1503) were made during the period when William Lightfoot of "Tedington" was in possession of lots 13 and 14.
Another insurance policy of date September 1509, #970 (revaluation of Gabriel Maupin per #109) notes: "that the said buildings are now owned by Peter Rob Deneufville and are situated south of the main street in Williamsburg, east of the Courthouse square north of Frances Street and west of a cross street dividing Lightfoot's lot". (See: Copy, Research Department)
In 1814 Robert Anderson was the owner and Wilson Cheeks, occupant, of the former Maupin property adjoining Lightfoot's lots. Such property is described in the policy #405 of date January 1511, as "situated between the Main street on the north, a cross street dividing the lot of Charlton's on the east, Francis Street on the south and on the West by Lightfoots lot and the Masons Hall in the county of York and James City". (Ibid)
A study of both the Williamsburg Land Tax Records and the Williamsburg Personal Property Tax (Illustration #2, Appendix) will show that William Lightfoot or some of his heirs were in Williamsburg.. owner of lots, and were charged with personal property (from 1506 through 1538).1
By 1823 Lightfoot's property is described in the insurance policies as "lot of Lightfoot's estate west" (Policy #5039 revaluation of #405, copy, Research Department). In 1830, Edward Teagle had bought Anderson's lots, and Lightfoot's property is noted as "Lightfoot's lot on the west". (Policy #7602, revaluation of #5039) And, in 1839, Teagle's lots were insured and the Lightfoot property above noted in policies was described as "George Southalls lot on the West". (Policy #11,017 revaluation of #7602)
-6-It was not until 1839 that the property was sold out of the Lightfoot family. At that time William A. Lightfoot of Buckingham County, Virginia, as one of the devisees of Philip John Lightfoot, gave a deed to a lot in Williamsburg "the property formerly of William Lightfoot, of Charles City, as one of the devisees of Philip John, said William's son". The deed refers to a. cause entitled "Lewis &c vs Blakey &c, in the Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Henrico", in 1835, in which a division was made of Philip John Lightfoot's property. (William and Mary Quarterly , III, p 109)
In 1839 the land. tax records for Williamsburg list George W. Southall as owner of "1 lot valued at $1500; added on account of buildings $1300 via Lightfoot & others. Heretofore charged to William Lightfoot's estate". (Illustration #2, Appendix)
The business accounts of George W. Southall for 1840-41 indicate that Southall paid taxes on "Lightfoots House & Lot...$4.50; and Taxes on Lodge Lot...$1.05". Along with this notation there appears "1839 July 31 Check for purchase of Lightfoots House and Lot...$1500; Paid Dec. 25 Insurance...$21". (Southall Business Accounts, Folder 339, William and Mary College Archives)
This account continues for the years 1840-41 showing extensive repairs to the property:
-7- Further references to the Lightfoot property follow:(Southall Papers, Business Accounts, Folder 339)
"S. T. Bowman... $36.50 posts 75 S & M 245.79 G.C.Richadson. 2.50 $285.54 Paints 100.00 Grates 50.00 $435.54 Locks Glass &c 64.46 500.00 $2350.70 $2850.70 Crawley 125.00 Shingles 150.00 $3125.70 Bowman 8.00 $3133.70"
"Mr George W. Southall (for Lightfoot House & Lot)
1840 to Pierce & Armistead Apl 3 to 3 pr Bat Hinges 2/3 $1.13 Paid Pierce & Armistead 25 Aug 1840" Endorsed on back "Lightfoots House & Lot"
"1840 Capt George W. Southall… Dr
Transferring to you House & Lot purchd of Wm Light's heirs…75 cts
James Lee C.R.C.W" Endorsed on back "James Lee Comr of Reve
For transferring House & Lot of Lightfoot's Est 75 cts" (Ibid)
In 1842 the land tax shows that Southall is charged with "1 lot valued at $3500 with value of buildings given at $3100. The buildings upon this lot have been thoroughly repaired and reassured" (Land Tax, Illustration #2). Such valuations kept up until 1847 when William S. Peachy seems to have come into the property: "1 lot-- $3500; value of buildings $3100 From George W. Southall 1846". (Ibid)
The Southall Papers (legal papers of George W. Southall, a Williamsburg lawyer of the nineteenth century), show that an agreement was drawn up on March 14, 1842 between Southall and Dr. John Mercer, under which Mercer, for the sum of $3300, was to acquire title
"To that lot of land & the buildings and improvements thereon now held & owned by the said Southall situated on the South side of the Main or Duke of Gloucester Street in the said City, being the same House & Lot formerly owned by William Lightfoot and purchased by the said Southall."Obviously, Dr. Mercer never carried out his part of the agreement, for four years later, (in 1846), Southall sold the property to William S. Peachy. (Southall Papers, folder 342 confirms this sale)
It seems likely that the wing attached to the easternmost part of the house, was added at this period, and was used by Peachy as a law office. From views of the Duke of Gloucester Street in the Tucker-Coleman Collection of Photographs made in the late nineteenth century or early twentieth century, the Lightfoot house structure appears similar to the property indicated on the Frenchman's -8- Map of 1782.1
John S. Charles in his "Recollections of Williamsburg of 1861-65", page 42, states that: "The Peachy house appears now, very much as it did then the lower room on the east wing was then used as the law-office of Mr. Wm. S. Peachy. In the yard of this old home, on the site of the present 'tin-shop there was a very well preserved dutch roof house, with end to the street and door on the west side. A picket ran from the main buildings to a partition fence on the east side, with a gate to the back yard and also a gate to the little yard in front of the law office".
Another citizen of Williamsburg, Mrs. Victoria M. Lee, in her Reminiscences about Williamsburg in 1861 writes that "The newly restored Nightengale House was the old Peachy House. The house before its restoration, except for the added east wing, looked very much as it did when I came to Williamsburg. The Peachy family owned and lived in this house".
Miss Emma Lou Barlow who has lived for over fifty years on the adjoining property to the east of the Lightfoot house, states that she remembers that the small "Dutch roof house" on the eastern end of the property was long used as a kitchen by the Peachy and other families. Miss Barlow remembers this building as a two-story with an enclosed stairway leading to the upper floor. The ground floor was divided by a partition into two rooms, a large one and a small room. The large room on the southern end, according to Miss Barlow's recollection, was used as a kitchen and was paved with brick. There was a very large fireplace in the southern end of this room. On the east side of the building, about center, there was a window placed somewhat higher from the ground than the others in the building. In this window there were three vertical iron bars, through which she remembers being pushed by other children. Near the door on the west side of this building and somewhat lower than the east window, was another window. There was a -9- door on the north side of the house, with a window with shutters on each side of this door. A very large stone step led from this door to the street. Miss Barlow recollects that her old colored mammy lived for a time in the small room on this floor. (Extract from account given Dr. Hunter D. Farish by Miss Barlow, July 1942)
There is no justification from the records for the suggestion that the "Dutch roof house" on the eastern end of the Lightfoot property once served as a law office in the eighteenth century or should be called, the "Lightfoot law office". Apparently, the misconception arose out of the statement made by Mr. Charles with regard to the modern east wing of the residence being used as a law office by Mr. Peachy in the nineteenth century. The brick floor, large fireplace, and Miss Barlow's evidence would seem to indicate that the structure was originally used as a kitchen rather than as a law office.
The property Apparently remained in the possession of the Peachy family until 1888. That year the portion facing upon Duke of Gloucester Street seems to have been deeded by Bathurst D. Peachy, as executor of the estate of William S. Peachy to Sallie C. Spencer.- (See: court records of Williamsburg and James City County, abstract prepared by Ashton Dovell, December 16, 1927 for Williamsburg Restoration)
While the Lightfoot property was in possession of the members of the Spencer family, certain parts of it were conveyed to others. When the Restoration acquired the property facing on Duke of Gloucester Street, there were five divisions of the lot in the hands of five different owners. The part of the lot on which the residence stood had been conveyed to J. B. C. Spencer, widower, T. P. Spencer, D. B. Spencer, F. P. Jackson and B. L. Jackson on March 9, 1916. A few days later, March 25, 1916, the same property was conveyed by F. P. Jackson and B. L. Jackson to George M. Lindsey. On the same day Lindsey conveyed it to Eugene Folliard. Folliard and wife conveyed it on June 16, 1924. to James K. Nightingale and wife, from whom the Restoration acquired it. (See Dovell abstract, December 16, 1927, Accounting Department. Colonial Williamsburg)
Colonial lots 13 and 14 lie on the south side of Duke of Gloucester Street adjoining the Market Square. As early as ca 1740 Philip Lightfoot held lots and houses in Williamsburg which records indicate very strongly to be the property above described. At the death of Philip Lightfoot the property fell to his sons John, Armistead and William in theory but in actuality the "orphan son of William" came into the property upon the death of his father in 1767 and held it to his death in 1809. The Frenchman's Map (1782) shows buildings on the lot and the College Map (1791?) and the Bucktrout Map (1803) indicate the name "Lightfoot" on lots 13 and 14. No insurance policies have been found for this property but adjoining property was insured by the Mutual Assurance Society. The Lightfoot property was described in 1809 as a boundary line for Gabriel Maupin's houses then owned by Peter Rob Deneufville. Other policies for the neighboring property give "Lightfoot's lot on the west". In 1839 the Lightfoot family sold the property to George W. Southall, Williamsburg lawyer, who made extensive repairs in 1840-42. The land tax for 1842 shows that Southall is charged with "1 lot valued at $3500 with value of buildings given at $3100. The buildings upon this lot have been thoroughly repaired and reassured". In 18.7 Southall conveyed to William S. Peachy this property: "1 lot $3500; value of buildings $3100 From George W. Southall 1846". It seems likely that the wing on the east was then added and used as a law-office by Peachy. Mr. John S. Charles described the dutch roof house with gable end to the street in his "Recollections of Williamsburg 1861-65", and Mrs. Victoria M. Lee in her "Reminiscences of Williamsburg in 1861" noted that the newly restored Nightengale House was the old Peachy House..." Miss Emma Lou Barlow who has lived over fifty years on the adjoining property to the Lightfoot house has vivid recollections of the "Dutch -11- roof house on the eastern end of the property" stating that it was used as a kitchen by the Peachy family and other families. There seems no justification from the records that the "Dutch roof house" was ever used as a law office by the Lightfoot family or any eighteenth century renter. In 1888 the property came into possession of Sallie C. Spencer. Further title to this property can be seen in the chain to title in the Accounting Department, Colonial Williamsburg.
Illustration #1 | Map |
Illustration #2 | Land Tax Accounts |
Personal Property Tax Lists | |
Illustration #3 | Genealogical items |
Prepared - November, 1948
Typed - October, 1949
Mary A. Stephenson
Department of Research
(Report prepared by Mary A. Stephenson, General Assistant)
A British traveller in 1736 described Lightfoot's Yorktown house as "equal in Magnificence to many of our superb ones at St. James". (William and Mary Quarterly. XV, p. 222)
[Tyler Map]
From Frenchman's Map
[1782, 1783, 1784, 1785 bracketed by ed. "allen Byrd Property? PB"]
1782 | Lightfoot's Estate | 6 lots | £ 10.-.- |
1783 | William Lightfoot's Est. | 6 lots | 10.-.- |
1784 | Lightfoot's Estate | 6 lots | 10.-.- |
1785 | Philip Lightfoot | 6 lots | 10.-.- |
Not listed between dates | |||
1798 | William Lightfoot | [blot] | .60.- |
1799 | William Lightfoot | 1&½ lot | $40.- |
1800 | William Lightfoot | 1&½ lot | 40 |
1801 | William Lightfoot | 1&½ lot | 50 |
1802 | William Lightfoot | 1&½ lot | 50 |
1803 | William Lightfoot | 1&½ lot | 50 |
1804 | William Lightfoot | 2 lots | 50 |
1805 | William Lightfoot | 2 lots | 50 |
1806 | William Lightfoot | 2 lots | 80 |
1807 | William Lightfoot | 2 lots | 80 |
1808 | William Lightfoot | 2 lots | 80 |
1809 | William Lightfoot | 2 lots | 80 |
1810 | William Lightfoot Est | 2 lots | 100 |
1811 | William Lightfoot Est | 2 lots | 100 |
1812 | William Lightfoot Est | 2 lots | 100 |
1813 | William Lightfoot Est | 2 lots | 100 |
1814 | William Lightfoot Est | 2 lots | 100 |
1815 | William Lightfoot Est | 2 lots | 100 |
1816 | William Lightfoot Est | 2 lots | 100 |
1817 | William Lightfoot Est | 2 lots | 100 |
1818 | William Lightfoot Est | 2 lots | 100 |
1819 | William Lightfoot Est | 2 lots | 100 |
1820 | William Lightfoot Est |
Williamsburg | value of lots | sum added for bldgs | |
$1600 | $1400 | ||
1821-1838 | 1600 | 1400 | |
1839 | George W. Southall | 1 lot | B&lot $1500; bldgs $1300 via Lightfoot & others Heretofore charged to William Lightfoot's estate. |
1840 | George W. Southall | 1 lot | B&lot $1500; blgds $1300 via Lightfoot & others Heretofore charged to William Lightfoot's estate. |
1842-1846 | George W. Southall | 1 lot | $3500 value of buildings $3100 |
The builings upon this lot have been thoroughly repaired and reassured. | |||
1847-1851 | William S. Peachy | 1 lot | $3500 value of buildings $3100 |
From George W. Southall 1846 | |||
1853 | William S. Peachy | 1 lot | $3500 value of buildings $3100 |
From George W. Southall 1846 | |||
1854-1861 | William S. Peachy | 1 lot | $3000 value of buildings $2600 |
1806 | Nicholas Lightfoot | 1 white | 1 black |
1807 | Nicholas Lightfoot Est | 1 black | |
1808 | Isabella Lightfoot | 1 black | |
1809 | Isabella Lightfoot | 1 black | |
1813 | George Lightfoot | 1 white | 1 free negro |
1813 | Isabel Lightfoot | 1 black | |
1814 | George Lightfoot | 1 white | 1 free negro |
1814 | Isabel Lightfoot | 1 black | |
1815 | George Lightfoot | 1 white | 1 free negro, 6 mahogany chairs, 1 set of drawers |
1816 | George Lightfoot | 1 white | |
1818 | George Lightfoot | 1 white | 4 slaves over 12 years old |
1820 | George Lightfoot | 1 white | 2 slavesover 16 years old, 1 horse, 1 coach to to exceed $60 |
1823 | George Lightfoot | 1 white | |
1824 | Isabella Lightfoot | 1 black over 16 | |
1825 | Isabella Lightfoot | 1 black over 16 | |
1832 | Jacquiline Lightfoot | 1 black over 16 | |
1834 | Jacquiline Lightfoot | free negro & 1 slave | |
1835 | Jacquiline Lightfoot | free negro & 1 slave | |
1837 | same | ||
1838 | same |
(William & Mary Quarterly, I, II, III)
(Virginia Magazine History, II, VII)
(Hening's Statutes, VIII, pp 457-460)
Dr. Peter Hay was a prominent physician in Williamsburg. He advertised drugs for sale in Williamsburg as early as 1746. (Virginia Gazette, July 31, for January 10 and July 18, 1751; May 15, 1752, Nov. 14, 1755)
A Peter Hay advertised for sale "by the public Outcry" has plantation "near Spiller's Ordinary and Crenshaw's Mills, in King William County", together with some household goods, 20 choice slaves, 20 horses and cattle, and grain; and it may be that he was the same Peter Hay who was advertising drugs or sale in Williamsburg in 1746. (Virginia Gazette, Nov. 21-28, 1745, p. 4, c. 2.) However, we are not certain as to this.
At any rate, Peter Hay's shop in 1746 was described in the advertisement noted above as "adjoining the Market-Place in Williamsburg," and it may be that he leased the Lightfoot House at that time. (See Lightfoot House research report, page 3.) He was occupying this property in 1756, when his shop was entirely destroyed by fire.
In 1763, Dr. Peter Hay purchased from John and Ariana Randolph the building on Nicholson Street now known as the "Archibald Blair House." (See research report on this house, Block 29, Colonial Lot 171.) He was occupying this house at the time of his death, which was noted in the Virginia Gazette (Purdie & Dixon, eds.) for November 27, 1766, as follows:
"Yesterday died Doctor Peter Hay, one our most eminent physicians, at his house in this City."
He was survived by his wife, Mrs. Grissell (Johnson?) Hay, who had dower rights in the house, and continued on the property for some years-certainly until 1771, and probably longer. In 1768 she gave notice that she had a "very commodious Lodgings to be let for a dozen gentlemen." The property was sold to Dr. George Gilmer in 1768, subject to her dower; and in 1771, Dr. Gilmer sold it to John Blair, noting that it was then "occupied by his [Dr. Peter Hay's] widow Mrs. Grizzle Ray." (See history on "Archibald" cited above.)
Peter Hay was survived by his widow and five "infants," David, Robert, Lydia, Helen, and Mary.
p. 57 | ||
Dr | Do cr Peter Hay Wmsburg | Cr |
To Amot Little Ledger (74) | £54.[illeg].0 ½ | |
1754 | ||
Decr 12th | To his Note of this date or Dema:d | 14.5.- |
To Balance pr Conra Still due | 4.7.07 ½ | |
To his & Phil Johns [illeg] | 124.0.0 | |
To Intr: on De from Decr 12th 1754 | ||
Till Decemr 12 1757 3 years | 18.12.0 | |
1755 | To Interest on his note till My 6 | 5.6 |
May 13th | To 135 lb Beef at 3d 11 lb | |
Mutton at 4d | 1.17.6 | |
To 3 years Rent ending June 57 | 45.-.- | |
To 2 years Rent ending June 59 | 30.-.- | |
To 2 yrs Intro on his Bond to Decr 59 | 12.8.- | |
To 2 yrs Rent ending June 61 | 30.-.- | |
To Intst on his Bond to 1761 | 12.-.- | |
To Intst on 39 Bond P.L. Estate | ||
From Decr 12th 1754 to Decr 12 1761 | 13.13.0 | |
To 1 yrs Rent ending June 1762 | 15.-.- | |
To 1 Do ending 1763 | 15.-.- | |
p. 57 | . . . | Cr |
Novr 2 | By his Acct for repairs to his House | 7.5.0 ½ |
1757 |
Virginia Gazette, William Hunter, ed., November 21, 1755.1 Just Imported, by the Subscriber, in the Montgomery, Capt. Patterson, and to be Sold at it his Shoo, near the Market-Place, Williamsburg,IBID., November 28, 1755
A CHOICE and Large Parcel of Drugs and Medicines, faithfully prepared by the best Hands in London; consisting of Sarsa and China Roots, best Rhubarb, Camphire, Opium, Aloes, Borax, Mercury, Antimony and Jesuits Bark, Ipecacuana, Sperms. Geti, Oil of Turpentine, Hartshorn Shavings, French and Pearl Barley, Verdigrease, Manna, flaky ditto, Balsam Capivi, Spanish Flies, &c. &c. Also Anderson and Leckyer's Pills, ms's and Stougbron's Elixirs, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, choice Eating Oil, best Lancets, Annodyne Necklaces, Eaton's Styptic, Lavender and Hangary Waters, James's Powders, Spanish Liquorice, Castile Soap, Ivory, and Pewter Syringes, Glyster Pipes, Vial and Vial Corks, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, black Pepper, Allspice, Ginger, Turlington's Balsam, Sago, Copperass, Saltpetre, Allum and all Sorts of Garden Seeds.
Peter Hay.